Guest Post: Care and Feeding of the Mind – 5 Exercises to Build Your Emotional Strength

As counterintuitive as it seems. It has made me more productive to take those breaks, to stretch, and keep blood sugar up. Oh well…live to fight again another day, God willing. Subscribe now for strategies and resources to make YOUR leap and get my ebook: Seven Ways to Spark the Exceptional Leader in You a workbook to help you engage more purposefully at the intersection of leadership and life.

Like any workout, you need to make your emotional health a priority. Give yourself time and space for goodness to emerge.

Senior Living Care

I like that she emphasizes and celebrates the differences between men and women. I also recognized myself in some of the listener comments and felt convicted about times that I don't appreciate Sam for the wonderful man that he is. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. I felt like she was trying to teach women I read this for a book club and it was very different from what I had expected. I think if a two people in a troubled marriage were to follow her advice - it doesn't mean everything would be fixed.

The more time in your mental calendar you give to happiness, the stronger it will grow. Like a muscle, your mind needs daily exercise. Stay nimble and activate happiness each day, and your fitness will most certainly improve. Work may be horrible for you right now. Then…just take a step.

Ready to Make the Leap?

Each step, each day, is a brick in the wall. Keep a Marathon Mentality. Play the long game. Know there will always be setbacks.

Nora Gedgaudas Primal Mind The Care, Feeding and Optimization of Your Brain

In fitness and in life, growth happens during recovery. You can pray for prosperity all you want, but if you have the negative idea of poverty in your mind, you'll never prosper.

Beware Of Junk Food

You can pray for the healing of your body all you want but if you have the negative idea of sickness in your mind, you'll never be healthy. Remember, thoughts are powerful food for your mind. And that's why you should only think positive thoughts. RememberBad thoughts are like what some people call "junk food.

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Bad thoughts are also unhealthy. They have no value for your mind, your body, your spirit or your life. So don't waste your time on "junk food" thoughts. Think only GOOD thoughts for a good experience of life.

You Are What You Feed Your Mind!

RememberYou know the saying, "You are what you eat. What you feed your mind in the way of ideas is what you become. So you'd better make sure those thoughts and ideas are nourishing. RememberBeing careful of what you think and say is like being careful of what you eat.

Additional information

When you start to have a thought, read its contents. If it's got BAD stuff in it, don't consume any of it! Bad thoughts will just bring negative experiences into your life. Your email address will not be published.

  1. Nutrition for Your Body and Mind With Jamie Huysman, PsyD, LCSW, CAP, CFT*.
  2. The Mythic Guide to Characters: Writing Characters Who Enchant and Inspire.
  3. See a Problem??
  4. Oracles of Abraxia.
  5. Salades gourmandes (La cerise sur le gâteau) (French Edition).

I am writing to let you know how wonderfully effective your book has been as a resource for some of my clients with mood swings, and many of my adolescent clients who suffer with depression. As you discuss in your book, food impacts the brain and your book is a fabulously in depth resource for myself as well as for my clients. I thank you for putting the information in an easy to read, easy to understand book, and thank you in advance for many more informative books that helps us all to eat well for energy, nutrition and pleasure.

This book and program is about living well, and improving your health and wellbeing so that you can find freedom from EE. Learn the science behind this low chemical diet and eat your way to beautiful skin as Karen shares her 15 years of professional experience. Did you know your brain is the most nutrient-demanding organ in your body?

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Drawing on 20 years of research, author Delia McCabe presents the bible of delicious, easy ideas to keep your brain in tip-top condition.