Sleeping with Guns: Personal Self Protection (Advice & How To Book 1)

Self Defense Batons (74)

In all cases of such violence citizens would be entitled to used lethal force to thwart the attack. He said the law did not expect warning shots, unless it was safe to do so at an opportune moment. However, he advised not to confront intruders, but to rather lock the family up in a room and call the police and security company. According to SAGA in , about 1. Welch said the recent Pistorius trial was a typical example of where the accused thought he acted in self-defence when he had not done so.

The judge believed what he had thought.

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We shall have to wait and see whether the Supreme Court of Appeal agrees. There are numerous other examples of where people hesitated because they were not certain… whether they were entitled to use a firearm - they are now dead. However, Welch said most citizens were not adequately prepared to defend themselves and their family against a violent attack.

But even this has risk that the gun owner is relieved of his gun, which is then used against him. Whether an intruder is inside your house or in your yard does not make the shoot legal. Nathanson said regardless of whether a shooting would be deemed lawful or not, the State would charge a citizen who shoots in self-defence in most cases. You are programed to be subjects. Sovereignty resides in the Canadian government, not you.

Your mistake is thinking that you are people, with rights. You are both subjects. Go look it up. Mike i have read your post and I think you have a way more trust in your fellow humens then most. Rubber or bean bag rounds are lethal within a certain distance…im not sure about how lethal, at what distance, but if you kill someone, it is the same charge as a lethal round. A shotgun is a devastating firearm, buck shot and slugs are a sure killer at any range…birdshot and non lethal still have the power and cavitation properties at close range… Hopefully you will never have to find out.

Your country has been destroyed by the Progress, Liberal movement. The right to protect oneself is from the beginning of Creation — Only the sick Liberals could destroy our rights the way they have and are trying to do here in America. You bring shame to Quebec with your illiterate, foolish bigoted statements. You are not a Canadian you deserve to have no land and no people. Love… you fucken quebequers who mouch on this country for money. We fucken pay your day homes for your kids.

We pay for your free university. You bring shame to the concept of Liberty. Liberals are SJW socialist wannabes thought up and run by children. So, what about the part where he talked about the right to defend yourself as a victim of a crime? The Liberal standpoint is that you are not allowed to use lethal force. Tell me again how this is justice? The liberals have created these legal bars for us.

What is the point? Is that your version of liberty? Your lack of literacy goes along with your lack of ability to think about things properly in general. Canada has always been like it is today. They are not interested in destroying your rights, they are interested in reducing violent crime, and as a nation we have been very successful. All Canadians are proud of this. B The Liberal party is no longer Liberal. The Leftists overran the Liberal party long ago under the Marxist pig Trudeau.

Of course liberal and liberty are related, they both come from the Latin word for freedom. Mike walsh, you are obviously the stereotypical Canadian nutter no offense to the other intelligent Canadian conservatives posting on this site. You are obviously a nut who has no clue what is going on around him, similar to an ignorant ostrich with their head buried in the sand, while the place is being burned down!

Armed robberies and whatnot. This would be unheard of, here in the US. Do you not read the news? Excessive violence against an attacker? Are you THAT mentally deficient? People like you who re-victimize the victim make me SICK. The best leader this country ever had was Harper. All the rest are there for themselves and Quebec. I believe in Canada that we should have the right to bare arms. This is a phony Democracy and a full fledged Zionist Country!!!!! This is a Nation in Distress and there is no such thing as Patriotism anymore! You sick ,liberal, Socialist run Canada what a disgrace you have become.

My family comes from Quebec. Canada is not a Socialist country, the economy is not planned from the centre, and therefore does not meet the definition of socialism in any way. We pay higher taxes because we get a better value for our money that way, its what we choose, we choose it because it works. Debt per capita in the US is many many many times what it is here. We have a good country by any measure, its grotesque to argue this point.

As we have seen, it is not a point that can be argued, higher taxes are the best way to run a country, look at Scandinavia. Those are the best countries in the world, by far. They are not Socialist countries, but they pay high taxes and they demand value for their tax dollars. They are highly educated. The laws in Canada are Bullshit. The chance of getting killed in your own bed is getting higher then ever.

With all the Gang shit going on they have to do something about the locking all your guns in the gun safe and the ammo in another safe. By the time you get every thing unlocred and Loaded every one in the house is dead. You should be allowed faster achess to at least 1 gun? At least trump believes in Protecting your Family and Country. I doneed believe I am saying this but I agree with Trump. Yes the laws in Canada are Bullshit. With all the Gang shit going on they had better rethink the self defence law.

Maybe we should trade Treudo Bum Dum for Mr Trump he seems to think that self defence of your self or your country is a smart thing and way to go! Is it legal to carry around in ones purse some sort of self defense object in canada.

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There are more and more murders and kidnappings happening around here and I want to be able to defend myself in the event something happens to me or someone with me. There are alot of women being kidnapped to be pimped out and I never want to become a victem. You are able to carry a pocket knife,but not if it is concealed… I carry a pocket knife daily,and never once been scrutinized by law enforcement for doing so…. If you are brandishing a weapon,expect to attract attention.

