a walk in the park

If you've never done it, I highly recommend you sign up, if only for the amazing aid station treats and the delicious BBQ at the finish line. One of the best , local, grass roots run , and I look forward to doing it again. Well done guys and gals! All in all a great grassroots ultra in Kamloops. Highly recommend as Chris and his crew have it down to an art. I will be back and hope you join me.

A Walk in the Park

One of the Best little races you'll find.. Grass Roots,friendly volunteers,priced amazingly low,good Hugs Moe See more. Walk in the Park shared a Page. Terry Fox Run Kamloops, B.

Nick Straker Band (HD) A Walk In The Park

Walk in the Park shared Chris Larouche 's post. Click "Allow" to play! Just a few more seconds before your game starts! This is taking longer than usual. Want to wait a bit more, or reload the game? Oops, something went wrong. Oops, something went wrong while loading your game. This game only works on your computer. The game is now in your favorites! Lara Another year has passed since I read one of Jill's books and I was so looking forward to her new one. Lara Carson starts the story off with a bang.

She left her town at 16 and following events that unfolded has now decided to move back and start over. At the same time, her old friend Evie is getting ready to marry her man Joel.

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Also, the way some of the characters left us hanging, I would love to see a possible sequel just to tie up a few loose ends. I can't wait to read this one! This article needs additional citations for verification. Strives to support and maintain a museum of local history of the Gadsden and Etowah County area and to support and maintain a museum dedicated to Southern artists. If you've never done it, I highly recommend you sign up, if only for the amazing aid station treats and the delicious BBQ at the finish line. I don't know, maybe I just wasn't in the right mood for this one. Dirty Feet - Trail Races.

However, within the first quarter of the book, both women are up to their eyes in drama. It is quite hard to review a book without giving away a lot of the story but all I will say about the storyline is that it certainly won't disappoint. It had a lot going on and kept me on tenterhooks all the way through.

As for the characters, this is what Jill Mansell does best. Lara and Evie were lovely women and you warm to both of them right away. In addition to them there is an eclectic and interesting bunch of people that all feature heavily in the story. Gigi was an adorable character and actually reminded me of somebody I know.

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Like I said before the storyline I can't mention but what I can say is that the scenes between Enjay and Harry had me laughing out loud. My favourite character and a pretty central one too was Flynn. He sounds like a truly wonderful bloke and I kept my fingers crossed that things worked out how I wanted the whole way through the book. Overall this book is one of the best Jill Mansell has written and I loved every bit of it. Having read it in under a day I can only say that I suggest you get yourself a copy and settle yourself in for the night with a hot cuppa and a duvet.

What better way to spend an evening?

Guidelines for Walkers

This book is a true testament to why Jill Mansell has been a successful author for twenty years. As for myself, I will settle back and wait another long year for the next one. Nov 06, Luanne Ollivier rated it really liked it. It seems like there has been nothing but rain, rain and more rain lately.

So, I decided that yet another rainy day was the right time to pick something light and fun to read. Jill Mansell's latest book - A Walk in the Park - was the perfect antidote for all that rain. Lara was just sixteen when her father kicked her out of the family home, but her stepmother had a hand in that decision.

So she left Bath, England without a word to anyone - not her best friend Evie or her boyfriend Flynn.

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Lar never It seems like there has been nothing but rain, rain and more rain lately. Lar never told Flynn the secret she had been hoping to tell him that night When her father dies, Lara returns for the funeral, where the family solicitor delivers shocking news. The home she grew up in was not her father's house. Instead it belonged solely to her deceased mother and ownership now passes to Lara. Gigi has taken to Bath and decides they should move into the house. Lara has her doubts, but agrees.

You can see it coming, can't you? Yes, Lara does run into Flynn again And from here on in Mansell weaves another humourous, heartwarming tale full of charming, quirky characters, missed cues, missed communications and missteps. As always, it's impossible not to love the lead character in Mansell's novels. Lara is just the kind of person you'd love to have as a best friend. I enjoyed the lead character being a little older this time round. But Jill involves all demographics in her stories. A Walk in the Park also touches on older love, same sex relationships and friendship.

But all of the characters have some traits in common - they're warm, funny, loving and well, just plain nice. The kind of people you'd love to surround yourself with.

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Mansell allows to escape into a world where although, not nice things sometimes happen, happy ever after endings do win out after all. The philanderer was even hard to hate! Yes, you know everything will turn out the way you want it to in the end, but that never detracts from my enjoying each and every page. If you're looking to lose yourself for the day in a modern fairytale of sorts, pick up the latest from my absolute favourite chick lit author - Jill Mansell.

You won't be disappointed! Nov 23, Suad Shamma rated it really liked it Shelves: So, as all Jill Mansell novels, this was a book filled with drama, humour, and very quirky characters. The past few books I reviewed for Mansell, I had been quite disappointed and letdown by the storylines, especially all the redundancies and similarities between plots. This one though, finally, was different and Mansell came through in the end.

