A Simple Nuts and Bolts Guide to Yogic Meditation and Relaxation

Born in India on January 5, , Paramahansa Yogananda devoted his life to helping people of all races and creeds to realize and express more fully in their lives the true beauty, nobility, and divinity of the human spirit. After graduating from Calcutta University in , Yogananda took formal vows as a monk of India's venerable monastic Swami Order. Two years later, he began his life's work with the founding of a how-to-live school since grown to twenty-one educational institutions throughout India where traditional academic subjects were offered together with yoga training and instruction in spiritual ideals.

His address to the Congress and subsequent lectures on the East Coast were enthusiastically received, and in he embarked on a cross-continental speaking tour. Over the next three decades, Paramahansa Yogananda contributed in far-reaching ways to a greater awareness and appreciation in the West of the spiritual wisdom of the East.

In Los Angeles, he established an international headquarters for Self-Realization Fellowship , the nonsectarian religious society he had founded in Through his writings, extensive lecture tours, and the creation of Self-Realization Fellowship temples and meditation centers, he introduced hundreds of thousands of truth-seekers to the ancient science and philosophy of Yoga and its universally applicable methods of meditation.

In addition to publishing his writings, lectures and informal talks including a comprehensive series of Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons for home study , the society also oversees temples, retreats, and centers around the world. Wings to Freedom by Yogiraj, Gurunath Siddhanath - Product Description - From the stillness of the Himalayan peaks, Yogiraj brings to the thirsty and distressed, a message of healing and peace.

Follow the footsteps of a Yogi and experience through his words, as he walks his talk in the jungles, temples, ashrams and hidden [to the uninitiated] places of India. Enrich your life with the secret oral traditions revealed for the first time - mysteries of life, immortality, and Self-Realization. Not since the "Autobiography of a Yogi," written over 60 years ago, has a Master brought the message of Mahavatar Babaji to the world for a new millenium. The author details his remarkable experiences with Babaji, insights on Kriya Yoga, healing, the spiritual hierarchy, supra-conscious states of yoga, meetings with great beings, and his mission.

The 3rd edition softcover. Professor Emeritus of Botany, Annamalai University, India "It is the most accurate and comprehensive exposition of the ancient Kriya Yoga tradition and method published in English to date" -- E. Ayyappa, a long time disciple of Babaji Product Description - The first authoritative biography of Babaji, the immortal master made famous by Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi, an all-time best-seller.

Babaji lives today near Badrinath, in the upper Himalayan mountains. His body has not aged since the age of sixteen, when centuries ago he attained the supreme state of enlightenment and divine transformation. This followed his initiation into scientific art of Kriya Yoga by two deathless masters, the siddhas Agastyar and Boganathar, who belonged to the "18 Siddha Tradition", famous among the Tamil speaking people of southern India. This rare account, by a long time disciple, reveals their little known stories, ancient culture and present mission, as well as how their Kriya Yoga can be used to bring about the integration of the material and spiritual dimensions of life.

Clear explanations of the psychophysiological effects of Kriya Yoga and guidelines for its practice are given. It includes verses from the Siddhas' writings with commentary. A book which will inspire you. Ramaiah, a direct disciple of Babaji, assisting him in the establishment and development of 23 Kriya Yoga centers around the world over two decades.

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He practiced Babaji's Kriya yoga an average of 8 hours per day for 18 years. After fulfilling certain rigorous conditions, he was asked by Babaji on Christmas day, , to go and teach Kriya yoga to others under his guidance and inspiration. In he was married for the first time, to Gaetane Annai Ouellet of Quebec in a traditional ceremony at the Chidambaram Shiva temple in South India. In , he and his wife, Annai founded Babaji's Kriya Yoga Ashram on a beautiful mountain top, 40 acre estate.

They organize initiations and retreats here year round as well as summer camps which host a variety of teachers. In he edited and published the first english translation of Thirumandiram: At the end of he retired after 25 years of work in some of North America's largest corporations, where he integrated the practice of Kriya Yoga with a life of dedicated service as an economist and later as a leading professional and author in the field of computer systems control and auditing.

