What Makes You Different? (Makes You Beautiful)

"What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful"

Now we can be a new creation, His special creation to bring forth good works 2Cor. Further, we can be transformed into the image of Christ to regain that image stained by sin 2Cor. Christians are not like everyone else. Remember your story of coming to Christ? Remember when you had the burden of your heart rolled away? Remember how you felt with the relief of guilt? Now look in the mirror. Who do you see? What makes us beautiful? We are beautiful not because of what others think of us externally. Can we please learn that?

Young people and older people think it is the external that makes them beautiful. They endanger their health with anorexia and bulimia trying to attain the external that the world says is beautiful. Yes, I realize those two diseases are more complicated than that but that is part of the aim. It is not how tall, thin or fit we are that makes us in the image of God. It is the inner man. There is no perfect body for a woman or a man. Even the inner man will never be flawless, but the inner man can be complete. We are not beautiful because of how others accept us or approve of what we do.

We are not beautiful because we make others smile, laugh or feel good. We are beautiful of what God makes us.

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It does not matter what others think of us. It is not how others judge us. It matters what God thinks of us. Our beauty comes from how God views us. Our self esteem comes from inside.

WHAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT (MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL) - Backstreet Boys - www.farmersmarketmusic.com

Grow from the inside out Psalms They teach us how to be caring, kind, compassionate, loving, and accepting. They teach us how to be what we were born to be. Your stories stir up such strong emotions in me. Just like the one with the little brat lol calling Pip broken, this makes me nervous for my day.

I haven't really had it happen yet, but I know it will and I don't know how I will handle it. Ben is 6 months on Wednesday. He is the same way drawing people in like "magnets" as you say when we go out. With the broken story, I literally wanted to, pardon my French, bitch slap a 5 year old girl and now I want to do it to an old lady! Thank you for posting. I know I am rambling but I do hope when it happens to me I can remember that little pic of Pip smiling next to the beautiful sign and maintain my diplomacy as well.

People never cease to amaze me! These comments will only make your family stronger Tara, and I love the manner in which you deal with them. Different is what makes each person special in their own way! We have some mutual friends, so I hope to one day meet you and your beautiful family.

S Love the pictures, she is a princess Nicole Godin. My niece was born with a few hemangiomas on her face and one under her lower eyelid discovered later after the small ones on her face started spreading. The one that was under her eyelid on the inside caused her eye to bulge a bit, and also become slightly crossed. She was a basket case about it, and usually tried to explain hemangiomas to people, without much success. Finally, I'd had enough. We were out one day shopping, and a lady walked up and said, "Poor dear. What happened to her?

What's wrong with her?

"What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful"

I looked at my niece, then back at the woman,and smiled. I asked her, "I'm not sure what you mean.

What are those red patches, and why is her eye like that? With a very puzzled look on my face, I said, "I really have no idea what you're talking about.

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Honest to God, I don't know what's wrong with some people. It blows my mind. Sorry that happened to you.

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There was another story on the Saving Down Syndrome FB page yesterday that is very similar to yours, except it was much worse. I love that picture your Pip has next to her--so true. I love this blog!! I have had this experience many times. My daughter has Rett Syndrome. One time in particular was when my son was about 3 years old. A lady in a doctor's office waiting room leaned over and asked what was wrong with her while pointing at my daughter who was about 6 at the time.

Before I could open my mouth, my 3 year old said - There's nothing wrong with her, God made her that way. What's wrong with you?

  • What Makes You Different (Makes You Beautiful) - Backstreet Boys | www.farmersmarketmusic.com.
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First of all, Pip is gorgeous!! When I read this I was saddened that this even happened. I have such a hard time understanding how people can be so blunt and rude. I also have a little one who happens to have Down Syndrome and the one thing I really worry about is how others will treat him. I just scrolled down and at the end I saw these beautiful pics of a beautiful human being who one day is going to grow up and make this little world of ours a more beautiful place to live in.

Those who can't see it,I just feel bad for them. God bless and best of luck: Pip needs her own line of greeting cards! These pictures just made my day. Sweet Pip you are so adorable I could just "eat you up! It is just ridiculous. So much so we look at each other, roll our eyes after they've walked away and say, "Oh it so hard to be so special! I got to this blog from a link on Huffington post. You and your children are wonderful. Good job, mom, they are happy and smiling at you. First I want to say congratulations for your beautiful family.

From the album

What Makes You Different (Makes You Beautiful). By Backstreet Boy. • 1 song, Play on Spotify. 1. What Makes You Different (Makes You Beautiful). What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful is a special needs support network that provides a support service for families with special needs. We meet the.

Now I need to tell you that you have an obligation with your daughter and other people with Down syndrome, you need to be the first one who needs to be tolerance with people, with ignorant people, there are many people in this big world who are ignorant and because of that people are mean and hateful, so you and your family need to teach people how amazing, incredible, beautiful and wonderful Pip is.

And I think you are thinking, who is this girl that she thinks she can tell what I need to do? Well let me tell you who am I. But Martha is not an incredible person just because of her syndrome. Martha is the most intelligent girl I ever met, she is funny, she loves all girly things, she is the one smart ass in her class kindergarten , she loves take pictures of everything, and she is only six years old.

Princess Diaries Michael and Mia - What Makes You Beautiful

Have a good day and a beautiful life. This was such a beautiful post and you have an even more beautiful daughter and family! I'm raising a wee one myself and this message is the most important to me. Your little girl is changing the world, one sweet smile at a time: I wish you all the best, Lauren www. I enjoyed reading your blog!

We have a 9 month old little angel who has Down Syndrome. She is the light of our lives in so many ways! She has opened doors and pushed us into a world we didn't even realized existed. We had four boys before getting our girl, we know having a girl would be different, but we didn't realize how different until she was born.

Our angel is small, very small so we get asked all the time if she is ok and if she has something wrong with her. At first it was frustrating, but now we feel it is our job to educate people. I try to politely reply, she is perfectly healthy, she has Down Syndrome and so she is small! Our children were sent to us for a reason and I believe it is to educate those around us and to let people know how amazing "different" can be.

BrynnLe has not only changed our family she has changed our town and I know she will continue to break down those barriers. What an amazing ride we will have. Greetings from Utah, Pip is so adorable, beautiful and oh so precious! Thank you for sharing her with us. And I love your attitude - Pip is blessed to have you as her Momma.

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She will greatly benefit from knowing she was born perfect, whole and complete. I can't wait to see Pip on Ellen!! There is this idea in hebrew that the word perfect means "doing that for which you were made" in that sense I and she and my daughter and every other precious baby is perfect! I realize you are trying to be a loving mom What makes us different is NOT what makes us beautiful. Now, this is coming from me, a woman who was stoned at school, completely shunned, only called "frankenstein's wife" growing up because I went through the windshield of a car when I was 4 years old.

My face was torn apart and re-united by way of a matrix of scars. Then I became deaf and I had huge hearing aids. Add to that, coke bottle glasses.