The Faery Stone: The Cats of Merryweather Meadows

They frantically try to stop the princess, who keeps following Maleficent as a will-o-the-wisp up the tower. They warn her not to touch anything, but Maleficent orders Aurora to touch the spindle to trigger the curse.

The Faery Stone: The Cats of Merryweather Meadows

The fairies arrive too late as they run into Maleficent, who briefly mocks them of their efforts of stopping her. She then reveals the now sleeping princess, who has pricked her finger, before she disappears. The fairies feel guilty for what has happened, but Flora insists that they put everyone in the castle to sleep until Aurora awakens. Phillip has previously intended to go to the cottage to meet Aurora, so the fairies race back to the cottage. Upon arrival, they are shocked to discover that Phillip's hat is left behind on the floor.

Deducing that the prince has been captured by Maleficent, the fairies decide to go to Maleficent's domain, the Forbidden Mountain, to rescue him. The fairies sneak into the Forbidden Mountain and witness a group of Maleficent's Goons celebrating the prince's capture by partying around the bonfire. The fairies follow Maleficent, who has been watching the celebration, to the dungeon, where Phillip is chained to the walls. They wait until Maleficent leaves the dungeon to go sleep in her tower, then they free Phillip and melt the dungeon lock.

They arm him with the magical Sword of Truth and Shield of Virtue, both believed to be weapons of righteousness that will triumph over evil. As Phillip and the fairies exit the dungeon, they are confronted by Maleficent's pet raven, Diablo , who calls the Goons. The Goons drop giant rocks, shoot arrows and pour hot oil, but Flora uses her magic to turn them into bubbles, flowers and a rainbow, respectively.

After escaping the Forbidden Mountain, the fairies aid Phillip by protecting him from various obstacles as they make their way to Stefan's castle. Eventually, Phillip is forced into fighting Maleficent in dragon form. The fairies assist Phillip in retreating, but he is cornered at the cliff and loses his shield.

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Buy The Faery Stone: The Cats of Merryweather Meadows (Volume 1) on ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders. The Faery Stone: The Cats of Merryweather Meadows - Kindle edition by Maggie Gil, Pat Rainey. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC.

Under Flora's direction, the fairies empower his sword, allowing Phillip to throw it straight into the dragon's chest, finally killing the evil enchantress. With Maleficent gone for good, Phillip and the fairies enter Stefan's castle and go up to the tower where Aurora is in her enchanted sleep. Lastly, the three fairies go to the throne room, where they watch happily as Phillip and Aurora descend the stairs, reunite with their respective parents, and share a dance. But then, Flora notices that Aurora's dress is blue, and uses her magic to turn it pink.

This upsets Merryweather, who turns the dress blue, leading to another argument. The argument continues, with the dress keep alternating colors pink and blue as the storybook is closed. The three fairies reappear in the first Sleeping Beauty story since the original. Since the death of Maleficent, the fairies have become almost desperate to help Aurora out with anything. Hubert accidentally forgets his speech at Stefan's castle so the fairies finally help Aurora by going to return it.

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather

While Flora and Fauna leave, Merryweather stays for a few moments to give Aurora her wand in case things become too difficult. After giving Hubert his speech, Flora and Fauna learn the secret Merryweather has been hiding about the wand.

While they were gone, the wand's power began to get out of hand but eventually due to Aurora's calm attitude; things were settled down. The fairies returned along with the kings, queen, and Phillip. Merryweather regains her wand and they all gather for a banquet put together by Aurora without the use of magic. Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather appear in the Disney Junior series as the supporting sidekick characters to the titular character Sofia.

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather

They are the magical tutors of the young princess and teaches her the ways of the royal highness she will one day become. It is shown in several episodes that Flora and Merryweather have yet to settle the blue-pink debate. Their largest role in the series to date is in the episode " Make Way for Miss Nettle " where the fairies' former apprentice, Miss Nettle visits the academy to supposedly teach an after school gardening class to Sofia and friends.

However, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather soon discover Nettle's actually after their spell book, in an attempt to become more powerful than the three fairies combine, betraying them. Fortunately, due to the efforts of Sofia and friends, the fairies are rescued and peace is restored. The Three Fairies make several cameos in the television series House of Mouse. In the episode " Humphrey in the House ", they performed on stage attempting to cook without magic. It is in that episode that they are "revealed" to be sisters.

