Lesson Plans Sex on the Moon

Lesson Plans Based on Movies & Film Clips!

No other country has landed a man on the moon. In , most of its goals having been accomplished, the Apollo program was abandoned so that NASA could concentrate on the space shuttle. Apollo 13, launched on April 11, , was crewed by James A. As the space ship was preparing to begin lunar landing operations, an explosion occurred in the Command and Service Module CSM.

The ship lost oxygen.

Electrical power and other systems were damaged. The abort systems intended to permit an emergency return to earth were knocked out.

Man steals moon rocks for love

The Lunar Module had no heat shield and therefore could not be used for re-entry into the earth's atmosphere. After several harrowing experiences, including almost freezing to death and being nearly asphyxiated by carbon dioxide, enough power was found to use the CSM for reentry. Later, it was found that the cause of the loss of the spacecraft was an explosion that occurred because of a defective wire connecting a fan used to stir liquid oxygen.

The insulation on the wire burned, triggering the explosion. No astronaut was at fault. An ampere "amp" for short is a unit used to measure the flow of electrical current, i. The batteries in the CSM had been damaged in the explosion and were generating only a small portion of their usual power. Using a flight simulator, Ken Mattingly and the NASA engineers measured the number of amps that each of the reentry procedures required and found a way to steer the spacecraft through reentry with the limited amount of power left in the CSM's batteries. Apollo was a Greek God, the son of Zeus and Leto.

Second in power only to Zeus, he gave life and light through the power of the sun.

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He was the God of masculine beauty, patron of the arts, god of music, poetry and the healing arts. He was the purifier of those stained by crime. The Romans adopted Apollo, worshiping him as the god of healing and of the sun. Are you concerned that time will be wasted if you are absent from class? Click here for TWM's lesson plans to introduce cinematic and theatrical technique. Obtain all required permissions from your school administration before showing any film.

Goldin , former administrator of NASA, said that one should never be deterred by failure but that if you learned from your failures, they would be the building blocks for later success. Commencement address to the graduating class of the Engineering School, University of California, Berkeley.

Why didn't the television networks cover the launch of Apollo 13? Would you want to be an astronaut? If not, why not? Would the tedium of all the hours of training be worth it?

Lesson Plans

Do you think it's important to explore space using manned spacecraft? With all of the problems in the world such as poverty and disease, should we have spent billions of dollars trying to send someone to the moon? Shouldn't we have spent the money here on Earth to give people better lives? Describe the historical background behind NASA's program to explore the moon and its importance to the United States in the s. What did this have to do with the Cold War? What does this film tell you about what engineers do?

Select questions that are appropriate for your students. Become a TWM Fan on. Social-Emotional Learning Discussion Questions: For one of the astronauts on the spacecraft and one of the major characters at NASA describe what you admired most about the characters portrayed in this film. Would you consider them to be male role models? There is no one right response to this question. Which of the men portrayed in this film acted with the most courage?

What would have happened had any member of the crew not worked as a loyal member of the team? They would have all died. Which of the persons portrayed in this film demonstrated the most loyalty to the team?

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  3. Let Chocolate Be Your Friend: What Your Mother Didnt Tell You as a Child.
  4. An Examination of Platos Doctrines Vol 2 (RLE: Plato): Volume 2 Plato on Knowledge and Reality (Routledge Library Editions: Plato).

Give us your feedback! Was the Guide helpful? If so, which sections were most helpful? Do you have any suggestions for improvement? Additional questions are set out below. Was Lovell right in agreeing to remove Ken Mattingly from the team?

Familiar patterns like night and day, seasons etc and their relation to the movement of the sun, Earth and moon are often successfully understood using models in the classroom or animated whiteboards. The Guardian's education website www. Send groups of students on virtual research missions, translating what they find into Space Day lunar quizzes to test each other: Challenge them to describe the phases of the moon. One billion people watched the first man set foot on the moon in A minute film including archive footage, photographs and interviews of that historic trip is offered at http: Invite students to create their own description of the lunar surface as if written by Neil Armstrong as he stepped out of the landing craft.

They could also reflect on their thoughts looking back at the Earth, over ,km away. The following sites provide plenty of information for this exercise: Ask students to imagine that the first commercial passenger flights are about to start to every planet in our solar system. Challenge them to come up with a brochure explaining the thrills and challenges associated with visiting each of them. Point them to some of the most accessible online guides: They could also use recent mission descriptions: They might include something on Sedna - the recently discovered, possible 10th planet www.

Remind students to take account of the physical changes that tourists might experience on their way to other planets: Pupils will enjoy the opportunity of playing space doctor at www. Finally, make use of some of the broad range of science activities suggested by the Space Centre for Space Day: They include a gravity buster and modelling crater formations using flour, cocoa powder and a pizza box. The night sky and the constellations are a gift to teachers seeking an engaging way to introduce or revise myths and legends - as well as giving pupils a crash course on the geography of the heavens.