Paul Gossletts Confessions in Love, Law, and The Civil Service

Paul Gosslett's Confessions in Love, Law, and the Civil Service (Paperback)
Are You Proud to be a Civil Servant?

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Paul Gosslett's Confessions in Love, Law, and the Civil Service ; with an Illustration by Marcus by Charles James Lever. Publication date Publisher. Paul Gosslett's Confessions in Love, Law, and the Civil Service [Charles James Lever] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This collection of.

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Sponsored products for you. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: Amazon Business Service for business customers. Notify Me We will send an email as soon as we get it in stock. Now, I am by no means about to set up as a model of prudence, industry, or perseverance; as little can I lay claim to anything like natural ability or cleverness. Such tests were used in antiquity in China. It's all very well to deny the existence of such a thing as luck.

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Paul Gosslett's Confessions in Love, Law, and the Civil Service

Description Details Customer Reviews Excerpt: The surface rose and fell in a monotonous undulation, like a great sea suddenly petrified, while here and there some greater boulders represented those mighty waves which in the ocean seem to assert supremacy over their fellows. At last I gained the crest of the ridge, and could see the Atlantic, which indented the shore beneath into many a little bay and inlet; but it was some time ere I could distinguish a house which stood in a narrow cleft of the mountain, and whose roof, kept down by means of stones and rocks, had at first appeared to me as a part of the surface of the soil.

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The strong wind almost carried me off my legs on this exposed ridge; so, crouching down, I began my descent, and after half an hour's creeping and stumbling, I reached a little enclosed place, where stood the house. It was a long, one-storied building, with cow-house and farm-offices under the same roof. The hall-door had been evidently long in disuse, since it was battened over with strong planks, and secured, besides, against the northwest wind by a rough group of rocks.

Seeing entrance to be denied on this side, I made for the rear of the house, where a woman, beating flax under a shed, at once addressed me civilly, and ushered me into the house. I knocked, and entered. It was a small room, with an antiquated fireplace, at which the parson and his wife and daughter were seated,.

Charles James Lever Dimensions: Paperback - Trade Pages:

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