Discover Spirit at Any Age: An Awakening into My Spiritual Journey

In wakefulness, the past and the future become much less important, and the present becomes correspondingly more important. Awakened individuals spend much less time recalling past experiences or ruminating over past events, just as they spend less time looking forward to the future, daydreaming about future events or focusing on future goals. For some people, this increased presentness leads to a sense of the expansiveness of time. Time seems to somehow open up, slow down, or even disappear all together.

This sign of spiritual awakening is the sense of the eternal now that is sometimes described by mystics, when the past, future, and present all merge into one. Ultimately, the past and the future are concepts created by the human mind. We never actually experience either because our minds and bodies are always in the present. The past and the future only exist in thought, whereas the present does not exist in thought. In addition, as I suggest in my book Making Time , our normal linear perception of time is a mental construct generated by our strong sense of ego. The weaker our sense of ego becomes, the more linear time seems to fade away.

Our perception of time slows and expands — and eventually disappears into now-ness. At higher intensities of spiritual awakening, we experience symptoms like becoming aware of a spiritual force that pervades all things and the spaces between things. In a sense, all things are the manifestation of this force. At a lower intensity of wakefulness, a person may not be aware of this all-pervading spiritual force directly but they may still be able to indirectly sense its effects. One of the signs of spiritual awakening is a sense of aliveness. To the awakened person, there are no such things as inanimate objects.

Objects that are biologically alive become more powerfully animate. I kept staring out of the window and just marveling… I could almost see the atoms in everything I looked at. I had the strongest feeling that everything was perfectly okay and perfect in the universe. It has a quality of bliss or joy in the same way that water has a quality of wetness. As a symptom of spiritual awakening, we sense that the universe is a benevolent place and that harmony and meaning are its fundamental qualities.

Finally, this spiritual energy underlies and pervades all things and so creates a sense of connectedness or oneness. An awakened person may have the sense that the boundaries between superficially separate and distinct objects have melted away. When we experience spiritual awakenings, one common sign is that our inner life changes. This shift changes us so profoundly that, in a general sense, we feel as if we have a new identity, as if we have been reborn. We do take on a new identity as the wakeful self-system emerges and replaces the old self-system of sleep.

In cases of gradual spiritual awakening, this identity shift happens very slowly, as the old self-system is gradually remolded into a different form. In sudden spiritual awakening experiences the shift is so abrupt and dramatic that many people can pinpoint the exact moment it occurs. With spiritual awakening and enlightenment comes a dramatic reduction of the inner noise of our thought-chatter.

In our normal state, this streams through our mind almost constantly — a whirl of associations and images, worries and daydreams that only usually stops when our attention is absorbed in external things. This thought-chatter is such a normal part of our experience that many of us take it for granted. It disturbs our inner world, giving rise to negative thoughts and emotions.

It disconnects us from the essence of our being, constantly reinforces our ego-identity, and strengthens our sense of separateness. Almost all of the awakened individuals I spoke to described similar spiritual awakening symptoms, although with variations. Some people — a small proportion — reported that their minds had become completely quiet, with a complete cessation of thought-chatter.

More typically, though, people reported that there was still some thought activity in their minds but much less than before. Others reported that while thought-chatter was still there although not as much as before , they felt less identified with it. They were able to stand back, observe their thoughts, and let them flow by without becoming immersed in or overly affected by them. In spiritual awakening and enlightenment, the sense of otherness between us and the world fades away. Separation dissolves into connection.

This sense of connection manifests itself in different ways and at different degrees of intensity as one of the signs of spiritual awakening. At the most basic level, a person may feel strongly connected to other human beings, other living beings in general, or to the whole natural world. A sense of connection to the spiritual force that pervades the whole universe and that forms the essence of our being may occur at higher intensities of wakefulness and is one of the main signs of spiritual awakening.

