[The treatment of internees: a breakthrough in a new law?].

We encourage work that has been workshopped in the past four seasons, but we will consider pieces that were workshopped earlier on a case-by-case basis. If you'd like to submit something that was workshopped before Fall , please get in touch with us first at breakthrough thefilmshop. Projects may be works-in-progress or completed. However, all short films must be completed for consideration. Screenplays must have gone through at least one substantive revision. Multiple entries are welcome, but a separate entry form and entrance fee must be submitted for each. Films may not have had their festival or online premiere before the Breakthrough event.

Have questions, please read our FAQs. Still have questions, please email breakthrough thefilmshop.

The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning

Filmshop is partnering with Festivant this year to receive submissions. Complete the entry form on the Festivant platform, one for each submission. There is no need to register first; you can submit as a "guest". Applicable entry fee must be submitted for each entry. After completing the Festivant entry form, you will be directed to a Paypal link to make your payment.

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If submitting a finished or work-in-progress film, you will be asked to provide a link to the film in the entry form. If submitting a script, you will be asked to upload the file via the entry form. Scripts should be formatted as PDFs. Make sure your script includes your name and submission title on the cover page. You can upload the file via the entry form.

Deadlines & Fees

Pollock , Andrew McK. Ellen Frede for education and Lori Levine for family services--to help us design a new approach focused on truly closing the achievement gap. What big choices have you made to ensure your agency is having the biggest possible impact? Ultraprivate Smartphones New models built with security and privacy in mind reflect the Zeitgeist of the Snowden era. In a nearby convenience store, I bought myself a drink. Projects may be works-in-progress or completed. After completing the Festivant entry form, you will be directed to a Paypal link to make your payment.

If you are submitting a script for a feature film or series, you will also be asked to submit a 1-page PDF treatment explaining your vision for the completed project. Your project should not have its intended festival premiere until after Breakthrough. The event aims to help propel the film to the next stage and not serve as another stop on its festival run.

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In English, I think I learned something really important. I learned how to write a proper thesis sentence, which will come very handy in the future while writing the numerous numbers of essays yet to come. This proved to be really helpful while analyzing or reading a quote or a novel. Our English class really felt like a family.

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We laughed together, we watched movies together, we tried stealing chips from each other, etc. We watched two Dracula movies last Friday. I would totally recommend The Breakfast Club and the Dracula movies…yeah….

New M4 tunnel breakthrough

Oh and Megan G. Well, we saw two versions of the movie.

One was made in the ? I actually forgot the years, but one was pretty old black and white , while the other was a little old, somewhere in the s.

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They were both really weird. Renfield, who is a mental patient in the book. The old film actually amused me because of the stupidity of Renfield. I think if I woke up in a dark, scary castle with spider webs all over the place, I would totally leave. Not to mention, the freaky host with bad pronunciation..

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That was pretty funny. There were a lot of similarities in both the movies. For one, they both had similar gothic elements, like darkness, the scary setting, etc. Posted in English Tags: This one really caught me off guard. If I never learnt grammar, me would be speak lyk this! The grammar keeps getting harder and harder as I advance a level!

But, still, it really feels good when I can correct someone if they say something with wrong grammar: Your friend could be talking to you about something and if you find a mistake with his sentence. Instead of responding to what he said, just correct his grammar and see how he or she reacts! For example, my friend once taught me how to convert an avi movie file to a mp4 file so I can put it in my ipod.