Confessions of a Window Cleaner (Confessions, Book 1)

Confessions of a Window Cleaner (Confessions, Book 1)

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Confessions of a Window Cleaner by Timothy Lea

It always took longer to clean the inside of the windows… Viv preferred a man with experience. Dorothy was a little careless with her underclothes. Mrs Armstrong provided tea and cake beforehand. Brenda consumed marshmallows afterwards. Sandy drew the line at taking her clothes off. Sonia performed for an audience.

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Overwhelmed by the hospitality of his customers, Tim found it increasingly difficult to keep his mind on the job. Soon he longed for the peace and quiet of a steady relationship with his girl friend Elizabeth.

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  4. Holdings: Confessions of a Window Cleaner (Confessions, Book 1).
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But even the quiet and virginal Elizabeth was full of surprises. Under his own name, he adapted two James Bond novels for the screen: The Girl on the Train. The Girl in the Red Coat. From Here to Maternity. Sex and the Stranger. Bad Things in the Night.

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Confessions of a Window Cleaner comedy scene 2 ~ Robin Askwith

By the Time You Read This. Confessions of a Babysitter Rosie Dixon, Book 7. So He Takes the Dog. Sian Barber cites other examples of this trend: Lawrence were hardly unusual by the s, but points to Confessions as an early adaptation of low brow popular literature. The series of source novels about Timmy Lea had benefited from a literary forgery , the notion that Lea was not a fictional character but the actual author.

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The series was a sexual fantasy masquerading as confessional writing , a genre which tends to attract audiences. When novice film producer Greg Smith became interested in adapting the novels to screen, the hoax was maintained and Timmy Lea received credits as the author of the source material. The actual author and screenwriter, Christopher Wood , hardly resembled his creation. Producer Michael Klinger tried to secure funding from independent investors, but most of the funding actually came from Columbia Pictures , a fact telling for its period.

The condition of the economy of the United Kingdom in the early s had left part of the British film industry dependent on American funds. It was promoted through advertisements in television and tie-ins in bookstores. The film benefited from changes in the culture of the United Kingdom , with an increasingly permissive society and changes in aspects of the censorship standards.

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Confessions of a Window Cleaner (Confessions, Book 1) - Kindle edition by Timothy Lea. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or . Confessions of a Window Cleaner (Confessions, Book 1). by Timothy Lea. On Sale: 21/02/ Format: eBook. To read e-books on the HC Reader App.

The working class family, as depicted by the Leas, is not much different from its counterparts in On the Buses — and Bless This House — Timmy's father has the habit of collecting discarded items and bringing them home, making him reminiscent of Albert Steptoe from Steptoe and Son — His mother has the habit of buying consumer items on credit, making her reminiscent of Mrs Butler from On the Buses. This film series also made a point of casting actors already familiar to television audiences.

The idea was probably to attract that audience to the cinema. There was a trend at the time for successful sitcoms to be adapted in film, which produced hits such as Dad's Army , On the Buses , Up Pompeii , Steptoe and Son The sitcom-like Confessions could probably appeal to the same audience. In , On the Buses was the second greatest hit of the year, following The Aristocats Up Pompeii was eighth and Dad's Army was 10th.

The only other British comedies which surpassed them were There's a Girl in My Soup , fourth in its year and Percy fifth.

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He suggests the terms "sexcom" as the result of this blending of genres. The interior of the Lea house was depicted as brightly lit and filled with eccentric items of doubtful use, such as a moose head and a gorilla suit. The characters are confined to the "cramped" space of every depicted room, again reminiscent of the sets of a sitcom.

The confinement itself suggests claustrophobia , and Sian Barber suggests a connection to another low-budget genre of the time with cramped locations and gaudy scenery: In criticising the original novels, sociologist Simon Frith had argued that the books derived their unflattering depiction of the British working class from stereotypes.

In particular, the stereotypes which the middle class associates for " the great unwashed ". Making the series an expression of class discrimination. Sidney Noggett and his promiscuity , Rosie and her hair rollers , and the kleptomaniac tendencies of Mr.

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Enjoyed it at the time. The film is essentially an adaptation of a sex novel printed in paperback form. Confessions of a Private Soldier Timmy's father has the habit of collecting discarded items and bringing them home, making him reminiscent of Albert Steptoe from Steptoe and Son — If anything this book shows how good the filmmakers where to turn the same story into a funny romp. Confessions from a Hotel Confessions, Book 4 But even the quiet and virginal Elizabeth was full of surprises.

Lea all derive from these stereotypes. In the books, Timmy himself is a former prison convict, having been arrested for stealing the lead off a church roof.