Control Your Dreams - Control Your Life: Self Instruction (Advice & How To Book 1)

15 OF THE BEST LUCID DREAMING BOOKS — A Must Read For All Conscious Dreamers

While you can try relaxation techniques and methods, there is nothing to indicate you'll fall back to sleep more easily in later REM cycles. You want to aim for your later REM cycles, like those at the 6 and 7-hour marks, because you're more likely to experience lucid or vivid dreams during these cycles. Later REM cycles also last longer, making them more effective for this method. There are many factors in why we may or may not remember our dreams.

While you can practice memory techniques to improve your chances, there's nothing to indicate it's more likely during later REM cycles. Of course, if you can only try out this method during your early REM cycles of the night, that's fine! You'll probably have to practice this method a few times to get it right regardless. Still, there are benefits to waking during later REM cycles.

Attempting lucid dreaming does increase your chances of experiencing sleep paralysis. Still, it's far more likely to occur if you take galantamine than vitamin B supplements. If you often experience nightmares or disturbing dreams, you'll want to be careful experimenting with lucid dreaming at all. Regardless, vitamin B doesn't increase your likelihood of experiencing nightmares. Vitamin B can increase your chances of lucid dreaming, but it can also lead to restless sleeping. If you already wake often or struggle to achieve REM sleep, you'll want to avoid vitamin B supplements.

It's actually proven that playing video games will increase your chances of lucid dreaming, though television doesn't seem to have the same effect. Simply being a gamer doesn't mean you should skip the vitamin B, however. The best way to start lucid dreaming is to remember your dreams better, which you can do by writing them down in a journal each morning. Once you've been doing that for a few days, get in the habit of asking yourself "Am I dreaming? Finally, as you're falling asleep at night, repeat "I'll be aware that I'm dreaming" over and over again.

How to Control Your Dreams While You Sleep

Featured Articles Lucid Dreams. Usare le Tecniche del Sogno Lucido. A wikiHow Staff Editor reviewed this article to make sure it's helpful and accurate. When you see the green checkmark on a wikiHow article, you can trust that the article has been co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers.

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This article was a collaboration between several members of our editing staff who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Together, they cited 19 references in their creation of the article. Keep a dream journal.

Keep it close by your bed at night, and write down your dream immediately after waking, or the emotions and sensations you experience right when you wake up. This will train you to remember more of your dreams, which is important for lucid dreaming. Alternatively, keep a recording device by your bed.

The whole article was helpful, and I will surely go over it a number of times until I become a master lucid dreamer. Otherwise, you may find yourself running to the bathroom, disrupting any attempts at lucidity. Another way to do reality checks while you're in the dream is to look at a clock, look away, and then look back. Remember, it is essential to be able to recall at least one dream per night before attempting these techniques. Sometimes clocks have the wrong number of hands or have strange symbols. Edit Tips Lucid dreaming is a skill that must be learned, but even people who lucid dream regularly may only do so once or twice a month. Note that LILD is best used in conjunction with dream-signs and auto-suggested non-lucid dreams.

You might remember more of your dreams if you stay still for a few minutes and concentrate on the memory before you start writing. Use reality checks frequently. Every few hours during the day, ask yourself "Am I dreaming? With enough practice, you'll start following the habit in your dreams as well, cluing you into the fact that you're dreaming. Pinch your nose, close your mouth and test whether you can still breathe.

Simply look at your hands and feet. These are often distorted in dreams when you inspect them closely. Read a page of text or the time on a clock, look away, then look back again. In dreams, the text or time will be blurry or nonsensical, or will be different each time you look. Really expect it to go through, asking yourself whether you're dreaming or not both before and after attempting.

During a dream, your finger would pass straight through your opposite palm, and asking yourself the question twice will increase your chances of realizing this is not normal. Repeat "I will be aware that I'm dreaming," each time you fall asleep. Each night as you fall asleep, repeat to yourself "I will know I'm dreaming" or a similar phrase until you drift out of consciousness. Some people like to combine this step with a reality check by staring at their hands for a few minutes before they go to sleep. Learn to recognize your personal dream signs. Read through your journal regularly and look for recurring "dream signs.

Become familiar with these, and you may recognize them while you dream, and therefore notice that you're dreaming. You probably know some of these already. Common dream events include losing your teeth, being chased by something large, or going into public without clothes on. Drift back to sleep when awakened from a dream. When you wake up and remember your dream, write it down in your dream journal, then close your eyes and focus on the dream.

Imagine that you were in the dream, noticed a dream sign or reality check, and realized it was a dream. Hold on to this thought as you drift back to sleep, and you may enter a lucid dream. Consider purchasing a light alarm. Go online and purchase a light-based, instead of a sound-based alarm, or even a specialized "DreamLight" designed to induce lucid dreaming. Set it for 4. While sound, touch, or other stimuli during REM Rapid Eye Movement sleep can also make a dreamer aware of the fact they're dreaming, one study shows that light cues are most effective.

