Protect Yourself from Electromagnetic Pollution by Using Crystals

A Beginner's Guide to the Chakra System.

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Protect Yourself from Electromagnetic Pollution by Using Crystals, (electronic resource)

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Protecting Yourself from Electromagnetic Radiation

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Black Tourmaline: The Power of the Positivity Stone

EMFs adversely affect sensitive people, Hall says, because they raise background oscillation frequencies beyond what some humans can handle. You can also place salt around your home particularly windows and doors to reduce negative energy in your home. It has been suggested that taking additional precautions to cope with remaining uncertainties may be a useful policy to adopt while science improves knowledge on health consequences. The email is a one off email. Color Your Life with Crystals.

Crystal and Stone Massage. The culprit is the electromagnetic field EMF that surrounds manmade computerized and cellular devices, as well as radio-frequency RF radiation from Wi-Fi, cell phones and Smart meters, explains Miller. EMFs adversely affect sensitive people, Hall says, because they raise background oscillation frequencies beyond what some humans can handle. Scientists attending the fifth Paris Appeals Conference in unanimously requested the World Health Organization, which recognizes EHS as a condition , to declare it a diagnosable health hazard.

Sweden also acknowledges it as a functional impairment. The American Cancer Society says that evidence is limited on the effects of RF radiation from cell towers, cell phones, computers, Smart meters, televisions, automobiles and the atmosphere.

However, it does admit that when the energy becomes concentrated, health problems can occur. The auric field, or aura , is the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body and every organism and object in the universe.

Crystal Healing Then and Now

He recommends wearing what he calls the metatronic shield: Worn together, these three stones and metals are believed to help block your auric field from attack. Women tuck cell phones in their tops, men stick them in their pockets and when you make a call, you hold the phone up to your ear—and brain. The problem is that manmade EMFs are believed to disrupt the natural human electromagnetic field and interfere with normal physiological processes in the body, explains Miller, who has worked with thousands of households and businesses for 13 years to reduce EMF levels.

Both Miller and Tyberonn suggest keeping cell phones and Wi-Fi routers as far away from you as possible.

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Use your cell phone on speaker, or put it on airplane mode. And Miller prefers a corded landline as your main phone and Ethernet cable for your computer.

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While Alice Carroll may be more sensitive than most to EMFs, she sees herself as the canary in the coal mine. With her black tourmaline jewelry in tow, Carroll moved to a small mountain town near Flagstaff, Arizona, an area known for having low pollution levels, including electropollution.

Protect Yourself from Electromagnetic Pollution by Using Crystals

Judy Hall says there are ways to protect yourself from EMFs with crystals, which she covers in her book, Crystal Prescriptions Volume 3: Note that crystal practitioners use crystals for specific purposes. This information is not intended to diagnose or treat health conditions. Looking for more ways to enhance your health and wellness? Check out our remastered recordings of Bodhi Talks given by authors, healers, philosophers, teachers and scientists at the original Bodhi Tree Bookstore. Rita Robinson worked for Healing Our World magazine and was a reporter for the Laguna Beach Independent newspaper for nine years, where she was the first to cover the grassroots effort that eventually decommissioned the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in San Clemente, California.

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