And literacy without logic, temperament, and critical thinking skills is outright dangerous. You see, Pierre Trudeau started out as a Marxist. He then adopted the teachings of Emmanuel Mounier, who was actually a personalist. Canada has NOT always been like it is today. Others construe it as a weak minded and sheep like mentality.

We DO have right wing mentalities here about gun control. Especially those of us who own firearms. Hence, you are proving that you are a brainwashed sheep. I would gladly kill a thief or attacker with an automatic rifle, if that were legal. Personal freedoms are of utmost importance, and any criminal who poses a threat should immediately lose their rights as a citizen, thereby allowing the use of lethal force against them.

Jess…A bar of hard soap in a knee length sock can crack a mans skull. Not intended for people so u are not carrying it with intent to use on people, its for those walks in the bush to keep bears away. However, its verrrrey effective on people should something happen and u have to use it on a person. It has also been proven that bulling causes depression, anxiety, and Suicidal thoughts.

Adults have committed suicide from being constantly bullied and harassed.

If our laws claim self defense is legal , would a person who is complemeting suicide from being bullied and harassed Have the right to self defense to protect themselves from committing suicide??? Because suicide is a personal choice dumbass. Nobody can commit suicide but you and you can walk away from harrasment. Be a fucking man. My God…did i missunderstand what Jack said?

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book, nor does any of the educational information in this book con- of deadly force is the key to making sure you sleep in your own bed the night after Chapter 1. The High Cost of Self Defense. Deciding to carry a gun or to arm . the person slain to commit a felony or to do some great personal injury to the slayer or. David Robert Grimes: The insistence that guns protect people from rape and violence gun lobby, making the case that personal firearms prevent rape. is perverse and transparently self-serving – the solution to gun crimes is not No one edits our editor and no one steers our opinion. 1 2 3 4 next.

I also see here being a man is to call others names such as dumbass could be defined as child like bulling I used the words self defense not killing another human over a one off mouth piece at a corner store Or being bullied at work however if a man has a big mouth should the person be able to say maybe put a fist into the mouth of the bully to shut it up and not be charged with assault? Self defense is not only about killing. I dont agree with name calling,that being said,if being harrassed or bullied, is no reason to assault anyone!!! It is an unfortunate circumstance that an individual feels no way out, other than suicide.

We should be compassionate to each other, we should also acknowledge some people carry a great deal of mental and emotional trauma…some have to deal with this problem, their whole lives…this is an unfortunate byproduct of being a human… Some seem to only value status, some covet and some create jealousy. Putting hands on another person, over a few words, is part of the problem!. If the situation is as serious as to warrent assaulting another individual, maybe there should be other avenues developed to counteract the issue…. Such as turning the other cheek?!

But i would feel terrible if even a complete stranger committed suicide, over something i said to them…. I guess that is part of respecting and holding value, of another human beings life…. I am not considering suicide myself and apologize for my writing creating a misunderstanding ,I will try again. As an adult I lost a coworker friend to bulling on the job, again the harasment was unrelentless which may have caused him to gas himself in his pickuptruck leaving Behind a beautiful wife and three kids.

A woman here in my neck of the woods within the last year was harassed rentlessly by her neighbor the police finally stepped in and issued a restraining order against her neighbor and within a month she was shot dead by her neighbor. I heard that if you tell would be criminal that you have called the police and they are under arrest and you have a gun and they keep coming you can shoot. No, being canadian, we are NOT permitted to carry a firearm, under any circumstance, other than attending shooting ranges, purchase to home, home to gunsmith or hunting…most of these used to require ATT some still do.

If you are at home and being robbed,you call the police,you retrieve a legally owned firearm from your locked gunsafe, retrieve ammuntion from a separate locked enclosure, and inform the said criminal you have a firearm, then shoot him as he approaches you or your loved ones…. I live in a city in Canada,the laws are the same whether you are rural or not…if you shoot someone, intent on doing you or your family harm, you had better have thought this situation through in about 3 seconds or face the consequences…. Here let me fix it for you: No, being slaves, we are NOT permitted to carry a firearm,… I sure feel sorry for you.

What other recourse do Canadians have? If you read up on the law you would realize that ammunition and firearms do not have to be stored in separately locked enclosures. As long as they are of the non-restricted class, firearms can be stored with their ammunition in a secure storage container I.

If they are stored in this manner, no other locking device is required trigger lock, cable lock, removal of bolt, etc. So in theory, if you had a combination lock safe next to your bed, you could wake up, unlock the safe, and load a shell or two into your shotgun — all in about less than a minute. Faced with lethal force i. This is the same regardless of whether you are in the middle of Toronto or in a small rural town. That came out wrong…. If it's a revolver, keep it in a holster if you decide to keep it under your pillow. It takes a bit of energy to draw the hammer back, but you could conceivably snag it on your bed sheets or pillow case and be one fateful step away from a rude awakening at point blank range.

