Il cammino delleccellenza - Missione cruciale (Italian Edition)

EUR-Lex Access to European Union law

Digital money and transactions using mobile phones. Effects of drought on the Galician agricultural sector. Four hundred million children living in slavery. Product traceability criteria and regulating the activities of European multinationals in third countries. Applicability on the part of Italy of a tax on aircraft registered in the EU. The situation regarding the justice system in Ukraine.

The budget for and the future of the European Schools. Change of regulations relating to liquids at airports. Agreement between the European Union and Mercosur. Landfill site in Karvounari Paramithia. The ruling of the European Court of Justice against Greece regarding the protection of animals during transport and at the time of slaughter. Cuts in incentives for the Italian photovoltaic industry and unfair Chinese competition.

A European parliament for young people. Tension and violence in Karachi: Pollution caused by military activities in areas surrounding the Quirra firing range. New French obligation regarding breathalysers in cars. Distortion of the working of the single European market by the use of national quality marks.

Identifying strategic sectors at EU level. Argentine government decision to expropriate YPF. Gofio is a typical product from this region, meeting specific production requirements. Respuesta de la Alta Representante y Vicepresidenta Sra.

Eppure le cifre parlano chiaro: Summer Course on Ethics in Dementia Care. However, submissions on other topics are allowed. Turkey and violation of the right to religious freedom for the inhabitants of Cyprus. There will be time for intensive discussions.

The region of Aysen, located in northern Patagonia in Chile, has seen, over the last month, an exemplary process of social mobilisation. Trade unions, grassroots organisations and environmental groups, coming together in the Social Front of Aysen, have mounted an across-the-board ten-point petition, calling on the government to find solutions to the problems of geographical isolation, the high cost of living, serious shortcomings in health and education, depletion of natural resources and severe socioeconomic inequality in the region.

These demands and the actions of the Social Front of Aysen are meeting with virtually unanimous support in the region, as confirmed in the mass marches and demonstrations of recent weeks. The result is an upsurge in violence and abusive practices by the police, with large numbers of militants being injured. Earlier this week, the government invoked the Law on State Security, a repressive piece of legislation inherited from the Pinochet dictatorship, in order to intimidate the protesters and dismantle the movement.

There are numerous reports of beatings and indiscriminate use of firearms by the police, and of civilians being wounded by buckshot and pellets.

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These actions by the government and the police are in breach of the international human rights conventions signed by Chile and are jeopardising the human rights of the people of Aysen. The INDH, recalling that the obligation of states to maintain public order does not outweigh their obligation to respect and guarantee human rights, has expressed concern about the behaviour of the special forces of the militarised police Fuerzas Especiales de Carabineros and made relevant recommendations to the respective Chilean authorities.

At the end of last year, the European Commission presented a proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Union programme for education, training, youth and sport entitled Erasmus for All. Az ECHA igyekszik ennek eleget tenni. The development of European harmonised standards is carried out in English, German and French. In order to allow small and medium-sized enterprises to take advantage of the harmonised European standards and apply them with ease, access to the European harmonised standards in national languages should be facilitated.

According to preliminary expectations, the vast majority of registrations will be due in and in These are available only with a significant delay in several official languages. Their interpretation is also helped by the questions and answers published on the ECHA website; however, these are also available only in English. The majority of small and medium-sized enterprises do not have the means to assign independent staff to continuously follow the English-language background materials.

Based on the powers bestowed upon the Commission with regard to translations, what further measures does it intend to take in this regard? With regards to the European harmonised standards, the Commission is aware of the difficulties that the users may face in terms of the availability of European harmonised standards in languages other than English, French and German, as well as a particular need for translations amongst SMEs.

The publication and translation of the European harmonised standards in languages other than English, French and German is in the competence of the national standardisation bodies of the Member States. The Member States can thus best support the translations of European harmonised standards in their national languages, e. The Commission is encouraging ECHA to translate more of the guidance documents and tools, in particular those important for SMEs and they continue working on this. De Europese antipiraterijmissie Atalanta bij de Hoorn van Afrika wordt uitgebreid.

Dat zijn de ministers van Defensie van de Europese Unie donderdag overeengekomen. Het is de bedoeling dat met gerichte operaties acties of plannen van de piraten worden verstoord. Op welke wijze worden deze kosten gefinancierd? Momenteel nemen er geen Nederlandse oorlogsschepen deel aan de operatie. De uitrusting van de Nederlandse strijdkrachten is een nationale verantwoordelijkheid, conform de opgave van behoeften van de operationeel commandant. De beveiliging van schepen blijft de verantwoordelijkheid van de vlagstaat, de reders en de kapiteins. De gehele internationale gemeenschap draagt echter bij aan de bestrijding van piraterij; in het bijzonder de EU-lidstaten die deelnemen aan Atalanta werken hiervoor samen en beveiligen alle schepen die onder buitenlandse vlag varen in het kader van zowel de algemene beginselen van het Verdrag van de Verenigde Naties inzake het recht van de zee UNCLOS als relevante resoluties van de VN-veiligheidsraad.

Tot op heden hebben echter niet alle schepen de nodige maatregelen genomen om zich doeltreffend tegen piraterij te beschermen. De EU heeft overdrachtsovereenkomsten gesloten met de Seychellen en Mauritius en legt de laatste hand aan een overdrachtsovereenkomst met Tanzania. De overdrachtsovereenkomst met Kenia kan worden gebruikt op basis van een ad-hocbesluit van de Keniaanse regering. The European Union will also combat pirates on the Somali coast. The intention is to disrupt pirate actions or plans with targeted operations.

For example, a fuel or ammunition depot could be bombarded from the air or by sea. How are these costs being financed? There are currently no Dutch warships active in the operation. The equipment of Dutch forces is a national responsibility in accordance with the statement of requirements of the Operation Commander. The protection of ships remains a responsibility of the Flag State, shipowners and shipmasters. However, the international community as a whole contributes to the fight against piracy, and in particular EU Member States participating to Atalanta cooperate to the fight against piracy protecting all foreign flagged ships in the framework of both Unclos general principles and pertinent UNSCRs.

To date however, not all ships take the required measures to effectively protect them of piracy. The EU signed transfer agreements with the Seychelles and Mauritius; a further transfer agreement is being finalised with Tanzania. The transfer agreement with Kenya can be used on the basis of ad-hoc decision making by the Kenyan government.

The European Food Safety Authority EFSA concluded in its opinion on steviol glycosides that in general the use of steviol glycosides as sweetener is safe. The Commission therefore requested the applicants to reconsider these uses in order to arrive at a safe level of use. The use of steviol glycosides is now authorised at levels that are safe and at the same time functional as sweetener in 31 different food categories. The authorisation of steviol glycosides in fine bakery ware was not considered as none of the applicants requested an authorisation for use of the sweetener in that food category.