In other words, we may not just be aware of this spiritual force but also feel connected to it. At a still higher intensity of spiritual wakefulness, a sense of connection may intensify into a sense of oneness. With this symptom of spiritual awakening, a person may feel that they exist in a state of unity with all things — even that they are all things.

They may not just feel that they are one with the world but also that they actually are the world.

2. You want more freedom and less “stuff”.

This sense of connection is closely linked to the high levels of empathy and compassion associated with spiritual awakening. Love stems from a sense of connection and oneness, a sense that you are another person — or other people — and so you belong to them and share their experience. Awakened individuals may not live in a state of complete uninterrupted bliss, but they are generally much more content than other people.

One major source of this well-being is freedom from the psychological discord that plagues human beings in our sleep state — habitual worry about the future, feelings of negativity about the past, and a general sense of unease. Spiritually awakened people are much less prone to negative states such as boredom, loneliness, and dissatisfaction. The atmosphere of their inner world is less charged with negativity and much more harmonious.

The feeling of well-being in spiritual awakening is related to a sense of appreciation. In wakefulness, people are more likely to feel a sense of gratitude for their health, freedom, loved ones, and other good things in their lives. In our sleep state, we likely take these things for granted and fail to appreciate their true value. Appreciation is an important sign and symptom of spiritual awakening, especially in terms of well-being because it helps free us from wanting.

In Buddhist terms , we become free of craving and so free of the psychological suffering this creates.

Are you allowing it? Or have you chosen to remain asleep?

Fear in general decreases in the wakeful state and fear of death is our most fundamental fear. The ego feels especially fragile in the face of death. This decreased fear of death is related to the transcendence of the separate ego — another sign and symptom of spiritual awakening. However, perhaps the main reason why the awakened person loses fear of death is because of a different attitude toward — and understanding of — death. Our consciousness is just the product of brain activity; when our brain stops functioning, our consciousness ceases, too. But from the spiritually awakened perspective, reality is more complex than this.

The essence of our being transcends our brain and our individual identity. In the sleep state we have a strong tendency to identify ourselves, to give ourselves labels in order to enhance our fragile sense of self. We like to define ourselves in terms of our religion, ethnicity, nationality, and political affiliation, and also by the labels of our careers, achievements, and qualifications.

Defining ourselves in these ways gives us a sense of belonging, and bolsters our egos. In spiritual awakening experiences this need for identity and belonging fades away. People no longer feel affiliated with any particular religion or nationality, just as they no longer feel defined by their careers or their achievements. They no longer feel that they are Americans or Jews or scientists or socialists.

They feel that such labels are superficial and meaningless.

1. Declutter!

Thank you for being woke. Happy to pay for this Thanks Owen. But now I see others have same its less so for me!! The concept of synchronicity was first described by Carl Jung , a Swiss Psychologist, in the s. Defining ourselves in these ways gives us a sense of belonging, and bolsters our egos.

At the end, I ended up on January, 8. The cops came that morning and Handcuffed ME, brought me to the emergency room!!! I have just finished an Awful fight with my husband and my daughter. I have been to the psych ward 2 times. Tbh I did have the exact symptoms in this article and had what I would like to call a spiritual awakening. Truth is I went without the medication for a long time and was going insane. So I decided to stay on the meds for a while at least. Also go without the medication and see what happens. I did that and decided to stay on them after resisting for a long time.

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  5. Growing Up So High: A Liberties Boyhood.
  6. 21 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening.

Is there any books we can read? Hi Stephanie My story is somewhat like yours, I also find it hard to find good information, about what is happening around me sometimes, however, I have learned a lot, For me this has been a lonely journey as my, family dont have the same experiences as I do, it is the first time that I write to someone, I thought that maybe you wanted to exchange experiences.

I found a wonderful woman called Lisa Renee. Her website is Energeticsynthesis. It saved my life. I feel so much love for you all going through all this. I send you Love and Light. I have learned its better to say nothing at times. This world thinks were the crazy ones, ha ha. Many Blessings to you all on your ascension journey. Stephanie go to energeticsynthesis it saved y life. All the answers are there believe me. Sometimes its better to not say much to those who dont know about this. In all actuality i think they are the crazy ones ha ha..

