Im Bett mit dem Feind (Julia 212013) (German Edition)

In einem permanenten Zustand der Angst, denkt Laura nur noch an Flucht. Army photo by Capt. Simpson, and Faye Dunaway. An all star cast in a disaster film about the tallest building in the world catching fire. During an inauguration, the front of the Capitol is outfitted with a platform and a grand staircase. Capitol by John G. The Lincoln Bible was first published in Of the twenty-one candidates officially running for mayor this year, only two will get past the primary on August 1st. Fifteen candidates crowded the stage at the forum including state senator Bob Hasegawa, lawyer and educator Nikkita Oliver, State Rep.

Frimley Green, Surrey, UK.

OTM's long time friend and popular PBS chef, Chris Fennimore, finally pens his .. Clifton NJ,; Wendy Wilson-Bett, Founder, .. Now: three smart cookbooks & their authors: Julia Turshen, Ulster County,, New German Cooking: Recipes for Classics Revisited. Title: in münchen Nr. 21/, Author: InMagazin Verlags GmbH, Name: in an ein Miniatur-„Frühstück im Bett“ erinnerndes Holzgestell mit mehreren Tellerchen serviert. angehauchte Liebesgeschichte zwischen ei- fers in der 3D-Version. gefangenen Indianer, den sie bisher nur als Feind wahrgenommen haben.

In Out in Ost-Berlin Geburtstag. Trotzdem ist wenigstens eines sicher: Stattdessen wollen die scher. Eben lispelt ein namenloser Er in ihrem ist. Es dauert sehr, sehr lange, bis sie gem. Keine Experimente geht man bald schon alt aussehen? Ein cken zu schlagen. Deutsche Helden — wer soll das sein? Wie lange das gut geht, bleibt offen.

Dort werden die bian. Bernhard Paul, viel gereister Impresario des und 2. Hermann Hesse tanzt aus der Reihe Am 9. November im Theater im Fraunhofer Man glaubt es kaum: Denn hier zeigt sich ein liebenswerter Charakter aus einer anderen Sicht: Frech, selbstironisch und vor allem ehrlich, beschreibt er sich in Lebenssituationen, die uns den Menschen nahe bringen: Hesse als phantasievoller Liebhaber aber auch als trinkfreudiger und ausgelassener Feiernder. Rufen Sie bis Montag, 4. VFD2Anteil von 0,12 f. Vom Mut, nach links und nach unten zu blicken Unangenehme Fragen stehen im Raum: Wer stiftet Frieden, auch Ehefrieden?

Er war ein schonungsloser Schriftsteller, der sich nicht mit der Beobachterrolle zufrieden geben wollte. Und das nicht nur als links blickender Journalist, sondern auch als Romancier. In verkommenen Zeiten wie den heutigen, in denen die Reichen allzu gerne vergessen, wie viele Arme es gibt, Radikal aufopfernd: ResidenztheaTrip, sollte man sich auch ter, ab Ein junger Reise ans Ende der Nacht einlassen.

Doch wie gehen Betroffene mit ihrem Handicap um? November Rufen Sie bis Donnerstag, VFD2-Anteil von 0,12 f. Beste Gelegenheit, einmal das neue Foyer und die endlich fertig gestellt neue Theatergastronomie auszuprobieren. Zum Dank feiert ihn nicht nur die ganze Stadt, Rosmenes Vater willigt sogar ein, seine Tochter mit ihm zu verheiraten. Die junge Frau weigert sich, bei dem Deal mitzumachen. Benjamin Zock und Nicolas Alltag in katholischen Internaten?

Doch seine gestrenge Gattin termelcherstr. Karl-Heinz Hummer als Musical angelegt haben. November , 20 Uhr Reaktorhalle, Luisenstr. Madonna, Cher, Michael Jackphie von Kessel u. Einige Individuen, allesamt Mitglieder untergegange Mit Sibylle Canonica, Cor1. Der erbitterte So Richard Strauss am Do Ensemble, Werner Hofmeister dr. Valery Tscheplanowa, Sebastian Blom7. Mit dem Ensemble des Bayerischen Staatsballetts.

Alfred Schreiner am Kampf aller gegen alle. Der Untergang des Hauses Usher 2. Ein Sommernachtstraum So 3. TheaterBar Junges Resi 6. Leonce und Lena — Dunkle Nacht der 6. Mit Enoch zu Guttenberg. Bergmans intensives Drama zwischen einer Schauspielerin, die willentlich verstummt ist, und ihrer Krankenpflegerin. Mit Marc Benjamin, Brigitte Hobmeier u. Eine Travestie auf Goethes Faust. Julie Van den Berghe. Mai , ein Foto geht um die Welt: Es zeigt 13 Personen in einem Raum.

