The History of English Poetry

A Brief History of English Poetry

Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. English literature is a treasure trove of wonderful poetry. From Shakespeare to Milton, Keats to Shelley and Tennyson to Yeats, this accessible history especially written for Naxos AudioBooks introduces the listener to countless small masterpieces, including all the old favorites and some lesser-known gems.

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Whitfield explores this most expressive of art forms and traces English literature is a treasure trove of wonderful poetry. Whitfield explores this most expressive of art forms and traces the historical development of a rich and diverse canon of poetical works. The lyrical powers of the most remarkable poets of the English language are illustrated with over 70 extracts. This is the latest release from Naxos AudioBooks' successful 'History' series, which includes accounts of English literature, theatre and opera.

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The History of English Poetry

Jan 29, Liam Guilar rated it it was ok. It's a fairly conventional survey of the history of English poetry, with few surprises. After awhile the dogmatic statements apparently only Scholars read medieval poetry and dismissive attitude to whatever doesn't appeal to the writer's taste become tiresome.

More poetry and less preaching would be welcome, but as a quick survey it's a fairly reliable introduction of the standard version of "The History of English poetry". Aug 30, Alice rated it really liked it Shelves: This is a good survey of English poetry; by its nature it is too brief and selective, but to be honest it is still a bit overwhelming for someone like me whose major life experience with poetry was a fling the Romantics when I was 21 gotta love the Romantics at that age!

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The narration of the book is excellent and it was a pleasure to listen to. Mar 09, Ruth Crocker rated it it was amazing. Excellent overview of English and American poetry told with excerpts of each poet's work. Very clear and accessible, providing an understandable and exhilarating path through centuries of poetry.

Feb 16, Duckpondwithoutducks rated it really liked it Shelves: This book is a fairly standard overview of English poetry, though sometimes the criticisms of certain poems seem personal and not analytical. But, the narrator is Derek Jacobi, and that made me love listening to it - he has a rich and humourous voice. Aug 11, Jillian rated it really liked it Shelves: This was a superb listen!

Jul 18, Philip Walton rated it really liked it. Richard French rated it really liked it Apr 26, Alexandra Schae rated it did not like it Dec 18, Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote poetry influenced by classical mythology, and was an early advocate of pacifism and vegetarianism. He died in a storm at sea before he was thirty years old.

Lecture 1: Old English Poetry

The lives of many Romantic poets were characterised by tragedy, but they wrote some of the most enduring and popular poems in the English language. After the Romantic poets came the Victorian poets and the Pre-Raphaelites. Alfred, Lord Tennyson was the Poet Laureate of England for many years, and wrote lyrical poems characterised by perfect and precise use of the English language.

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Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote religious poetry with a modern bent. William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet whose poems were full of symbolism as well as beautiful imagery.

A Brief History of English Poetry – The Culture Project

His poems were often inspired by Irish legends, and he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in The twentieth century saw the birth of the Modernist movement in English poetry. Eliot wrote shockingly original poems that dealt with bleak and existential themes, but were still strangely beautiful and compelling.

About A Critical History of English Poetry

While the poetry that has survived is limited in volume, it is wide in breadth. His poems were often inspired by Irish legends, and he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in The 18th century is sometimes called the Augustan age, and contemporary admiration for the classical world extended to the poetry of the time. The teacher is great and all you need to get better is dedication and practice. Towards the end of the 18th century, poetry began to move away from the strict Augustan ideals and a new emphasis on the sentiment and feelings of the poet was established.

Ezra Pound was a friend of T. Eliot, and another prominent poet who was concerned with the clarity and precision of the English language. Perhaps the most famous poet from this period was Dylan Thomas. His poems are known for their unique imagery and virtuosic use of words and rhythm. The appeal of poetry is universal, and for people who are learning English as a second language, English poetry can be easier to read than novels, and more interesting than articles or essays.

Epic poems such as Beowulf and The Faerie Queen are probably not a good place to start, but poems by the Romantic and Victorian poets are often simple and easy to understand, while still being examples of beautiful and refined English. The Impact of the Internet on the English Language. The Great English Vowel Shift. The History of English Poetry.

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The History of English Poetry, from the Close of the Eleventh to the Commencement of the Eighteenth Century () by Thomas Warton was a pioneering. This article focuses on poetry from the United Kingdom written in the English language. Some poems on historical events, such as The Battle of Brunanburh () and The Battle of Maldon (), appear to have been composed shortly after.

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A Critical History of English Poetry

I'm really happy with my progress and I certainly recommend this! The History of English Poetry Posted on: A wood carving depicting a scene from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Popular Posts Related Posts.

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