Danger & Doom: Brainless Brother (a hilarious action adventure for kids ages 8-10) (Danger and Doom)

The world we live in…Man has it changed. ADDENDUM!

There is also a lot of code people share. So you could use some simple bits of code to help him learn how things are working. Start simple and progress from there. At this time in history we really need to push for Linux, once it gets to a better place market share and usage share wise for servers and desktops we can relax more on what someone wants to use then. So we're just going to be stuck. My son 10 has essentially inherited my old laptop. It has hackintosh and Ubuntu Mate. I only installed minecraft on Ubuntu. So that's what he uses.

I never made a real point of it, but recently he asked if we could set up a server for his friends. So I shelled out for a Digital Ocean droplet.

Then I had for once a good idea: I had ssh'd in both on my machine and his and used tmux for both sessions so we could "pair admin" and he could do as much of the typing as he felt able. Over the last few days, he's used: And briefly vim and more lastingly nano. And of course bash.

We've web-searched together for whatever instruction we need lots, because I'm just a regular end-user-- who knows nothing about minecraft and has very weak skills and have a nice server with a few plugins running that he can play on with his friends. I know all this can be done on OS X or windows, but I don't know how to do it, so he thinks it's linux all the way. Either way, he seems to be enjoying himself, and I feel like he's learning at least something about how it all works, and ethos to hack at it.

Yeah, it really works well. We just attach to the same session. The best thing is it keeps me from taking over the keyboard, so he does most of the typing, and I'm a firm believer in the "learning through the fingers" model. Less explanation, now doing. Like crosenblum said below, grab some old machines and throw linux on it. Help him through it and either he digs that freedom or not.

Depending on his age, it is something father and son can do together than it will be rewarding either way. Both of my kids have used Linux and ALL of my students do!! In my classroom, all of the desktops and laptops run Ubuntu, installed and maintained by our school's Linux users group: About a year ago, we replaced a bunch of workstations where I work and thus I had access to a bunch of slightly-obsolete machines for free. At the time, my friend was going through a tough financial time but his 12 year old son wanted his own machine, so I built two for him and his 8-year-old brother.

The hard drives were destroyed and since we used volume licensing at work, there was no Windows install available without paying, so I scavenged two HDs and installed Linux on both machines. Fast forward a week; the older kid has package management and installing tarballs down pat. He was able to install a JVM and set up his own Minecraft server. Then he started distro-hopping I started him off with Linux Lite because it's well-rounded with preinstalled software yet lightweight.

Last I heard he was using Mint though he may have moved on by now. Now he has a popular Minecraft-themed Youtube channel with a bajillion subscribers where he creates walkthroughs and whatever, narrated by him, all in Linux. I think he knows Linux better than I do at this point, and I've been using it for more than twice as long, and have been using computers since They have time and ability to learn and tinker, and few preconceived notions about how a computer should work I still find myself missing drive letters and backslashes and the like myself!

And they will learn skills that could be very valuable if they decide to enter the IT or developer field someday. The kid can barely form full sentences with proficiency yet he can use Google Now to look up his favorite videos on Youtube. He's a fan of Uptown Funk. It boggled my mind to see this knee-high tyke pick up the phone, launch Google Now, and ask it to 'play uptown funk' and then start doing his little-kid dance to it. Kids these days, man. I can't imagine what it must be like to grow up with this sort of tech.

My introduction into linux was in part due to a problem. My Windows partition failed, and I had luckily had a dual boot. Over the next few weeks, I just had to learn how to do what I wanted it to do. Given no other options, and an internet full of answers, I was able to bridge the gap. Kids also learn by example. If you are clearly using Linux, the lad will generally follow in your footsteps. Games are a great carrot.

Install a few, and bury them in the file structure, make it a treasure hunt, and give him the commands to get at them. Find a way for him to show off what he knows, to teach someone else. I was a computer-enthusiastic kid myself, but I didn't read through "Computer Repair for Dummies" until I was You want him to pick a cool Linux distro, to put on there, that he can use the laptop for any games in his age range to play. Or any programming, experiments etc.

And then walk him through how to examine different distro's and what their pros and cons are. Once I had it, what I could do with it, was up to me, and I had to figure out how, and why, and where, and what it could do. I always think that I wouldn't be as good with IT in general if my father would not have forced me to sit and watch him typing in commands to DOS whenever I broke my computer. He showed me which commands he was using and included me to the process.

