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And in addition to being jealous I am also envious—envious of the lyric mood, the lyric leak —you can say the egotistical thing— I never. This is the case with Gautier and Hugo who are primarily poets but whose poetry James hardly considers at all. Yet they have been included in this section because what interested James in them is significant and greatly helps us to define his sensibility. In reality Baudelaire, like so many of his compatriots, remained on the surface of things and ignored their moral implications:.

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His great quality was an inordinate cultivation of the sense of the picturesque, and his care was for how things looked, and whether some kind of imaginative amusement was not to be got out of them, much more than for what they meant and whither they led and what was their use in human life at large. Moreover, the later editions of Les Fleurs du Mal contain a preface by Theophile Gautier, and if it is excellent taste to admire Gautier it is rather compromising to be admired by him.

Baudelaire failed because he endeavoured to make fine verse on ignoble subjects and because the reader, unable as he is to separate subject and process, finds the beauty perverted by the ugliness:. What the poet wished, doubtless was to seem to be always in the poetic attitude; what the reader sees is a gentleman in a painful-looking posture, staring very hard at a mass of things from which, more intelligently, we avert our heads.

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To hold that art and morality are two perfectly different things is childish, and any artist must feel that. The French critic also reproached Baudelaire with being passionless, a judgment that certainly requires correction. His sweetness of passion, of which the poets who have succeeded him have so little, is a more precious property than their superior science.

His attitude towards the couple shows that he was not interested in biographical or anecdotal facts for their own sake but for the light they throw on the process by which private experience can be aesthetically assimilated and transmuted into a work of art. In fact, James rather disliked personal revelations; they often struck him as a typically French lack of delicacy and of modesty. The English, he writes in a review dated , are very different from the French on that point and they do not discuss their physical features with the same freedom and complacency.

Everything with him was a matter of images, of colours. But if he was a good painter he was a poor moralist. The poet himself had the most modest pretensions so that James never refused him his admiration. We do not really react upon natural impressions and assert our independence, until these impressions have been absorbed into our moral life and become a mysterious part of moral passion.

Poor Gautier seems to stand forever in the chill external air which blows over the surface of things; above his brilliant horizon there peeped no friendly refuge of truth purely intellectual where he could rake over the embers of philosophy and rest his tired eyes among the shadows of the unembodied. Reviewing two translations, Winter in Russia in and Constantinople in , James notices that the vividness, the fantasy, the incisiveness evaporate in the English version. Provided the reader does not look for information in Winter in Russia he is sure to enjoy the book because Gautier can use his eyes far better than other people and can make him see things that would undoubtedly escape him.

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He was charming, delightful; he knew the French colour-box better than anyone, yet he had too few ideas to be considered as one of the first. He did not write for pleasure but for subsistance and was chained to the newspapers:.

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  6. French Poets. Baudelaire, Musset, Gautier, Hugo!
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It was often done in the printing-office on the edge of a smutted table, with a dozen people talking; but there is never a case in which the reader of the finished article is not free to fancy it may have been excogitated in luxurious leisure, amid the fumes of a perfumed pipe, by a genius in a Persian dressing-gown reclining under a bower of roses. But formal perfection can never compensate for the absence of life and of moral sensibility. Too prone to prove and to demonstrate, neither a pure aesthete nor a very deep psychologist, and an ideologist rather than an idealist, Hugo represented all that most irritated James in France: The poet appealed to the French taste for bombast and to their innate love of the grandiose.

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France occasionally produces individuals who express the national conceit with a transcendent fatuity which is not elsewhere to be matched. A foreign resident in the country may speak upon this point with feeling; it makes him extremely uncomfortable. Such persons desire to enjoy in a tranquil and rational manner the various succulent fruits of French civilization, but they have no fancy for being committed to perpetual genuflections and prostrations. If they could, he says, the result would be most favourable to their intellectual health.

Pronoms disjoints / Pronoms toniques

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The ironical summary of the novel leaves no doubt as to what the reviewer thought of its author. It offended his taste for conciseness and perfection of form. As a poet he was very unequal, and if he produced things of extraordinary beauty James particularly notices the pieces about children he also committed gross and extravagant faults. Besides, he had no sense of humour and as a philosopher had nothing of the smallest consequence to say. Only later, when he no longer wrote about them, did James begin to see these two poets in a more favourable light. But his first reaction is extremely significant.

James despised their lack of measure, their verbosity and the extreme seriousness with which they took themselves. In place of direct object pronouns , indirect object pronouns , and reflexive pronouns in certain imperative constructions:. This free website is created with love and a great deal of work. If you love it, please consider making a one-time or monthly donation. Your new website is really good. Like many others, I have been following your lessons for quite some time.

Je ne sais pas, moi. He did it himself. To emphasize the subject; this is known as the accent tonique: Ce sont eux qui ont menti. You yes you need to leave! Nous aimons skier, mais lui pas du tout.

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Italian for "there," "so," "well," or "then. There will be a special issue I think. I hope there are some much more beautiful things in Endymion? You and he are right. I will write to Angellier as soon as I have finished the article that they are expecting at the Mercure and I have already written to Mr Garnett to thank him. May I ask you to do this for me? He never answered my letters and I have now written to my friend Primoli and expect his reply.

Only I know the right answer. Eux non plus ne doivent travailler. Je ne cherchais ni toi ni lui. I was looking for neither you nor him. Comme eux, je suis perplexe. Lui et toi avez raison. You and he are right.

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Note that the verb must be conjugated to match the plural pronoun that would replace them: In place of direct object pronouns , indirect object pronouns , and reflexive pronouns in certain imperative constructions: Give it to me. I want to go with you.