GCSE Revision English Language Writing Section Letter Writing (Annoying Younger Brothers)

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Nous ne nous entendons pas bien. Let me introduce myself. My birthday is on the 30th April and I am 17 years old. I look like my mum because I have blonde hair and green eyes however I have a good sense of humour like my dad. In my opinion I am kind and talkative but I can be shy.

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In my family there are six people; my dad, my mum, my two brothers, my sister and me. I get on well with my sister and I spend a lot of time with her. We are interested in music and we sing and dance in my bedroom. He annoys me and I find him selfish because he likes to be the centre of attention. Sandra Lingo rated it it was amazing Dec 03, Ellie rated it liked it Jan 09, Becky rated it it was amazing Dec 16, Denver rated it liked it Mar 01, Malyssa Jo added it Nov 08, Kristen Poole marked it as to-read Dec 20, Rebecca Rieschel added it Jan 06, Edna Kepper marked it as to-read Mar 01, Nick Michel marked it as to-read Apr 07, Bob Ellsworth is currently reading it Aug 23, Josh Lindsay marked it as to-read Dec 24, Lisa Knox marked it as to-read Jan 06, These are my top ten, in no particular order as these books are so diverse that it would be impossible to compare them to each other.

Rebecca Westcott's debut novel Dandelion Clocks is published by Penguin and follows the diary of year-old Liv from thirteen weeks before to six months after the death of her much-loved mum from cancer. There is no doubt about this — Nana has plans to decorate her own coffin and when it arrives on Mira's birthday it's clear that Nana hasn't got long to go. At the same time, Mira joins a writing club at school where she is encouraged to write a diary. The timing is perfect.

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When Anne first began her diary in , it was intended as a personal journal, for her eyes only. It has to sound sensible. For instance, both sources refer to the boys making noise, or their relationship with adults, enjoying contact with parents. That requires elimination of the crappy quotes. A paragraph is more than a bit of space before and after a block of writing.

Things are changing and Mira is suddenly less keen to confide in her best friend. The diary becomes her keeper of secrets.

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This is a beautiful book, full of what it means to love and be loved. It also contains the sentence I most wish I had written. It's a sentence that keeps coming back to me and could be the opening line to a thousand different stories. Mention children's books based on a diary to most people and this is the first one they'll think of.

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Since its first publication in it has been translated into 70 languages and sold over 30 million copies. It's a great example of a diary being written to be read. When Anne first began her diary in , it was intended as a personal journal, for her eyes only. That changed in when she heard that the Dutch government was looking to collect letters and diaries after the war that would show the plight of the Dutch people.

At this point, Anne revisited her old diaries, adding more detail and editing existing entries. She wanted to become a famous writer and imagined her diaries as a way of enabling that.

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GCSE Revision English Language Writing Section Letter Writing (Annoying Younger Brothers) eBook: PM Cookridge: www.farmersmarketmusic.com: Kindle Store. It's simple, if you want to do well in your GCSE English Literature exam, buy this book. Written by experienced English teachers who know how to deal with exams. From the 'Annoying Younger Brothers' people. . GCSE Revision English Language Writing Section Letter Writing (Annoying Younger.

This fact makes reading The Diary of a Young Girl a doubly powerful experience. Anne was a real teenager with real teenage concerns - the back of the book describes her as "an ordinary yet extraordinary teenage girl. Her chatty, friendly style of writing means that her diary entries possess a dry humour despite being poignant and devastatingly awful.

Top 10 diary books

This is a children's book that is as much for adults as it is for children. It is and year-old Cassandra Mortmain has decided to keep a journal. She has two motivations — to practise her speed writing and to prepare herself for writing a novel. However, the six months that follow are so full of change and drama that Cassandra's journal becomes a place where she records all that is happening and quite a lot that isn't happening too. This story explores sibling relationships, loyalty and ultimately, the issue of unbalanced love. We meet highly likeable, touching characters who are prepared to love more than they are loved.

There is a lot of passion flying around this book and it culminates in one of the most powerful endings I have ever read.

Self, family and friends - Writing

I found myself applauding Cassandra's sense of self-worth while feeling incredibly sad that it had to end this way. That is, until the day that Mr Loomis walks into her valley, wearing a protective suit and dragging a wagon of provisions behind him. This was one of my favourite books as a teenager and the feeling of sinister menace that I remembered was just as strong when I recently re-read it.

What if you were the last female on earth? In Ann, we are given a strong heroine who considers practicality at every step but isn't averse to a little daydreaming.