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European-wide unemployment insurance proposals – more bunk!

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Dabei kann man zwischen dem Community-Streamer und dem Pro-Gamer differenzieren. Das Ziel beider ist es ihre Zuschauer zu unterhalten. Sein Spiel aber muss er nicht allzu ernst nehmen und kann ruhig auch mal episch failen. Er sieht sich als Teil der Reisegruppe und erkundet mit seiner Community die Welt. Ihr solltet euch grad zu Beginn eurer Streamer-Karriere nicht von geringen Zuschauerzahlen, dummen Kommentaren oder technischen Problemen entmutigen lassen. Niemand ist von Anfang an perfekt und ihr lernt mit jeder Streaming Session dazu.

Eure Community merkt ziemlich schnell, ob ihr ihnen etwas vorspielt oder ob ihr hinter dem steht, was ihr sagt und tut. Ein besonderes Augenmerk solltet ihr auf euren Twitch-Kanal haben. Reicht diese aus, um euch klar und deutlich zu zeigen? Vergesst dabei euren Hintergrund nicht. Entweder ihr arbeitet mit einem Greenscreen oder ihr bereitet den Hintergrund entsprechend professionell auf. Solange ihr euch keine Stammcommunity aufgebaut habt, die nicht dem Spiel sondern explizit euch folgt, solltet ihr genretreu bleiben.

Sei es um sie zu informieren wann eure Streams stattfinden, Videosequenzen aus euren Sessions zu verewigen oder einfach nur, um Fragen zu beantworten.

Zoo Eberswalde:

Es muss nicht gleich eine Weltmeisterschaft sein, denn viele kleinere Organisatoren suchen oft verzweifelt nach Kommentatoren. Die ganze Fangemeinde der Mitspieler wird so auf den eigenen Namen aufmerksam. Oder ihr macht Streams zu Conventions, so stellt ihr euch auch automatisch einer breiteren Masse vor. Diese sollten besondere Events bleiben, da sie den Streamer doch sehr stark belasten.

Aber wie lange braucht man, um Twitch Partner zu werden? Vor allem Hersteller von Gaming-Hardware sind immer an erfolgreichen Streamern interessiert, die ihre Produkte bewerben.

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Affiliate-Programme funktionieren etwas anders. Besonders sinnvoll ist es hier, die Produktwerbung mit der eigenen Hardware zu kombinieren. Wir haben uns im ganzen Artikel nun mit Zielen zur Optimierung deines Streams befasst.

Zoo Berlin:

Sie alle zielen darauf ab, dass dein Stream erfolgreich und professionell wird, wordurch es dir leichter fallen kann Geld zu verdienen. Mein Account Zur Kasse Warenkorb. In short, the proposal suggests it is like an automatic stabiliser but it lacks the essential characteristics.

It would retard public spending when there was growth, even if that public spending was driving growth and it would not allow the deficit to grow to necessary levels in times of downturn.


It is just a credit facility within the existing austerity framework. It would unlikely be sufficient in that regard to prevent elevated levels of unemployment.

A far better way to strengthen the automatic stabilisers is to introduce a European-wide Job Guarantee funded by an enhanced Euro-level fiscal capacity tied in with the currency-issuance power of the ECB. Scholz made it clear — his support for a European-wide unemployment insurance scheme was conditional on it being fiscally-neutral and without any transfers between Member States being consolidated. The economists pushing for this sort of scheme also want to punish the poorer nations more than those that are less prone to crisis by further restricting their capacity to stimulate public service delivery in good times.

For the Europhile cheer squad to think this sort of scheme will represent fundamental reform shows you how far removed they are from any reality. However, it seems to me they [European-wide unemployment insurance proposals] have not validity besides the elections cycles because: Stiglitz in the article [Can the Euro Be Saved? Yes, it seems we are in a Post-Westphalian World.

China might represent the last attempt of saving the Westphalian World.

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The problem for the EMU is that its inherent design deliberately reduces the potency of these automatic stabilisers. This quote almost beggars belief. Tuesday, June 19, at 0: Can it be possible that he was talking through his hat? I wonder what was the metric used:

Fuping County, Shaanxi Province. My understanding of what is Wesphalian World: My understanding of what is Post Wesphalian World: Almost years later after the birth of Lorenz von Stein the social movements theorist we still do not know how to educate ourselves to avoid the existence of a small kleptocracy.

Groupthink and denial continues — succinctly put.

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Nobody ever explains the economic implications of these Euro payments or their end. I assume it just has probably minimal exchange rate implications. Just a small point. There were positive coincidences not in order of importance: I understand their point.

I have a business partner that says I from inland of Portugal because my father was from there even though he knows I was born in another country. This quote almost beggars belief. What is one to say about the mentality of well-paid, highly self-regarding ie comfortable, smug and arrogant academics in all apparent seriousness propounding macroeconomic policies which are guaranteed to further impoverish the already-impoverished?

They deserve to be locked-up, fed a starvation diet and forced to do hard labour — with no remission. Can it be possible that he was talking through his hat? Or — even more unthinkable — telling bare-faced lies? No, no — I refuse to believe that; a President of the great United States would never lower himself so far. Most people are nationalistic in Europe before being European but the Chinese have it drilled into them.

And also there is this strange co-existence of celebrating being New China, post more important than — end of Mao, who must be viewed as mostly good , replacing feudal non-communist China, but also celebrating being Han Chinese with 5, years of civilisation leaving aside the early years of myth and the non-civilised parts. So the relating of the Belt and Road to the glorious days of the Silk Road. Chinese though nationalistic are also though, very regionally orientated.

People can tell by dialect. Also there is much more of a relationship to ancestors plus a need of place with so many internal work migrants , so people will say their hometown is such and such even though they and their parents may never have lived there and they may only return once a year to see the grandparents. Apologies for going off at a tangent Professor Mitchell.

I understand your doubts. It was a surprise for me. I am curious if the difference is in nominal prices or constant prices. Jun 13, Joseph E. I understand your reasoning. However, that is what is stated in the article. I wonder what was the metric used: Dear Patrick B, I was a bit puzzled about your comment and I ran checks whether the blog was blocked from Mainland China. There are several services allowing to do so remotely.

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RSS feed billy blog. Groupthink and Denial on a Grand Scale — Chapter 1 — for free. Available from Edward Elgar UK — click image to go to their on-line catalogue. European-wide unemployment insurance proposals — more bunk! Posted on Monday, June 18, by bill. Der Spiegel then asked the obvious question: That sounds like additional cash flow from north to south.

Then, when asked to be more specific, Scholz replied: Which then prompted this exchange: And Germany bears the risk. But with a catch. First, the concept of an automatic stabiliser is sometimes difficult for people to grasp. There are two sources of stimulus that fiscal policy can provide: No discretionary changes to the policy settings are needed for this second effect to work.

Enter the various proposals for a European-wide unemployment insurance scheme. There is no post-Westphalian world. The evidence is obvious. The EMU fails to deliver prosperity for all. I have not heard anyone even trying to explain how this could help reduce instability … The only known antidote to misleading narratives such as these is truth-telling. Among the options for Italy he rejects exit, bailouts, the abandonment of austerity, debt restructuring and more, because: You get the picture. Words and phrases are used by Enderlein in relation to the options, such as: But then pigs might fly!

Conclusion Scholz made it clear — his support for a European-wide unemployment insurance scheme was conditional on it being fiscally-neutral and without any transfers between Member States being consolidated. Groupthink and denial on a very large scale. That is enough for today! This entry was posted in Eurozone , Reclaim the State.