Deze situatie wijkt af van de algemene regel dat je beroepsinkomen belast wordt in het land waar je werkt. Kan de Commissie een overzicht geven van de klachten die zij over deze problematiek reeds heeft ontvangen vanuit de lidstaten? Oordeelt de Commissie dat de praktijken van Ryanair in overeenstemming zijn met de Europese regelgeving, en meer bepaald met Verordening EG nr. Behalve een vraag om inlichtingen over het salaris van de stewardessen en niet van de piloten, heeft de Commissie daarover geen enkele klacht ontvangen.

In heeft de Commissie voorgesteld Verordening EG nr. Alle bemanningsleden die voor Ryanair werken en hun thuisbasis in Charleroi hebben, zullen dan ook onder de Belgische socialezekerheidswetgeving vallen. Although Belgium is the operating base for the pilots, they are officially registered in Ireland, where the company headquarters are located.

This fact creates a situation in which Belgian pilots employed by Ryanair in Belgium fall under the Irish tax regime and, therefore, are less expensive than Belgian pilots who are employed by other airline companies in Belgium. So a pilot with the same gross salary costs much less to Ryanair than to, for example, Brussels Airlines, and yet a pilot who is registered in Belgium receives a lower salary than a colleague who is registered in Ireland.

This situation deviates from the general rule that your income is taxed in the country where you work. Consequently, a situation arises that completely disrupts the labour market for pilots in Belgium. Can the Commission provide an overview of the complaints that have already been received from Member States on this issue? With the exception of a request for information concerning flight attendants' salaries rather than pilots' salaries, the Commission has not received any complaints on this issue.

Also, the division of taxing rights between Member States is not regulated at EU level, but is governed by double taxation conventions between Member States instead. The EU could only intervene against discriminations operated by one or the other Member State in the exercise of the taxing rights allocated to it. The proposal was adopted by the Council and EP recently and will be applicable by summer All aircrew members who work for Ryanair and have their home base in Charleroi will therefore be subject to Belgian social security legislation.

This showed that the seven outermost regions were 0. What sum did each region receive from the specific funding allocation in the previous programming period? Low implementation rates have mainly been due to a slow start of the programmes of the period. The entire population of the 11 regions will be eligible for the proposed additional allocation. The Commission has proposed to distribute the additional funding pro-rata according to the total population of these regions.

In the context of the negotiations on the multi-annual financial framework the Commission will keep this aspect under consideration and will try to find equitable outcomes for all regions, including the outermost regions and the sparsely populated northern regions. Op grond van de richtlijn moeten dierentuinen vijf instandhoudingsmaatregelen uitvoeren. Draagt het onderzoek en onderwijs naar verwachting bij aan de doelen die de Commissie zich heeft gesteld met betrekking tot het behoud van biodiversiteit?

In de richtlijn is niet voorzien in EU-medefinanciering van maatregelen om de doelstellingen van de richtlijn te halen, ook niet met betrekking tot onderzoek en opleiding. Zij houdt zich ook bezig met opleiding voor overheidsambtenaren en betrokken beroepsbeoefenaars, met name dierenartsen en bestuurders van dierentuinen, alsook leden van niet-gouvernementele organisaties die werkzaam zijn op dit gebied. Based on the directive, zoos must implement five conservation measures. This requirement entails high costs for zoos and gives rise to the following questions to the Commission:. Does the research and training contribute as expected to the goals that the Commission has set for itself regarding the preservation of biodiversity?

What provision has the Commission made by way of compensation to zoos for the research and training costs that they must incur in order to be able to meet the requirement? Are there zoos that have received compensation via the Commission in order to comply with one or more of the conservation measures? If the Commission has not made any provisions by way of compensation to zoos, how does the Commission anticipate that these costs will be able to be covered by the zoos?

The directive does not foresee EU co-financing of measures to achieve the objectives of the directive, including in relation to research and training. The Commission does not have any estimate of costs for research requirements nor does it consider that it has a role to play in compensation for fulfilment of the obligations of the directive. It is the responsibility of the relevant authorities in the Member States to ensure that the provisions of the directive are applied.

The Commission continues to support implementation of the Zoos Directive and will be launching a study in aimed at developing guidance to help promote the sharing of experience and of good practice for the implementation of the Zoos Directive. It is also engaged in training for government officials and relevant practitioners, particularly veterinarians and managers of Zoological gardens as well as members of non-governmental organisations operating in the field. Tijdens deze bijeenkomst werd door verschillende onderzoekers aangetoond dat de CO 2 -uitstoot als gevolg van het aanwenden van biomassa voor energie, groter is dan de CO 2 -uitstoot als gevolg van het aanwenden van fossiele energiedragers voor energie.

Deze gaf tijdens de bijeenkomst aan dat, ondanks deze hogere CO 2 -uitstoot door het gebruik van biomassa voor de opwekking van energie, de Europese Commissie het gebruik van bio-energie blijft voorstaan. Ook staat daarin dat de elektriciteitsproductie in vrij van broeikasgassen moet zijn. Deze doelen stroken mijns inziens niet met het voorstaan van het gebruik van biomassa als energiedrager, zoals het hoofd van de administratieve eenheid propageert. De Commissie analyseert momenteel de bestaande wetenschappelijke studies betreffende de biogene koolstofemissies van biomassa, die niet allemaal tot dezelfde conclusies komen aangezien het resultaat afhangt van talrijke factoren soorten, teeltrotatie, opbrengst.

De Commissie is van mening dat biomassa een belangrijke bijdrage zal leveren tot het koolstofarm maken van de energiesector en buigt zich momenteel over de behoefte aan aanvullende duurzaamheidseisen met betrekking tot vaste biomassa. The Commission is currently analysing the scientific studies carried out on biogenic carbon emissions from biomass which do not all lead to the same conclusions since the outcomes depend on many factors species, rotation pattern, yield.

The Commission is of the opinion that biomass will make a major contribution to decarbonisation of the energy sector and is currently considering if there is a need to introduce additional sustainability requirements for solid biomass. The northern coastline of the Peloponnese has been afflicted by erosion and sea level rise for many years. Given the problem that exists in this area, along with the fact that What are the possibilities of utilising European funds for financing specific actions to deal with this problem?

Coastal works to combat erosion could be co-financed through the National Strategic Reference Framework, either under the Operational Programme for the Environment or the relevant Regional Operational Programme, provided that they meet the established eligibility criteria. However, it is up to the Greek authorities to propose, prepare and carry out such projects. Information on best practices for dealing with coastal erosion problems can be found at the following websites:. The Commission is planning a revision of the European roadworthiness legislation.

This modification would have the effect of including mobile cranes. It is for the Member States to determine which categories of work equipment are subject to such periodic inspections, the content and frequency of the inspections and by whom they may be carried out. The Argentine authorities, after an unwarranted campaign of harassment and threats of nationalisation, have withdrawn licences from the Repsol-YPF oil company in five Argentine provinces and are threatening to do the same in three other provinces.