15 Minute Guided BREATH Meditation to Calm the Mind and Body

Yoga Nidra Meditation CD: While it is an advanced meditation practice, anyone can start the practice while watching it deepen over time. Yoga Nidra literally means "Yogic Sleep. For thousands of years the Yogis have used Yoga Nidra to master the art of sleep, to balance the subtle energies, and to experience greater depths of meditation. The state of conscious Deep Sleep or Yoga Nidra is underneath, behind, or subtler than meditations at either the Waking or Dreaming levels.

This subtle state is called "Prajna," which means "supreme knowing. The depth of authentic Yoga Nidra comes from inner awareness of the levels of your own self, including your body, breath, and the subtler mind, rather than diverting attention through music or inner fantasies as pleasant as these may be. This inner exploring through self-awareness is a more refined form of meditation that leads you deeper into the stillness and silence of your own being, while remaining fully awake and aware. The Yoga Nidra methods bring you to a place of awareness where you are able to completely let go of any words, thoughts, images, impressions, or pictures in the mind.

You are guided to allow your mind to "empty, empty, empty" though you remain fully awake and clear of mind.

The Meditation Transformation

The practices on this CD will gently train your ability to direct your own attention, which is the primary skill in the art of meditation. You will find that you are gradually able to use these methods on your own, without the CD, and the benefits will be with you not only during your practice time, but also during the activities of daily life. The voice will systematically guide you to explore your physical body, then move through 61 specific points within the body, and then practice ascending breath awareness along the body and spine.

Your attention will be brought to the space between the eyebrows, then to the throat, and finally to the heart center, where you will go deep into stillness and silence, beyond the activities of the mind. The Yoga Nidra CD has five tracks. The first track is an introduction 8: The next four tracks move through four sequential practices that are listened to together, so as to form a complete practice of These four tracks can also be listened to individually, as complete practices unto themselves, which allows you to have the benefits of practice when less time is available.

About the Author - Swami Jnaneshvara is passionate about traditional Yoga meditation as a most profound path to the direct experience of the highest spiritual awakening. In addition to practicing meditation from childhood, from until the present he has practiced and taught meditation from time to time in Rishikesh, India, including one period of more than five years when he was in continuous residence. He is a student and teacher of the ancient tradition of the Himalayan meditation masters, and received initiation as a monk by Swami Rama of the Himalayas.

Kennedy University, in California. He is devoted to producing the highest quality of guided practices. Meditations from the Mat: Gates synthesizes his experiences as a yoga student and teacher, former army ranger, and recovering alcoholic, and explores the practice of yoga in a fresh, relevant manner perfect for American readers. Each day's reflection begins with a thought-provoking quote and then explores one intriguing aspect of yoga philosophy. Gates weaves stories of his own remarkable healing and growth with the yoga sutras of Patanjali, and provides illuminating and moving explanations of how yoga teachings apply to real-life situations.

With the help of accomplished writer Kenison, Gates succeeds in taking readers beyond the mat, and showing them how yoga works as a tool for transformation. Candid and engaging, Gates will inspire both readers currently practicing yoga and those who are thinking about it. All rights reserved Reviews - "A must for yoga teachers and students alike, Meditations from the Mat brings yoga theory into our daily lives.

I keep one copy on my desk at work and one near my yoga mat. For people who are unhappy in their lives and are looking for a healthy way to find peace. This is a wonderful and inexpensive book for people who are unhappy in their lives and are looking for a healthy way to find peace and a sense of coming home, day by day. More than just cultivating more vibrant health, yoga is an evolutionary journey. This book reflects the deepening and expansive effect of a dedicated yoga practice.? A must for yoga teachers and students alike, Meditations from the Mat brings yoga theory into the 21st century and into our daily lives.

Basic Yoga Meditation CD: By repeatedly following these basic practices, meditation will naturally deepen, gradually leading to the direct experience of the pure consciousness and joy, which is beyond the mind. These are authentic renderings of meditation as taught in the Himalayas by the masters of traditional Yoga meditation. The methods are consistent with authentic meditation teachings of the most respected instruction manuals, including the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Vedanta meditation of the Upanishads. These guided meditations integrate both mindfulness and concentration meditation, and lead one towards kundalini awakening and the enlightened state of samadhi through the path of meditation.

