Walter and the Mucous Monsters

The Summer of Mucus Mcbain

His current work explores decentralization organizations such as swarms, mycelia, and markets within the context of aesthetics, cryptography, and work. He works with film, installation and software, and is a first year graduate student in the Program in Art, Culture and Technology at MIT. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained herein.

Zooetics began as an attempt to reinvent and rethink by weaving together human knowledge, the knowledge of other life forms, and poetics, without fully envisaging or knowing where that might go. In , the first Zooetics lectures reevaluated and recombined the concepts: Anthropocene , Nature and Interspecies. Podcasts of the lectures and discussions from the lecture series in are available below on this site. A series of workshops will be organised with small interdisciplinary research groups undertaking practice-based research. The research workshops will involve artists, architects, designers, engineers and technologists.

Walter and the Mucous Monsters - A Tale of Adventure and Cystic Fibrosis (Paperback)

The information regarding the workshops is still subject to change and will be updated soon. There will be a limited number of places open to postgraduate student and other researchers. Details on the application process will be announced soon. The glossary aims to serve as a discursive and reflective tool supporting a transparent research process. It does not aim to be authoritative or to duplicate existing accessible sources but rather to act as a repository capturing the research process, continually updating and extending by enabling contributions from many perspectives and many voices.

The development of the glossary will be punctuated by regular reflections on the accumulating material by invited writers and artists. This is an active glossary with suggested short reading texts and invited comments. Contributors can contribute comments to existing terms, suggest new terms for the list, comment on suggested reading group texts, suggest new sources for the bibliography.

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Comments can be textual, visual, moving image, sonic. All contributions should be authored, rather than anonymous. Definitions have drawn on dictionaries, encyclopedias and authoritative sources relating to the topic such as the IPCC or the Anthropocene Working Group and on published literature in a range of disciplines detailed in the Bibliography. New comments will be submitted to the glossary editors for approval and anything anonymous, offensive, abusive, promotional, or irrelevant will not be posted.

Viktorija Siaulyte , Jutempus. Gediminas Urbonas , Jutempus. Nomeda Urbonas , Jutempus.

Walter and the Mucous Monsters: A Tale of Adventure and Cystic Fibrosis

Alley, Richard Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises, Washington, DC: The Book of Books: Calarco, Matthew Zoographies: Deleuze, Gilles , Proust and Signs trans. Richard Howard , Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. David Wills, Critical Inquiry, 28, Winter, pp.

  1. Tales and Novels of J. de La Fontaine — Volume 25.
  2. Soldier of rome.
  3. Patterns of Constitutional Design: The Role of Citizens and Elites in Constitution-Making.
  4. Mucus technologies.

Dukes, Paul Minutes to Midnight: History and the Anthropocene Era from , London: Easterling, Keller Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space, London: Fishman, Charles The Big Thirst: Fuller, Matthew Media Ecologies: Ian Pindar and Paul Sutton , London: Hamilton, Clive Earthmasters: Hamilton, Clive Requiem for a Species: Heinberg, Richard Powerdown: Visions of Architecture and Urbanism, Berlin: The Question of Animal Culture. Lessing, Doris Shikasta, London: Morton, Timothy Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World, Minneapolis?

Oldfield, Frank Environmental Change: Key Issues and Alternative Perspectives, Cambridge: Papadopoulos, Dimitris Generation M.: Compost for Gaia http: Pearce, Fred With Speed and Violence: Raskin, Paul et al Great Transition: Royal Society Geoengineering the Climate: Science, Governance and Uncertainty, London: How Humans Took Control of Climate. A Scenario Exercise http: Visionary Policy Ideas from Systems Scientists, ed.

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University of Chicago Press. The Question of the Animal, Minneapolis: Zooetics is a 5 year long art-led interdisciplinary research project organized by Jutempus Interdisciplinary Art Program within the framework of the Frontiers in Retreat network. Frontiers in Retreat http: Frontiers in Retreat partner organizations: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. This project is made possible by funding provided by: Mucus technologies BY Tracey Warr. Parrotfish in mucus sleeping bag to repel predators. Presenters Emmanuel Alloa, University of St. Lars Bang Larsen Caroline A Jones 3: Heather Davis and Sheila Kennedy Respondents: Larissa Harris and Laura Serejo Genes Sessions Friday April 27, Lars Bang Larsen Symbiopoiesis, or the sympoietic, is a term that potentially enables us to think larger cultural assemblages and technological forms of being outside of biology.

Better Living through Sympoiesis Our bodies are not merely the cellular products of the zygote. Kristupas Sabolius Chiara Bottici, The Imaginal and the Transindividual In this talk, I will discuss how the concept of imaginal and its correlated the ontology of the transindividual, can help us to set up the framework for zooethics[VS1]. Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg, Critical Imaginaries and Generative Terrains Design is a process to change an existing situation into a preferred one, suggested political scientist Herbert Simon.

Kristupas Sabolius Thinking of imagination in terms of essentially human, we used to lose its primordial power, i. Towards an Imaginative Perspectivism In the age of post-truth, claiming the need to defend alternative approaches brings one into the dangerous vicinities of alternative facts, alternative truth and alternative right. Kim Tallbear, Settler Relations as Property My longer-standing work on the ethics and politics of Indigenous DNA research, commercial genetic ancestry testing, and the use of DNA testing in tribal citizenship practices in the US has segued into work on Indigenous materialisms and decolonial sexualities.

Silent Hill Symbolism: Walter Sullivan

A series of public lectures Zooetics began as an attempt to reinvent and rethink by weaving together human knowledge, the knowledge of other life forms, and poetics, without fully envisaging or knowing where that might go. Nature Nature Friday 12 December 6. Workshop Programme — A series of workshops will be organised with small interdisciplinary research groups undertaking practice-based research.

Acting out Acting out. Climate change Climate change. Peak oil Peak oil. This glossary is evolving alongside the Zooetics project. You will receive a login and password from us. Beck, Ulrich World at Risk, Cambridge: Walter has Cystic Fibrosis and was 42 years old at the time of the ride. How can I use this format? Log in to rate this item. You must be logged in to post a review. There are no reviews for the current version of this product Refreshing There are no reviews for previous versions of this product. Moderation of Questionable Content Thank you for your interest in helping us moderate questionable content on Lulu.

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  1. Heirs & Spares: The Realm Series Book 1.
  2. Available on!
  3. A Christmas For Joey.
  4. Third International Anthology on Paradoxism (paradoxist distichs);

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