This withdrawal has no justification whatsoever and sets a dangerous precedent for the legal certainty of European companies in Argentina. The oil company is accused of failing to meet its investment and production obligations. YPF is also one of the most innovative oil companies in Argentina, becoming the pioneer in discovering and developing a shale oil play in the Vaca Muerta field. The EU should demand firmly of its trading partners that they respect the legal certainty of investments by European companies. What action will the European Commission take to ensure respect for the rights of the European oil industry and to ensure legal certainty for investments by European companies in Argentina?

The Commission concurs with the Honourable Member's view that this action by the Argentine Government sends a very negative signal to international investors, who seek stability and predictability for their investments, and that it could seriously harm the business environment in Argentina.

The measure creates legal insecurity not only for the Spanish company Repsol but also for other European firms in Argentina. The Commission has urged the Government of Argentina to ensure compliance with its international commitments on the treatment and protection of investments originating from a Member State of the European Union. The Commission is analysing the Argentine measure and exploring all options in order to determine, in liaison with the Spanish authorities, the next steps.

The near constant flow of water is due to natural spring water in the area, caused by geological formations. Do the natural springs referred to by the Greek authorities originate in or flow through the landfill site? Does the environmental impact assessment EIA on the basis of which the project was approved describe the existence of such springs? Did it provide for the implementation of necessary measures, on the basis of Community and Greek legislation, for the delimitation and protection of the waters?

Would it ever be possible for a licence to be granted to a landfill situated on or adjacent to natural mineral springs? What does the Commission intend to do in relation to all the above? Which competent authority communicated this information to the Commission? Instead, the directive states that a landfill can only be authorised if the characteristics of the site with respect to a number of requirements listed in the directive, or the corrective measures to be taken, indicate that the landfill does not pose a serious environmental risk.

The selection of the landfill location, evaluation of risks and the decision to authorise a landfill lay in the area of responsibility of the Member State's competent authorities. The information requested by the Honourable Member is included in the Environmental Impact Assessment of the project which is a public document. Therefore, the Commission would suggest to the Honourable Member to consult this document for which he should contact the competent local authority.

In het verleden volstond zelfs een minimaal belast gebruik om de voorbelasting volledig en onmiddellijk te mogen aftrekken. Uit de vragen kan worden afgeleid dat er een zekere bezorgdheid bestaat, maar toch gelooft de Commissie niet — ofschoon het inderdaad zo is dat de lidstaten nu de vrijheid hebben om alle soorten bedrijfsmiddelen onder deze regeling te brengen — dat deze regels inbreuk maken op de gelijkheid of de evenredigheid.

Member States may choose to extend the new restriction on the right of rebate to goods other than immovable property. The second paragraph of Art. In the past, even a minimal taxed use was sufficient to allow a full and immediate deduction of the input VAT. The subsequent taxation of the private use under Art. Under the new rules, a taxed business use of e. The questions seem to reflect certain concerns but, and although it is true that Member States now dispose of the freedom to include all types of business assets, the Commission is not of the opinion that these rules would lead to a breach of equality or proportionality.

In de toelichting worden verscheidene doelstellingen uiteengezet, waaronder de ontwikkeling van het Europees burgerschap, het versterken van solidariteitsbesef en inspelen op speciale behoeften van jongeren in landen van het EU nabuurschapsbeleid. Hoe wordt de doeltreffendheid en doelmatigheid van projecten met dergelijke vage doelstellingen gemeten en aangetoond? Twee van de algemene doelstellingen van dat programma zijn de bevordering van actief burgerschap van jongeren in het algemeen en van hun Europees burgerschap in het bijzonder, en de ontwikkeling van de solidariteit en de bevordering van de verdraagzaamheid onder jongeren, vooral met het oog op de versterking van de sociale samenhang van de Europese Unie.

In deze omstandigheden heeft de Commissie niet het voornemen de uitvoering van een door de wetgever aangenomen programma op de helling te zetten. De Commissie is het er niet mee eens dat het onmogelijk zou zijn te meten of een bepaalde actie heeft bijgedragen tot de ontwikkeling van de solidariteitszin. If not, why not? Does the Commission agree with the PVV that citizenship can only be seen in the context of sovereign countries and, what is more, cannot be imposed on people by the EU? How is the effectiveness and efficiency of projects with such vague aims measured and demonstrated?

Eine Niederlassung von Lebewesen wildlebender Art ist somit unwahrscheinlich. The various Annexes of the FFH Directive provide a precise list of which areas and species are to be protected. A business in my constituency is looking to develop a site within the local authority area.

In this case, the area is a farmed meadow located right on the edge of the local authority and on a busy country road. In addition, the local authority would be willing to expand the area in a different direction. Colonisation by wild species is therefore unlikely. How can we proceed in this case with a minimum of red tape, so as to implement this project? The Commission has developed a range of guidance documents on that matter, which can be found on the Commission website: In the Commission announced that it was promoting a research study aimed at developing a multi-dimensional global university ranking.

The Commission pointed out the three main characteristics of this new ranking tool: However, the classification of both public and private institutions is unavoidable, putting private institutions in higher positions than public institutions. One of the strengths of European higher education is its diversity. The main responsibility for achieving excellence rests with Member States and education institutions themselves.

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The Commission's role is to support higher education institutions, including by providing tools which enable them to assess their performance and more generally to support the Member States via the actions presented in the above Modernisation Agenda. Public and private institutions must pursue excellence in terms of their own priorities; it is neither a Commission task nor a Commission goal to ensure that either public or private institutions reach the highest positions in the ranking, but rather that the performance of all should become more transparent.

The Commission agrees that is it important to ensure the quality, transparency and independence of the ranking system and to protect it from any private interest. That is why the ranking will be run by an independent body, overseen by an advisory board consisting of relevant stakeholders and the Commission to ensure this. First results will be published end , via a project funded by the European Commission.

The wind farms that have been sprouting up in great numbers recently are causing increasing controversy. In recent years, a growing number of wind farms have also been established in Poland. However, the lack of legal regulations on the distance of wind farms from buildings and households allows wind farms to develop in an uncontrolled way, devoid of rules on location. Constructing wind farms in Poland often involves abuses, breaking the law and a lack of respect for the landscape, environment and citizens.

Local authorities come under pressure from investors and are tempted by easy budgetary revenue, even at the cost of local development strategy. However, the worst is that this often happens without the knowledge of any test results regarding the potential impact of the undertaking. If so, with which precise regulations? If an EIA is carried out it has to assess, amongst others things, the effects of a project on human beings, fauna, flora, and landscape. Consultation with the public is a key feature of environmental assessment procedures.

The Commission has not issued minimum standards with regard to wind farms and environment as each project has to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. The Commission is not aware of any work specifically on the impact of wind farms on human health. On the basis of the practical conclusions of the above actions, does the Commission expect to take any new initiatives in this sector? Grant agreements were signed at the outset of a selection procedure organised as part of an open call for proposals which was open to all Member States.

