Harbinger Chronicles: The Harbinger (The Harbinger Chronicles Book 1)

Also available from this author: Do we have what it takes to rule the galaxy? This eight-book series chronicles the struggles of Don Grange, a simple package deliveryman, who is thrust into an unimaginable role in the fight against our enemies. Can we win peace and freedom after a thousand years of war? In this eight-book series, the Alliance is crumbling. When corruption and politics threaten to throw the allied galaxies into chaos, Knog Beutcher gets caught in the middle. Follow along as our hero is thrust into roles that he never expected or sought. Espionage, intrigue, political assassinations, rebellions and full-on revolutions, they are all coming to Knog Beutcher's world!

After scientists using the Large Hadron Collider discover dark matter, the world is plunged into chaos. Massive waves of electromagnetic interference take out all grid power and forms of communication the world over. Cities go dark, food and water supplies are quickly used up, and marauders rule the highways. Alexander Wolfield is the 4th in line to the throne of Alveus. Greatly overshadowed by his eldest brother Edward, Alexander feels lost and is in constant conflict with his father the King, and his brutal brother Mattias, so he sets out on a quest to find his purpose.

Alexander's well-developed character has real depth as he struggles to know where he fits into the world as he grows from a teenager into adulthood. I enjoyed the Harbingers' characters, the mysterious animals, the enemy to the north, the epic battles and I thought that this fast paced story was fresh and new and I can tell you I look forward to book 2. Nov 07, Heldley rated it it was amazing. It is a book that will fill your heart with happiness, while making your imagination fly over lands of tales.

The Harbinger (The Harbinger Chronicles) (Volume 1)

The characters have been designed to make you feel like you have something in common with them. However, this does not mean that this is a common story. When the king is talking you almost feel its power. When the main hero is experiencing different emotions, the description is created in such way, that you are almost seeing him right in front of your eyes, in your own room. I am looking forward to read your next book, Cristopher! Nov 07, Lisa Meyers rated it it was amazing. This was the best fantasy book that I have read in last period of time.

And it is such a pity that this kind of books is so rare, lately. In this review I cannot skip over highlighting the fact the description of different scenes and environments is so full of details that, no matter how bad mood you would experience, it will make you dream to a land of tale.

And that is this book: Nov 07, Adele Adams rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Over joyed to read this kind of sequence! It is uncommon to discover a good quality novel but this one made the difference. I'm so pleased to read such wonderful book after a long run. Really a fantastic book and made a great journey to a fantasy series. Well written story that is so enjoyable.

It's an example on how a young man survive which must perservere and be a person, experiencing actuality can be tough. Therefore when ones fighting creatures, the item becomes a bit more difficult. Guys i Over joyed to read this kind of sequence! Guys in addition to women, younger in addition to old - it is a book for everybody.

It has been plotted through the great creation of Alexander. Apr 21, Barbara Harris rated it it was amazing. I love reading books, and luckily my fifteen year old daughter loves them just as much as I do. The Harbinger has been our favorite book so far! It is a really well written coming of age story. Prince Alex is the main character and much to his fathers displeasure he leaves the safety of his kingdom to find loyal followers.

Twelve people he can truly trust. In the pro I love reading books, and luckily my fifteen year old daughter loves them just as much as I do. In the process he discovers a lot about himself, his realm, his neighboring lands, and most disturbing We both absolutely loved it. Apr 10, Sgallardo rated it it was amazing. This is the type of Fantasy book that I'd recommend for an award. It's well-plotted with memorable characters, especially Alexander.

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I read a lot of fantasy, and many of the stories are similar in plot and theme and while entertaining they are just ok but this story surprised me. The author is a good storyteller and I just kept turning the page. I'd recommend this one to teen and adult fantasy readers. This is a long, satisfying read. Be prepared to love it like I did. Also, by including romance, the author struggled to maintain the darker tones she was driving for at times. The secondary characters vacillate from serious to almost silly.

No cussing, no sex, not too much bloody violence.

The Harbinger Book Trailer

View all 6 comments. Creatures include mages, shape shifters dragons and wolves , and whisperers. Whisperers do things with their minds like telekinesis.

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Kael is in his late teens I think. When he shoots an arrow it goes where he wants it to go. When he sets an animal trap the animal he wants comes to the trap. He can heal by picturing body parts coming together. This is a four book series. There are five evil governor types and an evil king. Kael and his friends travel and plan to kill or stop the evil leaders.

During the story Kael makes friends with various types who accompany him on these quests. In book 1 Kyleigh a dragon shifter has a major role. There is a happy ending for book 1 with good guys winning against an evil ruler, but there are more evil rulers out there to be dealt with in future books. This is book 1 in the four book series Fates Forsaken.

I read the first two books and part of the 3rd book.

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I lost interest - partly due to other things going on in my life. One of my friends rated books 3 and 4 the best. Derek Perkins did an excellent job. Harbinger was better than I expected, but I'm also not all that impressed. I'm also really sick of the words "rump" and "gut. Dragon Pirates Two badass heroines Decent narration Minuses: Incredibly boring hero Only two female characters, one of which view spoiler [ends up married and one of which ends up pining for a boy who won't admit he loves her hide spoiler ] Hero magically good at everything, except realizing a girl is into him.

Jul 23, Mark Halse rated it liked it. Perhaps if I were ten years younger I would think of it as a good or even a great read but Harbinger is definitely a screamingly YA fantasy. It was slightly better then I expected but I've never held my breath for a YA book to knock me of my feet. In this book we follow the orphan-ish boy, Kale as he discovers just how awesome he is as he is forced from his small, mountain village with a badass half dragon whom he's too scared to tongue punch.