Each of the four meditations follows the same systematic approach, although they are of different lengths to match your time available and your personal inclination. They each guide your attention inward through the levels of your own body, breath, and mind, allowing your awareness to come to rest in a very relaxed state of deep stillness and silence. This systematic approach of self-awareness is one of the most direct and effective forms of meditation. Simply decide how long you would like to spend with your meditation, and choose the 3, 7, 11, or 30 minute guided practice.

You will discover for yourself that calmness, serenity, and peace of mind can be experienced in even a few minutes. Following the custom of the ancient sages, the depth of Yoga meditation comes from inner awareness of the levels of your own self, rather than by diverting attention through music, as pleasant as music can be. Therefore, there is intentionally no music in these recordings.

This inner exploring through self-awareness is a more refined form of meditation that leads you deeper into the stillness and silence of your own being. Gently focus your attention on each of the aspects of yourself as the voice guides you, including awareness of your body, then your breath, then your mind, and then beyond. Allow all of the other thoughts, emotions, sensations, images, or impressions to come. It is the nature of the mind for thoughts to come.

It is also natural for them to go. As your attention moves systematically inward, you gradually learn to remain undisturbed, unaffected, and uninvolved by the streams of thoughts as they naturally rise and fall. Even a few minutes of stillness and silence, every day, is a very nice gift to give your self. Lessons for Yoga Teachers moves beyond the anatomical aspects of asanas to help instructors present the deeper concepts of yogic philosophy to their students and offer insight into the integration of yogic teachings into everyday life.

Now in an updated, expanded edition, Guiding Yoga's Light presents 74 easy-to-follow, succinct lesson plans offering instruction in hatha yoga, including asana, pranayama, the yamas and niyamas, the chakras, creating mindfulness, and understanding emotions. The text also includes three new, teacher-requested chapters: For convenient reference, teachers and students can also refer to the vocabulary of Sanskrit pronunciations included in the glossary.

Lesson plans progress from basic yogic concepts important for beginning students to more advanced material. Each lesson plan offers a written script for use in class. For beginning teachers, these scripts provide a helpful structure and set the stage for mindful yoga instruction.

More advanced teachers may use these lessons and scripts as a creative departure point for expanding on the wellness effects of asana or focusing the day's practice. For ease of planning and organization, each lesson follows a six-part outline: The text takes beginning students and teachers on a journey through the various aspects of yoga to understand the foundations of hatha practice. Beginning with basics of breathing, Guiding Yoga's Light progresses to the physical and spiritual philosophy of the asanas and salutations and ends with lessons to bring clarity, calmness, and relaxation into daily life.

Lessons for Yoga Teachers interprets yoga's 5,year-old philosophy in an effort to inspire, delight, and empower yoga students to enrich their physical, emotional, and spiritual lives both on and off the mat. With each lesson, Guiding Yoga's Light demonstrates how the strength, balance, and stretching of the physical practice can inspire a healthy, complete, and joyous existence. Review - "Nancy's book is helpful for yoga teachers in planning their classes and for practitioners who want to have a class experience. Each lesson is complete with a focus, breathing techniques, selected asanas, yoga philosophy, words of wisdom, and other elements to provide a total yoga experience.

I used it in my classes and my students loved it! They are easy to follow and bring positive results from the very beginning. By tuning into your breath, heart and mind you can find deep relaxation, intuitive guidance, and a calm strength to face your days with grace and balance. Gael Chiarella is the voice and guide of these Yoga Meditations.

Gael's voice is both soothing and engaging as she takes you on a tour of your inner self to access the enormous potential within you. Yogis attempting to achieve that objective will find a great helper in Rappaport's chubby little book of reflections, wherein the yoga teacher and writer shares ancient and modern texts that speak to the philosophy of yoga.

The diverse collection includes thoughts from well-known sources such as the Bhagavad Gita; philosophers like Goethe; famous yogis including Sri Swami Satchidananda; and inspiring heroes from Mother Teresa to Gandhi to Edith Wharton. Rappaport also writes her own meditations on yoga, which are often matter-of-fact and serve as a welcome change from the sometimes complex and theoretical selections.

Readers may opt to read one meditation a day, before or after practicing yoga, and Rappaport's helpful glossary will assist them in understanding such Sanskrit terms as anandatandava eternal bliss and mukti freedom or release from suffering. Product Description - An elegant and enlightening companion book for yoga practitioners.