All relevant stakeholders were encouraged to participate. No organisations based in Greece formed part of any of the three successful project networks. The results of these projects, co-financed via Preparatory Actions in the field of Sport, will be disseminated by the leading organisations. The projects have thus far demonstrated the relevance of multi-actor networks — including but not limited to sports organisations — pioneering the development of new approaches to doping prevention.

These licensed environmental verifiers can be either legal or natural persons. Thus the two legislative instruments deal with two distinctly different situations. The draft Commission Regulation introduces the term 'certification of verifiers' to underline this difference and avoid any potential misunderstanding. Furthermore, mutual recognition of verifiers is a key element of the draft Commission Regulation. To ensure the full and effective realisation of the mutual recognition of all verifiers, it introduces a system for the certification of verifiers that provides the same guarantees as the one applicable to the accreditation of verifiers.

To that end, the draft Commission Regulation requires that the Member State, which chooses to make use of the certification option, appoints a national authority and supplies all supplementary evidence necessary to the Commission and the other Member States as proof that that national authority fulfills the same requirements as a national accreditation body. In case of an incorrect verification, who assumes the responsibility for consequences?

The draft Commission Regulation aims to set up a detailed and high-quality process for the verification of greenhouse gas emission reports and tonne-kilometre reports submitted by an operator or aircraft operator. That verification process involves, notably, the correct and effective reporting of greenhouse gas emissions; the technical skills of the verifiers; the continuous improvement of internal processes by verifiers, notably as for their independence and impartiality.

The draft Commission Regulation addresses the reliability of verification for users and recalls that the process of verifying emission reports shall be an effective and reliable tool in support of quality assurance and quality control procedures. In the event of an incorrect verification, the question of responsibility should be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Tale iniziativa potrebbe rientrare tra quelle finanziate con i progetti pilota dell'Unione europea? I lavori relativi alla campagna sono iniziati nel gennaio The city administration in Strasbourg has decided to fund a project that prescribes hours of cycling to those who may derive health benefits from it.

Considering the environmental, educational and medical aims of the project, does it intend to dedicate appropriate funding to projects that focus on raising awareness of sustainable transport, particularly if it can benefit the health of citizens, as in the case of bicycles? For individual projects to be selected for funding, however, they need to fulfill all the criteria described in the work plans adopted each year by the Commission and selected in terms of quality by external evaluators in a competitive process. The work programme will be adopted by the end of The funding of pilot projects is possible if included on a list of pilot projects approved by the Parliament as part of the annual budgetary procedure.

Raddoppiare il valore del commercio elettronico europeo entro il in sedici mosse. E mentre l'e-commerce decolla in tutto il mondo, con cifre quasi record raggiunte durante il periodo natalizio, l'Europa inizia a preoccuparsi della concorrenza. Il leader del settore sembra essere diventato la Cina, con miliardi di dollari in transazioni, ed entro il pare che gli acquisti via Internet possano eguagliare, se non superare, quelli effettuati fisicamente in negozio. La Commissione ritiene che il commercio elettronico e i servizi in linea siano una fonte importante di crescita e d'occupazione: Online shopping is a continually growing market, although in Italy it is still relegated to a niche role.

And while e-commerce is taking off around the world, with near record numbers reached during the Christmas period, Europe has begun to worry about the competition. How it intends to protect consumers with regard to the security of payments, including shipping logistics and guarantees that the purchased product matches the product advertised on the Internet;.

How it intends to counterbalance the online sales market in an economy which is likely to become the exclusive preserve of Asia. La Commission rendra publiques ses conclusions d'ici la fin du mois de juillet La crisi che si protrae oramai dal sta mettendo in ginocchio molte imprese. Molti giovani imprenditori poi, nel momento in cui costituiscono un'impresa, non possiedono un'adeguata esperienza nella gestione aziendale e mancano di competenze cruciali per la buona riuscita del loro progetto imprenditoriale.

Una valutazione intermedia dell'azione preparatoria — realizzata peraltro ad uno stadio precoce dell'azione e quindi fondata su dati limitati — fornisce del pari proiezioni interessanti in termini di creazione di posti di lavoro. The crisis that has been dragging on since is bringing many companies to their knees. The danger is that Italy, like many other Member States, could lose an entire generation of entrepreneurs. This is happening because the business world is becoming increasingly competitive and the difficult economic situation is even reducing the more established areas of industry, thereby discouraging many young people with business ideas, but not the strength, financial or otherwise, to realise them.

Furthermore, when setting up a company, many young entrepreneurs lack sufficient experience of business administration and the crucial skills needed to make their project a success. These shortcomings, together with the fact that the companies created mostly only operate at national level, considerably limit their growth.

To resolve the problem, the European Commission has created the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme, to help entrepreneurs to gain important skills and expand their activities at European level. In view of the above, can the Commission say how many young people have been able to take advantage of this programme since its inception? Can it also state the main objectives of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme? Is it possible to indicate the nature and quantity of the results achieved by European SMEs managed by young people who have been able to make good use of the idea?

Possibili fondi per l'Associazione Polje. L'Associazione Consortile Polje di Molfetta nasce dall'azione sinergica di sei associazioni presenti sul territorio: L'Associazione Polje si occupa ogni anno, all'interno della dolina, oltre che dell'organizzazione di visite guidate, anche di manifestazioni culturali, come spettacoli teatrali e concerti. The Polje Consortium Association in Molfetta is the result of collaborative work between six associations operating in this area: Since it has been entrusted with responsibility for managing the Pulo by the Province of Bari, the organisation that owns the site, and is working to enhance its value, ensuring that it is used in a manner that is respectful to the environment and its historic and archaeological heritage.

The Pulo in Molfetta is interesting not only from an archaeological and geological point of view but also — and no less importantly — for its natural value, which makes this relatively small site extremely important in terms of biodiversity both for its flora and fauna. Every year, the Polje Consortium Association organises guided tours and cultural initiatives in the sinkhole, including theatrical performances and concerts. Is it aware of the activities and projects carried out by the Polje Consortium Association?

Given the cultural, historic and archaeological objectives of the association, could the Polje Consortium benefit from European funding for its activities? La distanza dal target tende quindi a ridursi per l'Italia, arrivata a soltanto 0,3 punti percentuali al di sotto della soglia. La Commissione incentiva l'elaborazione di strategie nazionali di ricerca e di innovazione che precisino orientamenti tematici chiari e ben individuati. La Commissione rende pubblici. At this historic moment, innovation is a fundamental strategy for driving mature economies towards recovery so that they may finally emerge from the difficult crisis which has had a negative impact on investments and competition.

In Italy, in , 1.

EUR-Lex - C/E/01 - EN - EUR-Lex

The distance from the target is therefore tending to decrease in Italy, which is now just 0. Does the Commission have data concerning which sectors attract most investment from Member States? This directive requires Member States to implement return, collection and recovery systems in order to achieve recovery and recycling objectives. However, the directive does not address the degree to which consumer food packaging is filled. That is, there is no regulation concerning the amount of empty space that such packaging may contain. Many food products on sale in retail outlets are packaged in such a way that a considerable proportion of the packaging is empty space, which increases packaging waste and the logistical costs of the product.

