Tra la perduta gente - Score

Inferno , Purgatorio , and Paradiso.

  1. Dante Symphony - Wikipedia;
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  3. Twisted Training:Expert Advice from an International Award-Winning Designer of Training Programs!
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  5. GETHSEMANE My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from Me.
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  7. Elogio di Montesquieu: a cura di Domenico Felice e Piero Venturelli (Script) (Italian Edition).

The narrative describes Dante's travels through Hell , Purgatory , and Paradise or Heaven , while allegorically the poem represents the soul's journey towards God. As the geometrician, who endeavours To square the circle, and discovers not, By taking thought, the principle he wants,.

Even such was I at that new apparition; I wished to see how the image to the circle Conformed itself, and how it there finds place;. But my own wings were not enough for this, Had it not been that then my mind there smote A flash of lightning , wherein came its wish. Here vigour failed the lofty fantasy: But now was turning my desire and will, Even as a wheel that equally is moved,. The Love which moves the sun and the other stars. Wikipedia has an article about: Wikisource has original text related to: Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Geronte, radiante, le sta vicino.

Io vi scongiuro — a tempo! As the musicians bow and leave, in an anteroom seen through the glass doors at the back Geronte is receiving his guests. They are all lovely things! But I am so bored! A string quartet enter, take up their position at the rear, and begin to tune their instruments. Manon rises and goes to meet Geronte, ushering in his friends and the dancing master. Now bring the whole body forward! I entreat you — in time! Che dolcezza, che carezza! Quella bocca — baci scocca!

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Tra la perduta gente - Score - Kindle edition by Luigi Donorà. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like. Kindle Price: inclusive of all taxes includes free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet. Sold by: Amazon Asia-Pacific Holdings Private Limited.

Se sorride stella pare! Si ribella la parola — la parola e canta e vanta! Dancing is a serious matter! What sweetness, what tenderness! She is too lovely — like a star! That mouth — ripe for kisses! If she smiles she seems like a star! I cannot find the words — the words to sing her praises! Murmured golden praises now throb around me! She is queen of the night!

The dancing master shows signs of impatience. If you flatter me I shall not become the divine dancer that your optimistic fancy imagines me already to be. Evviva i fortunati innamorati! Con amore e dovizia, oh, qui letizia, con amore e dovizia, leggiadramente alligna! Te sospira, per te spira. Ah, vedi il ciel! Allegra folla ondeggia pei baluardi. What a fine couple! Hurrah for the fortunate lovers! Just like Mercury and Venus! Oh, here happiness, with love and wealth, charmingly prospers!

She sighs for you, dies for you. But you appear and in a trice she becomes joyful and alive! Ah, see the sky! How serene it is over the miracle of love! A merry throng is surging along the esplanade. Des Grieux appare sulla porta. Manon gli corre incontro. Ah, mio immenso amore! The dancing master and the musicians also leave. Farewell, my fair goddess. She picks up her cloak. Hearing someone approaching, she expects it to be a servant. Is the sedan-chair here? Instead Des Grieux appears at the door. Manon runs to him. You, you, my love! Ah, my supreme love! Oh, i lunghi baci! Oh, il lungo incanto!

Tu non sai le giornate che buie desolate son piombate su me! You used to love me so much! Oh, those long kisses! Oh, the lingering enchantment! Your erstwhile sweetheart awaits your revenge. So you no longer love me? You used to love me so much — you no longer love me! You do not know of the dark, desolate days that descended upon me! Ai tuoi piedi son! Ah, voglio io tuo perdono, ah, non lo negar! I am at your feet! I betrayed you — call me wicked — I kneel at your feet.

Oh, I want your forgiveness, oh, do not deny it to me! Am I perhaps less charming and beautiful than Manon of other days? This is the old spell that blinds me! Manon te solo, te solo brama! Manon te solo brama, te solo brama! In your arms clasp Manon who loves you Manon longs for you alone, for you alone! In your arms clasp Manon who loves you! Manon longs for you alone — hold me close to your breast. Return to my desires, I beg you, return to the ecstasy, to the lingering kisses of love!

Live in rapture close to my heart — oh, come back to me! My mouth is an altar where your kiss is God! This is your love! Your kiss, sweet treasure, sets me afire! In you I am drunk again with passion!

In your dear arms there is rapture, oblivion! Geronte si presenta improvviso alla porta del fondo: Giungo in mal punto. BOTH Such sweet suffering! Geronte suddenly appears at the door and stands dumbfounded. I have arrived at an awkward moment. Who in this world does not make mistakes? Mio buon signore, ecco! Se errai, leale ditelo! E poi guardate noi!