In " Jiminy Cricket ", they gave Aurora a sewing machine so she wouldn't have to use a spinning wheel. The Three Fairies appear in the live-action film under different names and are referred to as The Flower Pixies. Though not outright vilifying them like King Stefan , this film portrays the characters in a rather unpleasant light compared to the clearly good original versions. They grant the infant Aurora with magical gifts but when Maleficent places a curse on the young princess, they take her into hiding and raise her as their niece.

They claim they are very good with children but it turns out they are incapable of looking after a child so while they struggle living like humans, Maleficent secretly cares for the princess from a distance and through Diaval while at the same time, pranks the trio just to kill her boredom.

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According to Jane , it is said that Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather went to a spa vacation with Aurora 's daughter, Audrey. The Three Fairies appear in Liz Braswell's second novel in the Twisted Tales series, where Prince Phillip never manages to wake Aurora up and Maleficent takes them both to a dream world in which she rules. Whilst Maleficent poses as the Queen of King Stefan 's castle, which is supposedly the last stronghold in the world, and secretly begins collecting the blood of the inhabitants there to sustain herself, the Three Fairies are left in the real world to care for the sleeping people who live there, but find their magic ineffective against Maleficent's killings.

Flashbacks also show the Three Fairies living with Aurora in the cottage in the woods. The Three Fairies send a part of their souls into the dream world to help guide Aurora in her final battle with Maleficent, creating three avatars that highlight their most prominent attributes Flora's bravery, Fauna's kindness and Merryweather's wit. Flora also manages to guide King Hubert to the castle. The Three Fairies' Avatars perish in battle with Maleficent but their real counterparts reunite with Aurora. Together, they descend into Maleficent's castle to retrieve her heart.

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  • Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather | Disney Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia?
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After her heart is released, Ventus meets Maleficent in a battle and before Aqua arrives. With Ventus gone, the three fairies find Aqua in a cell, where they meet Prince Phillip , the only true love who can break the curse laid upon Princess Aurora. The three fairies help Aqua and Prince Phillip to the castle and defeat Maleficent in dragon form. At the end of the story, Prince Phillip kisses Aurora and breaks the spell. During the ending credits, the three fairies observe the couple as they dance.

But when Flora sees the blue color on Aurora's dress, she changes it to pink and Merryweather changes it back to blue.

  1. Merryweather | Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia;
  2. The Faery Stone - The Cats of Merryweather Meadows (Paperback).
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This continues until the video fades out on the couple. In Kingdom Hearts II , the three fairies give Sora his new outfit after he wakes from his year-long sleep, as well as the Star Seeker Keyblade and the ability to use Drive. When Diablo brings Maleficent's robe to Yen Sid's tower , the fairies' memories accidentally bring her back to life. Although they don't appear physically in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance , The three fairies were briefly mentioned in the game.

Yen Sid mentions to Mickey , Donald , and Goofy that Lea is being trained to summon the Keyblade in a magically suppressed training session under the three fairies and Merlin. They are mentioned again in Kingdom Hearts 0. Maleficent returns from the dead via Hades and steals a crystal shard in order to rule Fantasy Land.

Upon finding out about Maleficent's revival, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather head over to the Forbidden Mountain to find out what Maleficent plans to do.

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Unfortunately, one of Maleficent's Goons captured Flora and Fauna, but Merryweather managed to escape. Merryweather and the guests travel into Maleficent's castle to free them. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read.

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Merryweather regains her wand and they all gather for a banquet put together by Aurora without the use of magic. That's because cats have "faery sight" - the ability to see beings of the Faery Realm that are invisible to humans. Feeling that the princess is still in danger, they decide to raise Aurora themselves. Despite this limitation, their magic was revealed to be still an exceedingly powerful force, especially during times of utter crisis such as their need to rescue Phillip and escort him to Aurora where they had no qualms in using it to its fullest extent. Kindle Edition , pages. Despite her tendency towards absentmindedness and obliviousness, she is the quieter and the more introspective than the other two fairies, and often functions as a peacemaker between Flora and Merryweather. The fairies follow Maleficent, who has been watching the celebration, to the dungeon, where Phillip is chained to the walls.

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Return to Book Page. Did you ever wonder why cats do such crazy things? Like suddenly streak from one end of the house to the other for no apparent reason, or chase things that aren't there? That's because cats have "faery sight" - the ability to see beings of the Faery Realm that are invisible to humans. But who knew that this amazing ability came with such a responsibility? The cats of Merry Did you ever wonder why cats do such crazy things? The cats of Merryweather Meadows find out when their human family's toddler accidentally angers Maeve, the Queen of all Faerie.