Furthermore, it misleads consumers, who often choose a larger product, regardless of whether there is a difference in the amount of content within the packaging. If EU legislation defined a minimum degree of filling for consumer packaging, producers would have no reason to waste resources on manufacturing oversized packaging and it would be easier for consumers to compare the amount of product contained within the packaging. Indeed, the Commission stated in its Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe, which was published last year, that the Member States and the Commission intended to investigate measures for optimising the resource efficiency of packaging from onwards.

Does the Commission intend to consider measures, in this or in any other regard, by which the degree of filling of consumer packaging could be increased? One of these requirements is that packaging weight and volume must be reduced to the minimum necessary for safety, hygiene and consumer acceptance of the packaged product. The Commission does not currently have the intention to propose further measures to increase the degree of filing of packaging.

Itinerario culturale di Santiago de Compostela. La Commissione non prevede di proporre prossimamente misure specifiche in materia. Witness statements revealed that the young man had been swimming for an hour before drowning and that the rescue services arrived too late. It appears that the route is known for other accidents and deaths that have occurred there in the past as a result of a failure to signpost areas that are dangerous due to changeable weather conditions and currents.

The transfer of corpses in Europe is subject to the Council of Europe Agreement, which is designed to simplify the administrative formalities for transferring remains between the contracting parties. In its communication on effective consular protection in third countries: Spain has signed the agreement in and ratification and entry into force of the agreement took place in Italy has not signed the agreement so far. The Commission does not plan to propose any specific measures on this subject in the immediate future. Even more interesting, though, is what cannot be found in the answers.

Has the Commission ever in fact found a single case of moral harassment? If so, how many cases has it found? If not, it would appear to believe that moral harassment simply cannot exist within the Commission. We may also be forced to draw the conclusion that its policy to combat moral harassment is of no use, since it is apparently unable to detect such a phenomenon. What is the practical difference between moral harassment and inappropriate behaviour? Out of the 28 administrative investigations mentioned above, can the Commission publish the number of cases in which the behaviour complained about was considered to be inappropriate behaviour?

What were the actual consequences for the perpetrators and victims e. Since the Commission has a comprehensive anti-harassment policy in place, it does not deem it justified to carry out surveys on this specific area of HR policy. To the best of the Commission's knowledge, other institutions do not carry out such detailed surveys. The total amount of cases refers to relational problems as a whole. Support and assistance is provided in all cases of relational problems, be they harassment or not. According to the Staff Regulations, psychological harassment occurs when four conditions are cumulatively met.

Out of 28 administrative investigations opened between and for allegations of psychological harassment, 15 cases were closed without follow-up. In five cases, a sanction for inappropriate conduct was taken. Three cases were transmitted to other competent services for follow-up measures. Five investigations have not yet led to a final decision by the Appointing Authority. All'evento sono stati invitati diversi giornalisti stranieri, ma nemmeno loro, accolti nella stazione satellitare di Soahe, sono in grado di indicare con precisione di cosa esattamente si tratti: Risposta congiunta di Catherine Ashton a nome della Commissione.

Tal foi feito em 2 de maio de North Korea is planning to launch a rocket to assert the authority of Kim Jong-un. Various experts have already stressed the possibility that the launch will fail and that, instead of falling into the Yellow Sea or the Pacific, the rocket may change course, with all the resulting consequences. The occasion will be marked by a ballistic launch, described by the Korean media as the launch of a satellite for meteorological observations. Several foreign journalists have been invited to the event and welcomed at the Soahe satellite station, but not even they are able to pinpoint exactly what it is: The military technology used is the same both for predicting the weather and attaching a nuclear warhead to the missile.

Whether she is informed of the matter and what other information she can provide, particularly on whether these are experiments that foreshadow future nuclear tests? These additional designations are already included in the list of EU autonomous designations. Macellazioni rituali e benessere degli animali. Ritiene che la ricerca Dialrel abbia prodotto risultati positivi in ordine al prevalere o meno degli interessi degli animali nella macellazione? Non ritiene che sia necessaria una normativa applicabile in tutti gli Stati dell'Unione che omologhi i provvedimenti in materia di macellazione rituale?

La Commissione ritiene che le disposizioni UE in tema di protezione degli animali al momento della macellazione o dell'abbattimento. Il progetto di ricerca DIALREL ha contribuito a realizzare progressi nel campo della macellazione rituale, in particolare istituendo un dialogo tra le parti interessate. La Commissione ha diffuso questi risultati agli Stati membri.

Last year in the Netherlands, a measure was adopted, tabled by both the government and the opposition, which bans the slaughter of animals using ritual methods that exclude the use of anaesthetics or stunning systems. A similar ban has also been in force for some time in other European countries, such as Sweden and Austria, whereas in other Member States, such as Italy, the law tolerates ritual slaughter. The law, tabled by a cross-party group, has ignited the debate between the defenders of animal rights and the defenders of religious freedom. Considering the protocol annexed to the EC treaty on the protection and welfare of animals, and taking into account the need to respect religious rites and cultural traditions, does the Commission not believe that animals should nevertheless be stunned prior to slaughter?

Does it also not believe that failing to implement the protocol, in addition to failing to respect the rights of animals, leads to an exacerbation of the differences between the various countries and different cultures? Does it believe that the Dialrel research has produced positive results with regard to allowing the interests of animals to prevail when slaughtered? Is it aware of the health consequences for people who consume meat from animals that have been exposed to enormous rushes of adrenaline? The DIALREL research project has contributed to make progress in the field of ritual slaughter in particular by establishing a dialogue between stakeholders.

The Commission has publicised these results to the Member States. Stress experienced by animals shortly before or during slaughter may result in abnormal meat quality with associated reduced shelf life, but does not affect the safety of the meat. Mogelijke schadelijke gevolgen van e chemische verbinding 4-methylimidazole in de procedure van voedsel en dranken. Frisdrankproducenten Coca-Cola en Pepsi gebruiken karamel om hun frisdranken te kleuren. Bij de productie van de als kleurstof toegevoegde karamel zou de chemische verbinding 4-methylimidazole 4-MEI ontstaan.

Coca-Cola en Pepsi hebben als gevolg hiervan het recept voor hun frisdranken aangepast door de hoeveelheid 4-MEI te verlagen. Het panel lette bij de beoordeling ook specifiek op uit de productie van deze karamelkleurstoffen voortkomende bijproducten, zoals 4-MEI in Ec en Ed. Toen werd aangeraden om de niveaus van deze bijproducten zo laag te houden als technologisch mogelijk. Overweegt de Commissie om nader onderzoek te doen naar de mogelijke schadelijke gevolgen van de chemische verbinding 4-methylimidazole in de productie van voedsel en dranken? Soft drinks producers Coca-Cola and Pepsi use caramel to add colour to their soft drinks.