This beautifully designed book invites readers to dis-cover the rich tradition of yoga through single pieces of wisdom-one for each day of the year. Filled with thought-provoking and inspiring quotations from the greatest yogic texts and yoga teachers throughout history, as well as invaluable instruction on specific poses, it is an essential resource and companion for anyone who practices yoga.

A celebration of the powerful ancient practice that is yoga, this book guides readers-day by day-through centuries of yogic philosophy. Shannahoff-Khalsa - Editorial Reviews - Immediately practical and applicable. A valuable and accessible tool for the psychotherapist and yoga teacher. Product Description - A handbook to an effective alternative therapy. Kundalini yoga is used to treat a range of psychiatric disorders and mental health problems such as anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, bipolar disorders, addiction and other impulse control and eating disorders, ADHD and co-morbid disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorders, abuse and post traumatic stress disorder.

David Shannahoff-Khalsa shares a bounty of techniques and teaches clinicians how to incorporate these effective methods into their own practices both for individuals and couples. About the Author - David S. He has published widely in scientific journals and routinely presents at the American Psychiatric Association annual meetings. He is a world authority in yogic medicine, a Kudalini Yoga teacher, and a leader in the field of alternative therapies for psychiatric disorders. Cope asked contributors to write about what they have experienced while conducting their contemplative practice, what fruit the practice has borne in their life, and what the source is of their deepest inspiration.

While some spent significant time in traditional Indian ashrams or Zen monasteries, most developed a long-standing contemplative practice in the midst of ordinary American life, and one surprising common thread is how solitary practices positively transformed relationships within the individual's family. Stories of dramatic mystical experiences are few, rather most teachers note that contemplative practice gradually helped them to become kinder, less fearful, and more authentic.

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Stephen Cope brings to the printed page the fascinating dialogue that he has fostered in these retreats. Cope asks participating teachers to share their Tales from the Path, stories of how the long-term practice of these ancient traditions has changed their lives. The result is an inspirational volume featuring 26 distinct voices telling their stories, how they became interested in these traditions, the teachers who inspired them, and how the practice of yoga and meditation has shaped their lives and perspectives.

The contributors, many of whom are authors of well-known books on these topics, speak of their experiences as real people living in our complex world, complete with spouses, children, aging parents, financial demands, illnesses, injuries, and all of the ordinary aggravations of everyday life. Many of these teachers have studied and explored the practice of yoga or meditation over the course of 30 years and have been pivotal in creating retreat centers, styles of yoga, and teaching techniques that have contributed to the widespread popularity of these practices in mainstream culture.

The stories of these teachers ask the questions, What is possible for me, in my life, right now? How can my practice of yoga and meditation help me lead a more satisfying life? These are questions on which every spiritual seeker and practitioner of yoga and meditation inevitably must reflect.

Miller and Nicole Kauffman - Editorial Reviews - From Publishers Weekly - One of the simplest yet most comprehensive yoga books to be published in recent memory, Miller's work could become a classic. Using elegant, gentle prose and graceful line drawings to illustrate poses, the book serves as an excellent introduction for those unfamiliar with or just getting used to breathing in downward facing dog position.

Miller, who has been practicing yoga for over 25 years and [has written] for Yoga Journal and other publications, takes a three-pronged approach to teaching yoga, focusing on the equally important components of breathing, poses and meditation. She doesn't spend much time on the history and origins of yoga, and quickly moves to technique. Focusing on hatha yoga, Miller teaches readers breathing exercises and how to warm up, and then proceeds to standing, seated, prone, supine and inverted poses. Subsequent chapters share suggested meditations and suggested flow series. The latter section lays out routines practitioners can follow among them, the popular sun salutation and camel vinyasa , as well as series of poses that Miller devised [with yoga teacher Paul Howard] that target specific conditions including ones for anxiety and tension relief, cold prevention and improving circulation and sports e.

