Fearless: The Undaunted Courage and Ultimate Sacrifice of Navy SEAL Team SIX Operator Adam Brown

He went on to become a member of the best of this elite team - the famous SEAL Team 6 or whatever their true name is. I mean, picture it: This just blew my mind. And then the story turns to that fateful mission that cost him his life and I can't help but think what if. What if the helicopter could have picked them up on the mountain so they hadn't had to go donwhill for 1 hour?

What if they had gotten him to a doctor sooner? Would he have made it? Considering how strong he was, that definitely is a possibility. What broke my heart was the fact that this man gave so much over so many years, never giving up and it still wasn't enough. And then we have his wife.

How my heart bleeds for her although I don't even know her. Military wives in general always have my sympathy. To me, they are warriors too. Having to stay behind, often raising children almost on their own, having to show a brave face, ensuring that their husbands have a home to come back to and give them emotional support so their husbands can do what they have to do To think how much Adam Brown's wife must have suffered through all the injuries It makes me shudder.

I don't read many contemporary military books because there often is too much pathos for me I'm not an American so this kind of thing often seems alien to me or I question the accuracy especially when the military members didn't write the books themselves or when it is about top secret stuff because I can't imagine the respective government to sign off on such data being released already.

Instead, I usually focus on military history books. But this book gave a glimpse at the man Adam Brown, not just the operator - and at his unyielding will to protect, to make the world a better place, or to at least make up for the bad things he had done previously. I don't believe in heroes anymore but if I did, Adam Brown would be one. So to everyone considering reading this book: View all 52 comments. Jul 11, Jeff Randleman rated it it was amazing Shelves: Book Review - Fearless by Eric Blehm Biographies have been a solid staple of my reading diet for the past few months.

Looking deep into the lives of great people is educational, inspiring, and helps me become more of the person that I'm created to be. For most of my life, I dreaded reading the biographies that was assigned to read, or given by friends and families. But recently, I have discovered that learning from the lives of others has incredible benefits for my life. Last night, in tears, I fi Book Review - Fearless by Eric Blehm Biographies have been a solid staple of my reading diet for the past few months. But the term "biographical" doesn't describe what this book really is. Fearless is a book about a man, displaying his failures as well as his successes, his patriotism, his courage, his love for his family and for his God.

Fearless is better described as "inspirational", "motivational", and "life-changing". The story details his life and activities as a child and teenager, his descent into drug abuse after high school, and his climb out of that pit into the elite world of specialized Navy warfare as a member of Navy SEAL Team SIX. Reading this story will encourage you to higher levels of love and service, for your family, your friends, your country. The life of Adam Brown will inspire you to love more, like Christ did.

As you read of the injuries, the challenges, the setbacks, that Adam Brown overcame, you'll quickly feel the confidence that you can achieve your dreams as well. Very rarely do I tear up when I read a good story. Even more rarely do I cry. Fearless brought me to that point. In the life of Adam Brown, we see a man who loved everyone. His passion for his wife and children was overwhelming. His comradeship with his fellow teammates was deep and enduring. His compassion for the poor and oppressed Afghan children was incredible.

And his desire to live for his Savior was awe-inspiring. Adam Brown was living proof that "with God, all things are possible. Fearless was so captivating that it was difficult to put it down, even though I knew how it had to end. And his story is well worth reading.

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You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below. View all 7 comments. May 31, Aaron Conrad rated it it was amazing. Little did I know when I started this book that by the end of it, I would be moved to emotion like I rarely am. This book is a game changer on so many levels. Again, I struggle with words to give this book a full review. Author Eric Blehm takes us to the beginning, where it all started for Adam Brown. Early on, you are pulled into his life and his story.

Blehm does an incredible job of crafting words in such a way that make you feel like you know Adam too. As you read you feel like you know his entire family. His failures frustrate you. His struggle with addiction saddens you. An entire book could be written on the unbelievable physical and mental challenge involved in making it to the elite team which Adam Brown achieved. My emotions were moved to the point of tears at the end of the book as Adam made the ultimate sacrifice for this country, for you, for me. Because we are pulled into the story, the knock on the door to his wife to inform her felt like you were right there.

He was a husband. He was a man of faith. Throughout his life he inspired scores of people, and his story has continued to change the lives of many — including mine. I too felt these same challenges after reading it. I did so, not out of guilt, but out of honor. I did so in a country where we are free to do whatever we dream and wish to do. I did so with the freedom of a father because the sacrifice of another. It will remind you how blessed we are as fathers, as wives, as Americans.

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Because of the fearless sacrifice of men and women like Adam Brown. May 18, Nicole rated it it was ok Shelves: I struggled like crazy to get through this book. I love Adam and Kelley and the people within this story, but the writing is horrible and trying to read through it was not unlike choking through the worst dry sandwich ever. I'm still hoping that the reason for its juvenile pacing and shallow glimpses into these extraordinary peoples' lives is because Blehm wants to get to the meat of the matter as quickly as possible. No matter, it's strange and unpalatable.

What I do want to commend, however, a I struggled like crazy to get through this book. What I do want to commend, however, are the obviously beautiful souls shining brightly through this mess. Beyond the shaky structure of this poorly-told story are the genuinely admirable individuals whose hard work, failures, and triumphs culminate in the ultimate loss and sacrifice of one man: His wife, Kelley Brown, their children, and Adam's parents, siblings, and entire family all had a hand in playing intricate roles in creating, defining, supporting, and loving him every step of the way.

This book is very heavy on the religion, and it's something I wasn't necessarily expecting. I wish I'd known, too, so here's a warning to anyone out there who may be considering buying the book - lots of expectation that a Christian is reading this book and I felt a little bit as if I were being forced to worship. It's difficult to explain here, but what I think I'm trying to say is that the writer, mid-sentence, stops telling the story in chronological order and suddenly transitions into an external entity who's giving his praise to Adam or the family at that given moment.