On the basis of this study, the State of California has introduced a law which obliges Coca-Cola and Pepsi to place a health warning on their cans. As a result of this, Coca-Cola and Pepsi have changed the recipe of their soft drinks by lowering the quantity of 4-MEI. The panel paid particular attention during the assessment to the by-products which form during the production of these caramel colourings, such as 4-MEI in Ec and Ed. It was recommended then that the levels of these by-products should be kept as low as technologically feasible.

Is the Commission contemplating conducting more detailed research into the possible damaging effects of the chemical compound 4-methylimidazole formed during the production of food and drinks? De sancties moeten doeltreffend, evenredig en afschrikkend zijn. These penalties should be effective, proportionate and dissuasive. Im Rahmen einer von Dr.

The government of Kosovo is determined to build, with the support of the World Bank, a new lignite-based power plant in order to secure its energy demands. A governmental committee has prequalified four private investors and is waiting for a Partial Risk Guarantee to be issued by the World Bank. The New Kosovo Power Plant is part of a comprehensive energy strategy including the rehabilitation of the Kosovo B plant, closure of Kosovo A and developing energy efficiency and renewable energies.

The Commission fully subscribes to this analysis. The project constitutes the best option for the earliest closure of Kosovo A, which is strongly supported by the Commission and can only be implemented once replacement generation capacity is secured. The Commission, with the Energy Community Secretariat, will scrupulously monitor that Kosovo meets its commitments and ensure the new private power company will not abuse its position. The Commission is supporting the Energy Regulatory Office and the Competition Authority to enforce energy sector competition rules. According to the IMF, policies aimed at reducing debt on the basis of the assets of a household and debt servicing payments linked to income could be a solution that would not involve burdens on economic activity.

It also considers such strategies to be particularly important for economies with currently limited potential for expansive macroeconomic policies and where the fiscal sector has already received support from the state. Is it aware of the report in question? What is its position on the need for carrying out a restructuring of housing loans in Member States, in particular in those Member States which have serious fiscal problems and are in recession?

The substantial deleveraging currently observed across different sectors reflects corrections of debt levels towards more sustainable positions on the internal as well as the external side of the economy. The Commission therefore agrees that household deleveraging is a key element to be considered, however not in isolation, but alongside efforts to stabilise the banking system and provide for sound fiscal positions.

Indeed, dealing with these challenges are priorities in the overall strategy to respond to the crises and in terms of surveillance the Stability and Growth Pact and the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure are particularly pertinent in this context. The IMF's World Economic Outlook describes alternative macroeconomic policies to help households deal with their excessive debt.

However, it also shows that not all efforts to restructure household debt were equally successful in the past. Relieving house holds of their excessive debt should be assessed on a case by case basis and it is by no means the right tool for all countries and in all circumstances. Indeed, the RIHS delegation sought his opinion because he is a prominent spiritual leader whose views on Islam are seen as immensely authoritative.

As such, it is possible to interpret his comments to the organisation as inciting religious intolerance and hatred, and as encouraging terrorist ideology on the Arabian Peninsula. And we recognise the importance of our working with [third countries] but within the context too of addressing all forms of discrimination against those who have faith […] Working with countries with whom we need to establish strong relations in order to support our objectives but also in support of our views, values and beliefs.

The EU will continue to raise these issues with its Gulf interlocutors, making full use of the opportunities at its disposal. No es la primera vez que se arresta a Halil Savda por cuestiones de conciencia. In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass. Halil Savda wurde am Vrijlating van de Turkse dienstweigeraar op grond van gewetensbezwaren en mensenrechtenactivist Halil Savda.

Wat zal zij doen om de rechten van dienstweigeraars op grond van gewetensbezwaren in Turkije te vrijwaren en de vrijlating van Halil Savda te bewerkstelligen? De Commissie heeft de zaak met de Turkse autoriteiten besproken en volgt deze nauwlettend. Kun otetaan huomioon EU: This is not the first time that Halil Savda has been imprisoned for reasons of conscience. What will it do to safeguard the rights of conscientious objectors in Turkey and secure the release of Halil Savda?

Finanziamento occulto da parte della BCE alle case automobilistiche. Volkswagen Financial Services, braccio finanziario della casa madre automobilistica Volkswagen, ha partecipato all'asta di febbraio indetta dalla BCE e ha preso in prestito 2 miliardi di euro. L'onorevole parlamentare solleva la questione delle possibili ripercussioni che un prestito di 2 miliardi di EUR concesso dalla Banca centrale europea BCE a Volkswagen Financial Services, braccio finanziario del gruppo Volkswagen, potrebbe avere sulla concorrenza tra i produttori di autovetture.

Al momento la Commissione non dispone di informazioni dettagliate su come Volkswagen abbia effettivamente utilizzato il prestito e non sa se altri produttori di automobili abbiano ottenuto finanziamenti dalla BCE. Since, to all intents and purposes, it is a bank, it had the power to do so, but it has used these borrowings to lend money to customers to purchase new vehicles at interest rates that are lower than the financial market.

This appears to be a masked subsidy of the automotive sector, which could distort internal competition. Il nostro progetto, sostenuto dal Centro di Eccellenza e dalla cassa di previdenza, Enpapi, ha investito soprattutto sui giovani". I dati raccolti hanno mosso i passi dal commento dei: Quindi, Annalisa Pennini con i: Quindi, i tre interventi di chi del "Guardian Angel" ne ha fatto un lavoro quotidiano: La sessione pomeridiana, moderata da Stefano Casciato e Alessandro Stievano direttore del Polo per l'Evidence based Practice del Cecri, l'uno, e ricercatore Cecri, l'altro ha registrato la visione di filmati e discussione in plenaria.

Chiusura dei lavori e test di valutazione Ecm come da programma. Icchnr annual conference, call for abstracts! Di seguito la locandina con il programma dell'evento. The objective of the course is to foster exchanges on foundational, clinical-ethical and organizational-ethical approaches to dementia care practices.

During the Summer Course, national and international experts will give presentations on various ethical topics in the domain of dementia care. There will be time for intensive discussions. The language of instruction will be English. The Summer Course is of interest to participants from diverse professional backgrounds, such as medicine, nursing, psychology, social work, gerontology, health care administration, philosophy and theology, and to PhD students undertaking courses of study in these areas.

Detailed information on program, funding opportunities, registration and payment can be found at our website www. Per gli studenti sono previste agevolazioni. Per ricevere il numero di iscrizione da inserire nella registration form serve scrivere alla segreteria Cnai di Milano: La professoressa Jean Watson ha ottenuto 13 Lauree onorarie e 10 dottorati onorari in vari Paes. Per maggiori informazioni si veda: Efficacia dei sistemi di fissaggio dei sondini naso-gastrici.

