Was Hitler A Racist? New Shocking Revelations

Religious views of Adolf Hitler

It's the first show since this museum of German and Austrian art opened in to reckon exclusively with the Nazi period, and it's a welcome step forward. The Neue Galerie has devoted solo shows to many of the artists here, from Kandinsky and Kokoschka to Otto Dix and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, and usually those exhibitions trailed off at the end of the Weimar period with a brief, dutiful reminder of the horrors to come. This show pushes into the s, and it features not just art deemed degenerate but also Nazi-approved painting and sculpture, party propaganda, and films such as the hideously anti-Semitic treatise Der ewige Jude The Wandering Jew.

Attacks on art began almost immediately after Hitler's accession in , often in spontaneous, private Schandausstellungen "shame exhibitions". Dix, who earned the Iron Cross as a soldier during the first world war, was a favourite target of these proto-Degenerate Art shows; his glorious grotesques such as War Cripples , they claimed, were insufficiently patriotic. War Cripples was included in the later Munich exhibition and was subsequently destroyed.

The Neue Galerie has a contemporary postcard of the lost work, as well as the painting's frame, hanging empty. By a commission led by Adolf Ziegler, Hitler's favorite painter, was charged with purging German museums of unacceptable art. About of those seized works were included in the Degenerate Art exhibition, which opened on 19 July — the day after Hitler's Great German Art show at the purpose-built, gruesomely fascistic Haus der Deutsche Kunst renamed the Haus der Kunst, this gallery is now directed by the remarkable Nigerian curator Okwui Enwezor and presented an admirable exhibition in on its Nazi history.

Where the art in the Great German Art show hung in neoclassical style, the Degenerate Art show displayed paintings cheek-by-jowl on the walls, ringed with angry or derisive texts such as "madness becomes method" or "revelation of the Jewish racial soul. The Neue Galerie show wisely refuses to recreate that hang. The art here has ample room to breathe; Nazi slogans are kept off the walls.

Instead the curator, German art historian Olaf Peters , has included a short film taken at the two Munich shows. These show the galleries of the Degenerate Art exhibition crowded with visitors, but nobody looks shocked or disgusted. For if the Americans wins the war, then they will conquer the world and forever be a slave to the jews and they will try to conquer God.

Do you know who America has in its posession? The Jews of God. They are the true hebrews. What a foolish move and a direct challenge to God. And they plan on moving these false white jews into a state of Israel. America is desperate in its attempt to win this war using atom bombs on Japan. America will destroy the whole world in its attempt to conquer it. When America and its jewish slave masters conquer the world and the world realize I was right, then all nations will begin a third world war to dethrone America of its rule.

Every nation will soon possess atom bombs of their own. It will be the end of most of the world as we know it. And to keep Americas secret, the jews will blackmail America.

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The jews will extort America Their plan for world domination wont work if the negros knew who they were. They will fear God will destroy them as he destroyed Egypt for doing the same thing. So the elite, the Illuminati keeps this a secret at all cost. After I die, I will one day cause World War 3 just by this message which will be like planting a seed in people minds until it sprouts once they nurture that seed and seek more truth and learn Hitler was right. Its origins are well documented; it actually grew out of the German Workers Party or German Labour Party which Adolf Hitler joined as the seventh member in its early days.

The Party's programme was written not by Adolf Hitler but by Gottfried Feder, who was more concerned with economics than with biology. However, written into the party programme was the stipulation that under a National Socialist government, no Jew could be a citizen of the German Reich Was this racism' 1 Not necessarily It was only in that women in Britain were given the vote, in other words, women were excluded from citizenship. Many other people were and are excluded from citizenship in Britain and all other nations to this very day.

Foreigners are by definition not citizens To take but one example, there are currently many Westerners working on contract in Saudi Arabia.

Foreigners are not only not Saudi citizens but are subjected to many restrictions, especially if they are women. In , an Australian nurse was murdered in a hospital in Saudi Arabia in gruesome circumstances. Did the Saudi authorities ignore this? ANTI-RACIST hysteria generated over this case by the Western media, both of the accused would have been sentenced to death and executed S The point of this is that just because a group is excluded from citizenship or suffers more restrictions than the general population doesn't mean that this group - women, Jews, or whoever - are hated by the regime, or that the Saudis are anti-Western or anti-woman or that the Nazis were racist, and so on.

The exclusion of Jews from German citizenship is not proof of Nazi racism. In any case, anti-Semitism - as distinct from racism - in Germany as elsewhere was not as simple as that.

Germany had a long tradition of anti-Jewish movements and organisations but these were in the first instance mystical rather than political or racial. As in France and elsewhere, members of such organisations held all manner of strange beliefs about Jews, including the idea that they controlled the world from behind the scenes 6 The Nazis were simply the latest in a long line of German authoritarian nationalists, and they tacked on their weird beliefs about Jews to their political and economic platforms. Although in the ancient world Jews had been defined by nationhood - ie the Nation of Israel - they had for centuries been considered not a race but a religious community.

