Its Your Life

The problem isn’t that life is unfair – it’s your broken idea of fairness

We are also putting together a knowledge base with specific information about retirement villages in each State and Territory and have now published specific information about retirement villages in New South Wales NSW and retirement villages in Queensland QLD. When you have all the information you need, you can then search our Retirement Village Directory to find a home to buy or rent.

You can use the following quick links to go directly to the relevant retirement villages search pages for:. Please contact us if you would like to list your retirement village s in our directory. Home care services are generally provided either by agreement at commercial rates, or on a needs basis in conjunction with government subsidized programs such as Home and Community Care HACC and Home Care Packages.

To better understand home care, please see the following pages in our Home Care Guide for more detailed information: When you have all the information you need, you can then Search our Home Care Directory to find a service provider. Please contact us if you would like to list your home care service s in our directory.

It's your life. Do stuff... ARGUS® Poster

Aged care has undergone a lot of changes over the years. Terms like "low level care", "hostels", "high level care" and "nursing homes" aren't used so much any more. Aged care is regulated and partly funded by the Commonwealth Government, so it provides accommodation and services that are relatively standardized. This is in contrast to retirement villages, which are regulated at the State Government level and do not receive government subsidies. Aged care homes generally offer a higher level of care than most retirement villages can provide, including nursing care.

Some aged care homes also offer "extra service", which involves the provision of a higher standard of accommodation and service at an additional unsubsidized cost. These villages are regulated, but are not accredited or subsidized. To better understand aged care, please see the following pages in our Aged Care Guide for more detailed information: When you have all the information you need, you can then Search our Aged Care Directory to find accommodation in an aged care home.

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Please contact us if you would like to list your aged care home s in our directory. A rapidly expanding range of specialized products and services are available for seniors. Someone would love to replace you with a computer program. So does somebody else.

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  • A Benevolent Stranger.

Most achievements are only notable relative to others. You swam more miles, or can dance better, or got more Facebook Likes than the average. People dress up to win partners. They interview to win jobs. Everything in demand is on a competitive scale. And the best is only available to those who are willing to truly fight for it.

Society judges people by what they can do for others. Can you save children from a burning house, or remove a tumour, or make a room of strangers laugh?

Rule #2. You’re judged by what you do, not what you think

An internal sense of honour and love and duty count for squat. What exactly can you and have you done for the world? Abilities are not prized by their virtue. Whatever admiration society awards us, comes from the selfish perspectives of others. A hard working janitor is less rewarded by society than a ruthless stockbroker. A cancer researcher is rewarded less than a supermodel.

It's My Life (Bon Jovi song)

Because those abilities are rarer and impact more people. But in reality, social reward is just a network effect.

Reward comes down mostly to the number of people you impact:. Write Harry Potter and the world wants to know you. Unfortunately, the same rule applies to all talents, even unsavoury ones: You may hate this. It may make you sick. People like to invent moral authority. Our parents tell us this. Our teachers teach us this.

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It's Your Life is a leader in building comprehensive and personalized health management programs that make a difference. We support individuals as they find. It's Your Life Lyrics: This is the moment / It's on the line / Which way you gonna fall ? / In the middle / Between wrong and right / But you know after all / It's your life.

Be a good boy, and have some candy. But reality is indifferent.

You studied hard, but you failed the exam. A person with years of experience being someone completely different to you.