Call e if you need to talk to someone. I can actually see peoples lies now since my awakening. I stopped giving free readings to people because i was becomong a door mat. They just dont understand this is a lifestyle not a joke. Go to Energeticsynthesis it saved my life. We are all one and i am here for you, or anyone for that matter. Love and light to you all. Find these arresting coos and unfair family in you.

Do not response and go through the feelings. Remenber there is duality so dont get stuck to either side. I believe you should listen more to your intuitions and let go on anything that seem wrong to you. Trust your intuitions more , listen and pay attention to insights. Letting go of anything that brings negativity to you is the way forward, you create your reality with your thoughts as thoughts are energy being manipulated Tesla.

You should perhaps start thinking more of your family and children accepting your situation more though you have the choice of not going through this and letting them go to live your spirituality, the choice is yours. Sending you energy from mauritius: I would love to start some sort of movement with everyone. Please check out my website to truly understand my point of view.

I would love to discuss and debate. Does anyone ever get rue feeling of Daja vu. I have been getting it a lot lately and it is SURREAL that i can sometimes predict exactly what will happen next some times when I try to remember what is going to happen I can noy. Also I try to follow the route that I think will happen just to see if im right, sometimes its correct sometimes its not.

Its all a bit of a hit and miss. Someone please call me. It was so bizarre, my husband experienced it with me and we walked through each moment knowing what was coming next, the neighbors comment to his wife, the car driving past, everything. My husband had a clearer view of what was coming I only felt I knew.

Like I said we practically spent 30 minutes in walking commentary re-living a time we had already experienced 6 months earlier. I have no idea what it was about. Your starting to pick up on vibrations and become more sensitive. You havent even scratched the surface of what your fully capable of though. Keep good vibes around you, pay attention to your surroundings at all times and the universe will give you the answers your seeking Keep doing more research. Look up Abraham Hicks.

This article put me in another dimension. It enlightens me about the changes that are occuring in me spiritually. During my reading, it felt at times like a divine voice was talking to me. I am still in awe and I have been recommending the article to those whom I believe are ready to comprehend it and make the best of it. Thanks for this wonderful thought provoking read. I happen to see same numbers in multiple lot many times but what does these signs mean… what are they hinting at??

I have been shifting from one job to another to find that petfect job for years… most of the times I felt like I was stuck but had to support a family… well basically I was doing expectation mgt. Need a guide… need a guide. I truly understand what you are sharing as I have also been in your position. Please trust that your own inner spirit IS leading you gently to wear you need to be.

One that you click with. Wish you all the best. The very day my bare feet touch upon the dirt of my ancestors land here in Australia I know I will awaken fully, that day is quickly coming upon me now that I have finally found them and my family I never knew: I feel so blessed and honored to find someone who totally understood what I have been true…blessings. I think finding this article of yours is one of the synchronicities In my life that you mentioned.

I am not a very spiritual person but I keep seeing repeated numbers almost everyday for the past 3 years as if I am going crazy. Nevertheless I searched for their meaning and have stumbled upon terms like oneness, cosmos, divinity, present moment and spiritual awakening. I thank you for your article for it have given me some light on my own experiences which mostly are difficult at times. I feel that I have been going through and going through and going through many of these that you explained for a LONG time..

It warms me up inside.. Thank you so much for this post. I am experiencing synchronicities that would make a great movie!. I am sleeping so much and my dreams are exhausting me,and coming true days later mostly in other peoples lives. I have been searching for any information that would explain feeling at one with source and the earth but separate from friends and family, and came across your article.