It was only with the rise of the modern Zionist movement under the influence of the Jewish journalist Theodor Herzl that Jews came to be considered a separate race. This concept along with the Zionist movement was initially held in contempt by all leading Jews. Writing in , the distinguished Jewish historian and author Lucien Wolf argued that European Jews were "a religious community of white men not essentially different from the European Roman Catholics and Protestants" He was scornful of the Zionists.

Nazi ideas of race and racial purity' went to extreme or even absurd lengths. Since the s, the United States has enforced Draconian policies of "affirmative action" against its white citizens In order to understand this, a brief resume, of American racial history is necessary. After the American Civil War and the abolition of slavery whites and blacks lived under segregation. In other words, if you were white, you mixed with white folks, sent your children to white schools, traded with white businessmen, etc, and if you were black, you sent your children to black schools, and so on Segregation and the doctrine of "separate but equal" were enshrined in law, most notably in the case of Plessy v Ferguson, , 11 but it was principally taboos, customs and deep social mores which led to its strict enforcement.

The fallacious premise of this nonsense is that every ethnic group should be represented in every profession by a contingent which is proportional to its numbers in the general population. A moment's reflection and an analogy or two will demonstrate how absurd this idea really is. For example, with very few exceptions, all the top heavyweight boxers in the world are black, and most of these are Americans.

At the time of writing - February - no non-white has ever won the World Professional Snooker Championship and indeed with the exception of Cliff Thorburn, who won the title in , the world title has never gone outside the British Isles Finally there are many High Court Judges in Britain but none in their twenties.

Is this because the judiciary discriminates against young men'' This last example may sound absurd, but some of the arguments advanced by "anti-racists" are equally absurd, if not more so The point is that there is no "normal" distribution of races amongst the professions, and there are numerous factors involved in the equation besides race. If today's "anti-racists" fail to see this or are wilfully blind to it, then they have more in common with Hitler and the Nazis than they would care to admit.

The Jewish population of Germany was around , at the beginning of the Nazi era. A contemporary anti-Nazi propaganda tract gave the following percentage listed below in descending order What reason besides discrimination by Jews could there be for such racial imbalance? The Jewish presence in other professions was even more striking In , of members of the stock, produce, and metal exchanges, almost 80 per cent were of Jewish origin. If the reader still thinks this absurd then he should compare the policies carried out by the Nazis with those of a committed African "mti-racist", Robert Mugabe.

Before Mugabe took power in Rhodesia in - subsequently renamed Zimbabwe - he made all the usual noises about non-racial democracy, something we in the West have heard a lot about from Africa, but no sooner had he been sworn in as Prime Minister than he announced the Africanization of white businesses. Whites were said to be leaving en masse after Mugabe broke his promise to give them a fair place in the country.

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Fifteen years on, the country's remaining whites were to be subjected to an even bigger dose of "affirmative action". It was reported in March that a bill was to be introduced in response to a campaign by black businessmen to have white businesses excluded from state contracts and to force banks to grant loans to black businessmen at preferential rates. Naive "anti-racists" can hardly condemn the Nazis' economic policies as anti-Jewish without likewise condemning those of Comrade Mugabe as anti-white. The reader is invited to compare this quote from the London Times with the following articles from the Jewish Chronicle during the Nazi era.

Fifty Jewish firms said to be dealing in grain in Berlin alone were forced into liquidation the previous week; Jewish pharmacists were also forced out of business. In other words, "affirmative action" had been introduced in the business sector In January it was reported that Mugabe intended to confiscate 1, mostly white farms. Still, under the law as it stands Jewish firms are permitted to carry on their business activities".

This is a report of a speech by German banker Hialmar Schacht. Still, under de law as it stands If Robert Mugabe is an "anti-racist, then so was Adolf Hitler! As always, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. We will present here documentation from a Jewish source on the Nazis' attempts to protect the Jewish people from "racial contamination".

The Jewish Chronicle, June 16, , page 18, reports segregation in the classroom, but Jewish separatism was said to be favoured by Zionists! The May 1 , edition of the Jewish Chronicle carried the following story on page 1 8: This related that a nineteen-years-old domestic servant who had stolen marks from her "non-Aryan" employer accused him of giving her the money as a bribe to keep silent over acts of "racial desecration," which, she alleged, he had committed against her She was sentenced to sixteen months' imprisonment.