Softly forcing your kids to do something can be really good and healthy for them. Just try not to hard force them with an empty PC and an ubuntu installation disk. I learned a lot just by trying to modify things in the OS. When I first started using linux ubuntu I was really excited about the software center and all the cool free applications I could install and try out.

On the other side of things, a while back I installed Ubuntu on my grandparents' desktop and it worked great. I did it in response to them entering their credit card number into one of those popups that says, "your computer has a virus, give us money to fix it" that came from some adware they managed to unknowingly installed.

Like others here have said, they never questioned it not being Windows I set the background picture to the default Windows XP one and they didn't notice anything change. All they do is go on Facebook, email, and Skype - all of which just worked and was easy for them to open from the dock on the left hand side of the screen. Immediately, they had no issues anymore.

Everything just worked and they couldn't accidentally open any Windows executables and install garbage anymore. Unfortunately things came to an end one day when they called a Geek Squad guy why He said, "oh, by the way, you have a virus! He also took their WiFi router saying they "didn't need it" they don't really , which I need whenever I visit them I would have called that Best Buy and asked why their "IT person" thought Linux was a virus and ask what his qualifications were to be working in a position touching other people's computers if he thought that.

Also, why he would install an outdated OS. I'd also question the authenticity of that Windows install. Unfortunately, I didn't find out until months after it happened and they kept talking about how he was "such a nice young man" and offered it to him after he said they didn't need it. Talk to your kids about Linux, before someone else does.

Now that that's out of the way, as much as I love using Linux, and love to show it to my friends, I wouldn't shove it down anyone's throat. If he shows an interest, by all means! But I'd definitely say that Linux is an adventure that can be a nightmare if they don't want to use it. The exposure he'll get with a parent that runs Linux gives you a far better chance of passing on the ways of the master race in this filthy, Windows dominated world we live in. Reality is stranger than fiction a teacher from Austin TX chastising students for distributing Linux.

Starks, I am sure you strongly believe in what you are doing but I cannot either support your efforts or allow them to happen in my classroom. At this point, I am not sure what you are doing is legal. No software is free and spreading that misconception is harmful. These children look up to adults for guidance and discipline. I will research this as time allows and I want to assure you, if you are doing anything illegal, I will pursue charges as the law allows. Starks, I along with many others tried Linux during college and I assure you, the claims you make are grossly over-stated and hinge on falsehoods.

I admire your attempts in getting computers in the hands of disadvantaged people but putting linux on these machines is holding our kids back. This is a world where Windows runs on virtually every computer and putting on a carnival show for an operating system is not helping these children at all. I am sure if you contacted Microsoft, they would be more than happy to supply you with copies of an older verison of Windows and that way, your computers would actually be of service to those receiving them". When I was on that age well little older there was linux on our computers and I freaking hated it, no-one had skill to use it, I remember watching my dad and one another man trying to get java and W: ET to work but they wasn't able to do it.

I just wanted to play runescape. Now few years ago I got interested on computer science stuff and installed ubuntu since I wanted to try it again Unity was shock, was expecting gnome 2 , soon after that my windows partition got deleted. I think there was sound problem with W: Et, probably caused by missing 32bit libraries and I assume it was harder to "fix" back then because no proper multiarch support was yet implement. Try Linux From Scratch. It's like building your own jet piece by piece while flying it at the same time.

Now THAT was a learning experience. I think I remember I got all the way to compiling and configuring X, and by then I had done so many things wrong earlier in the build that almost nothing was fucking working right, and just gave up and blew it away. What would be the purpose in making him use Linux? If there is no purpose, then there is no reason to do it. What would be the purpose in making him Windows? You see what I did there? People use their computers for anything, they are very important now more than ever so if your going to teach your kid how to use one might as well do it right.

Eventually down the line because of the way things are in some countries he will need to use windows so it's good to teach him both. I personally discovered Linux in my case that was Ubuntu I soon found out that Minecraft runs faster in Ubuntu and that basically settled it for me. I can't imagine ever going back to Windows - I love the customizability and the command line.

It dualboots with Windows because I used to use it for work and decided to leave it there. They've only ever booted into Windows for one game and they haven't played that one in a while. They're 8 and 6 now. They both know all about plugging it in, hooking up the mouse, logging in with their user accounts, navigating the basic menu, starting and running a game and shutting down the machine when done. I've shown them some stuff with hardware when I've swapped laptop hard-drives and network adapters and I've shown them the internals of a tower when I was working on coworkers computers.