If you manage to shoot yourself while you're sleeping then you're a dumbass and the liberals will never forgive you. And neither will I because then they'll be on my feed talking about your stupidity and how we should change the Constitution because they somehow have convinced themselves that taking away our fundamental rights is, A GREAT IDEA! One night, after they heard a noise, Tom took the gun and checked the whole house, top to bottom, for intruders. So when Tom went back to bed, he did so with the gun not merely under the pillow — oh no!

You can probably surmise what happened next: Tom twitched in his sleep and shot Brenda. No-one should sleep with a loaded gun in their hand. The title is exactly as I typed it. A handbook on the basics of shooting and shooting-related activities. If you are serious about this, then it deserves your attention at this level. My Krav Maga instructor, who is also a firearms instructor, just told a funny story about this, relayed from his friend.

Canadian Self-Defense Law: Three Things You Absolutely Must Know

There is no way I'm pulling that off in the first 5 seconds after I wake up. Always ready to go yet totally safe, long range, element of surprise… I have no idea where you can buy one though. I don't actually need pointers to where to buy or how to make spears. Quora is awesome though! I keep my pistol in, not on my bedside table pointed away from me. Rifle is under the bed pointed away from me. If you can break into my house without me waking and into my bedroom without me waking up. The gun is there for my benefit if needed, I probably, hopefully will never need to use it.

If you are sleeping somewhere, that you need to have a gun handy at all times. I would suggest sleeping somewhere else. I am going to answer this strictly in terms of supporting the evolution of the species. Yes, keeping a gun under your pillow is a great idea, just be sure to have it cocked and ready to fire. But why stop there? I think, assuming that you live alone, or with other brilliantly paranoid adults who support you having a loaded gun under your pillow, you should also lay landmines under your floorboards around your bed.

Remember not to mark them in any way, you would not want to give the boogeyman any clues to the awesome surprise you have prepared for him. I think booby-trapping your toilet lid, at least at night, is also a great idea, as is hiring Roy Moore to keep a watchful eye on your 14 year-old daughter. Seriously, if the bad guy is already in your bedroom, it is too late, you are better off working to convince him that it is not in his interest to hurt you or your family.

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If he is not, getting your gun out of the night stand or better quick-release safe-box is going to provide plenty of time to arm yourself. Better than all of this is probably to invest in ways to discourage people from breaking into your house at night in the first place. You should have your weapon in the same place, every time. Under a pillow it could move or shift, making it difficult to quickly deploy. If you need to arm yourself in a hurry, under pressure as this question implies you do not want to fumble around under your pillow.

Always keep it in the same place, with the same orientation. Train or practise drawing your weapon from this location. Consider locking or barring the door to your sleeping quarters. Consider an alarm on that door. Seek training and practise regularly. Perhaps if you are limited to an issued Glock, or similar weapon, keep it in your carry holster, which you are familiar drawing from.

I always advise against keeping a gun next to you in bed where it is accessible without putting your feet on the floor. This can make the difference between shooting an intruder, or a loved one, such as a spouse or child, without realizing it. It is FAR too easy, especially with modern semi-automatic hand guns that lack manual safeties to accidentally brush the trigger and cause a tragedy.

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I have a question. No, being slaves, we are NOT permitted to carry a firearm,… I sure feel sorry for you. Well my husband just told me about a friend of his who defended his wife outside their house from 4 men who were attempting to rape her. Put your gun in a lock box at night - if you are awake enough to punch in the combination or use a key, you probably have the ability to handle the gun appropriately. This is the same regardless of whether you are in the middle of Toronto or in a small rural town. If you think you are than your a fool.

However, if you are going to do one or the other, then under the pillow is marginally but not much safer. I really would not do that. While it sounds like a secure, wise self protection measure you are asking for trouble. The old man was not insane, but he was turbulent on a deep level. If you have a gun to protect you and your family, stash it in an easy-to-get-to location-but not under your pillow. There wouldn't be a problem,wouldn't be a bad idea, with you sleeping with a gun under your pillow or by your side except maybe for the one time where you shoot someone or blow your brains out.

People sleep all the time with stuffed animals or hugging their pillow. I've heard of a man that slept with a gun under his pillow. His first two wives didn't have a problem with it. May God rest their souls. Tried to answer your serious question somewhat with humor to stress the seriousness of what could happen sleeping with a LOADED gun. I sense a fear of something.

Laws governing shooting in self-defence

Well, let me ask you if you would feel comfortable with a hand grenade under your pillow? However on the other hand both are mechanical systems and mechanical systems can and do fail no matter how good the designs. The odds of failure change with each design but the fact remains that everything can fail in unexpected ways. The odds of the firearm failing are very slight, however they are not zero. As for me, I will pass on that. I could just as easily adapt a holder to my bedside, where it would be just as, if not more, handy to employ if the need should arise.

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It is a better idea to have it on your night stand, tucked between your mattress hand-guard slightly sticking out to make it easier to find and get to or better yet in a dedicated bedside holster system. Also, when woken from a deep sleep, your mind is going to need some time to recover so that you can make rational judgements that are absolutely necessary for a defensive situation. This is why I employ an early warning system. This gives me time to wake up, assess the threat and then go from there.