Lets Explore America

Re-solving the Economic Puzzle. An A-Z of Modern America. How Iowa Conquered the World: Right in the City Vol Ii. How to Raise an American. Ending Our Uncivil War. Positivity of a People.

In Search of the Movement. Connecting the 21st Century to the Past: What Makes America America? Deeper into the Heart of the Rockies: Selected columns from the Denver Post. Through the Eyes of the Pack. Time Present, Time Past. Famous Quotes on Trust. The State of My State. Who We Are Now. Let's Master American Soft Skills. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long.

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In modern times, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina have attracted an astonishing assortment of new industries, as well as millions of tourists from all over the world. Residents of New Hampshire, the Granite state, pride themselves on their independence and self-reliance. All three states have contributed a great deal to American history. Metropolis in the Making. They include a diverse terrain, including plains and deserts, which inspires fascination and provokes the imagination. California is the nation's largest state by population, and is an important cornerstone of the U.

Click on image to Zoom. Average Rating Customers. This region includes both the largest tallgrass prairie preserve and the most extensive sand dunes in the nation. Delaware is known as the "First State," because it was the first of the original thirteen colonies to ratify the U.

Although Maryland is small, it is known for the rivers, bays, and creeks that feed into the Chesapeake Bay, as well as sandy beaches, forested plateaus, and mountains.

The nation's capital city, Washington, is located in the District of Columbia; it is known for its many monuments and museums, as well as for its critical role as the center of the federal government. Alaska and Hawaii were the last two states to join the United States, admitted in Although they are very different in many aspects--especially size and climate--the two states do share several common traits.

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They are the only states that do not border at least one other U. Both have abundant natural beauty, and are popular tourist destinations. Alaska and Hawaii also have unique histories that differ in many ways from the forty-eight contiguous U. New Jersey is the nation's most densely populated state, with nearly 95 percent of its population living in urban areas. New York, the "Empire State," played an important role in the rise and growth of the United States and remains vital in global affairs. New York City is home to more people than any other American city.

Some of the most important events in American history took place in Pennsylvania, including the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the pivotal Civil War battle at Gettysburg.

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Maine is a beautiful place, with dramatic scenery and an abundance of unspoiled land. Its cities are clean and safe and have a small-town feel.

Residents of New Hampshire, the Granite state, pride themselves on their independence and self-reliance. This small state plays a large role in the politics of presidential elections every four years. Vermont was the first new state to join the U.

Let’s Explore the States Series (19 Titles)

Today, it is best known for its dairy farms and ski resorts. The states of the Pacific Northwest region are considered by many people to be among the nicest places to live in the United States. While Idaho is known for its potatoes, producing more than 12 billion pounds of this vegetable each year, the state is also a leading producer of gemstones.

Oregon is a state of remarkable geographic diversity, from desolate high deserts to lush rain forests. Washington is home to some of the highest mountains in the United States, and has the Northwest's largest city, Seattle. The majestic Rocky Mountains boast some of the highest peaks in North America. But the three states in this region--Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming--are more than just mountains. They include a diverse terrain, including plains and deserts, which inspires fascination and provokes the imagination.