99 Meilleurs Plugins pour votre Succès sur Wordpress (French Edition)

Best WordPress Mobile Plugins – Comparing the Top 7

Caldera Forms a-t-il un champ Gravatar? The built in sources are: This will create an option for every post of the selected type Taxinomie: Make your WordPress contact forms the best contact forms with Caldera Forms for free! Yes, it does, over course it does. What kind of WordPress form builder would not? This will create an option for every post of the selected type Taxonomy: You can use the Caldera Forms form builder to add checkox fields to your WordPress form. Puis-je obtenir des autocollants Caldera Forms? Submit — On click, will trigger the form to be submitted.

If any required fields are not filled in, User will be prompted to fill them in. Button — Used for more custom uses like javascript triggers. Next Page — Triggers pagination to the next available page in a multi-page form. Previous Page — Triggers pagination to the previous page in a multi-page form. Reset — Resets the form to its load state. If returned to the form due to an invalid data, the reset will return it to this state, not an empty state. Classes A button config can be given 2 custom classes: In addition they have these three fields: This is a text area, for the default value of the field.

It is magic ta g enabled. You can enter a supported language code here to change the language. Click here for documentation on creating your own translation. This sets the type of HTML tags that are allowed. Developers should see this section for more information. Codes langue The following language codes are supported: This could also be a sign of a more serious issue on your server, but is probably cache related. Very nice plugin with simple configuration and wide functionality set. Journal Caldera Forms 1. Additional Server-side Validation for email and number fields Caldera Forms 1.

Rewrite rules could be flushed during activation in a way that causes an error. Forms with advanced file fields not submitting properly on Safari and Edge. Privacy settings being lost on form update. PHP Warning when there are no internal forms. Remove all flush rewrites 1. Warning in PHP 7. Please see the Github readme. Could not edit new fields, without saving and reloading first.

Input field masking was not working. Fixed deprecated jQuery XHR syntax in some places. Was causing jQuery errors in some browsers. If spam was detected by CF Pro entry was still shown in entry viewer. Nonce refresh was being abused by spammers and not helping with cache issues. Gutenberg block now has better previews and more sensible controls. Option to mark fields as containing personally identifying information. Automatic repair of pro tables if not present. Support for multiple checkboxes to be selected by default, using a filter. Caldera Forms Pro advanced anti-spam.

Warnings if your PHP version is not supported. Support for out of date PHP versions. Parsely validation library to 2. Work around that was previously in place for WooCommerce nonce validation when items are in cart is now updated to work again. Breadcrumbs on multi-page forms disappeared when form was submitted, but did not complete the submission. Multi-page forms not advancing with empty, non-required number fields. Field sync was not recovering when fields were hidden by conditional logic. Some cases where file fields caused errors during submissions. Wrong country code was used for Arkansas.

Ability to remove wpautop formatting to auto-responder message, by removing a hook. Ability to disable enhanced delivery per form. Ability to change log level via UI. Files did not attach to emails if sub menu entry viewer was enabled. Menu order conflict with LifterLMS and some other plugins causing their menu to disappear.

External forms were not working with entry viewer. JavaScript error when using conditionals and summary fields. With some field types, fields with conditional logic, might not be saved. Ability to edit, view and restore forms. Warning if jQuery version is too old for Caldera Forms to work. Warning if submission is likely to result in a cross-origin error. Checkbox fields used value, not calculations value when used in calculations. Calculation value setting for checkboxes was not respected. Form wrap ID postfix was never less than 2. Defaults set from magic tags were not setting select field defaults properly.

Extra empty option select dropdown fields Correctif: Validation logic is improved to work with new add-ons and to be faster. Calculation fields could target wrong fields if two of the same form were on the same page. Disable conditionals were not enabling or disabling. HTML5 datetime type for text fields, since it has no browser support. When 0 was the value for a conditional to check against, it was lost on form editor reload.

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Made CSV headers match layout order of forms. JavaScript events on validation. PHP notice when getting saved entry and user was not logged in when entry was created. Ensured that summary magic tag used correct internal APIs. Bad conditional in database updater causing PHP notices. Field errors were not associated to their field using proper ARIA tag. When a label for an input was hidden, label was not used as placeholder.

