Falling for Archie (sweet gay romance)

Falling for Archie

The Only One for Me.

Hollis Shiloh: January

Out of the Rain. The Way to Joe. His Kind of Home. All the Things I've Lost. Love Like A Poem. How to write a great review.

List of Archie Comics characters

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Gay Lovely Scene 25 (SN:The Army Of Your Love)

Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Falling for Archie by Hollis Shiloh.

Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. When the young man in question rides up on a motorcycle, Harris expects the worst. Ratings and Reviews 0 1 star ratings 0 reviews. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot.

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Harris writes instruction manuals for a living and is self-conscious at the best of times. He's not pleased when he manages to break a leg—but he's even less. Falling for Archie has ratings and 29 reviews. Laura said: Gay Bikers. books .. This was a sweet love story, just like so many of Hollis Shilo's books.

You're the first, dear blog reader. Or possibly not, depending on how many people have read this already. Also, does that sound strange, 'dear blog reader? And that's where I'm going with this, sort of. Posted by Hollis Shiloh at 8: Harris writes instruction manuals for a living and is self-conscious at the best of times. He's not pleased when he manages to break a leg—but he's even less pleased when a pushy friend sends someone to help him around the house while it heals.

When the young man in question rides up on a motorcycle, Harris expects the worst.

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He certainly never plans to fall in love. But Archie—short, clumsy, and utterly gorgeous—doesn't make it easy. You just finished burning yourself. Could you just bring the bandage? When you come out. I mean, when you're done. How badly did he cut himself.