My little one actually got very excited to simple help me put the shell back on one tower by lining up screw holes. I guess you could say I'm "making" them use Linux, but it's not like they're in the dark about Windows. They know their mother uses Windows and they have occasionally, but it's not the platform that does most of what they want to do. Raise them in it instead of trying to change them to it eventually. I installed ubuntu Being shown a computer at a young age, I can tell you I did not understand nor care what the OS on it was.

I just found it absolutely fun to play around with it. Learning all about how it works and whatnot. So yeah, give your kid an old, cheap machine, that Linux could help bring some life into, and have your kid use that as their playing around machine. Something they don't have to worry about breaking, and can learn in their own time. I am working on Linux gaming to improve the way that he or she does not need to switch to windows because their friends play cool game X on windows.

People that want to use linux will use linux. I recommend letting kids use both, but verbally promote linux as much as you can. That way they'll at least have a healthy respect for it, and that might drive more curiosity as they get older. I provide and maintain the devices, so I choose the platforms.

My kids are now 21 and 18, I made the transition with some complains from them when they were about 10 and 8. Took them some getting use to, but they were just starting to use computers. At present the oldest, laugh about all the issues her friends have with Windows, while she goes along with no issues.

The young one even understands Virtual PCs and is considering going into computer science. The fact that they had an alternative growing up opened their eyes to not just follow the heard and buy into what everybody is doing, they think for themselves which is more important to me than which OS they use. As others have illustrated, it's not really a matter of making him use Linux. If you provide a device with Linux on it that he is free to use, he will most likely use it. I have provided nephews and nieces with old laptops loaded with Linux, and they take to using them right away. They don't refuse to use them because they aren't running Windows.

These are generally machines that came with XP or Vista and have been retired and written off at work and the operating system erased or the hard drive removed altogether. Once a system has been written off, it's freely available, but I don't find it practical to try and restore the original operating system. Of course, the Raspberry Pi is an interesting gadget, and Windows isn't really an option with it, so it makes for a very good introduction to Linux.

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There's no asking if you can put Windows on it instead so that some game will run. If you want to use it to program or play a game or browse the Internet, then Linux is the most convetional choice to do those things. If I had a child I would never expose him to Windows or other proprietary software. It's better to teach proper manners right from the start. There's nothing wrong with fedora. If you work at redhat then use that. Unless it's easier to get stream onto Ubuntu. Got punished one summer when I was a preteen in the early s.

When school finally rolled around my dad agreed to let me have a computer again but I was going to have to build it myself. He had used the machine he took out of my room to repair a customers computer very common occurrence growing up so not unusual. We ran a small local computer repair business. He agreed to let me have a computer again if I could build it and install the OS myself out of what was in the garage. I had helped him repair machines in the past so it wasn't something I was completely uncomfortable with, but it was one of the better computer learning experiences of my childhood.

I ended up with a mhz Althon machine running Redhat6, and it was the beginning of my love affair with linux. Didn't matter that I couldn't play some of the games I had previously because that machine was my little labor of love. I plan is to give my son a Tweaked Chromebook.

As a parent I also like that I can manage what he's doing with more granularly, which is important at this stage If they show interest in lower level things, try partitioning disks and using different filesystems, then moving on to arrays and virtualization, tmpfs, etc, using native Linux utilities. They might not stick with any one thing, but showing what's possible and how it works is what's important. Letting them have access to other OSs will let them contrast and decide what they like for themselves, since it's about understanding information systems, not brand loyalty.

The Debain repos have some great meta-packages, and just showing them what's available is sure peak their interest in one thing or another I learned to read a schematic as a teen from eagle. And you'll be there to help them after they've explored a bit and want to take their next steps. Well, I made my kid use Linux starting at the age of about 9. She's 18 now and no longer speaks to me Most people opt for the former.

Given the opportunity to explore the latter, the kid now also has a choice. But that might have been the creators of MESS making a mess of where all their config and. Help him write a bash script or python program to organize comic books, or cartoons, or whatever he's interested in. You work at RH. Kid would have to really hate you, to start using Windows! Build an Arch Linux project, or Build it from Scratch with him Like a father-son project. I'm a Windows admin.

It pays the bills. Everything at home is Linux. So all of my stuff is Linux at home.

Danger & Doom: Brainless Brother — My First Ebook for Reluctant Readers

If I ever have a kid and they want to use the computer, they'll have to learn how to use Linux. Sure I have a Windows VM on my network for specific pieces of software, but to gett to it you have to go through Linux.

