String Theory Book One: Cohesion (Star Trek: Voyager)

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Star Trek: Voyager: String Theory #1: Cohesion

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Preview — Cohesion by Jeffrey Lang. Cohesion Star Trek Voyager: String Theory 1 by Jeffrey Lang. Lifting the Hem of the UniverseSpirits unbroken by the failed promise of the U. Dauntless, Captain Kathryn Janeway's indefatigable crew continues their odyssey of discovery through an enigmatic region of the Delta Quadrant, encountering a system inhabited by a species that, according to known physical laws, shouldn't exist.

These unusual beings, the Monorhans, hover nea Lifting the Hem of the UniverseSpirits unbroken by the failed promise of the U. These unusual beings, the Monorhans, hover near the edge of extinction; technology from the Starship Voyager TM promises life.

Star Trek Voyager Ruminations: S6E09 The Voyager Conspiracy

But an unexpected shock wave crashes the shuttle carrying Torres and Seven, catapulting Voyager into a place beyond the fabric of space-time. As B'Elanna and Seven wage an interpersonal war, Voyager struggles to prevail on an extradimensional battleground against an indefinable enemy. But fate has determined that one is inexorably linked to the other: Paperback , pages. String Theory 1 , Star Trek: To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Cohesion , please sign up. What's your favorite part so far? See 1 question about Cohesion….

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Aug 06, Alejandro rated it really liked it Shelves: The String Theory trilogy begins here! Dec 22, Mary Ellen Grace rated it it was ok.

I love these characters and read many of the ST: Voyager books in addition to viewing the TV series. The thing with the novels is they are written by many different authors. Most authors I've read do a good job of rendering the essence of these space travelers. Sad to say, not Jeffrey Lang. The story was good, interesting but over and over again I heard myself think, "Tom Paris wouldn't talk like that.

Even so I plan to finish this trilogy because well, c I love these characters and read many of the ST: Even so I plan to finish this trilogy because well, cliffhanger! Oct 17, Fiona rated it liked it.

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The book is placed between the fourth and fifth series of Voyager. Of course I have seen Voyager you need to, to know what this book is about , but I don't remember what happenend in which series, so I was a bit worried that I won't be able to catch up with the story. There is not much explaining, but there is also not much interaction with whats happening in the tv show, main relationships were shortly mentioned at the beginning and that was - at least for me - enough to know where to range th The book is placed between the fourth and fifth series of Voyager.

There is not much explaining, but there is also not much interaction with whats happening in the tv show, main relationships were shortly mentioned at the beginning and that was - at least for me - enough to know where to range the book chronologically. The story focusses a lot on B'Elana and Seven, so for me this was fine as I like these characters and found their interaction quite interesting.

Of course, as this is part of a series of 3 books, there was a cliffhangar. You should be prepared to read the next books too as many questions are left open. Jun 21, Todd added it. V, the writing was not the best.

String Theory Book One, Cohesion

The repetition of using people passing out as a transition was tiring, e. The endless reference to the translation devices was off-putting as well; yes, there's a universal translator. Also, the plot was odd in how much it jumped around Jul 11, Fate's Lady rated it liked it Shelves: Strange little story, but not bad. It's always jarring when characters speak or act in a way that they wouldn't in the show.

I'm not talking about the link, as that made sense. That's the danger with reading novels based on TV series, though. I'll probably finish the trilogy. It starts of well enough, but quickly changes tone and eventually completely lost me. I skimmed through the back half of this one. I think the tipping point occurs quite early on, when a ship containing 17, people is destroyed and it looks like it may be Voyager's fault, but nobody really reacts to it and the whole situation is moved on from very quickly. May 16, Rose rated it really liked it Shelves: A lovely, fast-paced read that reminded me how much I miss hanging out with the characters of the USS Voyager.

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String Theory, Book 1: Cohesion (Star Trek: Voyager - String Theory) (Bk. 1) [ Jeffrey Lang] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. String Theory, Book 1: Cohesion (Star Trek, Voyager) (Bk. 1) [Jeffrey Lang] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.