I can now say I actually really enjoyed reading this book! Sure, it's predictable in certain areas, and you kind of figure out what's going to happen way So, as all Jill Mansell novels, this was a book filled with drama, humour, and very quirky characters. Sure, it's predictable in certain areas, and you kind of figure out what's going to happen way before it happens, but you need to really let go of your expectations when reading a chicklit if you think it's going to take you by surprise.

Predictability is part of their appeal, it is why we like to read them, and why we enjoy them so much! So in this book, we are immediately introduced to Lara, who had left her town 18 years prior when she was just sixteen because her dad kicked her out of the house, leaving behind her best friend Evie, and her boyfriend, Flynn.

Moving in with her aunt Nettie, she started a new life completely disconnecting herself from her past. However, she finds herself moving back 18 years later upon hearing of her father's death and having been left the house in her name. Moving back forces her to deal with a lot of unfinished business, including that of her best friend, ex-boyfriend and much more. Within just a few chapters, both Evie and Lara are suspended in a whirlwind of drama.

And that is one of the things I actually really like about Mansell. She does not prolong the events of the story and deals with every problem, situation and dramatic event quickly and concisely, so that we don't have to hold our breaths for very long. Her straightforward style of writing is what appeals to me. Other characters that add so much flavor to the story include Gigi, Don, Enjay Seven an American rapper , Harry, Jamie and Ethan, all of which will put a smile on your face one way or another.

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A truly enjoyable read, I will recommend this book, although it still doesn't rank as one of my favorites for her. One downside to getting into really good book is reading the last sentence. It held me captivated and longing to find the time to read more. I think a big part of its appeal for me was the wonderful characters that Ms. Not just the main ones, but secondary characters too. Every one of them was painstakingly crafted making them jump off the page. I felt like I knew everyone of them and they came across as very lifelike to me.

Besides the people who lived in this book, the plot was great too. I must say I was pulling for Lara and Flynn from the moment they reconnected. I should also give a mention to the setting, which is Bath in the UK and having been there myself many times I can say that the author did a wonderful job using it as the backdrop for the story.

It was almost like revisiting the city all over again.

A Walk in the Park

Jun 02, Ariana rated it did not like it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. A Walk in the Park by Jill Mansell I wanted to read this book because it was recommend to me through a friend and I bought it. When I first read the blurb i thought it didn't seem very good, and I was right, but I read it anyway because I thought I would give it the benefit of the doubt.

An interesting character in the story is Enjay, who is a famous rapper that stops by in town. The reason he is interesting is because he starts of very cocky and arrogant, but you get to see him progress as a char A Walk in the Park by Jill Mansell I wanted to read this book because it was recommend to me through a friend and I bought it. The reason he is interesting is because he starts of very cocky and arrogant, but you get to see him progress as a character throughout the book.

You also get to see all the skeletons in his closet and you begin to sympathies with him and understand his actions from the beginning of the story. Harry says this to an acquaintance he bumps into at a gay club. This quote shows Harry beginning to become comfortable with his sexuality and him slowly accepting it. This book made me think deeper about love and how it is not always lost or too late to pursue.

Even when you are a single parent or are old you can still find love. In the book Lara reconnected with her lost love - her ex boyfriend and father of her child — Flynn. Even though 18 years had passed since she left him after finding out she was pregnant, they still manage to rekindle their love. I still disliked this book because the characters are annoying and unrelatable. Sep 12, Karschtl rated it it was ok Shelves: I have almost all of Jill Mansell books and have read some of them so far as well.

When I saw her newest book on the hotel bookshelf while on holiday I picked it up and immediately read it. But unfortunately it wasn't as good as I hoped it would be. The characters weren't especially likable. Not that they were not likable, I just felt indifferent about them.

The only at least a bit interesting couple for me was the best friend and the hotel guy. The side story about the US-Rapper was completely I have almost all of Jill Mansell books and have read some of them so far as well. The side story about the US-Rapper was completely unnecessary and plain stupid. First off, this is a "new to me" author. I was pleasantly surprised! There were some predictable aspects of it, as well as a few surprises thrown in. If it hadn't been for the surprises, I'd have probably given this a little lower rating. I was confused a couple of times with the British humor, but figured it out eventually.

I'm willing to try other books by this author. Feb 28, Kim rated it it was amazing Shelves: I absolutely loved this one. Lara comes back for her estranged fathers funeral and discovers that she owns the family home. Her daughter gets to meet her own father for the first time and her best friend jilts her husband to be at the altar. That was just at the start and I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen to them all. Feb 10, Emylie rated it it was amazing Shelves: I can't wait to read this one! Probably one of my top five favourites by Mansell.

I just love how her writing style brings you right into the mix. It took me one afternoon in the park to finish this one-pure escapism. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Jill Mansell lives with her partner and children in Bristol, and writes full time.