Christines Odyssey (Simms Siblings Series Book 1)

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A ray of light comes in the form of a foster family, but everything is not what it seems in the Miller household. After a harrowing five-month stint, Sam runs away. The burden of secrecy is more than he can bear and Sam's hair-trigger temper makes him disruptive. Under pressure from his aunt, Sam caves in and shares a tale of horror surrounding his foster parents. With his ordeal exposed, Sam must make life-changing choices. He can continue to be brainwashed by his abuser or face his nemesis in a court of law and stop a habitual predator from harming other children. Saving Sam is a moving coming-of-age story that explores relationships, the abuse of trust and the ease with which evil can hide under the guise of Christianity and philanthropy.

Look out for something really special! Peaches Ledwidge September 30, at 6: Cavanaugh September 30, at 6: Campbell September 30, at 8: Julie Luek September 30, at 9: Carol Kilgore September 30, at 9: Campbell September 30, at Angela Brown September 30, at Laura Marcella September 30, at Gwen Gardner September 30, at Southpaw September 30, at 1: Julie Flanders September 30, at 1: Meradeth Houston September 30, at 1: Diane Wolfe September 30, at 1: Campbell September 30, at 2: Robin September 30, at 4: Campbell September 30, at 4: Sheena-kay Graham September 30, at 7: Lynda R Young September 30, at 8: Campbell October 1, at 6: Quanie Miller October 2, at 4: Campbell October 3, at 6: Elizabeth Seckman October 3, at 1: Campbell October 10, at P V Ariel October 22, at 3: No one ever had much nice to say but I really liked you anyway.

Friday, March 22, A computer filled with cockroaches is the catalyst for understanding the divide in American values. I'm a cockroach, and I'm gonna move into your house. My career is not my writing. Part of what I do involves restoring and reissuing slightly dated computers to clients who may need them. This week I experienced something that I wasn't expecting, and it left me slightly horrified.

A client returned a computer filled with live cockroaches. Are you afraid yet? Your computer could be a regular old roach motel! I didn't discover the find until a day later. And by then, they'd had a whole night to escape from inside the computer where they'd built their nest and run around my workplace laying eggs. It's truly grotesque, and we're having the whole building fumigated this weekend. Upon first opening the computer to spray out the dust with compressed air, I didn't quite realize what I was looking at.

The insides of computers are typically extremely dirty. Mine at home isn't because I clean it out to keep it well ventilated at least once a month. The interior of my computer is also well lit with neon, and I think that may bother and deter such creepy crawlies as cockroaches. So there I was spraying and all of these empty brown beetle-like casings were flying everywhere. I picked up some with my fingers thinking "what is this? Small, flat, and very brown roaches with antenna wiggling at me as if to say "what's up?

I don't know why people let their machines get like this. It definitely impacts performance. For the record this isn't the pc that had the roaches. Just one I grabbed off the internet to show you how dirty pc's can become. I threw the computer in the garbage. I'm not going to rip out all the guts of an older computer just to get at a cockroach nest and then deal with all the eggs. I'm sure the back of the motherboard is just covered with them and perhaps, the pc probably doesn't even work, as roaches eat the glue on electronics and love the heat generated by computers.

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But I didn't act quickly enough. This is what cockroach eggs look like. Seeing these gives me chills. When I called the client and told her, "I found live cockroaches infesting the computer you returned to us," she said "Uh huh. So when I get another one?

I repeated, "Um, your computer is filled with cockroaches. I don't appreciate that. We're having to spray the entire building down now. What's the big deal. Ever since that conversation, I've been trying to figure out why someone wouldn't be phased by what I'd said. There's also the implication that she knew roaches might be living in it and it was okay to just leave it in my workplace in a torn plastic shopping bag also covered in eggs on the inside.

I wish I hadn't just left the pc for the next day's work load on a chair in our office. Maybe it's because they live with them and aren't bothered by them. And it makes me realize, how different we are as people. What is offensive to one person is not only fine with another, there's absolutely no way you can explain to that person why you are offended.

They simply don't get it, and they probably never will. It made me see how useless debates are that take place between adults who don't share values. It's just going to be like two big-horned sheep slamming into each other on a mountain. They will never understand you. And you will always be at odds with that person because you just don't have the frame of mind to comprehend where they're coming from.

Two sets of values that will never ever see eye to eye on anything. For me, a computer filled with cockroaches is the catalyst for understanding the divide in American values. Please please please clean your computers with compressed air. Take off the panel, stop being afraid of the inside, and just do it.

But don't ever use a vacuum unless it's one made for doing that kind of work. A vacuum can cause static electricity to build on sensitive components and cause you many pains. Compressed air though is a safe bet. If you haven't done this in years, prepare to find spiders and bugs living inside. That's what you get for keeping a filthy pc in your home. Have a great weekend.

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A computer filled with cockroaches is the catalyst for understanding the divide in American values , cockroaches , Computer Advice , Lazy Americans. Thursday, March 21, I could have predicted the rise of Asian French stoner food in the American zeitgeist if I'd just paid attention. Is the hipster to blame for the tragic clash happening in American cuisine. Magic 8 Ball says "Yes. I could have predicted the rise of Asian French stoner food to its prominence in the American zeitgeist if I'd paid attention to what was happening in Pocatello, Idaho about 10 to 12 years ago.

And not that any of this "prediction" would have made an impact on my life, but I think from the standpoint of someone who looks to societal trends to stay in tune with what's interesting to hipsters, I might have enjoyed the validation of being right yet once again. At the time and crossing into that milestone called the thirties, I had both stoner friends who spent every extra dime they got on pot to friends that had plenty of discretionary income and were too smart for their own good because Idaho did not provide them with the challenges or the stepping stones to achieve greatness.