By giving variations for each pose, Miller makes her book appropriate for all levels, although the positive and upbeat tone will especially comfort beginners struggling with the challenging pigeon or full shoulder-stand positions. Product Description - From the author of the best-selling Yoga Deck comes Essential Yoga -- the only hatha yoga book to offer this many poses over , this many illustrations over , and this many suggested sequences over Practical and interactive, it focuses on the poses themselves, providing clear, concise instructions and detailed illustrations for each, all in a lay-flat format that's easy to refer to during yoga practice.

It also includes six classic moving meditations such as Sun Salutation and Camel Vinyasa , 10 beginner-to-advanced sessions, and 48 mini-sequences designed to build strength for specific activities or alleviate health problems. Essential Yoga combines physical poses asanas , breathing exercises pranayamas , and meditations dhyanas into a simple and complete reference guide for yoga practitioners of all levels. Along the way, author Olivia Miller provides guidance on proper technique and alignment; modifications for beginners or those with knee, neck, or back pain; suggestions for preventing injury; and ways to keep a regular practice interesting and active.

For beginners as much as experts looking for one complete book that has it all, Essential Yoga is it. These one-on-one guided sessions will lead you easily into deep meditation, connecting with the source of freedom, peace and healin The Sivananda Companion to Meditation: The Sivananda Companion to Meditation outlines a simple step-by-step guide to the practice of meditation and shows you how to make it a part of your everyday routine. Regardless of your level, this book will help you to attain a state of profound clarity and serenity that will change your life.

About the Author - The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center is internationally recognized as the leading authority on hatha and raja yoga, and has locations throughout the United States, Canada, and around the world.

Yoga for Meditation - Living in Joy!

The gentle healing process releases long term tensions, anxiety and exhaustion from the body-mind. Yoga Nidra improves the quality of sleep and promotes calm, grounded and positive feelings. This CD combines powerful western methods of psychology with classical Yoga Nidra to aid greater relaxation and healing. About the Author - Dr Swami Shankardev Saraswati's teachings integrate mind-body medicine with eastern and western self-development methods.

The culmination of his year medical career and his extensive esoteric studies has formed a revolutionary and authentic approach to total health. As a medical therapist Dr Swami Shankardev specializes in the treatment and rehabilitation of chronic physical and mental conditions. Dr Swami Shankardev has toured extensively throughout Europe, the USA, India and Australia teaching yoga, meditation, psychology, philosophy, yoga therapy, and Ayurveda.

His seminars support people to restore their unlimited potential and to maximize their physical, emotional and spiritual development. His latest articles and workshop information can be found on the Big Shakti website. Jayne Stevenson is a writer and filmmaker with a deep interest in art and spirituality. Her films have screened in art galleries, cinemas and television networks around the world, including the USA, Europe and Australia.

An accomplished practitioner of Dao and yoga meditation, she has developed an in-depth understanding of mind-body integration and higher consciousness. With a passion for communicating ancient, authentic wisdom to the modern society in accessible and meaningful ways, Jayne established Big Shakti with Dr Swami Shankardev Saraswati in Big Shakti is a publishing and production enterprise that presents authentic knowledge and practices of yoga, meditation, tantra and healing arts. It focuses primarily on poses, breathing exercises, and meditations, providing easy-to-follow written and photographic instructions.

The book is unusually thorough in its directions for individual poses, including explanations of mental and physical benefits, safety precautions, pose variations, breathing instructions, and Sanskrit names. Jamieson, who holds degrees in traditional and herbal medicine, runs a healing sanctuary in Australia, and teaches prenatal yoga, here includes poses typically omitted from more cautious treatments.

This is a fun book, rich in detail and background, with birth stories, techniques for dealing with pain, and historical and cultural background. The author's holistic approach will not match that of many readers, but this does not compromise the book's clarity or credibility. This is not, however, a complete treatment of the subject, the title notwithstanding. Although it is more comprehensive than other perinatal yoga books on the market, many aspects of yoga and many poses are not covered. Recommended for public libraries. Noemie Maxwell, Seattle Midwifery Sch. Product Description - A safe and natural way to prepare for a wonderful birth experience!

Even if you have no prior experience with yoga you can increase your health, physical tone, and energy using a variety of stretches, positions, and breathing exercises especially selected for all stages of pregnancy. Harness your inner strength through visualizations and meditations, including some specifically intended for pregnant women that focus on the baby in the womb, the miracle of birth, and the wonder of being a woman. Six half-hour prenatal exercise programs are included, along with dietary suggestions to help ensure a healthy pregnancy. A section on important skills for labor, including meditations, positions, and essential oils, will help you ease the pain and make the most of the life-changing experience.

