O Federalismo em Portugal: Uma reforma democrática (Portuguese Edition)

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Journal of International Trade Law and Policy. Perfiles Latinoamericanos [Mexico City, Mexico]. Perspectivas Internacionales [Cali, Colombia]. Revista de Derecho [Barranquilla, Colombia].

The Hague Journal of Diplomacy. Publishers Editora Mundos Sociais, Portugal. Penn State University Press. Institutional evaluation Department of Political Science, University of Miami mid-term career review. Research interests Comparative political institutions, regional integration, foreign policy, party politics, theories of democracy, Latin American politics, EU studies, trans-Atlantic migrations, the profession of political science. Editora Mundos Sociais, Portugal in the European Context, vol. Edited periodicals 4 Anuario Americanista Europeo Looking From the Outside In: Reprinted in Lorenzo Fioramonti ed.

Guillaume Faye's The Colonisation of Europe PDF

Regionalism in a Changing World. Comparative Perspectives in the New Global Order. Abridged version in Norwegian: Latin America at the Crossroads? Routledge Handbook of Latin American Development.

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London and New York: Interregionalism across the Atlantic Space. Interregionalism and the Americas. Foreign Policy Responses to the Rise of Brazil.

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O Federalismo Em Portugal (Portuguese) Paperback – Mar 19 See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions Este trabalho insere-se na continuacao da obra "Reforma" do jornalista e publicista Jose Felix contraidas por uma classe politica incapaz de se adaptar ao regime democratico moderno. 11 Results $ Kindle Edition. Secrets of traditional Portuguese cookery by I. J. Lacerda ( ). $ Paperback. O Federalismo Em Portugal by I. J.

Balancing Power in Emerging States. Lucca and Cintia Pinillos eds: Interregionalism and the European Union. Mares and Arie M.

Routledge Handbook of Latin American Security. Limits to Regional Integration. Mercosul — 21 anos: Editora Appris, , Previous version in Spanish: Routledge Handbook of Latin America in the World. Il Mulino, , The State of the Union s: Comparative regional integration and the EU model. Teorie e ricerche sui cambi di governo. Bononia University Press, , New Regionalism and the European Union. Dialogues, Comparisons and New Research Directions.

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Ideological, Pragmatic or simply Peronist? Palgrave Macmillan, , Hart Publishing, , El derecho en movimiento. En homenaje a Elena Highton. This article discusses the processes of de centralization and regionalization of health policy in Brazil and Spain between and The study was developed with contributions of the historical institutionalism and of the historical com parative method, by means of three dimensions of analysis: State context; trajectory and institution ality of the decentralization and regionalization of health; and constraints.

The study showed that,in both countries, the more general context of re-democratization and decentralization of the State conditioned the reforms of health systems and their political-administrative organization. In addition, historical, institutional and political factors have had a specific impact in each case, influencing the regional organization of services, the balance of power and the division of responsibilities between the governmental spheres in the management, financing and coordination of health policy.

The study suggests that the way these factors interrelated over time is important for understanding the decentralization and regionalization of health systems in different contexts. Decentralization of health; Regionalization of health; Health systems; Comparative health policy; Brazil and Spain. No Brasil, os governos subnacionais se referem aos 26 estados e 5.

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Saltman RB, Bankauskaite V. Conceptualizing decentralization in European health systems: Health Economics, Policy and Law ; 1 2: Patterns of decentralization across European health systems.

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