Danger & Doom: Brainless Brother — My First Ebook for Reluctant Readers

Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Tim Stout creates entertaining, high-action adventure Danger & Doom: Brainless Brother (a hilarious action adventure for kids ages ) (Danger and Doom Book 1) Danger & Doom: Brainless Brother (a hilarious action adventure for kids ages ) (Danger and Doom Book 1). Martin (age 9) “He laughed out loud. Danger & Doom: Brainless Brother (a hilarious action adve and millions of other . and exciting new middle grade action / adventure series for kids ages Tim Stout creates entertaining, high-action adventure stories for kids that are as much fun to read as they are to write.

Just tell him why you like Linux and ask if he wants to try it. I did the same for my sister and my parents. After I started to use Linux on my laptop about nine months ago, my little brother, also 9, liked it and said he wanted to use it. Obviously this is a temporary solution, but he'll inherit our dad's Macbook Air soon, which I'll install Linux Mint Congratulations on your book! I am going to download the time tracker app today! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public.

Follow Blog via Email Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Will Doom find Danger's runaway brain before the test at school, or will he have a brainless brother forever?! From their example, you can learn how to structure your own story and make your graphic novel the best it can be. Top Create a free website or blog at WordPress. We must stand up and shine a light into to these dark corners where the cockroaches live so that THEY know they are not cool, that they are not socially acceptable, and most important, that they are not annonymous.

What is wrong with shaming people? If their actions and words are reprehensible and vile, we do them no favors by ignoring said actions. We all make choices and the anonymity of the internet allows those choices to be less thoughtful. Why any human being would think using those words in regards to another human being is ok, is beyond my ability to comprehend, as it should be for all human beings. Sadly, misogyny is prevalent on the Internet. The creeps who post stuff like that are sad, pathetic sociopaths.

I also applaud you for standing up for her. You handled it like a childish boyfriend or big brother. You just took it all in and tried to embarrass them. Acts of being childish. If you are the man you say you are, then admit to your faults. Harmless tweeting from college students and you turn to hunting people down. Pull your big boy pants up Curt Schilling and face the facts. Your daughter is going to college. Just trust she make the right choices. If you are friends with men who like to threaten women with rape you might want to reconsider your choice of friends…..

Did you even read the article or did you just want to read the haters section in the comments. Like I said, I have a sister myself and I know damn well what its like out there. Well damn, my bad if media today portrays it like that. Hey, those guys and their tweets that he put on this article were assholes, I have no affiliation with them at all. What they said was disgusting and outright disturbing. But if a couple of my friends trolled online and Curt decides to threaten to end their careers and lives, well then where is the line drawn?

Sure these guys are creeps but attention seeking individuals will attract these creeps. So just hide and say nothing in fear that douchebags will lash out at you? Well Steve, I guess that you believe…. Bagels bagels old Twitter profile says that he is a Ny Giants season tix holder…perhaps a call to the Maras is in order. I was entertained that a celebrity figure would actually be responding to kids on the Internet who were setting out solely to get him mad. I meant no ill will to his daughter and would never joke about rape. For this misunderstanding I am sorry. My advice to you is take some time to reflect on how pathetic your comments were and then either make an intelligent response, hopefully with some remorse, or just go away!

Hopefully your days at Salve are numbered. I find it hard to believe that you are the kind of person they want in their school. You have a lot of growing up to do. What business is it of yours what she may or may not do in the privacy of her own life when in college? What right do you have to assume what choices she will make concerning her sex life in college? What a classic tool you turned out to be. Perhaps you would like to have YOUR name tossed around and be threatened with sexual assault or rape? I messed up and have a lot of thinking to do. I tried the cheapest shot at CS that I could find and went there, contradictory to my higher mental capacities.

I am the only one mentioned in the article who has made an effort to apologize and move on from this stupid act. I just question when those opposed to me will be satisfied? How much must I pay? But to go through the trouble of finding my parents numbers, and calling them to tell them what a terrible job they did as parents? I am not trying to paint myself as the victim but please leave my family out of it, something I should have done to curt initially. But bringing in innocent victims to your vitriol makes you worse than anything you ever thought about him.

You got off thinking you could say something outrageous to a celebrity and hoped by that you might make yourself less pathetic — in reality it has shown a light on your trail of slime. This is no apology. You have not atoned. Wow — there is some bad-ass logic. You should be on your knees in tears repenting for your sorry life. Obviously what I said was stupid. I am apologizing to the schillings, not to any of you. You are so devoid of common sense and decency that you should be banned from speaking out loud ever again.