Advanced file fields with certain settings were only uploading one file when multiple files should have been uploaded. Next and previous page buttons had the wrong input type. Modals have been wonky for awhile, major change, see update post for more details. Local language for the client-side validation was not respecting WordPress language settings.

Entry export or view could cause an error. API, and therefore entry viewer called a method that got lost between 1. Shortcode for classic mode entry viewer. A Front-end entry viewer. A better phone number field. Checks to make sure that CSS is loaded in header. Error message when nonce validation fails. Useful if you want to minfiy or combine resources using a different plugin. Ability to show the old entry viewer using a function or shortcode — only recommend in the admin, or your CSS is going to need a lot of work. No more inline JavaScript in the post content.

Field configuration and other JavaScript has been abstracted or moved to footer. Abstract system for building input type fields. Scroll to top setting. Jump to top of form on submit. All fixes and new features from 1. So this section of changelog is shortish.

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Form settings tab got messy. We tied it up a bit.

File upload fields were attaching files to emails when added to media library, but not set to attach. Bad link to Caldera Forms add-ons page, featuring such find add-ons as our Mailchimp and PayPal add-ons, in out post-install banner. Type on Caldera Forms email notification tab. In some cases when importing or copying a form ID was changed, even if no form of that ID existed. Importing a form from another WordPress site or a backup now maintains its basic email settings, such as enable. Wrong variable scope in summary magic tag check if field is advanced file field.

Ability to remove wpautop formatting on email messages.

L’hébergement WordPress simplifié et ultra-rapide

Meilleur extension de profil utilisateur et d'espace membre pour WordPress. Ultimate Member is the #1 user profile & membership plugin for WordPress. . L' extension fonctionne t-elle avec les extensions de cache? May 29, .. Version de WordPress: ou plus; Compatible jusqu'à: ; Langues. Caldera Forms is a free WordPress plugin by Caldera Labs. . est probablement un des constructeurs de formulaires gratuits les meilleurs et les plus avancés disponibles All of these field types are included in the free version! .. On our own sites, we just use the default anti-spam and we find this to be over 99% effective.

Some notices were still showing up in our admin. Commonly used hooks for notices are now removed. The quest to remove all WordPress admin notices continues. Submenu entry viewer had a JavaScript error, it has been eradicated. Submenu entry viewer header had both old logo and new logo overlapping, which was kind of poetic, but looked bad. Changes order of fields, when you ask for them in layout order. Admin notices were showing up in the form editor and making things look bad. Josh killed them with fire or jQuery, hard to say.

Icon in admin and shortcode button was the old CF logo, now it uses the Caldera Globe. Our website is now CalderaForms. Docs are easier to find. A sarcastic comment to config template for states field because WordFence said an empty file is bad. A cool system to show you helpful links in admin. Position of UI field descriptions.

The ability to specify calculation field decimal separator. Expiration of transient for submissions. Fixed for accessibility reasons. Our form builder must be accesible by default! Shortcode button in form list. Color contrast in old way was insufficient. Missing CSS that caused the date and color picker fields to not work. Issue where Caldera Forms submit nonce did not verify when using WooCommerce and a non logged in user had items in cart. Add to Media Library option for regular file fields. Previously, files not set to add to media library were left in uploads directory.

You are now welcomed to Caldera Forms. Thanks Matt for the cool example code. For accessibility reasons, added an Alt tag on Gravatar field display. For accessibility reasons, the warning color red was changed for better contrast. Previously you could not edit a hidden form field in the entry editor. For accessibility reasons, added alt tag to toggle switch form field.

Made summary magic tag output fields in order they appear in form, not order they were added. This used to be how it worked, which was good, then it stopped being how it worked, which was bad. But now it is fixed. There are three optional stylesheets, most people select all three, when that happens we now load 1 minified style sheet, instead of 3.