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In my opinion, Asian food, French food, and stoner food all had their consumers. My friend Brad one of the brightest men I know was the first person that dropped the phrase "Japanese French fusion," and I remember I had no idea what that was. But the passion and excitement with which Brad approaches anything whether it be poker, a movie, or the talk of fine coffees and food explodes from his very presence like the Trinity bomb set off over White Sands, New Mexico.

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And maybe the fact that I don't appreciate all of it with the same jubilation as stoners in Colorado do over their decision to legalize pot I'd grown up in a Japanese household that regularly ate things like sukiyake, sashimi on gohan, and sushi to name a few dishes. And by the time the 90's ended, I'd been to a French restaurant or two and tasted fine things like chateubriand, foie gras, risotto, and could appreciate an excellent fromage even though I don't drink wine.

This latter bit is not out of choice. I just happen to be allergic to alcohol and after a couple of sips or two, I need a Benadryl or it's going to be a trip to the hospital I can eat things cooked in wine no problem. And I'd also made plenty of stoner friends.

What did they like to eat? Pretty much just fat Well those two worlds, probably thanks to the meteoric rise of celebrity chefs, gourmet kitchens, and the Food Network have now collided in every eatery from Salt Lake City to Montreal to San Francisco to New York City that wants to brand itself hip, and then go and charge you an arm and a leg for food which is essentially fat-on-fat and will challenge anyone's notion of appropriate caloric intake. It doesn't surprise me at all, since America as a whole is a place that has never respected food.

So what am I seeing? Remember when "fish taco" was a surprising twist? Well now it's tacos stuffed with bulgogi, pigs' tails cooked in root beer, and a nationwide movement by foodies to instill the idea that literally anything can be improved by cooking it with some part of pig. Bacon hot chocolate anyone? I had a ton of fun with my narcissistic super smart friends and I miss them a lot , but in the end, I would hope that they would never hook up because that would be a disaster.

It would have been just too much of a clash to handle. So now you can go places in just about every town that has hipsters and money and order dishes like bite-sized hamachi sushi made crunchy with fried pork rinds or get sashimi slipped into a stack of flapjacks.

Let's stuff foie gras in there, garnish it with cucumbers pickled in rice wine vinegar and see if you gag. How about Arctic char, cured with sugar and lime zest and smoked for breakfast? How about the cold water fattiness of mackerel served with a plain old bed of crushed potato chips? I admit, some of this stuff is really good but there's a mental tug-of-war going on in my mind. I wonder where it all stops, or where it all ends. Is the new Saturday normal eating breakfast pancakes with raw fish, salmon roe, and lime yogurt?

When asked what's for lunch do I respond with "creamy cod fritters with strands of pickled cabbage and a garlic aioli. Maybe food is like the sparrow in the mine. It's the pulse of America and as our population swells it is becoming harder and harder to have a voice and more difficult to distinguish ourselves from the person standing next to us. And the youth today according to many psychological studies are more vain and fame-obsessed than any generation that has ever walked the earth.

Reinventions and reboots happen faster and faster with a continuous devaluation of the old as a trade off for finding something original to be "wowed" by and to rave about to our friends. Maybe too many of us cling to the notion that we are all interesting, when in fact, there are many uninteresting folks out there. But at some point in our lives, the line is crossed, and the sparrow dies. Let's just hope that none of us experience that from a restaurant and pay a truly astronomical sum for the privilege of eating garbage. America is Great , fine dining , I could have predicted the rise of Asian French stoner food in the American zeitgeist if I'd just paid attention , Ninjas are angry , Tragically Hip.

Wednesday, March 20, Being Human shows us the most sympathetic cannibal you will ever see. This graphic is via zombie hippie whose tumblr can be found HERE. This season of SyFy's "Being Human" has been a real rollercoaster ride for a couple of the show's characters. Hi, Bish, It's too bad that people who should know better treat children so badly. So true about raising awareness, Bish!

She does such a touching job with those stories. Fellow banana chips fan! I also love strawberry butterkist biscuits as well. Easy to carry and eat. Ha, I just have to do my best and get things done. I can barely keep a normal sleep cycle much less balance all the writing, social media Thank you for making our beloved Jamaica center stage in your books. Sheena, Love the butterkist sandwich biscuits too. I learned a long time ago that a writer has to find that thing that makes her work special and use it to her advantage.

For me, that 'thing' is an inside view of Jamaica. Okay, Joy and Sheena-kay I've got to ask You have me curious: It's a brand of cookies. Small and round with cream in between. Flavours are chocolate, strawberry and vanilla and there's also one that's kinda like Oreo. And she ups the stakes! Crystal, that makes me giggle. I'm seriously behind in my reading and I keep adding How fun seeing you here at Rula's. Good luck with Chasing Anya.

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I'm looking forward to reading it. And what a great interview, you two! Hi, Jennifer, I hope you get to do just that. Yup, Ackee does make for a tasty meal.

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And maybe the fact that I don't appreciate all of it with the same jubilation as stoners in Colorado do over their decision to legalize pot White rated it really liked it. There is some violence described, but we also get to see love and warmth. Joy is an amazing writer. And the youth today according to many psychological studies are more vain and fame-obsessed than any generation that has ever walked the earth. Feb 28, R. Daniel has pissed her off often, but I've never seen her react like this.

You have one of my most favourite people in the world here Rula. Thank you so much for your wonderful questions. I learnt so much more about her.

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You're so welcome, Wendy. Joy is awesome and it was totally my pleasure and an honor to have her here. I've been wanting to interview her for quite some time, but I had to catch up on my TBR because I always read an author's books before I interview. So glad I did.

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Joy is an amazing writer. Monday, February 3, Interview with Author J.