You probably should have left it alone. And to you that seems like a more socially acceptable thing to say? What, just because you think some guy is a tool? You really need to reevaluate your life. You made an idiotic and debased comment on the Internet and someone called you on it. Shilling probably did you a huge favor. Now you have an opportunity to actually grow because of this. Dear Liam Cronin, I hope someday your wife and children google your name and find the truth about you, and your complete disrespect for women.

Liam Cronin is not a victim. He is paying a price for his cyberbullying. He spewed unwarranted hurtful, violent and otherwise horrible language about a specific person on the internet. Liam, you may not be a rapist, but you are perpetuating the objectification of women and violence towards women.

You are adding to the risk that your sisters, your mother, and your aunts face in our society. According to the CDC, a approximately 1 in 5 woman report having been raped in the US during her lifetime. Doxing is illegal…look it up. Consider this a life lesson you should have learned much earlier…You will likely recover if you make a point to learn from your mistakes…If you chose not to? You made your comments knowing exactly how they would be taken.

What does your mother think of what you said? You have zero idea what I was thinking when I stupidly made that comment. Never once did implications of rape cross my mind. That is an unforgivable thng to joke about. I also was not graphic or violent like some of the other posts that I have been associated with. Does not make it any better, I just think its something to think about. I am glad you came fwd and appreciate that you did something wrong.

I understand that a LOT of kids try to provoke celebs any way possible to get a response. When you know better, you do better. Never use a woman. Not to provoke a celebrity, not to get a laugh out of friends, not to satisfy your selfish desires. Respect women and go do something worthwhile with your life. You can change this by learning and changing yourself. Go live a worthwhile life.

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Thanks for the civil response. I am trying to make amends. Not to save my ass, just to make a little bit right out of all the wrong. Does upsetting my saint of a mother make you all happy, the personal info leaking and things satisfy all these bloggers. Yeah, social media giveth, and it also taketh away.

Because he pitched for the BoSox? When will these idiots realize that posting anything online is posting it to their permanent life profile. Once online it potentially is available for the rest of their lives. So yeah, those comments should be a nice addition to a permanent record available to every employer you ever apply to.

Once online it is public. So good luck for the rest of your life trying to live this down. It might help to learn how to think about consequences BEFORE doing something or posting something that will not only affect the person that you are commenting about but may have a lot longer lasting effects on you. Not so funny when the shoe is on the other foot is it. Do you see what you did as being wrong? Do you see what you did as being disgusting? Do you feel shame for your actions? As a business owner and someone a kid like you will need to work for, I will Google your name and will see this response.

If you want to have a shot at a job you need to recognize your actions and take ownership of them. Five Rs of apology: Recognize the wrong and the person harmed; accept moral Responsibility for your actions; express Remorse; provide meaningful Restitution; and offer assurance that the offense will not be Repeated. You are not recognizing the wrong you did. You are justifying yourself. Again, you are trying to excuse yourself out of the mess. You have to apologize, not to defend yourself. Say you are sorry. You got that part right. What will you do to make it better? What could you do to help other girls not go through this?

Could you organize talks in your school to let other people know they should not behave like this? Say you will never do it again. You have hinted it, you have not said it. So why is people still mad at you? Because you have said you are sorry, and asked them to leave you alone. You started from below zero, and have a long way to go up yet. How much will you have to pay? But make no mistake…you are an adult. There are consequences for your actions and decisions. Sometimes it takes learning the hard way for a lesson to really hit home. You did that just fine anyway. Hopefully you spend the rest of your time in college actually learning something that will help you become a better person, you clearly have a long way to go.

Schilling, who cares what my politics are. I honest to god in no way would imply a rape of a young woman. I go to vanderbilt and the recent atrocities that happened to the young girl on campus there have made us realize now more than ever that this isnt something I would ever joke about. All i was trying to do was piss off curt schilling by planting the idea in his head that his daughter would be going off to college and having sex with multiple guys…yes I understand it was still a rude comment.

This may seem like me trying to recover my tracks, and I understand that, but i know what I meant by my comments, and I know that the r-word implications never once crossed my mind while writing that. I still dislike Curt Schilling very much, but I would not wish something like that to happen to the daughter of even my worst enemy.

