Oops, I Did It Again!: God hates sin, but He loves you!

The Snare of Assumptions. Forty Days in the Wilderness. The House That Yeshua Built. Thirty Days with the Person of the Holy Spirit. One Minute Alone with God for Men. Live a Victorious Life for Christ. My Journey with James. Where Are My Blessings? Stop Going to Church. Why the Black Church Has Failed. A Second Look at the Savior. Inspirational Explosion from Deep Within. The Beginner's Guide to Worshiping God. What Really Counts for Students. Journey Through the School of Groaning. The Power to Be: Come scrivere un'ottima recensione. La recensione deve essere di almeno 50 caratteri.

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You've successfully reported this review. We appreciate your feedback. Fear of loss—friends, family, children, social network, job, apartment—caused by…. The dangerous social fabric created by our good Christian churches, of course. Some never came out. Many hid by marrying. Nowadays, kids feel free to announce their sexuality earlier, thinking they are safe. They drop out of school.

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They run away from home. This is always the story, and the Church is entirely to blame for this.

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What sort of a parent says nothing when the adults around them are killing their child? Is this really what God demands? It takes an effort to save the life of someone you know, under other circumstances, would spit in your face. Or beat you to a pulp in the name of God. Religion is always the source of this bitter spirit. My gifts and talents are great, so people come to see me regardless of my sexual orientation.

Oops I Did it Again

People will look the other way if you have something they want—-great skill as a surgeon, great acting capability, great hair-cutting skills, a great voice—-but woe to the homosexual who is just ordinary! For him there is no refuge in society. No one will look the other way for his sake. Like many, I hid for many, many years. Otherwise, I would have no life.

It took years to understand what I was up against in the world, and it took years for my iron will to disintegrate. So at 37 I came out. Try explaining that to your three small sons and your wife, at least one of which now blames you for deceit, even though it feels more to you like survival. My wife was smart, and sorted it out, and eventually realized how this all happened, and understood where the responsibility really belonged in society, and how the Church has always been complicit. We raised our sons into fine young men. We both remarried, and we both married men.

Our sons are now married to women , and we have a very remarkable and happy family, consisting of Jews, Hindus, Christians, non-religious, and others. But that is no thanks to my Church, or the people in it. I decided some time back, after the dark time when I nearly took my own life, that I was simply going to quietly live my life as I needed to live it. The Church Board members.

My struggles meant nothing to them. Amazing how many passages they chose to ignore about the wickedness of their own behavior toward me and people like me. I had chosen to live a life held to a higher purpose, to help as many people in need as I could; they had chosen to hurt, and they chose a way of thinking about God and Christianity that allowed them to continue to do it.

I walked away from them all. The poison of their presence was too destructive for a good soul.

Will we ever learn to stop this vicious cycle? The new generations seem to have figured this out. But there are certainly places in this country where one is not safe as a gay person, and nearly all of those places are in the Bible belt. They have to stop sitting idly by while gay youngsters are destroyed by their pastors. These kids are simply who they are, and the Church has to stop beating them up. Most bullies who abuse kids of minority sexual orientation learn that behavior in Church from their minister, their Sunday School teacher, and from their parents at home.

I watched it happen in my own Church growing up. What I saw was terrible abuse of young men. That was a very brave thing to do, and risky. Doing it, you get a tiny sense of the fear and anxiety experienced by the gay people sitting in your Church. Silent Christians are often afraid, like gay kids, of the bully sitting beside them. The Christian bully, that is. What you did, Robin, was….. One who actually listens to what Jesus said about the treatment of others, instead of what the pastor says about mistreating others.

This subject—-the silence of Christians who sit by and say nothing while their fellow man is abused by other Christians—is a topic that is way overdue for discussion.

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Outside of the church I found a grace and communion with God that I never found in it. When He looks at you, He sees Jesus and there is room for you at His table and at mine. As a mom with three gay adult kids, that makes my heart hurt for you. Thank YOU for these words.

I stand with you as a Christian and a sinner what with me having had a child out of wedlock and all. You had me at Love thy neighbor as yourself. I continuosly refer people to the beattitudes of Christ. Thank you for your post. Great work is being done here. David, That was so moving.

Oops I Did it Again

Nothing but love for all that you have been through. Even then she was fearless and wise beyond her years.

Oops!... I Did It Again - Vintage Marilyn Monroe Style Britney Spears Cover ft. Haley Reinhart

I love recognizing the risky writing of others.