The Eight Strokes of the Clock

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If so, she would marry him. To ask other readers questions about The Eight Strokes of the Clock , please sign up. What did he mean? Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Outside, in the park, the huntsmen's horns were sounding the reveille.

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You've successfully reported this review. While exploring an old tower, they discover a clock that strikes eight after Renine removes a telescope from inside it.

The Eight Strokes of the Clock

So Renine asks Hortense to assist him in eight adventures, ranging from a stolen piece of jewelry to an insane murderer that almost kills Hortense. Renine cleverly solves all of the mysteries, though he often resorts to less lawful methods such as using false evidence to get Prince Renine AKA Arsene Lupin is an amateur detective who teams up with a lady named Hortense Daniel.

Renine cleverly solves all of the mysteries, though he often resorts to less lawful methods such as using false evidence to get a confession from a criminal. A very enjoyable book with a happy ending for both the adventurers. Mar 16, Dave Holcomb rated it really liked it.

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A reformed criminal, now masquerading as a millionaire prince, has taken up a new life as a sort of fixer, solving crimes instead of committing them. In the first of the eight adventures here he meets a young woman who is desperate to change her life: She agrees, although with some reservations, and Hortense and the Prince work their way through seven more cases together. Fast moving, intelligent, and -- for What fun! Fast moving, intelligent, and -- for crime fiction -- oddly non-judgemental.

This was a fun one. Under the name Lupin or not, I still liked the character and I loved the whole adventure plot. It almost reminded me of Doctor Who. And it took me 14 books to realize that Leblanc is the narrator in the whole series.

The Lady with the Hatchet (Arsène Lupin - The Eight Strokes of the Clock 6)

The mysteries are not as complex as in other novels, but the book is, as always, quite an agreeable read. Language love This book was written when the love of language was important. Almost a romance of words. A group of short stories or adventures, some what old fashion but enjoyable. I read this in one go and enjoyed it. Of course, there was a "just-so" element, with feats that were a little too amazing, but I expected that. I thought it would be more of a typical Lupin book, so that surprised me.

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Jan 22, Pamela rated it liked it. This was my first Lupin, and I really enjoyed it. The setup was silly, but the mysteries were good enough. We aren't talking Sherlock Holmes, but they were better than most of this time period. Oct 10, Hayat Elhouari rated it really liked it.

  1. The Missionary.
  2. The Eight Strokes of the Clock - Wikisource, the free online library.
  3. La paraphilosophie dEdouard Glissant (French Edition).

Jan 18, Baker St Shelves rated it really liked it. Mar 29, Rosa rated it liked it Shelves: Eight amusing stories tied together and a happy ending. Feb 16, Alli rated it really liked it. Think I found my new old and dead favourite author!! Aug 29, Lacey rated it really liked it. A fun read of 8 mysteries in one book. Like Sherlock Holmes only French!

A great book, I really enjoyed it! The way this story was structured, with discrete sub-plots, made it difficult for me to get into.

The Eight Strokes of the Clock (FULL Audiobook)

I have some more of his books on my Kindle which I hope will be better. Dec 21, Marts Thinker rated it it was amazing Shelves: I loved this book! It was like a French Sherlock Holmes! If you like detective books, you will love this one! Zdnap rated it it was amazing Mar 22, Deucas rated it it was ok Aug 27,