Thats all I have to say. I am sorry to Gabby Schilling for what I said. Then, unfortunately, brother, you are even more misguided in your follow-up. Perhaps this thought will elucidate your processing involving this issue: Both these concepts are similar to another term that has been used to describe these actions. The concept is simply called RAPE. I used a term that in college circles today just means that a girl enjoys having sex, and I used it without thinking of the nature or distinction of the phrase. On top of having a bad idea, I said it in a worse way. Just please believe I have the capabilities of being a decent person, and do so often.

I never should have gone this way to try and irritate curt schilling and I am sorry I ever touched the subject. It is a subject that is never funny. And yes, she knows about this, as do my female friends. You hit the nail on the head. Humans who respect other humans do not say the things that you have said. Instead of being the guy who says terrible things, try being the guy who speaks out for others being disrespected, the guy that a woman in trouble would come to because you are that trustworthy. I know so many good men that I know there are no excuses for what you have done.

I hope this experience compels you to re-examine your behavior and the sorts of social norms you want to reinforce. You have way more power as a force for good than you can imagine. I appreciate your calm and constructive comment. I am not a bad person. I thought it would be funny to irritate Curt Schilling: What I said was out of character and came on to this blog to try to prove to you and other bloggers on here that I am a human being, not a monster.

I made a very large mistake which in a day has changed the way I think about what I say, post, or do and the repercussions it has. The default should be not raping. Do you not realize how immature that is? Youre a crazy lady. Just because you can search for my information does not mean releasing it and using it as defamation isnt illegal, not to mention any more moral than my original tweet.

Its something I am sorry for and and trying to make amends for. Its kind of tough with s of notifications an hour getting crucified and threatened. Why are you so full of hate towards literally everyone? Every single one of your tweets is just bashing someone and laced with gross profanity. Fix what ever is wrong with your head before you start shredding strangers on twitter or trying to ruin my life. What is different from your tweets and mine toward curt? Liam, perhaps you can clear something up for me. You state you dislike Curt Shilling.

Personally I am not a fan of anyone in the Kardashian family tree. But you know what? I have better things to do with my time. My question is this: What did he do to you personally that caused you add a rude comment to a post where he is congratulating his daughter like any proud father would??? I previously made jokes about the irony in Curt comparing himself to the honorable Lou Gehrig, and also baseless jokes about randy johnson having an affair with Curts wife. Keeping with the idea of trying to piss off schilling I stumbled upon the news story of this whole big gabby schilling mess.

I regrettably decided to join in. It is a mistake which I truly do regret. You would do someting like THIS??? And worse, you continue to try to defend the indefensible. I hope one day you have a son who makes a mistake on social media, and then has masses of people call for his head to try and ruin his future, all while he is willing and trying to give an apology because he knows what he did was moronic. You chose the consequences when you chose the actions. I in no way condone or excuse your tweet; however, unlike some who responded to your post, I do not wish you and your future family unhappiness.

Curt Schilling's Official Blog

But at least Nyerere was genuinely motivated by the desire for justice and progress for his people. Be on guard fellas, we are watching you. Economists and social scientist have analyzed our economic malaise quite thoroughly. No windows machines on my network, that's why. I bet the women at Vandy already know all about you. We should take lessons from our opponents in how they prepared and what they did in over coming their problems. Truth is not just a commodity to be sold.

I hope that from now on, you will truly respect and honor other human beings with your words and attitude and actions and that you will have a productive and happy life. I go to Vanderbilt, too. Google is a bitch for people like you when you go to get a full time job. Or you can just go sit on the beach in Cabo with your buddies. And have you ever thought that hating Curt Schilling because he beat the Yankees in the World Series several years ago just shows what a small little man you really are?

I really laughed when you called yourself that in one of your posts here. But listen here buddy. You are 21 years old, almost You are of felony age. I bet the women at Vandy already know all about you. You keep asking what you have to do for this to stop coming back on you. You screwed up in a legendary fashion, and as such, it is quite possible that the consequences will be equally legendary.

Want to make up for it? Want people to start laying off you? Take it day by day, do not excuse your actions, admit that what you did was wrong. Eventually most people will forget about it. The stuff you say and do online will echo in eternity, Thats the lesson you need to take away from this. Unfortunately, that is just the way life is. But they pay for it for the rest of their lives. Your name and life have only one reputation, and what you do to it might just follow you forever. That was a constructive message. This all came fast and I panicked.

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  6. Four years Old in an Urban Community.

