Embracing the Stranger in Me: A Journey to Open Heartedness

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Welcome to Embracing the Stranger in Me: A Journey to Openheartedness

Not only do I foresee it being another empowering tool that will support many globally, but I am also deeply honored and grateful to have my artwork gracing the cover. Kathy Jourdain and I connected via Facebook, through a synchronous connection via another sacred tattoo design I created for a shared friend.

It was an instant bond right from the onset and it was clear our paths were meant to converge to channel this divinely aligned co-creation. From client to friend, I cherish the connection she and I now share, as bridge workers and beyond, as well as cherish all of the amazing soul friendships that I have been blessed to have in my life that the service I do enables me to connect with.

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Kathy will be sharing more about the amazing story behind her sacred tattoo, which she also now wears upon her back over her Heart Chakra, once her website is launched here shortly. In the meantime, I would just like to express how meaningful and priceless the work I do is to me, that bridges connections between myself and so many across the globe in deep ways. It was a beautiful, channeled, collaborative co-creation between Kathy, the Balboa Press designers, and myself. What an amazing gift to receive and more so, was the beautiful, personally signed dedication I found inside the cover from Kathy that truly touched my heart.

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I am so looking forward to continuing to read her personal journey, seeded deep in symbolism that threads a woven tapestry of experience — one that we can each find gems of inspiration, empowerment, and support from. After which, I will share a review. This is an empowering—though at times heartbreaking—work that seeks to encourage others to embrace their inner selves in the face of adversity.

It illuminates how we make meaning of our experiences by the stories we tell and how stories of human tragedy can be transformed through the perspective of soul journey with the potential to shift the shape of your life. And here are a few of the many wonderful comments from people about Kathy and her book that continue to flow in: Opened it this morning and having been reading it ever since.

I am touched by your grace, eloquence, and honesty. One was awakening to a spiritual lineage deeply buried in her consciousness. Another was being confronted by a physical lineage she had no idea existed. The third was discovering how to walk in the world with strength, joy, and compassion and to be powerful in her vulnerability, growing her depth of presence and capacity to do deep, meaningful work in the world.

Kathy is a powerful practitioner of the Art of Hosting Conversations That Matter, a self-organizing, emergent global network living the principles and practices of shared responsibility and shared leadership. It demands that practitioners become increasingly self-aware and present and that they collaborate with others in tackling some of the most pressing issues of our time.

Tarzan - Strangers Like Me

As a global steward of these principles and practices, Kathy is invited into hosting teams and consulting work for increasingly difficult work, primarily in Canada, the United States and Brazil. She was born in Nova Scotia, was raised there and has lived there all her life. She currently resides in Bedford. Embracing The Stranger In Me: Embracing The Stranger In Me. This title is also available through your local bookseller or preferred on-line retailer.

For more information about the process and pricing please visit: What is a Tattoo Design Consultation.

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She was born in Nova Scotia, was raised there and has lived there all her life. She currently resides in Bedford. When she gets homesick, it is not for the place she calls home, but for the people she has the privilege of knowing and falling in love with all over the world.

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It illuminates how we make meaning of our experiences by the stories we tell and how stories of human tragedy can be transformed through the perspective of soul Embracing the Stranger in Me: A Journey to Open Heartedness. This is an empoweringthough at times heartbreakingwork that seeks to encourage others to embrace their inner selves in the face of adversity.

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Embracing the Stranger in Me: A Journey to Open Heartedness [Kathy Jourdain] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This is an empowering. Embracing the Stranger in Me: A Journey to Open Heartedness [Kathy Jourdain] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This is an.

It illuminates how we make meaning of our experiences by the stories we tell and how stories of human tragedy can be transformed through the perspective of soul journey with the potential to shift the shape of your life. The Lineage I Know. Seeds of SoulJourney Awareness. Propellants of the Journey. Soul Journey through the Cloak of Human Tragedy. My World Is Rocked.

Creating Life As A Work Of Art With A Magick Rabbit By My Side

In the moments of decision — and there were a few along the way — so much fell into place it was a good lesson in trusting the timing of events. And, yet, nothing had changed. Have you ever had an intuitive hit and acted on impulse as a result, only to find yourself shortly afterwards questioning your judgment? What can we do when this happens? More information is available at www. And then an insight showed up resulting in connecting the dots between this situation and others in her soul journey, a shift happened and a decision has been made with clarity that will change the nature of the relationships — likely her departure from the company. I have seen and heard of other friends experiencing physical pain.

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