Children of Bast

Native children with bast skirts, Yakeel Custom Village, Tanna Island, Vanuatu, South Seas, Oceania

Conan the Barbarian I - Conan and Aristis fought off the other Children of Bast who were pursuing them, and they arrived back in Shadizar, when Aristis' wounds were treated. However, as Aristis enjoyed a woman's company and Conan visited the bar below, Karista led some of the Children to take vengeance.

Egyptian Gods: Bastet

They slew Aristis and retook the Eye of Bast. Feeling honor-bound to avenge Aristis and to complete his mission, Conan pursued Karista and her agents back to Bastet. Conan fought his way through the city and confronted Karista. After some struggled he stole the Eye of Bast from her and then dodged her next attack, which sent her hurtling into a wall of fire.

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Conan leapt out the window again, leaving Bastet to burn, and its people fated to devolve back into savage panthers. Other mentions of Bast in the Hyborian and other eras are covered under the Bast profile.

Bastet Goddess of cats - Egyption God

Former prince of Bastet and brother of Karista, he hated life in the High Kingdom and eventually escaped it to live in the outside world. He greatly enjoyed himself until one morning he found himself abed with a corpse, having transformed into panther form and slain his lover in the middle of the night. Realizing that he would continue to slip into savagery while apart from the Eye of Bast, he attempted to return to Bastet, only to find Karista barring his entrance.

He recruited Conan to steal the Eye of Bast, which they successfully did, but he was wounded in the process, and slain soon after by Karista and some of her agents. Also known as the High Kingdom and the City on the Cliff, it was carved into a mountain, which contained numerous tunnels that led into it. Its origins are unknown, but it was last seen in flames after Conan retook the Eye of Bast, and its residents almost certainly returned to savage panther form and left the city behind.

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Magically the strongest of the children of Bastet can transform into cats entirely. They also have strong traditions of healing magic, protection magic, fire magic, and physical ability enhancing Prowess magics. The Pibeset are part of the Oath of the Veil.

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The children of Bastet tend to be both fierce and playful like cats. Fierce when challenged, Playful when at rest. JavaScript is currently disabled.

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We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. Children of the Divine Order. Appearance Bastet was always depicted as a cat headed woman, however in the earliest portrayals she was a lioness.

Children of the Divine Order

Relations She is the mother of Maahes and the daughter of Amun-Ra. Ancient History Bastet had a massive following at various times, rising and falling in favor depending on the status of southern Egypt. To harm a cat was to commit a unforgivable sin against the goddess herself, and was considered a bad omen.

The Greek historian, Herodotus described this temple in his work in the 5th century BCE, as being built on an island surrounded by a lake Isheru from three sides.

Children of Bast: A Memoir

This lake was formed by the meeting of two channels from the Nile river. As and when a sacred cat died, it was mummified and presented to Bastet. However, Anubis, the jackal-headed god and protector of the dead and mummification, was also a consort of Bastet. Men and women would journey in ships from all over Egypt in order to reach the city of Bubastis. The euphoria of the drunken state was said to please the goddess, because she was also believed to be the goddess of joy, music, dance, and love.

However, unlike Artemis, Bastet was not celibate, had consorts as well as children. The goddess Bastet was often shown with the face of a lioness many centuries later, symbolizing the ferocity and warrior-like demeanor that lay hidden beneath the protective traits of this goddess. So, it was thought wise to keep her appeased and not anger her in any manner.

Children of Bastet

Conan the Barbarian I , p17, pan4; p17, pan6; Aristis: Book Ancient Egypt portal. Upon reaching Bubastis, great sacrifices were made. As protectress, she was seen as defender of the pharaoh , after Sekhet, the lioness and consequently of the chief god, Ra. Ancient History Bastet had a massive following at various times, rising and falling in favor depending on the status of southern Egypt. I'm free to pick any I want, taste and enjoy or taste and discard as I see fit.

Egyptian Sun God - Ra. Osiris - The Ancient Egyptian God. Norse God of Thunder.