La revisione sistematica ha individuato sei articoli che mettevano a confronto presidi diversi, in setting diversi e con tipologie di pazienti diverse. Numerosi studi, infatti, riferiscono che i pazienti dimessi dalla terapia intensiva hanno un alto rischio di soffrire di sindrome da stress post-traumatico o di altri disturbi piscologici derivanti dal ricovero in terapia intensiva. Lo studio ha incluso studi pubblicati negli ultimi 20 anni. A second edition will be organized between 8 and 10 February in the city of Antwerp, Belgium.

The second edition of CARE4 has been organized by the same partners: Come partecipare al congresso dell'International Council of Nurses. Programma congressuale sul sito: Link to full report pdf: Per le infezioni correlate ai cateteri intravascolari, le principali raccomandazioni sono state prodotte dai Centers for Disease Control di Atlanta nel Basandosi esattamente su tali raccomandazioni, sono stati condotti degli audit clinici in tre aziende ospedaliere romane, allo scopo di implementare le buone pratiche assistenziali per la gestione del catetere venoso centrale e per ridurre il rischio di complicanze infettive, incrementare la performance professionale, e per migliorare le strategie di governo nelle aziende sanitarie.

Anche se sono stati ottenuti risultati differenti nelle tre aziende, tutte le aziende hanno apportato, nel loro sistema organizzativo, dei cambiamenti strutturali e di processo importanti per la prevenzione e controllo delle infezioni correlate a dispositivi vascolari. Partecipanti al gruppo di lavoro: La ricerca italiana sul Self-care: Con Self-care si indicano, in genere, le norme igieniche che vanno seguite per mantenere e migliorare la propria salute, compresi gli interventi sanitari primari che la persona stessa o i suoi familiari possono attuare.

L'evento ha costituito l'occasione per incontrare gli esperti del settore per definire il self-care nelle malattie croniche; diffondere i risultati raggiunti dalla ricerca italiana nello studio, appunto, del self-care nelle malattie croniche ed illustrare i progetti futuri nello studio del self-care stesso. Il Cecri, sin dal , ha investito molto nello studio del self-care: A confrontarsi con la vasta platea sono stati, nell'ordine: I materiali proiettati nel corso del convegno possono essere richiesti alla segreteria organizzativa.

La tua esperienza del Giubileo della Misericordia: Dati di letteratura ipotizzano una correlazione fra lavoro su turni e insorgenza di sindrome metabolica. Il personale infermieristico, esposto a rischi lavorativi potenzialmente usuranti, come mobilizzazione di pazienti non autosufficienti, turni notturni, elevato coinvolgimento emotivo, va, oggi, per norma, tutelato con interventi strategici. Sindrome metabolica come fattore di rischio dello stress lavoro correlato: Si definisce Job Rotation JR una prevista modifica nell'assegnazione ad un dipendente di posti di lavoro allo scopo di arricchimento di compiti e impegno organizzativo attraverso il miglioramento delle prospettive di carriera e le emozioni del dipendente.

Individuare i modelli organizzativi, che portano alla riduzione del turn over, alla soddisfazione professionale e grande impegno organizzativo da parte degli infermieri.

Link per accedere al questionario anonimo tempo di compilazione stimato: Qui il comunicato completo in lingua inglese. To see the wider context and the significance of the interconnections in the present nursing history is a necessary prelude to a great awareness Four directions interconnections to analyse nursing profession: E su questo piano, gli infermieri dimostrano di avere molto da dire con le loro competenze, la ricerca, la mission professionale. Il punto sulla situazione in Spagna, invece, lo ha fatto Raphael LLeget , componente del Consiglio Generale di Infermieristica del Paese iberico, intervenendo su: Moderati dal ricercatore del Cecri, Alessandro Stievano , e dal giornalista Paolo Romano , sono intervenuti: Chiaro il segnale lanciato dalla vicepresidente Schirru: Gli ospedali sono intasati e le risorse vengono spese male.

Le soluzioni le abbiamo indicate molte volte alla politica: Non vogliamo togliere il lavoro ai medici, non vogliamo fare diagnosi o impadronirci della prescrizione terapeutica. Come sempre, illuminante il consiglio di Dianne Affonso: Lo ha sostenuto, con grande schiettezza, Raphael LLeget: Eppure le cifre parlano chiaro: Purtroppo i politici hanno un orizzonte di pochi anni, tanto quanto dura il loro mandato. Invece gli infermieri rappresentano la risorsa giusta per aggiustare il sistema. Lo ha detto a chiare note Rosaria Alvaro, rivendicando una maggiore autonomia: Vuol dire che chi gestisce la formazione non sono gli infermieri.

Negli ultimi cinque anni, abbiamo registrato un boom di liberi professionisti, in maggioranza under trenta. Giovani che affrontano il mercato del lavoro e che molto potrebbero fare con la presa in carico dei pazienti dimessi, con le dimissioni protette, con la prevenzione. Abbiamo chiare le esigenze dei cittadini e sappiamo come fare per cambiare il modello di assistenza attuale. Ma devono lasciarci fare. Parteciperanno alla giornata anche ricercatori e cocenti universitari come la Prof. Le relazioni, introdotte dalla presidente del Collegio di Roma. Una partecipata tavola rotonda ha chiuso il workshop.

L'obiettivo del progetto sono: Tra i risultati attesi: Per consultare la newsletter Cochrane e iscriversi: Un riconoscimento pubblico dalla Duquesne University. Ecco il testo integrale pervenuto: We truly enjoyed our educational experience in Italy and feel privileged to have explored the nursing profession in a different culture. We believe that the proposed vision for nursing in Italy and your dedication to professional advocacy on multiple levels matches our own nursing goals and mission. We commend you on your current advancements for the nursing profession in Italy.

We are convinced the efforts will ultimately improve health care in your country. We have a strong desire to support the Center of Excellence for Nursing Scholarship and our fellow nurses in Italy. In exploring the recent literature, global solidarity in nursing showcases the creation of international relationships, collaborative educational activities, international conferences, and professional partnerships for research efforts. Therefore, it is with great respect that we request the opportunity to remain connected, network, and maintain a relationship with you and your colleagues.

We envision bringing the nursing profession together to reach the same level of practice across the globe. We would like to send letters to key academic and political individuals in support of the Center of Excellence for Nursing Scholarship. Do you believe a letter campaign directed to academic or political leaders in your country would be helpful? We look forward to hearing from you, either to continue to network with the Italian nurses within our specialty areas or help us direct a letter campaign to support current nursing issues in your country and your future nursing goals.

Duquesne University DNP students: Concorso nazionale di ricerca infermieristica dedicato all'infermiera Gemma Castorina. Il primo premio prevede l'assegnazione di 1. Implementazione delle competenze Infermieristiche in Neuroscienze per migliorare i risultati sui pazienti. Disponibile al seguente link la la locandina dell'evento e il form di iscrizione: In un volume le sfide della ricerca qualitativa. Partendo da questi assunti di base, la professoressa Loredana Sasso , la ricercatrice Annamaria Bagnasco e il professore Luca Ghirotto hanno dato alle stampe il volume "La ricerca qualitativa" Edra Edizioni.