It simple means that the one special belzebub that every person have. You are doing it wrong never heart your belzebub. I have had this happen and then have almost pushed it away is that normal.. I noticed out of nowhere it all started up again…was it always there…was I just ignoring it.. Ive never really been comfortable eith big change. PS I have 3 children and the constant yelling…Tantrums…fighting obviously does not help…They drain me…or it feels as if they do…I love them to peices but I feel like they literally suck the energy from me.

All the others were spot on within the first words. Sometimes people are alone when it happens and nobody around them understands — then they get given the crazy label. Thank you so much. I am a mother. I have no energy, no motivation for this life. Everyday I ask, what is my purpose, what am I doing here?

It feels like we are meant for more than this, but what? Something inside me wants to live, but not in a prison, Does it get better? Has anybody else experienced this and things got better? Hi everyone nice to meet you all! This is something that extracting us from the ordinary to the original for that is our originality. Your article brought me to tears, thank you so much for helping me understand what was happening to me. With gratitude I thank you. The other day i felt sick, physically, I actually barfed. I wondered if it was a reaction to some thing i ate?

Now i know why I felt like I did, awakening of my soul. Thanks for sharing your post. Enlightenment is not about becoming divine. It is the end of ignorance. So how would you know the extreme fatigue is from evolving or from an illness. What if the fatigue has left you unable to function for 6 years eg no income, bed ridden ect. Thank you for these beautiful insights! It sometimes feels like my husband and I are going through this alone, but articles like this one help me to stay strong and love through my challenges.

2. Examine your beliefs.

Discover Spirit at Any Age: An Awakening into My Spiritual Journey [Karen Nash] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Owning Your. BalboaPressAU. Paperback. Condition: New. 80 pages. Dimensions: in. x in. x Your Magnificence A Spiritual Psychology was inspired by a.

It is a new time and I am ready! Yes there is more than this world its called paradise or heaven or hell or the next life. An extremely inspiring compilation of the awakening manifestation. Thank you so much for sharing this highly informative article. I must certainly share it with friends.. All 21 symptoms, I am completely there! I love being on my true path and I am excited to keep moving forward on my journey. Always think well, do well and be well. Namaste and Thank you so much for the wonderful pictures and the article was magnificent to read!!

I Have reached a point in my life where I am completely unhappy with the way things are. Sometimes I even fear closing my eyes too long and I wonder what that is? This post was a massive help to me understanding just what was happening to me, at first i thought i was on a roller coaster up and back down into depression, but this has let me know otherwise.

This is such a powerful guide, am doing soul searching right now and it helps me to understand my feelings! All fine and good, I find that the people I know who are going through a spiritual awakening are acting out and have been quite mean as of late…just an FYI. I had a oneness experience with god, kundalini energy rising and chakras blowing open. This and your site is how it is described in the eastern philosophy.

I identify with this. The western culture decries it as bi-polar. Thanks for validating my experiences which are magical. This article s absolutely amazing. The accuracy of the feeling and emotions of this journey. The way you explained the pain that comes with waking up. Everything matches the description. Than you for this article. Thank you for understanding and caring enough to write it.

Thank you for being woke. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Laura for this truly magical explanation of how it all works. You have a very special soul that radiates love and inspiration. This feeling in me I thought I was crazy and maybe alone but even my customers open up when I open up. All I want now ….. Thank you to the person who made this. I used to be a dark person … Even abused animals and people. Aliens lol or the devil who knows. And NOW everything makes sense.

I knew it, I knew something was up: Ive experienced my awakening in Every since then i feel different and act different. I dont eat much or associate with many people nowadays. I spend a lot of time with nature. I have a tendency of listening to music everytime i step into the world. But im trying to keep the peace from within. At one point before my awakening i wandered into the wilderness but felt something was missing. So during my awakening period i went on a spiritual journey to find myself.

It work wonders and i am the person i am today because of it. Im not drawn to negativity. I bless you Laura! Thank you for this article explaining exactly what it is like. Sending my love to you and All in this beautiful OneNess…. This article gave me the chills as I read it.

