Un marido de alquiler (Harlequin Internacional) (Spanish Edition)

Rocky Mountain Courtship by Jillian Hart Joseph Brooks suspects his mother of bringing a pretty young lady to town—as a mail-order bride. But Clara Woodrow is not that lady! Enchanted by her and determined to have no other, Joseph must use the magical last few days of spring to make Clara admit the desire they share for one another….

See a Problem?

Courting Miss Perfect by Judith Stacy Fleeing a humiliating incident in Virginia, the last thing Brynn O'Keefe needs is an interfering Pinkerton detective suspecting her of some ridiculous crime! Concerned for her reputation, Brynn is horrified when handsome Travis Hollister tells the locals she is his sweetheart—and even more astonished when she begins to like the very idea of it!

Courted by the Cowboy by Stacey Kayne Constance Pauley becomes enamored with the man who once saved her life—then finds out the very same dashing Kyle Darby had inadvertently caused her injuries all those years ago! Now she can't forgive the way he has stolen her heart, and how easily she wants to become his bride…. To ask other readers questions about Un marido de alquiler , please sign up.

Un marido de alquiler (Harlequin Internacional)

Be the first to ask a question about Un marido de alquiler. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Aug 03, Desi rated it liked it Shelves: Alina rated it really liked it Dec 17, Karely Ahumada marked it as to-read Oct 01, Loli added it Nov 25, Ivet Rios added it Mar 03, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

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This is the pseudonym of author Dorothy Howell. It was in eighth grade English class that Judith realized she wanted to be a writer. Her teacher, who was from, what seemed at the time, the exotic and far off state of Florida, introduced the class to creative writing. The latter are frequently very irregular in formation e. The population of the principal Spanish towns is "quoted as it is given in the census of In the Section on Christian names the literal meaning of the Spanish equivalents is given e. In the Addenda have been placed more than of the most common names, besides adjectives, and a list of invariable words.

Here also are many familiar phrases of daily occurrence, and the most indispensable verbs. When the verbs are irregular, the formation of the tenses is indicated. PREFACE The richness of expression which characterises the Spanish language may be inferred from the fact that an adequate rendering of the 21, English words could not be supplied in less than pages. Nevertheless, in spite of the large amount of matter which it contains, the volume is actually less bulky than its predecessors, as it has been printed on much thinner paper.

Systematic compilations should assist the methodical study of a modem language, and extend its application to the needs of ordinary life.

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If this volume fulfils such a purpose it will have attained the object for which it was written. The study of Spanish is daily gaining ground in England, and has even entered into the curriculum of some of the great public schools.

Scholars study Spanish literature, and business men are finding that a knowledge of the language is indispensable for conducting their extensive commerce with the Peninsula and with Spanish America. The Author desires to take this opportunity of acknowledging his many obligations to his friends General Barraquer, Director of the Institute Geo- grafico y Estadistico, and Seilor Don Rosendo Serra, Professor at the Escuela de Institutrices, Barcelona, for their invaluable information and assistance.

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Un marido de alquiler (Harlequin Internacional) (Spanish Edition) - Kindle edition by Judith Stacy. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC. Un marido de alquiler has 2 ratings and 1 review. Start by marking “Un marido de alquiler (Harlequin Internacional)” as Want to Read: Kindle Edition It was in eighth grade English class that Judith realized she wanted to be a writer.

Page 9, column 2, line 3, Instrucc-ion ought to be Instruc-cion. Page 12, column 2, line 14, Enfermiclades ought to be Enfermedades. Mate- maticas, Aliment os, v. Frutas, Aritmetica, v. Alimentos, Campo, 71 Cardmales, v. Ley, i Dibujo, Pintura, Bs- cultura, Dignidades, v. Tftulos, Diversiones, v. General Terms, II. Principal Towns of Spain, Edades, v. Tiempo, Fabricacidn, v. In- dustria, Fiestas, v.

Terminos Gene- rales, II. Educa- cion, Instrumentos, v. In- dustria, Interjecciones,f. Costura, Ley, Derecho, Libros, v. Papelerfa, Marina, Navigacidn, Matematicas, Matices, v. Colores, 46 Medidas, v, Pesas, etc. Metales, Monedas, r. Humani- dad, Mundo, Musica, Navigacion. Cardinales y Or- dinales, II.

Numerates, Frac- cionarios, III. E x p r e s i o 11 e s numericas de varias clases, Ocupaciones, Pro- fesiones, Oficios, Oficios, v.

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Ocupa- ciones, Ordinales, v. Cardinals and Ordinal Nu- merals, II. Fractional Nu- merals, III.

Gobierno, Preposiciones, nPala- bras Invar. Gcupa- ciones, Quimica, v. Flsica, Religion, Lugares Sa- grados, Remedies, v. Enfer- midades, 96 Reptiles, v. Insectos, Ropa de Uso, v. Ves- tido, Sentimientos, v. Tiempo, Estaciones, ; El tiempo, T41egrafos, v. Co- rreos, Titulos, Dignidades, Utensilios caseros, r.