Measuring Up Buying Clothes that Fit

This madness is partly our own fault. Studies have shown that shoppers prefer to buy clothing labeled with small sizes because it boosts our confidence. So as the weight of the average American woman rose, from lb.

Why are measurements so important?

Measuring Up: Buying Clothes that Fit! [Lauri Rakoff Chertok] on * FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. If you have children, you know clothes. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Lauri Chertok is the author and creator of the successful Measuring Up Buying Clothes that Fit by [Chertok, Lauri].

Over time this created an arms race, and retailers went to extremes trying to one-up one another. By the late s, standard sizes had become so forgiving that designers introduced new ones 0, 00 to make up the difference. This was a workable issue—albeit an annoying one—so long as women shopped in physical stores with help from clerks who knew which sizes ran big and small.

Then came the Internet. People started buying more clothes online, trying them on at home, realizing that nothing fit, and sending them back. And retailers got stuck with the bills—for two-way shipping, inspection and repair. Now vanity sizing, which was once a reliable sales gimmick, sucks up billions of dollars in profits each year.

What You Should Measure

And to understand why, it helps to understand how sizing came to exist in the first place. The designer is Tina Sondergaard, a Danish woman who opened her first store in Rome in But if Sondergaard is thinking that, it never shows. Do I want to show off my arms or hide them? Do I want to emphasize my waist? If women were wealthy, they had their clothes made. Either way, garments adhered to the contours of their bodies better than anything off the rack ever could.

So how do you get accurate measurements?

Help answer questions Learn more. The hem should make it down to your heels and rest an inch off the floor. A good jacket or blazer should allow you to move in it. Currently, online clothing stores use size charts to provide customers with information about sizing. Bras are sized using a unique system based on two measurements of the bust area.

In America, those cultural norms started to shift during the Great Depression, when barely anyone could afford to buy food, let alone fabric. At the same time, industrial techniques were improving, making it cheaper for companies to mass-produce clothes.

Girls Size Chart: How to Find the Right Fit

By the end of World War II, those factors—alongside the rise of advertising and mail-order catalogs—had sparked a consumer revolution, both at home and abroad. Made to measure was out. Off the rack was in. In the early s, the New Deal—born Works Projects Administration commissioned a study of the female body in the hopes of creating a standard labeling system.

How Measurements Correspond to Sizes

Until then, sizes had been based exclusively on bust measurements. The study took 59 distinct measurements of 15, women—everything from shoulder width to thigh girth. Brands were advised to make their clothes accordingly. As a result, garments do not sell and are often returned when they do sell. The ability to see how an item will fit you and to read recommendations about the best size greatly increases the likelihood of a successful order.

Visualizations are based on the individual body parameters. AstraFit widgets are created with mobile and desktop browsers in mind. It allows customers to express the desire to try an item on.

Users are notified via email when requests are fulfilled. This widget is a good way for shops to start using AstraFit and to learn whether customers really need the service. With this feature, a shop can start using AstraFit without having measured any clothes. Shops only need to start measuring items when customers ask for measurements.

Customers value this exceptional level of service. We understand that the time customers spend browsing stock is very valuable.

We have created a special light version of "Fitting Room Informer" that can be used in catalog. Clothes browsing has never been that easy and fun!

Clothing Sizes: How Vanity Sizing Made Shopping Impossible

An adaptive graphical and textual interface that guides customers through the clothing measurement process. On average, the process takes one minute to measure one item.

Like men, your key areas to measure will be your chest, waist, hips and inseam. If you plan on wearing collared shirts and blouses, add neck size and sleeve length to this list as well. To get started, all you need is a soft tape measure and a notepad and pencil to jot the measurements down as you go. Dresses come in all kinds of lengths, however, from mini dresses and above knee dresses to below the knee, mid-calf, ballerina, ankle and floor length dresses.

  • How to Measure Your Body for Clothing Sizes!
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If you were measuring a mini dress that has sleeves you would start with the shoulder near the side of your neck and measure to mid-thigh. If you were measuring a halter-top dress you would start at the chest and measure down to mid-thigh. Clothing charts are prolific in e-commerce stores, however they can often be confusing to decipher. Typically they will be set up in a table, with one axis laying out the sizes, the other displaying inches or centimetres. Look at the row or column that best corresponds with your measurements to identify the size you should order.

Keep in mind that size charts tend to vary from store to store and that even with your measurements in hand, you may be surprised by the wide array of sizes.