I am trying to keep together with my family and am learning quickly about accountability and growing up. I am not looking to excuse myself. I realize the flaws in my earlier comments, and while I simply can not respond to everyone on here those who are reasonable and those who are not , I am trying to grow and discuss with those I love and those who matter. Semantics aside, I appreciate you showing up to the page as this unfolds and taking responsibility for your involvement. What will you ultimately do with the fallout?

There is tremendous opportunity in educating youth about actions and consequences in a smartphone- and social media-ubiquitous world. There are countless good reasons for speaking of others—other genders, other groups—with dignity and respect, even if disagreeing with their ideas something many adults could stand to brush up on.

Time will tell if your actions truly speak the amends you claim to want to make. I imagine that they must be horrified at the attention that you received because of this. I hope you are able to have a successful college career and life. But, you have to understand, your comments have now been memorialized forever. Companies look at social media to screen potential candidates. You may think your comments are no big deal now. Think about what might happen when you apply for that first job. The hiring manager may very well be a woman. What if, because of what you said, you were passed over for a job you really wanted?

Was lashing out at Curt Schilling worth your reputation?!? I grew up in that area and left it as soon as I could. There are some great, enlightened men on Long Island but they get drowned out by the idiots like you. With a bit of perspective, I can say you put yourself in a bad position. Having the scumbag offenders other guys mentioned in the post inciting the angry mob, a vast majority seems to have lost track of the thing known as rationality.


Obviously scum like what you were back then are still abundant and rampant, but you get to see it firsthand now after you made yourself a target. These people are just as vile in nature, and they are out for blood. Like fine scapegoating, it must be very self-gratifying for a flawed individual to see some kid do something bad and throw shade at him.

They feel good about it too; it is set that you are low and they will put themselves on a pedestal after condemning you, because that is the profitable thing to do lol. Talk about the sheep that is the masses. If I had no humanity like some potential replys might say, I would almost laugh at how some are trying to counter ignorant hate with more ignorant hate.

Going after family is even worse, because they all are doing the same thing as the twitter scumbags. Once you do, any remain critics will be met with defense from the people you have built positive links with, and the rest will reset to the default… if everything works out. As for the rest of you… just because he is guilty does not mean you are innocent. Do not consider yourselves good just because you decided to trash the bad. When you first responded to them on Twitter, I thought it was kind of small timish on your part. Curt fuqqed up, badly.

This article is him trying to cover his tracks by presenting a half-story. Contact- Sean MacDonald seanmacdonald gmail. While I do not condone their behavior, harassing them is not solving anything. These people are looking for attention, and they just got it. Ignore them, and they go away. I am a Father of my own daughter and It makes me sick to my stomach that anyone would leave such comments for reasons that I can not begin to understand.

Curt you are much better man than I am because I would not be able to handle this kind of disgusting form of trolling with same dignity that you have. I have been listening to WEEI this morning and there actually people calling in blaming you for essentially posting that you are a proud father. People are literally out of their fucking minds. I suppose it would be fine if I posted how proud of a father that I am because I am a lowly maintenance man barely getting by living in Brockton, MA in a crappy area so I can attempt to do something close to resembling saving for a house and better life for my family.

So now I suppose Curt is only allowed to be a proud father in the privacy of his own home, never on social media. I do not accept that. I hope some of the scumbag trolls have had their sorry excuse for lives ruined and I would also like the people that think Curt should have to stop and think before he fucking congratulates his own daughter should probably jump off a bridge. Curt again I really feel for you. I felt sick reading this filth, no proud father should have to deal with this kind of garbage. If these trolls had passed their comments in writing on a school campus or on the streets of a community, they would show up on the police radar in an nano second.

I cannot imagine an organization would want to be associated with cretins given to this kind of base, vulgar, demeaning comments. You responded well Curt. This behavior is unacceptable in any one of any age and should rightly be called out. The response to the two idiots is right on the money. People assume since they can type it is acceptable to demean or tear a person down. Being a proud parent of two daughters in college and knowing the comments made by people simply because they where student athletes at the highest level. As all parents have pride when their child is successful through hard work and a drive to succeed.

I know I am very proud of my daughters for their academic and athletic success but more so for being a good human being, Good luck to Gabby and enjoy your college experience. I would absolutely love to see those maggots have to read out loud what they tweeted with their parents, coaches, family and the Schillings all present. People think they can hide behind screen names and say whatever they want. Words have meanings, and an effect as you pointed out with so many cyber bullying suicides.