Method 1 Quiz Which of the following is not a reality check? Inspecting your hands or feet. Reading text or numbers. Thinking about your last meal. Know when lucid dreams most commonly occur. Lucid dreams, and vivid dreams in general, almost always occur during the REM stage of sleep. The first REM phase typically occurs ninety minutes after you first fall asleep, with additional phases roughly every ninety minutes afterward. The goal of this method is to wake up during a REM phase, then fall back asleep and continue the dream aware that you are dreaming.

You won't be able to time your phases exactly unless you visit a sleep lab or have a very dedicated night owl watching your eyelids all night. More realistically, just keep repeating the method below until you catch yourself in REM phase. Encourage your body to get more REM sleep.

There are many ways to increase the amount of REM sleep you get, as described in the linked article. One of the most effective, and the one that causes REM sleep to appear at regular times, is to stick to a daily sleep schedule and to sleep long enough that you wake up well-rested. This can be difficult to balance with the step below, which interrupts your sleep in the middle of the night.

If you have trouble falling back asleep, try a different method instead, or limit your attempts to once or twice a week. Wake up in the middle of the night. Set one alarm to go off either 4. The six or seven hour times are the most likely to work, because later REM phases last longer, and are more likely to contain vivid or lucid dreams.

Stay awake for a while. Write down your dream if you were having one, make yourself a snack, or just get up and walk around for a while. Your goal is to get your conscious mind active and alert, while your body is still full of sleep hormones. One study shows that staying awake for somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes gives the highest chance of a lucid dream. Concentrate on the dream and fall asleep again. Close your eyes and fall asleep again. If you remember the dream you were having, recall it and fall back asleep, imagining yourself continuing the dream.

Even if this takes quite a while to happen, you've got a decent chance at a lucid dream. Try other concentration techniques. If your mind wanders while trying to "catch" the dream, or if you don't remember the dream at all, instead try focusing on the movement of your fingers. Use a pattern of small movements, such as "index finger up, middle finger down, middle finger up, index finger down. Method 2 Quiz What is the benefit of waking in your later REM phases when using the wake back to bed method?

You will fall back to sleep more easily. You are more likely to experience lucid dreams. You will remember your dream more easily. The earlier REM cycles are more effective for lucid dreaming. Before going to sleep, meditate in a quiet, dark room. Taking a meditation training course may give better results, but to start out, just pay attention to your breathing, or imagine ascending or descending stairs. The goal is to stop thinking and enter a quiet, comfortable state, and from there slip into a lucid dream. Keep in mind that "Wake Induced" lucid dreams are rarer and more difficult than dreams that become lucid after you're already asleep.

There are many meditation guide videos online specifically designed to help you lucid dream. Prolong a lucid dream as it starts to fade. One common experience among first-time lucid dreamers is waking up due to the excitement of having a lucid dream! Usually, you'll get some warning beforehand as the dream feels "unstable" or you begin to notice sensations from the real world. These techniques can help you keep the lucid dream going: Some people report that this helps, although the reason is unknown.

In the dream, rub your hands together. This can distract you from the sensations of your actual body. Continue doing whatever you were doing before the dream became unstable, asserting that you are still in the dream.


This is much less effective than the techniques above. Listen to binaural beats. If you send a different sound frequency to each ear, your brain will interpret the two sound waves' overlapping pattern as an audio beat even though no beat is included in the sound. This definitely changes the brain's electrical activity, but so far scientists are unsure whether this can actually stimulate lucid dreaming.

Most would-be lucid dreamers use beats that mimic Theta brain waves, which occur in REM sleep, but some swear by Gamma or Alpha beats instead, or a progression through several types. Binaural beats can come with soothing background music, or just the beat itself. Gamers report a much higher rate of lucid dreaming than the general population. The type of game played does not appear to make a difference. Galantamine, a drug synthesized from the snowdrop plant, may be the most effective drug for inducing lucid dreaming.

Take 4 to 8 mg in the middle of the night for best results; taking it before bed can worsen sleep quality and cause unpleasant dreams. Talk to a doctor first if you have any medical issues. Galantamine can worsen existing conditions such as asthma or heart problems. This drug also increases the chance of sleep paralysis, a harmless but often terrifying experience of being awake for several minutes without being able to move your muscles.

Consider the occasional vitamin B supplement. Vitamin B5 or Vitamin B6 supplements can increase dream vividness, weirdness, and emotional intensity, which can lead to lucid dreaming. This dose is much higher than recommended for daily intake, and if you take it regularly over a long period of time, it can lead to unwanted side effects.

Check with your doctor first if you are taking any medications, or if you have a disorder involving bleeding, the stomach, the intestines, or the heart. This drug sometimes causes people to wake up in the night, so it may be counterproductive if you're a light sleeper. Method 3 Quiz You should skip vitamin B supplements if: You are prone to sleep paralysis. You tend to experience disturbing dreams. You wake easily in the night. You play video games or watch television often. It is rare to have a lucid dream without doing any preparation for it, but if you do make an effort over a few weeks or months, on the contrary, it is likely that you will have at least a couple lucid dreams, even if they are very brief.