There were many interesting elements A decent read. There were many interesting elements in this book which propelled the decent story line. The characters weren't especially interesting and by the end of the book I barely cared what happened to the whole lot of them despite much of the book being unnecessarily dedicated to the main and side characters bonding and other nonsense.

Sometimes things seemed to happen too easily and I feel the action and actual plot elements were condensed to focus on the the characters becoming friends. Too much teen angst, not enough teen action. Criticism aside, I rarely like the first book in a series and unless I flat out hate it, I will continue on to book two and see what's up.

Mar 12, Elizabeth Fantham rated it did not like it. This book started okay, not great. Then it just got worse. We have dragons, whisperers, mages, witches, "beast" wolves, wrights, pirates, mystery swords and it just goes on and on. Not very good "magic" system. Just a lot of nonsense forced into a story.

There is also plenty of similarities to other books. Well, obviously, I thought it was terrific! My only disappointment is that the author hasn't written more in this series there is a book 2, I'll get to that later and I've been really pressed to find another book that grabbed my imagination the way this one did. The characters are well developed; however, it's obvious she left some stuff alone that would mke another book by itself. The book started VERY slowly - for me anyway,and, I have to admit, I put it down the 1st time I started reading; and only came back because I had read everything else in my Kindle at least twice, so I started from the beginning determined to read at least a few chapters; I ended up staying up all night long and reading the entire book.

Now, my biggest problem since I read the sequel, Though she could easily write at least 4 more books with these characters is waiting for book number 3, and finding another author I whose work I enjoy as much as Shae Ford. Apparently there will be more to come - I just noticed the second half of the title here, "Fate's forsaken 1 - and since their is already a book 2, "Slight and Shadow", I'm hoping for books 3, 4, 5 and six!

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Great book, great story, hero's with real flaws and doubts, magic, pirates, shapeshifters - who could ask for more? A little too YA for me, but creative concept I'd rate this a 2. This was one of those reads that I almost discontinued on numerous occasions. I just felt myself growing bored throughout. I think this would probably be a good fit for a younger reader. I just found myself wanting a bit more.

I never really felt a connection to the characters. While the heroine was strong and brave, I found myself thinking of the hero as weak and needy. It was still ok, just not a series I will personall A little too YA for me, but creative concept I'd rate this a 2.

It was still ok, just not a series I will personally continue. Sci-fi fans, Classic fans, History Buffs. This was an awesome epic adventure, and I loved it! People that like R. Salvatore or Christopher Paolini should give this a try. This type of writing is what is lacking in the YA genre. Please we need more of it. I am looking forward to the next book. I like the main characters and their interaction with the common folk around them. I will admit that the story starts off a little rocky, but soon turns into a strong plot.

I am very surprised at this books rating, being quite a tolerant reader I tend to blast through any book, even if they are less than average. But I did struggle to finnish reading this. All in all this read was exceedingly cringeworthy, frustratingly facepalm to say the least. She might like it provided she doesn't look too closely at the numerous absurd situations occuring during the hero's journey. Mar 26, Tim rated it it was amazing Shelves: Oct 29, Matt rated it liked it.

This was a fun read with some interesting ideas and good characters. Kael is a bit whiny though with some reason he's very downtrodden. His abilities seem almost too powerful but there do seem to be some limits to balance that if they are not really gone into.

It has some fairly kick arse heroines Kyleigh is just generally awesome and even the merchant girl Ayrlin? I also liked Jake the battle mage who keeps screwing up s This was a fun read with some interesting ideas and good characters. I also liked Jake the battle mage who keeps screwing up spells if they're not death and destruction based.

The story is fairly light some nice twists to the normal theme with the whisperers sort of anti mages with their own special abilties. A few shapeshifters who are humans bonded with animals to form one being. Not very deep and sometimes the characters reactions seem simplistic and aimed at moving the plot forward but generally a fun read.

The author really does like the word rump it keeps showing up again and again. Perhaps some other words they could use for variety behind, butt, bottom, arse, buttocks, bum, rear end, or even posterior to name but a few options. I'm a bit surprised by the high rating of this book. It's pretty average all in all. Readable but not really anything to rave about.

Characters are not very complicated, and not very developed, somewhat stereotypical for the most part. There is a certain lack of depth, that's disappointing.

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Plot is OK, despite some sparsely motivated events it's was not ridiculous, just a bit bland, not much edginess there. Didn't allow for much character perspective when changing POVs, especially for male characters. Worldbuilding I would argue some definite lack of knowledge about real world economics, but it didn't make the plot ridiculously implausible so it was fine.

While readable you really have to be quite the undiscriminating reader to give the book more than 3 star rating. Opening was great but the story quickly denigrated into a formulaic story. Sep 14, Jordan rated it it was amazing. Really enjoyed this book, it has an interesting magic system and even better characters with fantastic dialogue and interactions. Derek Perkins was so good and I can easily picture out the places and characters. The books is a fantasy adventure story. It has mages, shape shifters specifically dragons and wolves , and whisperers.

Whisperers has power with their minds like telekinesis. Kael is in his 17th year, if I am right with the dates in the book and meet this girl named Kyleigh who is knight. It is quite a refreshing book since it has been a long time for me to read a fantasy and adventure book. Anyway it was a good book. The magic system is interesting and the character development is on point.