The Blood Song

There was a satisfying sound of breaking crystal and snapping wires.

5 Seconds Of Summer - Youngblood (Alt Version)

These seat covers set me back eighty bucks. As they came into the great hall of the temple, that sound was clearer, sharper, as if some acoustic property of the building picked up and amplified it. He switched on the visual, one hand resting on the little disks that were so bloody important.

His companions breathe heavily and perspire.

The Blood Song Lyrics by Dr Tumi

Also a warrior's lot. And yet, even though I finished the last page of the Malazan opening starved for answers, it was not with the same impression of something wanting as it was in this case. It's not a big deal because all the side plots are terrific and the ending has a bit of a surprise. The writing seems really polished for a first novel. Apr 12, Mayim de Vries rated it really liked it. I also liked how we saw Vaelin's skills gradually improve over long years of intense training rather than miraculously appear over a short period of time as sometimes happens in fantasy.