Not Helpful 0 Helpful 8. Maybe you've been watching too many movies about this. If you die in a lucid dream, you will just wake up! Not Helpful 1 Helpful 9. I would be very impressed if you could. Normally it is very difficult to maintain the dream state after attaining lucidity and, no, you can't get "stuck" there! You will wake up eventually, no matter what. Not Helpful 1 Helpful 7. Freaking out or worrying will make it worse. Remember that any hallucination you see is not real. In sleep paralysis, either try to move or go back to sleep. Going back to sleep in a state of sleep paralysis is an easy way to lucid dream, but you can start to move again by taking it one step at a time, starting with wiggling a finger or something, if you don't want to.

Not Helpful 18 Helpful If you have a lucid nightmare, then you can use your lucid "powers" to destroy it. Or, just walk away. You could also wake yourself up if you wanted to. But lucid nightmares can be good -- you can conquer the nightmare, then ask it what it represents and why it scares you. Then you can conquer your fears. Not Helpful 99 Helpful Does lucid dreaming have any psychological benefits for people going through depression? It is quite possible, depending on what you're seeking to dream about.

How To Control Your Dreams

Lucid dreaming lets you feel free and without worries, and puts you in the locus of control, something that the helplessness and despair accompanying depression often removes from you. This sense of control can be empowering and could actually lead to a sense of greater mental control upon waking, which might carry through into your day. So it's worth giving it a try. Not Helpful 19 Helpful Can I dream an entirely different world and walk around? And can I wish to meet anyone in my dreams?

You can do anything in a lucid dream. To go to another world, imagine yourself being there, and create a portal. You could also turn away and imagine your new world being there when you turn back. How to lucid dream 4. How to potentially resolve problems in your dreams. This is a fascinating, informative, well-written book. Creative visualization is a way someone can alter his inner mind to achieve various purpose in his life!

Dreams give you a chance to take your imagination to a different level! This book speaks to two areas: You can find inside this book plenty of techniques to get your lucid dreaming practice started.

A great source in helping to a lucid dreaming practice. It provides enough resources and details about each supplement so that you can create your own supplement routine. If you want to take your lucid dreaming to the next level, get this book — you will not regret it. It will teach you to increase creativity, to solve problems, and to increase self-awareness, etc. Another key point is that the author goes a step further, where he shows the methods of Tibetan Buddhist dream yoga! It shows how by using your lucid dreams you can achieve the most profound kind of self-knowledge.

It is an amazing guide, that will show you how to explore the strange phenomenon as well as how to make the most of lucid dreaming. It is an exciting exploration of lucid dreaming theory and practice! Furthermore, it also the innovative new techniques of mindfulness of dream and sleep. The HOW-TO section offers the level of instruction that beginners need while serving up innovative approaches for those already advanced in their exploration. Highly recommend reading to anyone who suffers from sleep paralysis or who wishes to be prepared if encounter the frightening condition.

The book will teach you how to manage their sleep paralysis or engage more confidently with this ancient lucid dreaming technique.

You will find plenty of step to step guides on how to control your dreams and how to share their personal experiences, their own techniques, ways, and plenty of tips. www.farmersmarketmusic.comy to the Inner Self by Robert Waggoner. This book is digging really how Lucid Dreaming can be a practical step in living a more conscious life. In the book Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming, author Stephen Step 1: Hone your dream-recall skills. If you make this “reality testing” a habit during your waking life, you Step 4: Instruct yourself to notice that you are dreaming. If you want to take control of your dreams, now you know how. print.

If you want to end the scary visions and to learn how to transfer them into a reliable portal to other extraordinary states, then this is your book! It includes topic such as lucid dreaming, out-of-body experiences, and guided journeys to realms beyond our imagination.

It examines lucid dreams from many different cultural perspectives. T he author uses some abstract illustrations and paintings that express some of the strange sensations associated with dreaming, and lucidity. Also, highly recommend for anyone with an overall interest in dreams, lucidity, metaphysics, and shamanism. Your email address will not be published. We created this website as a guide for anyone who wishes to learn how to lucid dream.

Anyone who wants can join the lucid dream society! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. Whether you are a starter or an advanced conscious dreamer this Best Selling Lucid Dreaming Books can help you achieve a profound understanding of your dream world!

Plus, the authors share their personal experiences, their own techniques, ways, and plenty of tips. The cool thing is that books could be the main guidelines in a lucid dream journey. But the best part is that in the end, you will be rewarded with amazing lucid dreams! Do you have a kindle? The 15 "must read" Lucid Dream Books: Gateway to the Inner Self by Robert Waggoner This book is digging really deep into the spiritual meaning of lucid dreaming.

Want to know the best part? Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge This is a very interesting book and a great reference for anyone interested in dreaming and lucid dreaming. The major skills that you take away from this book are: Johnson Creative visualization is a way someone can alter his inner mind to achieve various purpose in his life!