All Medicines are Poison!

Labels on medicines and poisons

Drug toxicity is "a major public-health issue even for people in their 40s and 50s," says Mukaila A. All of this makes us more prone to drug toxicity.

All Medicines Are Poisons

Physicians' prescribing habits may also be partly to blame. The more medications a patient takes, the more likely one of them will build up to toxic levels, experts say. Finally, patients often see multiple doctors who do not communicate with one another and so end up prescribing similar drugs — which, when combined, can reach toxic levels.

Electronic medical records will help close the communications gap, experts say. Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems — used by many hospitals to generate patient-specific recommendations for care — will also help.

Drugs With the Highest Potential for Harm

They can also insist that their doctors consider drug toxicity when a new symptom arises. Patients should also read the safety inserts that come with their medication — before taking it.

Further information

Three classes of medications — anticoagulants warfarin, aspirin, clopidogrel , antidiabetic agents insulin, metformin, glyburide, glipizide, chlorpropamide , and narrow therapeutic agents digoxin, phenytoin, lithium, theophylline, valproic acid — account for almost half of all emergency-room visits for adverse drug events in older patients. Other medications that are problematic for seniors:.

The schedules

That's the title of a new book by Melvin H. Kirschner, M.D. When I first saw the title , I expected a polemic against conventional medicine. The first. So, yes, all medications are poisons in that they “poison” an enzyme or other biomolecule. (Look for a quack near you to quote mine that.

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The dose makes the poison

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When Medicine Makes You Sick

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The principle relies on the finding that all chemicals—even water and oxygen —can be toxic if too much is eaten, drunk, or absorbed. Pharmacy Medicines - substances available from a pharmacy or if a pharmacy is not available, from a licensed person. Close Healthy living for you and your family How to make healthy choices a part of every day life. Prescription Only Medicines - substances that should only be used or supplied on the order of a prescriber eg a medical practitioner and available from a pharmacist on prescription. Easy steps you can take to help reach and maintain a healthy weight for better health and wellbeing.

Home Labels on medicines and poisons. Labels on medicines and poisons All medicines and poisons containers must be labelled so as to clearly identify the contents.