Jesus the Jewish Theologian

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Jesus the Jewish Theologian. Insights from Jewish literature, archeology, and tradition help modern readers place Jesus within his original context. Particular attention is given to the Jewish roots of Jesus' teaching concerning the kingdom of God. The Baptism of the Messiah. The Temptation of Jesus. Miracles Proclamation and Healing Faith. The Kingdom Is Like. Blessed Are the Peacemakers. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector.

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The Sermon on the Mount and Human Flourishing. My People's Passover Haggadah, Vol. Traditional Texts, Modern Commentaries. The Political Aims of Jesus.

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Jesus the Jewish Theologian establishes Jesus firmly within the context of first- century Judaism and shows how understanding Jesus' Jewishness is crucial for. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Brad H. Young (PhD, Hebrew University) studied under David Flusser and is the author of Jesus and His Jewish Parables .

On The Way To Emmaus. The Role of the Synagogue in the Aims of Jesus. Dispensationalism, Israel and the Church.

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Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! How difficult is it to account for a character born 2, years ago into a different world, whose legacy is interpreted by so many strong-minded followers? The structure of this volume seeks to address questions of the above nature. The theme of Jesus the Jewish theologian unifies the chapters bringing clarity and insights into the Jewish background and the life and teachings of Jesus. Jesus represents a break from Judaism, and became the fountainhead of another faith, like a religious child that broke from its parent.

Jesus the Jewish Theologian

The proceeding chapters begin with the Gospel account of Jesus life and teachings with emphasis upon the messianic drama of his life, his kingdom announcement, his parable illustrations, the conflict leading to his death, and his fascinating predictions concerning the future. Young took away my blinders and open my eyes to a Jesus I thought I new, until I saw the savior anew in this well written volume.

Young in this volume, places Jesus in his Jewish context. He permits the words of Jesus to glisten within their own Semitic setting. To look at the Gospel events and to hear the words of Jesus in their Jewish context should be the desire of every student of the New Testament. Jesus The Jewish Theologian, helps make this possible.

It open many windows and offers the reader fresh and needed insight into the wonderful world of New Testament studies. Christians and Jews can both profit much from reading this readable and scholarly work.

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It will be my delight to commend this volume to a wide readership. Readers will find this volume as a useful tool for discovering Jesus as a theologian who based his theology on Judaism. Jesus The Jewish Theologian, has rocked my own preconceptions and has made me ask hard questions about why those of us who bear his name misunderstand his parables and teaching so much. Young argues that we have remove Jesus from his cultural and historical setting to the point of ignoring or overlooking some of the true intention of his teachings.

Jesus The Jewish Theologian uncovers a Jesus who has been too long hidden in western theological interpretation that often miss or ignores his historical background and heritage.

See a Problem?

Jul 07, Nick rated it it was ok Shelves: When I read this book I really liked it. There were several points at which I disagreed with Young's conclusions however. I also noticed that he relied fairly heavily on one or two sources which also relied heavily on the Talmud and Mishnah. The danger in using these documents to accurately reflect 1st century Judaism is that they were not compiled until the 3rd or 4th centuries.

So while this is an interesting and easy book to read, many of it's insights stem from bad scholarly practices. Sep 25, Daniel Butcher rated it it was amazing. Challenging and shows the connections between Jesus and Jewish context. There are several key episodes explored that while not greatly challenging my thoughts on Jesus did sharpen my understanding of what was occuring and what the orginal hearers would have connected to.

To be honest, I will probably never think of the Pharisees as a group in the same way again after reading this book. May 24, Jane Glen rated it really liked it Shelves: This was not the easiest read, but I learned quite a lot about Jesus as a Jewish rabbi and a practicing Jew. My intent is to understand Jesus' teachings better in the context of His Jewish heritage, culture, background and teachings of the day. I feel that I have just grazed the surface. Jul 27, Apryl Anderson added it. Learn more about the Man and His mission, you can't go wrong!

Well, come to think of it, I've knocked off a star for lack of enthusiasm.

This could've been a more enjoyable read. Where's the glee of Dallas Willard? Oct 18, John rated it it was amazing. This is a well written and easily readable book by a scholar and is very usefull for Bible Study and getting a new look at the life, times and teaching of Jesus from a Jewish perspective.

After all, Jesus was a Jew. Feb 01, Anne rated it really liked it. Jesus in his original context. Encourages asking questions, seeking knowledge to understand what we are reading and interpreting. Jan 24, Marianne rated it it was amazing. Can't know enough about Jesus. Paul Coleridge rated it liked it Mar 20, Stevan Betcher rated it really liked it Feb 24, Manuelshift rated it really liked it Nov 24, Heather Purvis rated it it was amazing Feb 01, Brenda rated it really liked it Oct 23,