The Sacred Buffalo Vision

Vision of a Water Buffalo

But I am coming in the best way that I know how. And I am asking for these blessings today in this vision quest. Before sunset, they put seven stones in a fire. You gather seven large stones and on each one you make a circle with a special type of clay paint. The circle represents the hoop of life; it has no beginning or end. The circle is the beginning of cellular consciousness. It represents the light that enters into that cell. There are many meanings to the circle.

Those stones are placed in the fire, and the fire burns the whole time you're on the hill. It represents all the elements: This is the beginning of the vision quest.

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The Sacred Buffalo Vision [Robert James Juneau] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Piegan-Blackfeet Indians survived Indian. The Sacred Buffalo Vision. likes. This page is about a book called The Sacred Buffalo Vision by Robert J. Juneau and Robert C. Juneau.

Once inside, you smoke with the medicine man, and everything is good. You go out and come back with your pipe again, but now it is empty, except for a little sage. You always keep a little sage in your pipe so that nothing gets into it, physically or spiritually. The medicine man has the lodge ready, and he has helpers that are going to sit in the lodge with you. Everyone is tied together, moving in one direction.

Indian Vision - Chirapaq - Native American - Powerful Pride - Sacred Medicine

The person going on the vision quest always sits on the west end of the lodge, opposite the medicine man. The west represents the spirits, the thunder beings who control the wind, the rain, the lightning, the thunder. These are being of great power, and especially important in my case because of being hit by lightning.

William Walk Sacred

Prayers are said in the lodge. You are there in complete darkness, with the fire, the water, the rocks and the air. All the elements are there so that all the spirits can enter. The medicine man takes you to the position of power that he is seeking for you so that you can have the vision quest you are looking for. Medicine men have many different sacred spots. He is directly connected to the Great Spirit and he knows what people can handle.

Some people can handle 12 volts, others can handle He puts you in a specific area that is strong enough for you as you face the spirits and go naked before God. He takes out the prayer flags that you prepared ahead of time, and puts one in each direction. Then he takes the tobacco ties and puts you in the center of these four flags.

He starts unwinding these along the ground. It's a protected area. We know that once we are in the center, nothing can come into the center in a bad way. Only good things can come in there.

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You might see all kinds of horrific things dancing around you, but nothing can come into the center except the good things from the Great Spirit. The medicine man tells you to remain in the center for one, two, or three days, and sometimes longer, whatever is necessary. In my case, I was told to pray hard for my life on the first night, and to pray for my direction on the second. So, I was up there two days and two nights.

This is all done as the sun is starting to set. You are holding your pipe the whole time with all your might because this represents the Great Mystery. You never let it down, never let it come apart. You pray and pray and pray. You pray until it hurts. You have nothing but your nakedness, your blanket, your pipe, and your prayers on this your vision quest.

Important Message from Keeper of Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe

You're down to the nitty gritty of who you are. The spirits will come and talk to you. In my case, they taught me dances, and they taught me ways of communicating with the thunder beings for helping with lightning, for helping with rain, for helping with specific directions.

They taught me ghost medicine and gave me specific knowledge because as a doctor, medicine man, sun dancer, pipe carrier, my direction is in healing. They watch you continuously.

There is no hiding. Someone once said to me that people live their lives as if God can't see around corners. God can see around corners. We don't get away with anything, especially once we've made a commitment in our hearts. That's why before going on a vision quest, it's important to pray for months, sometimes a year or longer, to make sure that you're clear in your heart about the direction you're seeking. I stood there, and faced the eagle feather and the conch shell on the alter, and I prayed and prayed and prayed, and asked for direction.

The spirits came as sparks of light, and they came as beings that I have known before. My father, who had died, came to me at one point. There is no way to know they are coming. But if you pray in a good way, they will come and give you direction. They will tell you what it is you are seeking, and what you need to do to become an active participant in your own life. It is up to you to be able to do that. They are up on the hill with you, so to speak, experiencing everything that you are experiencing.

The fire is kept burning the whole time you are up there. Even if your vision quest is for four days, the fire is keep going 24 hours a day. It represents the fire of life that carries your prayers up to heaven. When you are standing there for two, three, or four days, your joints are stiff, and you are feeling pain, hunger, and thirst. You have endured degree weather during the day and freezing cold at night.

The experience takes you beyond the physical.

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It isn't trying to see how much torture you can endure. It takes you to the point of realizing your potential, of seeing what you can do, what you can go through, and still come out in a good way, with your heart and mind clear, and your body still able to function. The power of the experience is difficult to communicate in words. Then you come down the hill and go back to the sacred fire.

You re-enter the lodge, where you pray and sing sacred songs. Again, you are sitting opposite the medicine man on the west side with your back to the center. You share the vision that has been revealed to you, and what you share is not allowed to leave the lodge. In my case, I was given gifts of Vision Quests for each person there. This is an honoring time. Tupelo Buffalo Park and Zoo. Sheriff says Lightning Medicine Cloud died of natural causes".

Retrieved August 25, Officials formally address death of sacred buffalo".

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