Will improve that more in next release. There is now no magic tag button, nor is it needed. Better descriptions, more accessible HTML form markup. Loading of color picker in shortcode form preview. Date picker from field was hidden by modal when form was loaded in a modal. It is now moved in from of the modal form so it is visible when loading forms in modals. Color picker was not working when form was loaded in a modal. Color pickers now work when form is loaded in a popup. HTML for modal forms was using a global, not a class property.

Forms in a popup FTW! You used to not be able to use magic tags for placeholder of select form fields. You can now preset select fields in your form using magic tags in the placeholder setting. Breadcrumbs title attribute for multi-page forms that was missing. Possibly type error in calculation field in front-end form view. Auto-responder was not checking for invalid from email settings which was causing emails sent from some forms to fail.

This is the big bad issue that caused this release. This resolves issue where Josh was annoyed he could not re-use the preview system to make the PDF add-on for printing and saving form data. Changed PHP version check for loading advanced email mode from 5. Really they should update. Datepicker behaviour on mobile. Fallback to default date field behaviour on mobile. ARIA tags for form fields. Support for sending emails via SendGrid. Entry viewer is now responsive. Improved labels in form editor to make things easier to find.

Shortcode link to form list. Shortcode link to form settings. Email preview mode for ensuring that email settings are correct. Ability to send emails through SendGrid. Preset options for select fields. These fields are no longer in beta, this is a fully operational battle station. New form modal is now more attractive, encourages using templates and provides template previews. Wrong colors being used for autocomplete select2 fields. Active class was not being updated properly on multi-page forms. Proper ARIA tags for state of pages of multi-page forms.

Input masking for phone fields. Issue preventing validation errors from showing properly on some field types. Hidden fields to processor UI. Allowed hidden fields to use custom classes. The form widget not showing forms Caldera Forms 1. Issue preventing multi-select fields from saving 2nd or greater option in database.

Issue preventing forms combining user login and user profile editing in same form from validating properly. Requires Caldera Forms Users add-on 1. Missing ARIA tags in auto-generated processor config settings. Base classes for processors to extend. Replaced the mini color picker with the native wordpress color picker in form editor. Issue preventing some disable conditions from disabling form fields. Ok, this was there for awhile in secret, but it works really well now, so have at it. Inability to disable forms from the admin.

Issue preventing toggle buttons from toggling in forms. Issue with datapicker language in forms. Additional Math support in calculations Caldera Forms 1. Form ID and CF version as data attributes in outermost wrapping container for form. No change in functionality. Refactored form saving for performance and extensibility: Typo in default auto-responder message.

For reals this time. Calculation fields with hidden fields not calculating. Fallback for failed AJAX submissions — s now cause submission via a synchronous request. A few minor cleanups here and there. New endpoints for processing forms. Validation issues in mobile Safari. Visual issue where datepick fields in Twenty Fifteen theme showed full width. Ability to set orderby field and order direction for auto-populated fields from UI. All of the features are built on the current WordPress menu system, and it even supports flyouts and other animated menu styles.

Some companies try to build an app or mobile website with WordPress and all it ends up being is an RSS feed pulling blog articles into the app. So you have the opportunity to link to plugins like WooCommerce and BuddyPress. Not all of the plugins are going to work for every situation. For instance, some of them are only for building mobile menus, while others will transform your current site into a workable mobile website. If you have any questions about the best WordPress mobile plugin for you, let us know in the comment section below.

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Check out our plans. AMP for WP plugin. Jetpack WordPress mobile plugin. WordPress Mobile Pack plugin. Struggling with downtime and WordPress problems? Kinsta is the hosting solution designed to save you time! Check out our features. Max Mega Menu WordPress plugin. AppPresser WordPress mobile plugin. Comments Leave A Comment.

We love comments and appreciate the time that readers spend to share ideas and give feedback.

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However, all comments are manually moderated and those deemed to be spam or solely promotional will be deleted. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Comment Name. I agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Thanks, we've saved your settings, you can modify them any time on the cookie settings page. Extract the Connections Business Directory zip file.