On this day, Memorial Day, and every day: Thank you for what you did for us, thank you for our freedom, and thank you for your sacrifice, Adam Brown. View all 16 comments. I think a lot of people rate this as 5 starts because anything less may be considered to be not "patriotic". The fact is that this book is good, but not great. It is an interesting read at points, less than interesting at other points. Adam Brown is certainly a hero, no doubt. It also led to his unfortunate death in Afghanistan. He was a man with a lot of personal demons he battled. So read this book with an open mind.

But again, I personally will not shelve this book among the greatest books I have read. Simply a good read. View all 4 comments. May 22, Gail Welborn rated it it was amazing Shelves: May 27, Katie rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Anyone looking for an inspirational read. I don't know what more to say other than this was not only an excellent story, but the author did a wonderful job telling it.

I take it back, I do have a couple other things to add Adam Brown was the kind of person that inspires others around him to want to be better people. This is not because he was a perfect person himself, far from it actually, but he tried, hard. In his efforts he motivated those around him to strive harder to become all they could.

People like Adam Brown make me proud t I don't know what more to say other than this was not only an excellent story, but the author did a wonderful job telling it. People like Adam Brown make me proud to not only be an American but his story provides us with hope that no matter how bad things are, no matter how low we sink, there is always a way out. In Adam's case he found Jesus. I can't say that I'm an overly spiritual person, but even if one doesn't have the same faith or beliefs as Adam the message is the same; keep trying and never give up.

Adam did some pretty horrible things in his short life. He hurt those he loved and those who loved him, repeatedly. His weaknesses however did not make him a bad person.

I think in the end, for all his trials and failures they actually made him a better person. I for one took his story more to heart because he was not perfect. His efforts in overcoming huge obstacles, both self inflicted and those out of one's control should be a role model to us all. I was reluctant to begin reading this book because I know Adam's father and brother. By knowing how the story ends, I knew it was going to be very difficult for me to read. Well, I only thought I knew the story. Seeing how Adam was able to overcome so much in his short life through his faith and hard work is greatly inspiring.

I have heard many stories of people who found renewed hope by reading Ad I was reluctant to begin reading this book because I know Adam's father and brother. I have heard many stories of people who found renewed hope by reading Adam's story. If you know someone who would benefit from reading this book, please try to get a copy in their hands.

The paperback edition is being published now and would male a perfect gift. I will be buying copies to give away. Sep 11, James Somahkawahho rated it really liked it. I personally think the guy who wrote it may have put himself and family and other SEAL team members in harmsway. He started out as a high school athlete, lost his way and got hooked on; coke, crack, meth and almost anything else you can think of. He was arrested several times because of the drugs.

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www.farmersmarketmusic.com: Fearless: The Undaunted Courage and Ultimate Sacrifice of Navy SEAL Team SIX Operator Adam Brown (): Eric Blehm: Books. Last week I received a copy of a book called “Fearless” by Eric Blehm to review. An emotional biography of a SEAL TEAM SIX operator name Adam Brown.

After two years he decided to go into the Navy to try and better his life. He had a friend who was in high command and was able to get everything he did waived in order for Adam to seek out his dream of joining the Navy and becoming a Navy SEAL.

The Undaunted Courage and Ultimate Sacrifice of Navy SEAL Team SIX Operator Adam Brown

The journey he takes you on is nothing short of unbelievable. His relationship with family and God makes you want to revisit what you believe in life is important. This story is worth reading. I gave it a four star rating only because it does get heavy into the religion and for me that dragged the story down, but, it isn't a story that tries to get you to turn to God. If you want to read a story about a true American hero, read this. Jun 17, Greg rated it did not like it. Right-wing Christian propaganda about zero dimensional bad boy turned do-gooder.

View all 3 comments. Sep 09, Kim Haight rated it it was amazing Shelves: Done and everything from halfway through is even more so now Gives me even more pride and gratitude in our Military and Allied Forces More than halfway through I could hardly put this one down last night I have found that what touches me the most lately in what I am reading is where the story is based on a true story.

I want more from my library than my occasional "wonderfully written" romance novels and there are sooo many great ones, that I just have Wow I want more from my library than my occasional "wonderfully written" romance novels and there are sooo many great ones, that I just have not gotten posted yet!

Adam was a warrior in the truest sense—courageous, compassionate, intrepid, and humble. And his dedication to God, country, family, and the Brotherhood was genuine and exceptional. This book will motivate you to challenge yourself to be…fearless. And who will go for us? Fearless is a clear and deeply honest portrait of an authentic American man who lived and loved with an intrepid personal velocity. For most of us, the failures and disappointments in life take their toll.

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Not for Adam Brown. His commitment to his family and his friends helped forge Adam Brown into the rarest of warriors. Long live the Brotherhood. Anyone looking for an inspiring story of inner strength and courage will be richly rewarded by this book. Navy Chaplain Timothy Libertay. Also by Eric Blehm. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Looking for More Great Reads? We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them. Item s unavailable for purchase. Please review your cart. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout.

Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Ratings and Reviews 10 38 star ratings 10 reviews. Yes No Thanks for your feedback! As I read this book I was drawn into another man's life, struggles, and breakthroughs. I was truly impacted by the tenacity of this faith and mindset.

He sets an all round example of what it means to be a Christian and to be the best of the best! His wife's, family and friends input into this book make it more real and substantial. It is a book I will recommend to people. One life can make a tremendous difference! This book is really amazing. Thanks indeed to Adam brown and the author of this book. I am happy that i bought this book.