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Conosco il mio dovere — deggio partir di qui! O gentil cavaliere, o vaga signorina, arrivederci — e presto! Che gioia, cavaliere, amor mio bello! My good sir, here! Look at yourself — look! If I am wrong, be fair and tell me so! And then look at us! I know my duty — I must leave here! O gallant chevalier, o charming young lady, au revoir — and soon! What joy, chevalier, my handsome lover!

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Manon e Des Grieux, sorpresi, gli vanno incontro. Alas, we must go! Trembling divinely, in ardent abandon sweet and tender like the charm of your caress; always some new ecstasy; then, suddenly, overcome, dazzled by the glitter of the gilded life! Your slave and victim, I descend the ladder of shame. Slime in slime I am and a depraved hero of the gambling den, I have defiled myself, sold myself. The vilest disgrace brings me nearer to you! In the murky future, tell me, what will you do with me?

I will be faithful and good, I swear it! Des Grieux and Manon hurry to him in surprise. Lescaut si lascia cadere su di una sedia. Lescaut collapses into a chair. Lescaut indicates by his look and gestures that something awful happened. You make us shudder! Down the stairs, chevalier, and away! The guards and archers are already on their way! Go, like the wind! La morte, la morte! Pochi minuti, siete perduti! The archers have already left the barracks! This sparkling emerald — to Des Grieux But yes! Torturar mi vuoi ancor! Help you do what?

And this enchantment that I so adore, must I leave, abandon it? O my beloved Manon, hurry! We must fly at once! You are torturing me again! Buon chi ci piglia! Eccoli, accerchian la casa! Our route will be through the garden, in a moment we shall be on the road in the shadow of the tall trees. MANON collecting more jewels and hiding them under her cloak It would be foolish to leave these gold trinkets, O my treasures, o my treasures!

I only want to save your love. Here they are, surrounding the house! Well then, out that way! That way, quickly, hurry! Manon e Des Grieux sono indecisi sul modo di scappare. Lescaut corre alla porta e la chiude. Manon and Des Grieux are undecided which way to escape. Lescaut runs to the door and locks it. Geronte sogghigna ironicamente a Manon la quale per lo spavento lascia sfuggire la mantiglia e i gioielli si spargono al suolo.

Des Grieux sguaina la spada. She rushes out of the alcove followed by Des Grieux and Lescaut. A sergeant and two archers appear from the alcove while Geronte and a squad of soldiers enter through the door. Geronte bursts into sarcastic laughter at Manon who, panic-stricken, drops her cloak, spilling the stolen jewels on the floor. Des Grieux draws his sword. At a sign from Geronte, Manon is dragged away by the soldiers. Ho implorato i potenti! Ho picchiato e supplicato a tutte le porte! Persino alla violenza ho ricorso! Una sol via mi rimane: Ed io la seguo! Fosse pure in capo al mondo!

How I love her! My passion is so strong that I feel I am the most unhappy creature alive. The attempts I made in Paris to obtain her release! I have implored the powerful, I have knocked and petitioned at every door! I have even resorted to violence. All was in vain. Only one way remains for me — to follow her! And I will follow her! Wherever she may go!

Even to the ends of the earth! Nella facciata verso la piazza, il portone chiuso, innanzi al quale passeggia una sentinella.

A destra, una casa e un viottolo che una lanterna rischiara debolmente. Part of the stern of a warship is visible. To the left, the corner of a barracks with a barred window on the front. The main entrance facing the square is guarded by a sentry. On the right is a house and a narrow street with an oil lamp burning dimly at the corner.

It is just before dawn. Des Grieux and Lescaut are standing opposite the barracks where Manon is imprisoned. Si avvolge nel ferraiolo fino agli occhi e va cautamente nel fondo ad osservare. Parigi ed Havre — fiera, triste agonia! Oh, lungo strazio della vita mia! Dalla caserma esce un picchetto guidato da un sergente che viene a cambiare la guardia.

Soon the archer I have bribed will mount guard over there. Meanwhile I with my friends will try to rescue her! At dawn I will make her free! He hides his face with his cloak and retires cautiously to the back to watch the prison window. And an illusion torments me, excites me! Though it seems near, it disappears when I grasp at it!

Paris and Le Havre — fierce sad agony! Oh, the lingering torture of my life! A picket of soldiers, led by a sergeant, marches out of the prison for the changing of the guard. Il picchetto rientra in caserma. Scambia un rapido cenno con la sentinella, che si allontana; poi si avvicina alla finestra, picchia con precauzione alle sbarre di ferro.

Des Grieux immobile, tremante, guarda. La finestra si apre e appare Manon. Des Grieux corre alla finestra. The relieved picket enters the barracks. Le Havre is asleep! The hour has come! Lescaut signals to the sentry, who moves away. He then goes to the barred window and taps cautiously on the bars. Des Grieux watches, motionless. The window opens and Manon appears and Des Grieux speeds toward her. She stretches out of her hands and Des Grieux kisses them feverishly. Manon shall not go!