You'll also find inspiring birth stories in which 11 women explain how yoga played a significant role during pregnancy, labor and birth, and postpardum programs to help you get back in shape after delivery. In this book, he combines the mindful serenity of Zen meditation, the graceful movements of Tai Chi, the energized breathing of Qigong, and the peaceful stretching exercises of Shanti Yoga. He then blends breathing, moving, stretching, and relaxation exercises into a unique discipline that opens up to anyone, regardless of age or physical condition, the potential for experiencing a new way of living.

But Zen Yoga is more than a simple exercise program. It offers a formula to guide us toward a healthier, happier, fitter, and more peaceful state of being. In engaging, easily-understood prose, Hoopes begins by defining the concepts and explaining his ideas on Zen, Yoga, the Chakras, Chi energy, and the Tao. The next part of the book focuses on breathing, moving, and relaxing exercises, with a final section on spiritual deepening that shows how the experience of Zen Yoga can be merged with the personal spiritual inclinations of the individual. The book includes detailed photographs showing correct positions and sequence of movements.

The Zen Yoga program promotes a healthy body, mind, and spirit. At a deeper level, a commitment to Zen Yoga can illuminate ways to encourage enlightenment, radiate harmony and live in full awareness of the present moment. Aaron Hoopes book contains simple breath and mind-body exercises that are not out of the reach of ordinary people.

Zen Yoga has worked for my patients. I plan to use this book for them and myself and to recommend it to anyone looking for an honest and practical, yet sophisticated book on yoga. Whether part of religious habit or just part of a daily routine, meditation can help slow the today's frenzied pace and improve feelings of good health, peace and control. From the Back Cover - You're no idiot, of course. You know it's important to exercise, eat right, and get enough sleep.

But when it comes to relaxing and slowing down the pace, you sill can't get out of the fast lane. Don't crash and burn yet! The Complete Idiot's Guide to Meditation shows you how easy it is to enjoy the benefits of meditation. In this Complete Idiot's Guide, you get: She is a nationally certified massage therapist and an active member of the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals. She draws people by the thousands each month to the Golden Bridge yoga studio in Los Angeles, and she's considered one of the nation's yoga superstars.

Review - "Gurmukh is Hollywood's favorite pregnancy guru. Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful is a treasury of wisdom, information, and inspiration for pregnancy and motherhood based on the spiritual and physical practices of Kundalini yoga, which Gurmukh has taught for the last thirty years. With illustrated, step-by-step instructions, she teaches time-tested techniques, meditations, and exercises that will help you physically, mentally, and spiritually.

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In the timeless way that women have passed down wisdom surrounding birth and child rearing to one another for centuries, Gurmukh weaves folk stories and contemporary testimonials into a program designed to help you get profound results in the shortest possible time. The sections in this book cover each trimester of pregnancy as well as delivery and life with the baby. In her wise, gentle, and comforting voice, Gurmukh suggests meditations, exercises, and yoga positions to respond to the various needs of expectant and new mothers as you undergo dramatic body changes.

Gurmukh also helps you explore and, when necessary, heal your own history and unconscious attitudes about pregnancy, birth, and parenting. In Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful , Gurmukh gives you all the tools you need to have a healthy and happy pregnancy while increasing your connection to your partner and building compassion and prosperity. The ancient practices of yoga can lead you back to your own power as a woman, capable of more than you ever dreamed. All you need is a belief in the possibility of change and a commitment of as little as three minutes a day.

Gurmukh has helped thousands of women and their families find fulfillment through the healing movements and meditations of Kundalini yogaand she can help you, too! About the Author - Gurmukh is a pioneer in yoga and the mind-body-spirit connection. Based in Los Angeles, Gurmukh teaches Kundalini yoga, meditation, and pre- and postnatal care. She founded the Golden Bridge Yoga Center, where she is the director and senior teacher. Her kind, compassionate wisdom and counsel touch the life of everyone she meets. Prayer of Heart and Body: Prayer of Heart and Body will help you integrate teachings from the Christian contemplative tradition into your practice and encourage a new appreciation for the role of the body in prayer.

