A Look at Christian Home School Co-op Groups

Special program areas have included a year-long genetics lab, a year-long exploration of social sciences with a retired Augsburg professor , outdoor games, earth sciences, math games, art history. Preschool to high school. We are a cooperative group, and parents are involved in our weekly activities. In we meet on Thursdays from 9: Come and check us out! We require that parents accompany their child or designate a responsible adult to accompany them , be involved in planning activities, and help to clean up the building.

We provide an opportunity to be involved in educationally-focused enrichment and lots of play. It's a fun group for parents, too, with exchanges of information, experience and resources.

Homeschool Affiliate & Co-Op Program - Partners By Grace

As Christian home educators, we are dedicated to the support and development of homeschooling families. There are no requirements for Ozaukee Homeschoolers. We meet the first and third Friday of the month for educational days, field trips and general gatherings. The co-op is an all-inclusive, secular homeschool community and does not discriminate against anyone regarding religion, politics, race, gender, age, educational methods, or other differentiating factors. Regularly scheduled social events and educational activities.

We also do regular field trips. Fee to cover building costs, varies, sliding scale group. MAHL is a community of homeschooling families who gather for friendship, activities and support. Our membership is varied and all are welcome. Our structure is fluid; we depend on individual parents and children to take the initiative to make good things happen. Meetings usually include a multi-age, organized activity and free time. From June to September we meet at various parks around Milwaukee.


Montello Area Christian Homeschoolers seeks to offer support and group activities for homeschooling families. Find us on Facebook! Parents need to assist with planning and executing activities. New friendships, shared experiences, and support. The Muirland Life Learners are a group of people who homeschool or supplement their children's public school education using a Waldorf, Montessori, nature-based, holistic, unschooling, or a more traditional approach.

Muirland refers to the boyhood home of John Muir, the father of our National Parks. Muir famously said that he left school for the "University of the wilderness". Like him we educate our children to explore and be inspired by the world around us. We provide information, resources, and support. Ozaukee, Washington, Sheboygan, and Milwaukee counties, Wisconsin.

Let's Talk: Homeschool Co-Ops, Pros and Cons

Ozaukee Homeschoolers is open to anyone who is homeschooling in and around Ozaukee County. Anyone is welcome to join any activities. There are no requirements for Ozaukee Homeschoolers. Monthly art history class. Resource center at a local library. We plan one field trip each month on the 3rd Wednesday of the month with occasional trips scheduled on the 5th Wednesday when applicable. We also have catalogs and other resources available which are kept at the library.

Twice weekly in the evenings Monday and Wednesday Adult native speakers are encouraged to talk in small groups and ask questions to help them learn another language English, Spanish, other. Children play together with supervision: Celebrations planned on a monthly to quarterly basis. Available to all who want to come: We have a resource center for parenting and other issues such as in language and culture learning with a specialty in the English and Spanish languages at this time.

Scholé Newsletter

Other special topics include bi-lingual education, citizenship test preparation, volunteerism, community involvement, language learning for advancement in work. We offer two semesters 12 weeks each of classes for children in Pre-K thru Grade Our goal is to provide educational opportunities for our children to learn in a safe, respectful and rich environment being taught from a Christian worldview.

As parents, we work together to teach our children in a small group setting by providing instruction in music, art, physical education, science, drama, etc. Our classes change as our enrollment changes; currently we offer a preschool class for children age and for year old students we offer three class periods, which may consist of two or three classes, one of which is physical education. Please visit our website for current information: Since parental involvement in education is essential for a successful learning experience, classes are taught and assisted by the parents.

As Christian home educators, we are dedicated to the support and development of homeschooling families. River Falls Area Christian Homeschool Group is looking for families interested in joining for the school year. Ideas are in the making, but the group may include monthly mom's meetings, field trips, play dates, or even co-op classes if enough interest is shown. We look forward to meeting you!