In my shame you have not deserted me? Si allontana dal viottolo. The Lord made me beautiful for husband! The lamplighter goes on his way. Dawn begins to break.

Oh no, there's been an error

O mia Manon, pronta alla porta del cortil sii tu. Ah, una minaccia funebre io sento! Ti scongiuro, Manon, ah, vieni! Des Grieux addita il viottolo. Manon gli manda un bacio e si ritira dalla finestra. Improvvisamente si ode uno sparo; Des Grieux corre verso il viottolo. O my Manon, be ready at the entrance to the courtyard.

Lescaut is there with loyal men. Go there and you will be saved! I am anxious but know not why! Oh, I feel a baleful threat!

I tremble at a peril I do not know. Anguish chokes my words. Do you want me to kill myself here? I entreat you, Manon, ah, come!

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Let us save ourselves! Manon throws him a kiss and withdraws from the window. Suddenly a shot is heard; Des Grieux, startled, runs towards the street. Cavalier, salviam la vita! Abbandona la finestra e scompare. Our plan has failed! She leaves the window abruptly. Il comandante della nave scende, seguito da un drappello di marinai. Attracted by the shot and the alarm, townspeople rush into the square in utter confusion. A woman was escaping. The dense gloom over there hid the kidnappers. More than one woman — A roll of drums; the barracks gate opens.

A sergeant and escort come out with a dozen women in chains. Manon is among them. The commander of the warship comes ashore with a squad of marines. Madelon passa indifferente e sorridendo. Manon passa lentamente cogli occhi a terra. Manon walks slowly past, her eyes downcast. There lies a mystery! Des Grieux cautamente si avvicina a Manon cercando di nascondersi dietro di lei. Ninetta crosses the square. Des Grieux approaches Manon and tries to get behind her. MEN to Lescaut What infamy! Caton stalks majestically by. And I shall have lost you for ever!

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Regina passa pavoneggiandosi; alcuni cittadini ridono. Una bionda va al suo posto, frettolosamente. MEN She rouses compassion! Regina struts coquettishly across, some laugh. What an insolent laugh! Ah, she rouses compassion, pity! A blond passes briskly. Ogni pensiero si scioglie in pianto! Ma tu perdona, mio amor, ah, amore immenso, amore, addio! Una bruna passa con modo procace. But forgive me, my beloved, ah, my dearest love, farewell!

MEN Indeed, she awakens pity! The horror of it! A brunette with a brazen air crosses. Ninon si copre il volto con le mani. Indeed, she rouses pity! She awakens compassion, pity! They cross the square. Not a beauty among them! What a fine collection! She hides her face in her hands as she passes. Prende brutalmente Manon per un braccio e la spinge verso le altre. Manon, ti stringi a me!

He grasps Manon roughly by the arm and pushes her into line.

MEN egged on by Lescaut Courage! Manon, hold tight to me! Scorgendo il comandante, vinto da profonda emozione, singhiozza; le sue braccia che stringevano Manon si sciolgono. Ah, guardate, io piango e imploro! Vi pigliate il mio sangue — la vita! Popolar le Americhe, giovinotto, desiate? Ebben — sia pur! Des Grieux getta un grido di gioia e bacia la mano del comandante. Manon si volge, vede, comprende.

Stende le braccia a Des Grieux che corre da lei. Lescaut, in disparte crolla il capo e se ne va. For, while I live, no one shall snatch her away from me! Seeing the captain, he is overcome with emotion and relaxes his grip on Manon. Take me on as a cabin boy or in some even meaner duty and I shall come gladly! Ah, see how I weep and implore you! Take my blood — my life! I implore you, I beg for compassion! I shall not be ungrateful! He falls to his knees.

So you want to populate America do you, young man? Well then — so be it! Come on, cabin boy, look lively! Manon turns, sees and understands. She stretches out her arms to Des Grieux who runs to her. Lescaut, watching, shakes his head and walks away. Terreno brullo ed ondulato; orizzonte vastissimo: Manon e Des Grieux avanzano lentamente dal fondo; sono poveramente vestiti.

Manon and Des Grieux come into sight. They are ragged and destitute. Manon, pale and exhausted, leans on Des Grieux, who seems scarcely able to support her. The dusty road, the cursed road will soon end. The air around us is getting darker. No — She falls. Una vana, stolta parola. Chieggo breve riposo — un solo istante. Non mi rispondi, amore? Manon, rispondi a me! Disperato mi vince un senso di sventura, un senso di tenebre e di paura!

Manon, non mi rispondi?