It was originally designed to prepare people for sitting meditation. Quoting extensively from such authors as Ignatius, John of the Cross, Rahner and Merton, Ryan explains what is distinctive about Christian meditation compared to some eastern forms, and looks at reincarnation and kundalini energy in the light of Christian faith, respecting the authenticity of other world religions and drawing from their wisdom traditions where appropriate. Using easy-to-follow diagrams, it covers breathing exercises, warm-up exercises, and the postures, including benefits, precautions and contraindications for each.

In all, the basic aim of this beautifully written book is to assist the millions of Christians who today are practicing meditation or yoga or both, to consciously integrate them into their Christian spirituality as effective instruments for their personal development in prayer and daily living. About the Author - Thomas Ryan, C. Father Ryan also leads retreats in the U. From the Back Cover - Guidelines for calm abiding and insight meditation are presented in this book from the Dzogchen perspective.

Practices for bringing the daily experiences of pleasure and pain into the spiritual path are presented in the section on transformation. Finally, the teachings on dream yoga guide the practitioner in the conscious control of the dream state, as well as after death. Three traditional Nyingma teachings were selected for contemporary Buddhists who want to improve the quality of their practice during the three periods of their day--during meditation, in their active life, and during sleep. Gyatrul Rinpoche, a respected teacher in the USA, expands and explains these texts.

Since then, his noble disposition and advanced level of meditation practice has assisted innumerable people and he has established many Dharma centers. I feel confident that the readers who take this book to heart and apply its meaning will benefit greatly. This book was previously published as Ancient Wisdom. About the Author - Ven.

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But in this book, Adiswarananda, a monk who follows the influential 19th-century guru Ramakrishna and teaches in New York City, unpacks with clarity the spiritual systems of Yoga. A Hindu philosophy, Yoga is intended to bring about union with God. The author examines the four types of Yoga referred to in the title, using the same organizing concepts philosophy, psychology, practices, obstacles so that differences and similarities among the paths can be clarified, even about such heady topics as "ultimate reality.

Characteristic of explanations of philosophy, the text, though clear, tends toward lecture-like dryness.

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This would make a good reference for students of Eastern spirituality. Product Description - The philosophy of Yoga tells us that the root cause of our sorrows and suffering is loss of contact with our true Self. Our recovery is only possible by reestablishing contact with our innermost Self, the Reality of all realities, and by recognizing that knowledge of Self is our salvation.

In this comprehensive guide, Swami Adiswarananda introduces the four spiritual paths of yoga--Karma-Yoga, Bhakti-Yoga, Raja-Yoga and Jnana-Yoga--and what you can expect as an aspirant on each path. Covering the message and practice of each of the yogas as well as philosophy and psychology, preparatory practices, common obstacles and ways to overcome them, this accessible book will prove invaluable to anyone wishing to follow a yoga practice in order to realize the goal of Self-knowledge.

Swami Bhaskarananda's material includes a pronunciation guide for transliterated Sanskrit words, as well as appendixes dealing with additional reading and visual depictions of the deep state of meditation.

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He also deals with obstacles to meditation in some detail and the value of meditation as a form of stress relief. In short, this volume should be useful for both new and accustomed practitioners. Copyright Reed Business Information, Inc. Very clear and very very well presented. I thoroughly enjoyed it -- Prof. I thoroughly enjoyed it --Prof. He speaks from a tradition with good common sense and a sense of rootedness.

It is a strength of the book that it is focused concisely on Yoga and Yoga works. Professor of Theology, Boston college This volume, a product of the Vedanta Society of Western Washington, is a capably written and presented overview of certain tenets of Vedanta relevant to mind control and meditation. Davich's little guide to meditation is indeed humorous, wise, effective, and resolutely nonsectarian But to many, it remains something mystical and inaccessible As interest in meditation continues to grow, this book offers a simple, no-nonsense program to help beginners experience reduced stress and increased focus in only eight minutes a day.

Designed by meditation expert and bestselling author Victor Davich, this program teaches the basic principles of meditation while clearing up the misconceptions and myths that too often get in the way. Terrible title, good book. Bodian, former editor and chief of Yoga Journal, writes, "You can learn the basics of meditation in five minutes.

