Filthy Rags

How blessed is the man who does this How can that be "filthy rags"? God names some of the deeds he delights in: That's doing what God values, not what God despises as filthy rags.

And what does this fine linen represent? God has covenanted through Christ that "sin shall be taken away" Isaiah They should not then say, "All our righteousness is like filthy rags" but rather "I am honoured in the sight of the L ord and God is my strength" Isaiah They were "alas a sinful nation" and a rebellious people Isaiah 1: They are likened to Sodom and Gomorrah Isaiah 1: Yet they offered to God multiplied sacrifices and prayers Isaiah 1: Righteousness once lodged in her" Isaiah 1: God once was delighted with the people, but now he is disappointed.

They have become two-faced.

Whilst they continued to worship, they also continued to do evil. The L ord repudiated their false righteousness as filthy rags —or as he puts it in another metaphor here, "Your silver has become dross" Isaiah 1: The Evangelical uses it to show that good works, obedience, virtue are all useless. This sets the stage for the doctrine of "accepting Christ" through a once-for-all act of faith. But the question needs to be asked: By what hermeneutical principle do we so use a text? What gives us the right to uproot the verse from its surrounding historical context and use it as a proof for theology?

Romans 10: Of Filthy Rags and Transformed Hearts

Furthermore, we should ask if a theology constructed with such methods is a sound one. Evangelicals may argue that their application of the verse is correct because Isaiah includes himself among those whose righteous acts are unclean " But this should be understood in the light of Israel's corporate guilt.

Isaiah is numbering himself among the covenant people. Those people had fallen into gross sin though certainly not every person without exception. Therefore, he says, "our righteous acts," the acts of the nation as a whole.

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This is consistent with the rest of the Old Testament. For example, we find that Daniel, though godly, confessed the sins of Israel as if he were himself the transgressor Dan.

Faith In Motion

Some reading this may wonder what the fuss is all about. Isn't it nit-picky to cavil at the way one verse of Scripture is being applied? Not in this case. I say so because the misapplication of Isaiah I submit that it is impossible to think of righteous acts as something filthy and, on the other hand, as something essential.

How could filth be important or even desirable? How will Christ judge the saints "according to their works" Matt.

All our righteousness is as filthy rags?

This introduces confusion into the Christian faith. The idea makes James the most unintelligible book of the ancient world. The author would, in effect, be writing that "faith without filthy rags is dead" and "a man is justified by filthy rags and not by faith only" and "I will show you my faith through my filthy rags" and "by filthy rags, faith is made complete. Christians would be enjoined to "stir up love and filthy rags.

When it comes to our justification—our legal standing before God—our own good works are in no way the grounds of God's declaration that we. They often cite Isaiah , which says our righteousness is as filthy rags, or “a polluted garment.” But in the context, Isaiah does not mean.

The obvious teaching of the Bible is that acts of virtue and goodness are pleasing to God. He does not view them as filthy, unless they are done with false intentions cp. In fact, God was pleased with Cornelius' alms, even before that man was converted to Christ Acts This alone should negate the popular application of Isaiah Amazingly, the preceding verse in the book of Isaiah teaches the exact opposite of the common interpretation of "filthy rags.

  1. Isaiah KJV - But we are all as an unclean thing, and - Bible Gateway;
  2. Bugs in the garden (The Adventures of Riley and Tiny Book 1)?
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Genuine works of righteousness, says Isaiah, are valuable; God meets us when we walk in them. Are we told the opposite thing one verse later?


That hardly seems reasonable. Jesus taught that God will reward even small works, such as giving a child a cup of water Matt. Our Lord commands us to let our good deeds "shine before men," that they might glorify the Father Matt. Paul writes that we are "created in Christ Jesus unto good works" Eph. The apostle erases all doubt as to how God views works of righteousness. Paul urges the saints to "walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work" Col.