I have been going through all of this, but i feel i am just at the beginning of my spiritual awakening. I noticed something was different when I found myself crying and feeling so heavily touched and hurt by things going on in the world. I had to search it up and i am so glad I came across this article. I feel like I am waking up but the circumstances in my life are holding me back alot no job,not wanting to work, I want to do something I truly love and enjoy and will benefit others, I have no money my family is in debt we dont have money for food I cant eat healthy because money is so tight,my family does not believe one bit in my beliefs about life they are completely aganst vegans and spiritual things all these things I feel are slowing the process of my spiritual awakening and I just want to do everything I feel in my heart I need to do for myself and for this earth.

I feel anxious but so happy I reached this so young at only Thank you so much for writing this it has made me feel so relieved what I am going through is real and positive. I feel i have a purpose in life for the first time in my life. Awakening also menas a change in your body.

I experience headaches and jint pain too. This is also accompanied by fast ideas images abd emotions rushing and seemingly unstoppable. At one point I thought I was going crazy. I am no different.


I am waking up- Pain and sadness is slowly disappearing and new emoitions are coming up like long periods of gratitude, bliss and less worry. I nearly lost my mind! Do you have any idea what any of this could mean? Your article has resonated with me in a way that is surreal.

Spiritual AWAKENING ~ An UNBELIEVABLE Spiritual Experience

I resonate with everything that this article has touched upon. I am also glad to see so many people have responded to it as I no longer feel alone.

21 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening | Laura Marie

However, as good and amazing as some of the spiritual transformations mentioned here, I find it rather challenging to integrate the spiritual transformation experiences into my current life. It becomes a draining and exhausting experience. No jobs seems to want me anymore. I start to dream alien type of beings. I would write the dreams down. Do the beings feel benevolent? Have you understood their messages? They are communicating with you. I have been experiencing every step since quite some time and am on the path to spirituality.

You have expressed very beautifully. May u be always blessed. Excellent article from a person who have gone through the different phases and having the skill to it so beautifully to help others. So I was reassured more than anything to read your post and recognise many of the symtoms as reflections of my personal experiences.

This was a fantastic read. I felt identified and happy to not be alone. My phone clock also stayed in This described a lot about what I am experiencing now from a process that came naturally and has been enhanced after starting to study Metaphysical Sciences. Everything I read, think and do along with my thoughts on things are increasing in speed and intensity.

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There is an overwhelming feeling that I need to get things done and quickly. I feel that our perception of time is changing and that time is going faster and faster. I am unsure whether any of this has to do with the cosmos or is just an overall symptom of a more awakened spiritual nature.

My spiritual awakning was in at the age off And gone throw everything you speaking off. Everything you said is how I am feeling right now. I will be 33 on April 26th. I need to read more of your post…. This was a fantastic read! Thank you for sharing it. This perfectly explains the symptoms of an awakening. Although sometimes these symptoms can be a little stressful to handle and you might need someone to guide you through the process.

Myree has helped me through this life changing experience and deepening my own awareness. Real good guide for sharpening skills to achieve awakening for those who just got initiated orby chance discovered themselves. Wow just reading this I find myself running through the events I went through few years ago. I was hospitalized and put on medication after those symptoms. And I struggled very much. Not because I was really sick.

It was very complicated. But seeing this makes me happy because someone actually have positive regards to these symptoms I happened to have as well. I wrote a book about my awakening. Not many are interested though unless they are going through something similar. I also want to thank you so much for this post. I would love to read more english from you.

More articles in english will be uploaded in the upcoming weeks. Thank you for your interest in this work. I really would love to speak with you as this is crazy!! But now I see others have same its less so for me!! But I still have had crazy things happenings new people In my life! We are always thankful that God chose you to be among the first to experience salvation—a salvation that came through the Spirit who makes you holy through your belief in the truth.

Thank you so much for this!! It will always be true. Nothing special about this one. I was searching for some sort of explanation or someone who is experiencing nearly all these same changes that have turned my life around.