As like-minded Catholic home educators, we share information relevant to homeschooling. We share advice, activities for our children and learning experiences. Members must be open and friendly towards the Catholic faith. Field trips, co-op, gym classes, support meetings, etc. We are group of people homeschooling in or around Monroe, Wisconsin. This is an inclusive group; all homeschooling philosophies and religious paths are welcome.

We are cooperative group in that activities are planned by any member who has an interest in organizing something. We do not have formal meetings, but instead have most of our organizational conversations online through an email group. Homeschoolers of all ages are welcome.

Support Groups

Our only requirement is that members are accepting of people of other religious paths and homeschooling philosophies. Our members organize various field trips, pot lucks and activities for the group throughout the year. We share ideas as well as offer suggestions and support for other parents through our email group. Madison, Wisconsin and surrounding communities. Members annually submit the T. Families who are considering participating in a home-based private educational program whose children have not yet turned age 6 by September 1st may also join.

We offer monthly meetings for parents or families on a variety of topics presented by T.

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Information posted on the group website www. Families are blessed through the prayer, support, and exchange of wisdom as they connect with other members. Please visit our website for more information. Tomah Area Home Educators. We are a Christian group of home educators. You can request membership to the web site, for a fee. The site has a calendar, forum, classifieds section and various other sections. This web site is where we pass along info on events, field trips, etc. Fee to belong to the web site. Hooking up with other homeschoolers. Appleton and the Fox Valley Area. VHS is a Christ-honoring, Christ-centered home schooling community of believers that promote and support home education through various academic, social, and outreach programs.

VHS is a Christian home school cooperative that requires its members to sign a statement of faith and to commit to help out with at least one VHS sponsored event during the course of each year. This commitment requirement is waived for the first year of membership. Membership includes e-directory, e-newsletter, website and forums, WINGS co-op an afternoon of classes - some more educational and some more fun , various field trips, outings, picnics and get-togethers, a discount for HSLDA, and the ability to network and fellowship with other Christian homeschoolers, among other things.

Our membership year begins July 1st and ends June 30th. Waupaca Homeschoolers for Christ. Waupaca Home Schoolers for Christ is a group of families who have a deep commitment to our children's education and to the teachings and foundations of the Bible, God's word. We encourage anyone who is interested in learning more about homeschooling and lives in the area to visit us. Wausau Area Home Educators.

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The Wausau Area Home Educators meet once a week for athletic activities throughout the year. These activities include soccer, football, volleyball, kickball, ice skating, skiing, bowling, etc. It's an excellent secondary source of income. Children receive a Bible-based education, Parents receive a low-cost education alternative, and you receive a tuition share of each homeschooling student you point in our direction.

There are no startup fees or initial costs. If you're a small and ambitious group of homeschooling moms or a megachurch that wants to launch a school in your basement, becoming a Partner can be a tremendous source of revenue. We are excited to talk with you about meeting your educational needs. Email us for more information.

By becoming an affiliate, you'll act as a loudspeaker. You'll spread the word about our online academies.

Editor's Picks

Whether or not you are involved in a homeschooling co-op, this book is a very interesting read. If you are not involved, but looking to start a co-op, it could help. Looking for something to teach at homeschool co-op? Try this camping class and learn about types of camping, how to build a fire, birding, star gazing, first aid.

In exchange for informing parents about our curriculum, you'll receive a generous share of each student's tuition. You can put as much or as little time into it as you want. Put a banner up on your website, hand out literature at your weekly homeschool co-op meeting, or just tell your friends. By choosing the homeschooling Co-op option, you'll either launch a co-op or start with an existing homeschool group. Then, you'll sign up your students to one of our existing academies.

For each student that signs up, you'll receive a tuition share. Families receive a discounted tuition as well. You can start a school in a church basement, rented space, or have students complete their coursework in the comfort of their own homes. Please check back at a later time for new openings. The Virtual Online Homes chool is our most comprehensive partnership program. For a set up fee, we'll create a website for you that will have a look and feel of your choosing.