How To Build Your Fan Base On Facebook

How to Build a Fanbase For Your Band and Create Super Fans

What you give away is up to you.

How to Build 44, Facebook Fans in 3 Months – Humanizing Tech

You could offer free merch, backstage passes or anything else you think would interest your audience. Why not give away some of your cheapest merch for free? A badge or plectrum only be worth pennies to you, but if a fan receives it directly from you after seeing you on the street or after a gig, it shows that you care about them on an individual level. Start writing a blog, sharing your experiences, hopes, stories, aspirations and influences. Grabbing your fan's attention with an interesting post will give them a better understanding of you and your music.

Why not include your fans in your next music video? They get a free gig and the chance to be part of your journey, while you got a great crowd for an awesome scene in your new video. The rise of Facebook Live and other live streaming services offers artists an incredible new way to reach fans for free.

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A free online performance is a great way to drum up interest in your latest track. There are plenty of ways to create a special bond with your most loyal followers.

How to Build 44,000 Facebook Fans in 3 Months

The competition for reaching these people is likely to be less, which means you pay a lower price per ad click. Below are a few examples showing the ad targeting he used. After choosing your target audience, you then need to select a compelling image and write engaging ad copy. Be scientific about your approach to the ads.

1. It All Starts with Good Content

Send Button — This plug-in lets users send content from your website to a select group of friends on Facebook. However, if you are not careful, you will get your account suspended and blacklisted by Facebook. Offering useful advice and tips can help you become a valued part of their everyday life. Among a LOT of other factors, this also relies on how a person has interacted with your posts in the past likes, comments, shares. For example, below is an example of the engagement for the page throughout the day so you know the best time to post.

Choose 4 combinations running at the same time: Keep repeating this process with different variables until you find a combination that gets you the most fans at the cheapest price e. Facebook gives you the keys to success for pretty much everything except the content. For example, below is an example of the engagement for the page throughout the day so you know the best time to post.

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Remember from above that you can schedule in advance. Use this page to inform you of the best time for your audience. Facebook has an incentive to make their app as engaging as possible, especially for advertisers who earn them revenue. Whenever you post a piece of content you can see how many views, clicks, and overall engagement to help you with this optimization.

For example, you might switch between articles and images or different subheadings and comments. We found that asking questions of the audience creates the most engagement. For example, Chin promoted an image for the movie Conjuring 2, which was trending at the time, and got 3 million views due to the question posed within the image.

Because it said something that was potentially false, it created a conversation around the topic. That drove people to see the movie and find out for themselves if the claim was true.

How To Grow a Facebook Page Fast

You can find it online and post it to your page. At this point you might be asking whether you should boost posts. But this goes deeper. How do you use all of this new data to your benefit? Refine your ads to make them even better, of course. Once you see what your general group of fans like, you can go to those other pages and see what type of content your competitors are posting, then mimic that on your own page.

I have a feeling Facebook ranks advertisers by dollar spend and will help out the pages that spend more and spend consistenly on ads.

Promotional Services

D id you know that you can track your competitors and reuse the content they post for your own page? Businesses, big and small, have found it to be a great place to connect with prospects and customers.

In , more than 1. Include Important Design Features Your page should quickly tell a visitor what your business is about with a photo, business name, your logo and a custom designed welcome page. With the new Timeline design that Facebook rolled out in March, a strong cover photo is even more important. This image should be powerful, capturing the essence of your business. With the new Facebook changes, the personalized tabs on a Facebook Company Page are now applications located below your cover photo.

This is the key area where your customized pages will live and where you set your business apart to your visitors.

How to create loyal fans of your music