Hopefully some good will come out of this. Dem and Yankee fan here, but primarily a fan of civility. J Blue, Arlington, VA so much easier to say horrible things behind anonymous twitter handles. This is the problem with Social Media. People hide behind their accounts and keyboards. Curt your response to these twitter trolls the understatement of the century was brilliant. I have a daughter entering GW next year to play soccer and could not be prouder of her.

Congratulations to you and your daughter, and best of luck to her in her college experience.

Want to add to the discussion?

God Bless Scott From Greenland. I empathize with 38 completely. The anonymity of social media makes hurling invective so much easier than a face to face confrontation. Curt, are you at all concerned that the backlash from the lewd and loutish behavior directed at you and your daughter is turning in a direction that threatens to unleash the mob on the original transgressors? You have a wonderful opportunity to take this in an important and constructive direction.

But the first step probably ought to be to urge caution, forgiveness and dialogue before somebody does something stupid and regretful in retaliation. This all comes down to the abundance of porn, and the relatively simple way to access it. And to just go out and start tweeting you shows that they are just stupid and immature. I stand behind you calling them out, you have the box high enough to do it with, and you used it probably better than anyone has ever used it before.

The internet can be a terrible place sometimes, and these keyboard zeros make it that way. Sorry to see that. Good luck to your daughter! Every posting needs to shared. These cowards only have power in anonymity. There must be consequences for their actions. Thank you for shedding light on this important issue. It is deeply disturbing to me that any person would ever make these kinds of comments about another human being.

I hope that these young men reflect on their actions and change who they are as people as people are capable of changing. If good can come out of this, my hope is that more light would be shed on cyber bullying and that people would consider more carefully what they say on-line. This is utterly disgusting! Good for you Schilling for exposing these punks and absolute embarrassments to society. Reblogged this on amandatorreyauthor and commented: People should be ashamed of themselves.

For the most part they have not brought people closer. They have enabled cowards and sociopaths an easy platform to spew any kind of hatred and violent sentiments without any consequences. It has exposed how many thoughtless, rude and sick people there are in this world and no apology or explanation can cover that up. I hope the Curt pursues legal action against some of these losers so they can begin to realize that freedom of speech does not grant permission to threaten and say any sick, deviant thing that comes to mind. It should be no different than a threat given face-to face.

Rather than encouraging people to ignore these jerks, maybe people should start standing up to them because THEY are the ones taking away our civil rights. THEY are the ones abusing the right to free speech and the reason why censorship is becoming more common. So I hope Curt does stand up to them and sends a strong message.

By encouraging people to ignore sickos like that only enables them to continue…. Curt, I disagree with you politically, but I love and respect you and really hope you get into the HOF. You were wrong about one thing in your blog post — you said someday these idiots will be men. No, they will just be males. Men respect women; they have empathy and compassion, and the imagination to consider that any woman they meet, in any circumstance, is beloved of somebody as mother, grandmother, sister, and yes: That is so vile.

My lack of fame would not have had this impact anyway. Thanks for the great commentary Curt and for outing these scumbags. They are obviously lacking enough in their personal lives to have the need for going down this ugly road. I look forward to them being held accountable and paying a price for their comments. Good luck to Gabby and congratulations on her accomplishments. Needless to say, we do not agree politically. And I suspect you and I both would like to handle these idiots privately in the same manner.

Your restraint is admirable. What you are talking about transcends politics and goes to the core of human decency. Nobody should behave the way these morons did. Your daughter deserves better. Good for you calling them out. Very interesting read, says a lot about the type of people who generally engage in this type of harassment and what mediums they use.

You showed so much restraint, thank you on behalf of fathers with little princess for being a power of example of how to deal with these punks. Dear Curt- First, that was an excellent response and much more measured than I could have been having a daughter myself. You were just congratulating a family member on a significant achievement. I hope this results in harsher penalties, than this being recorded in Google to their names….

As a father of a daughter, I support you completely in your efforts to call out these jerks, Curt. My heart goes out to you your family. NO ONE should ever go through this! As a father of a kind, beautiful and gentle 15th year old daughter, I ask God ever day to give me the strength and the ability to protect her at all costs. Protection from the physical as well the mental anguish that idiots like these callously and mercilessly spew out of their underdeveloped wormlike minds. May Hell be just waiting area until they sink further down in the pit of fire. I commend you for calling out these trolls.

Best of luck with Gabby at her school. Schilling writes a piece detailing awful, hateful, disgusting misogyny directed at his daughter that would buy someone a knuckle sandwich if spoken to the face of just about any father.