The Wiesbaden Court found that the accusations were entirely without basis, and gave the "non- Aryan" the right to have the facts of the case published The same article reported that a Hanover man was sentenced to a year's imprisonment for attempting to blackmail a Jew on the grounds of alleged "racial desecration" committed in A 28 year old Jew was acquitted of the same offence because of insufficient evidence 27 This is a very telling example and exposes the real agenda of the Nazis: It also demonstrates clearly that Jews were often dealt with fairly by the courts in what we are told was a rabidly anti-Jewish police state.

If this were not the case then surely the Jewish women these two Aryans had fraternised with would have ended up in the dock for attempting to pollute German blood and not vice versa. And surely the Jew would have been convicted simply because he was accused. At times, the Nazis even turned a blind eye to Rassenschande.

In its September 25, issue, page 18, the Jewish Chronicle reported the arrest in Berlin for Rassenschande of a Jewish Gestapo agent who had spied on German- Jewish refugees in London. Yes, the Gestapo was an equal opportunities employer! Obviously this man was not really arrested for Rassenschande but had fallen out with his masters for some other reason, for fiddling his expenses, perhaps. The Jewish Chronicle for January 4, , page 12, reported that a Jew and an Aryan girl were charged with living together but were acquitted "after a declaration made by both of them that they had intended to get married.

The same article reports that an Aryan girl dismissed by her employer for refusing to part with her Jewish fiance sued and was awarded damages. It is also well documented that Hitler had a Jewish family doctor and that the Fuhrer showed special kindness to him even after things got really rough between the Nazis and the Jews. This is the reason Jehovah's Witnesses were interned in Nazi Germany, not because they were religious, but because their particular brand of religion was reckoned to be a threat to the state, specifically they were considered to be disloyal.

The Nazis' tolerance for religion extended even to Jewish houses of worship and cemeteries; vandals and anti-social elements were dealt with severely, as the following reports demonstrate. The Jewish Chronicle for August 10, , page 12 reported that the Nazis condemned the desecration of 54 tombstones which were smashed when a Jewish cemetery was vandalised. Three drunkards were later jailed, one for one year, one for six months, one for four months, in accordance with the guidelines laid down by Hitler himself. Synagogues and Cemeteries Desecrated, that five graves in Beckum, Estphalia had been desecrated.

When the culprits were caught, "Their parents undertook to repair the graves at their own expense. The same article reported that a youth was sentenced to a month's imprisonment for breaking into a synagogue, "The variety of the house of God did not alter the question. The following year it was reported that in Gressen, six young men were sentenced to terms of imprisonment ranging from three weeks to two months for "individual actions" against Jews After drinking together, they proceeded to smash windows of Jewish houses and entered the local Synagogue, where they caused havoc.

The Public Prosecutor asserted that it was a strict order of the Fuhrer that all individual actions against Jews were to stop, and he demanded severe sentences The Court, however, taking into account the fact that the accused were under the influence of drink, declared for milder sentences against them. Racial Abuse Not Tolerated In Nazi Germany Members of far right groups in Britain often complain about the Draconian Race Relations Act; it's almost impossible they say for people to open their mouths on race issues without demands for their being dragged into court for "incitement to racial hatred", whatever that means.

Some even look back with nostalgia to Nazi Germany, they had best look again, because in some respects Nazi laws against racial "incitement" were even more Draconian than those in Britain today. The following story appeared in the Jewish Chronicle, November 22, , page Heck, you can't be gaoled for slander in Britain slander is a tort - a civil offence.

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The average Jew who is slandered in contemporary Britain has to grin and bear it, but in Nazi Germany he could have had his slanderer gaoled! Although the Jewish Chronicle claims this was a rare case, it wasn't that rare The current writer has found other, similar examples, and doubtless many others went unreported.

An earlier example appeared in the February 9, edition of the paper. On page 14, Fined for Insulting a Jew reports that a National Socialist in Bavaria was fined 25 Marks for sending a Jewish lawyer an official communication addressed "To the Jew lawyer. He called a Jew a Jew presumably in a "disparaging" way , the Jew sued him, and the man was fined! Aryan pretending to be a Jew for the sake of obtaining relief from Jewish sources was dealt with by a Stuttgart court, which sentenced the man to two years' imprisonment and three years' loss of civil rights, and his companion to ten months' imprisonment.

To prove his bona fides, he showed a forged certificate from the Rabbinate He worked in collaboration with a woman, also a pure Aryan, who also appeared under a false name. Altogether he admitted to having obtained marks by false pretences, but it was claimed in court that the actual amount was considerably larger. The supposedly so racist South Africans banned this book because it was said to be offensive to Moslems. Two more court reports from the Jewish Chronicle confirm this.

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In its November 16, , issue, page 19, the paper reported in a story entitled Court Decisions in Favour of Jews that a Nazi storm trooper who attacked two Jews for no reason was jailed for six months. And that when a Jewish firm sued an Aryan firm for drawing attention to the ethnic ownership of the former, the court ruled that it was not permissible to do so.