Create a new directory named connections directory in the.. Upload the files from the folder extracted in Step 2. Activate the plugin on the Plugins admin page. How do I display the business directory on my site? Will it work with my theme? Connections Business Directory has been designed to work with any theme. Is Connections Business Directory translation-ready? Is it possible to share entries with other sites within a WordPress Multisite installation? Activate Connections Business Directory the primary site. Activate Connections Business Directory on the subsites you wish to use Connections.

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What are the requirements to run Connections? Upgrading from version 0. Previous version must upgrade to 0. Not only is cMap the best directory plugin, Steve is amazing when it comes to customer support! Developer provides extensive instructions and fast support. Journal Complete Changelog can be found here. Bump max tested PHP to 7. Max WP version should be 5. Do not use PHP 5. Removed unused variable in cnTerm:: Add help text to the Directory block options. Renamed the block namespace.

If you used the Connections block in WP 5. Introduce the Upcoming List block for the WordPress 5. It seems this function does not exist when using the Gutenberg plugin.

Best Rating & Review Plugins For WordPress

So, lets not support the Gutenberg plugin and support only WP 5. Update the anniversary and birthday template with more specific CSS so they do no conflict. Rename the Directory block advanced settings field. Add missing period to upcoming list heading. Add a default heading to the upcoming list. Remove unused code from upcoming list. Update the dark and light templates for Anniversaries and Birthdays so they support all registered date types.

Do not attach Chosen to the country field when the field is disabled. Add inline comment for the html parameter for the registerBlockType function.

A Shortlist of the Best WordPress Mobile Plugins

Reorder the deconstructed wp. Add classnames and lodash as dev dependencies to package. Gutenberg Block to which can be used to insert the directory into the page. Update the attribution link to Leaflet. The custom HTML elements for the map layers control should be hidden.

Initial babel and webpack config. Update map blocks minified JavaScript assets. Use current version for the Map Block JS script for cache busting. Rename file which registers the settings options. Properly detect if section is a WP core settings section so it is not prefixed with the plugin ID. Begin work on modern settings API. Update the [cm-mapblock] shortcode to support the map layer control to toggle the display of layer groups.

Minor tweak to the Profile template to allow the bio to flow up on the detail view. Correct bug with the exclude categories option when registering the Category metabox. Instead, return no results. Add case for update.

Caldera Forms – Bien plus que des formulaires de contact

HTML data attributes need to be quoted. Sanitize before saving the repeatable fields. Additional tweaks to jQuery Appear to prevent conflicts with older versions of itself. Fix map zoom default for when a single marker is being displayed to prevent a blank map. Update the Picturefill polyfill to version 3. Update jQuery Chosen to 1.

Update Font Awesome to version 5. Update jQuery qTip to 3. Has not been utilized in over 4 years. No longer required for backward compatibility. Remove the advanced compatibility option to remove the registration of the Google Maps API as it is no longer relevent. Remove advance compatibility option to define whether the JavaScript libraries are loaded in the page header or footer. Remove usage of cnOptions:: Rename jQuery appear to jQuery cnAppear to prevent clashes with older versions of the jQuery plugin.

Do not bind a popup to the map level marker if no content was captured via the shortcode. Autofill state region and country not functioning correctly under some circumstances. Remove commented out code. Bump minimum PHP version to 5. Add new shortcode which utilizes the new Map API.

Templates which support display of maps will now display a map marker for each address added to the entry with a popup displaying the address.

Hébergement WordPress : créer un site ou un blog facilement

Tweak logic applied for Maps Marker plugin compatibility. Remove the copy entry action until it can be fixed. Replace spaces with hyphens when escaping the HTML element id attribute. Remove EOL from cnOutput:: Remove usage of deprecated getJavaScriptFooter method. Add a few helper methods to cnCoordinates to create object from various supplied types. Add Algolia as a geocoding provider. Switch from the goMap library to the Leaflet library to provide mapping and geocoding when clicking the Geocode button while adding an address. Introduce multiple service provider geocoding API.

Refactor entry action to geocode addresses to utilize the new multiple service provider geocode API. Add toArray method to cnCoordinates. Move country an coordinates to the Model folder. Move cnTimezone to Model folder.