Si tratta di un importante contributo alla formazione metodologica di quanti, anche in Italia, intendono dedicarsi a questo ambito di studi. Prosegue, illustrando le implicazioni etiche della ricerca qualitativa, approfondendone. Questi i temi principali individuati dalla segreteria scientifica. Il 22 ottobre dalle ore 15 focus su "tradizione, pregiudizi e interessi: Il giorno seguente fari puntati sulla leadership gestionale all'interno del Sistema sanitario nazionale. La giornata conclusiva del 24 ottobre prevede una sessione mattutina dedicata al futuro della dirigenza delle professioni sanitarie.

Effegi Viaggi segreteriacid effegiviaggi. Non a caso, in apertura e a moderare, sono intervenuti il vicepresidente Ipasvi Roma, Stefano Casciato , ed il direttore scientifico del Cecri, Gennaro Rocco. Hanno risposto al questionario genitori, esprimendo un giudizio complessivamente positivo: Dieci, i temi esplorati dallo strumento: Tra gli obiettivi specifici della giornata, la presentazione di un testo sull'evoluzione della professione infermieristica: Scrivere della storia del nursing in Italia significa infatti descrivere le vicende di un cospicuo ritardo rispetto ad altri Paesi che invece sono stati da subito teatro dello sviluppo in senso scientifico e professionalizzante dell'Infermieristica moderna.

Nel corso dell'evento organizzato dal Cecri sono state quindi ripercorse le principali tappe del cammino che ha portato alla piena evoluzione del nursing in Italia. Furono le prime infermiere italiane. Una Scuola che ebbe un rilievo di prim'ordine durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale. Si tratta della principessa milanese Cristina Trivulzio di Belgioioso, esule e perseguitata dalla polizia austriaca per le sue posizioni liberali, che nel si mise a disposizione di Mazzini, capo del governo repubblicano, per organizzare l'assistenza ai feriti di guerra.

Giovanni in Laterano e inoltre nei conventi di S. Pietro in Montorio e di S. Ad ogni Ambulanza veniva preposta una coordinatrice incaricata di organizzare il ricovero e l'assistenza dei feriti e di coordinare l'opera delle "infermiere volontarie". In tante risposero all'appello, ricche e povere, popolane e aristocratiche, alcune di costumi poco specchiati o solo allettate dai pasti gratuiti. Tanti, insomma, gli spunti di riflessione proposti da Rocco, Cipolla e Stievano lungo le circa seicento pagine del volume. Conclude il volume una sitografia ragionata, che consente di restare aggiornati rispetto alle fonti utilizzati da autori e curatori.

Si tratta di un ulteriore riconoscimento del lavoro svolto finora. Call per la presentazione di nuovi progetti. Le lezioni hanno cadenza settimanale, due ore e trenta la settimana per 12 settimane per un totale di trenta ore di lezione. I colleghi interessati dovranno inviare una richiesta di prenotazione a Napolano Matilde, scrivendo al seguente indirizzo e-mail: I due percorsi lungo i quali si svilupperanno gli eventi formativi rivolti a infermieri riguardano da un lato il contributo delle associazioni infermieristiche per alimentare la salute; dall'altro, riflessioni e approfondimenti sulla ricerca e sulla pratica professionale.

Per questo, il 15 e il 16 dicembre, dalle 9 alle 16, a Sanit sfileranno le principali sigle che a vario titolo collaborano, hanno collaborato o collaboreranno con il Collegio Ipasvi di Roma. Le malattie croniche, infatti, rappresentano una sfida sia per i sistemi sanitari e i professionisti della salute, che se ne fanno carico con interventi di tipo preventivo, curativo, riabilitativo e palliativo, sia per le persone che ne sono affette e le loro famiglie.

Previsto il rilascio di 8 crediti Ecm. Quaranta i posti disponibili. Ecco nel dettaglio i singoli eventi in programma nelle prossime settimane. Da Panacea a Igea: Strumenti relazionali - Novembre Infermieri - Infermieri Pediatrici. Aula Magna Ospedale C. Piazza Carlo Forlanini, 1. L'Infermiere e la ricerca bibliografica nel mondo dell'informazione digitale - 18 novembre Professioni accreditate Infermieri - Infermieri Pediatrici.

Per iscrizioni esclusivamente via e-mail: Nel dettaglio sono stati coinvolti nella progettazione, realizzazione concettuale, effettuazione e reportistica dei vari studi oltre In tal senso, i progetti di ricerca approvati nei tre anni sono stati 28 di cui alcuni biennali o triennali. Si tratta dell'ultimo numero Vol. Grazie per la collaborazione! Meeting di apertura del progetto "Guardian Angel". Il progetto ha come obiettivo l'educazione terapeutica alle pazienti con osteoporosi e la prevenzione delle complicanze.

Centro di Eccellenza

Il progetto Guardian Angel 1. Advisoy Board e gruppo di lavoro: Sul tema del Nurse Risk Management Nrm , le prossime date sono: La giornata di formazione, articolata dalla 8. Si parte l'8 marzo al Nomentana Hospital, e si prosegue: In questo caso il corso prevede una sessione mattutina, durante la quale saranno affrontati i seguenti moduli didattici: E' la prima volta che il Ministero sostiene in maniera diretta un progetto di ricerca del Cecri. Polo della Pratica Clinica, conclusa la formazione sul campo in Ebp.

I partecipanti 20 infermieri in rappresentanza di quasi tutte le Aziende sanitarie di Roma: Gli obiettivi del corso sono: Di seguito, i principali speaker annunciati. Impact of leadership and education on patient care. Leading and developing nursing education to meet the needs of a multicultural community.

Al termine dell'incontro, i membri della FEPI hanno eletto il nuovo Consiglio direttivo per il periodo Scompenso cardiaco, gli infermieri misurano il self care dei pazienti. Protagonista dell'incontro la professoressa statunitense Barbara Riegel , docente di Scienze Infermieristiche alla University of Pennsylvania ed editor del "Journal of Cardiovascolar Nursing" , ricercatrice di fama mondiale con alle spalle oltre pubblicazioni sul tema in questione.

Riegel ha illustrato le ultime acquisizioni scientifiche del caso e lo strumento messo a punto dal suo gruppo di ricerca per misurare il grado di self care nei pazienti affetti da questa patologia, un protocollo adottato oggi in 30 Paesi. La ricerca effettuata dalla professoressa Riegel su un campione di 1.

L'esperienza messa a punto in questi anni dalla Riegel ha prodotto un modello di self care che consiste nel monitorare giornalmente i sintomi, controllare la presenza di edemi agli arti inferiori e l'aderenza ai trattamenti terapeutici con l'assunzione regolare dei farmaci prescritti, intervenendo sui sintomi in caso di riacutizzazione della malattia.