The Winds of Heaven and Earth (Keystone, Lodestone, Clarion Book 1)

When Major Katherine Colston assumed command of mankind's first interstellar peacekeeping mission--leading a small UN military force on an assignment to stabilize a colony planet 's smoldering civil war--she knew it would be a career-defining event. Twenty-five years accumulated pay and interest just sweetened the pot.

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She didn't want to question the wisdom of sending a team a dozen light years to intervene in a conflict that would probably be decided long before they arrived; she he just wanted the command. But when her dying intel liaison reveals to her the real reason behind the expedition, Katherine is forced to assume responsibility for the success or failure of a vastly different mission--a mission whose outcome will profoundly shape the future of the human race. I love space opera, and decided to write the first draft of a military sci-fi themed space opera on Wattpad. Feedback, comments, suggestions, observations welcome--anything to help shape the novel into a stronger story--is greatly appreciated.

What you certainly don't know is that we brought him to ground with the help of a foot-tall fairy named Tinkerbelle. A Fairy for Bin Laden is a thrilling chronicle of Peter and "Belle's" search for the world's most wanted terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, and their role in Seal Team Six's heart-pounding assault on his compound in Pakistan. The tale is an exciting, sexy, humorous and occasionally profane adventure -- and a magical, heartwarming love story.

Connecticut Don't write bad words on walls if you can't spell. I don't know about templates for Pages, but here are some good ones for Word that I've heard are better than the ones provided by CreateSpace. That will give you a better idea of if things are well placed on the page. Of course, we should all be using professional layout software like InDesign. Something I've wondered about the Createspace templates -- what font is the body text supposed to be in?

I've opened the templates in Nisus Writer Pro and in Pages both on Mac , and in both cases it's quite clear that whatever fonts the template is looking for aren't present. Can anyone tell me what the fonts are in Word for Windows? I'm guessing it's something Windows-centric, like Minion which comes standard on Windows, I believe. Diane Patterson blog twitter facebook.

Diane - Garamond 11 for the templates available on Createspace. Nico - I know! It really should be a near term project to learn it enough to create my fiction titles from scratch in it and get the mobi export plug-in.

I have learned, even mastered, many programs, but cannot seem to even type in In Design. Diane Patterson on September 15, , Stephen M Holak Status: Just short posting this morning to check in, wave the flag a bit yes, that was deliberate , and wish everyone a happy and safe holiday.

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Editorial Reviews. From the Author. I've read a lot of science fiction and fantasy over the years, The Winds of Heaven and Earth (Keystone, Lodestone, Clarion Book 1) - Kindle edition by Stephen M Holak. Download it once and read it on. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Winds of Heaven and Earth (Keystone, Lodestone, Clarion Book 1) at Read honest and.

There's a reason it's been over a month since I posted a blog entry: I've been head-down on The Winds of Heaven and Earth, shaping and redrafting and trying to get the thing to my editor Rebecca Dickson. This afternoon, I shipped it.

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My mid-June target slipped, but not by too much in the novelist world: A Step Forward, a Step Back: The publishing industry continues to change. Another Fist Pump--and an Editor.

Free Audio Book Preview ~ Praying from the Heavenly Realms ~ Kevin Zadai

According to numbers complied by Digital Book World this week, not only are 6 of the top 10 bestselling eBooks in the. And I may be underestimating. Just checking in with a WIP update and a few comments on the industry. I think the release date is going to slip from June to July,. I'll keep this short, or maybe not, come to think of it because it's just a minor variation on the theme that J.

First Draft Finished, Random Ramblings. The first draft of The Winds of Heaven and Earth is in the bag and weighs in at , words. I'm spending the next few days going through and just reading it as a linear story and correcting obvious typos and errors before I start on the second draft. And now for something completely different.

Another Self-Published Author Hits 1. Armentrout's success with Wait for You, the first self-published book to hit number one on the digital bestseller list. The Bet is self-published.

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Looks like a trend is kicking in here, Peeps. Now that the Big Six gatekeepers no longer can bar th. The Best of Times. Before I switch over to the main point of this post, I'll just throw out a little "works in progress" update. That said, remember Hemingway's famous perspective on the state of an early manuscript: What does it Mean?

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