A simple, clear introduction to the basics of meditation with an overview of dozens of techniques, practices and specific meditations plus direction for going deeper. Meditation Made Easy Lorin Roche. Roche, a meditation trainer for thirty years, writes, "Meditation is about being intimate with your deepest self. Mindfulness in Plain English Henepola Gunaratana. Hailed as "one of the best nuts and bolts meditation manuals", Gunaratana presents the fundamentals of basic Buddhist meditation, including common problems and how to deal with them.

A clear, straightforward and powerful book. This self help book's gentle and humorous approach makes it a practical and easily understood guide, offering over sixty-five simple and effective practices to help you embrace mindfulness one moment at a time.

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The Miracle of Mindfulness: A Vietnamese Buddhist monk's lucid and simple guide to Eastern meditation practices. It is filled with anecdotes and practical exercises which demonstrate that opportunities for mindfulness exist in every moment. A Path with Heart: Since , Kornfield has been teaching Westerners how to integrate Eastern teaching into their daily lives.

Through generous story-telling and unmitigated warmth, Kornfield presents this excellent self help guidebook on living with attentiveness, meditation and compassion. Peace Is Every Step: The deceptively simple practices of Peace Is Every Step encourage the reader to work for peace in the world as he or she continues to work on sustaining inner peace by turning the "mindless" into the mindful. The Power of Now: Tolle's message is simple: He shares ideas about personal integration with uncommon eloquence and a deep understanding of the human condition.

A spiritual self help guidebook that has the potential to inspire the reader to live more fully in the present. Practicing the Power of Now: This self help manual makes an excellent companion guide to Tolle's The Power of Now and is rich in exercises and meditations to help readers get out of their minds so they can live more peacefully in their bodies.

Recommended Self Help Books on Meditation

Seeking the Heart of Wisdom: Advice and inspiration for practitioners of insight meditation, which cultivates the awareness of body, speech and mind. This self help book is designed for the beginner as well as more advanced practitioners. Start Where You Are: In Start Where You Are , Pema Chodron tries to get us to see that the faults and foibles in each of us now are the perfect ingredients for creating a better life. No need to wait for a quieter time or a more settled mind. The trick Chodron says is to repattern ourselves, to transform bad habits into good by first opening ourselves to the groundlessness of existence.

When the cliff dissolves beneath our feet, fear has a way of actually lessening. Fearlessness opens the way to recognizing our pushy egos and that rather than being cursed with original sin, we are blessed with an original soft spot--the squishy feeling inside that we all have, that is the seat of true compassion, and that we all do our best to armor over. Stillness Speaks Eckhart Tolle. Tolle emphasizes the art of inner stillness, the place where thoughts, ego and attachments fall away and we're left only with what the moment has to offer. He writes, "When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself.

When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world. Kabat-Zinn has trained a generation of professionals in his approach to stress reduction. In this self help book he offers a simple path for cultivating present moment awareness in one's life. This four-program bundle brings together the complete Wild Divine experience, combining fascinating interactive gaming experiences with biofeedback tools and expert guidance to enable you and your children to grow healthier and calmer as you enjoy family fun together!

The Journey to Wild Divine: The Passage and Wisdom Quest are the first "inner-active" computer adventures that combine ancient breathing and meditation with modern biofeedback technology for total mind-body wellness. Players wearing finger sensors that track heart rate and skin conductance travel through the Realm using the power of thoughts, feelings, breath and awareness.

Much more than just a game, each edition is a tool for physical and mental health. Wise teachers guide you through enchanting and mystical landscapes, empowering you with the yoga, breathing and meditation skills needed to complete over 40 biofeedback 'energy' events in each edition. Build stairways with your breath, open doors with meditation, juggle balls with your laughter, and so much more. The Journey to Wild Divine makes biofeedback, a popular method of alternative healthcare, easily accessible and empowers you to take mind-body wellness, literally, into your own hands.

You'll learn proven techniques to restore your body's natural rhythms, relieve stress, experience deep states of relaxation and enjoy a renewed sense of well-being. The Grapher Expansion Pack enables you to plot and save your skin conductance level, heart rate variability and raw heart data so you can review your results after game play.

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