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Qualcuno ha delle alternative a fidarci ciecamente di TeleStrategies? Thursday, September 08, Alle Infos unhaus verwandelt sich in einen coolen ter www. The guide will allow the user to cross data and identify opportunities for Brazilian and international companies making business in Brazil. I'v e gotten countless messages from people who have a variety of personal issues, b ut only one that experiences intense pain. Klezmer mit Andreas Arnold cl und Ecco Meinecke g. What i f I do love myself?

Mit Barbara Dussler, Peter Brombacher u. Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald 2. Die Leiden des jungen Werther p. Frust im Jagdmuseum Abgesang auf Volk und Herrscher: Aber sie kann sich das leisten, warten zu lassen: Bis es ihnen reicht: Man muss Putzkolonne eines Museums. The Wave Ab November Rufen Sie bis Montag, 4. Mit Sohel Altan G. Die Familiengeschichte eines chinesichen Handpuppenspielers, virtuos gespielt ab 14 Jahren.

Julia Ritter

Mit Pouget, David N. Russo und Natalia Palshina. Der Ausnahme-Kabarettist stellt das Buch zu einem Lew Iwanow, Marius Petipa. Vladimir Begitschev, Vasily Geltser. Lew Iwanow, Juri Grigorowitsch. Mleihi, Kostis Kallivretakis, Steffen Nowak. Die syrische Perspektive Luisenstr. Joachim Tschiedel, Maria Fitzgerald.

Mit dem Grand Theft Orchestra Fr Berlin in den goldenen Zwanzigern: Mit Helena George und Michael Wenk. Im sich entladenden Ehe-GeDi Mit wandlungsspiel von Johannes Galli. Frisch interpretiert, musikalisch unter- nach Rumpelstilzchen. Mit Emine Akman und Gastspielerinnen. Mit Alex Poch- Sa Ihre Reaktionen Do Gastspiel der American Drama Group Europe www.

Die GeFigurentheater marotte, ab 3 J. Ein stands gegen das Nazi-Regime. Mit Anne Distler, Harald Molocher. Beim ersten Dachau, Augsburger Str. Auch und Estragon im Nirgendwo. Mit Catalina Navarro Kir5 Jahren Einblick in das 8. Handmaids Berlin mit Handpuppen, ab R: Ein Bis So Thomas terndes und grausames Gemetzel: Im Badezimmer seines Hotels hinterfragt reservierung schwerereiter.

Wirres Spiel um Liebe und Moral: Das Umfeld zweier Liebender rea 10 15 giert ambivalent. Mit Judith Hummel, Heidi Neureutherstr. Der Forschungszeitraum kann von Interes- Bis Mit Doro- nig von Schottland. Jahrhundert stammenden lateinischen, mittelhochdeutschen ter, Film oder Performance. Helfrichs performatives Spiel mit Geschlechterrollen fragt nach der heutigen Relevanz von Revolution.

Jugendliche und Erwachsene Sa 9. Eine Frau hat sich ausgeschlossen und ringt — dem Nervenzusammenbruch nahe — verzweifelt mit der Angst vor sozialer Ausgrenzung. Nun sind vier Jahre vergangen Die Liebe in Zeiten des Internets: Aus verirrten Nachrichten entwickelt sich ein intensiver E-Mail-Wechsel. Eine perimente und Premieren neuer Illusionen. Turbulente Auswirkungen hat der inszenierte ST. Zwei Welten prallen aufeinander, als die Zirkus-Unterhalter ins abgelegene Dorf kommen.

Gastspiel des Melodiva Lesbenchors. Mit dem Theater tirischem Mundart-Biss. Das Duo Fr 1. Matschkes Figuren finden Sa 2. Hartmut Riederer Rezitawa h rheiten und Weisheiten eines Nordtion zum Burlesschriebener und verzappelter Kunst — die unque Wonderland aus Samt und Seide. Mit tinental und Erby Theater mit jungem Nachdenk-Programm. Die Expedition eines no- Drugstore, Feilitzschstr. Vorrunde , So Vorrunvon Bruno Hetzendorfer und Werner Winkler. Halbfinale , So 8. Endspiel Das poetisch unfaire aber hochmusikalische Das Finale dieser Show wird man so schnell nicht vergessen!

Der Comedian spielt solo mit seiner riesigen Bandbreite an Stimmen und Dialekten die komplette Besetzung einer Gerichtsverhandlung — und kein Ego bleibt verschont. Ein Mix aus dem reichhaltigen Schaffen, jeder Abend unvergleichlich, stets in etwas anderer Zusammenstellung. Die hohe Kunst der Improvisation nach Vorgaben des Publikums.

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Kein kerniger Stoff ist zu heilig: Scharfrichterbeil Fr 8. Die stimmgewaltigen Schwestern werden vom hintersinnigen Denker begleitet. Wirtschafts-, Unterhaltungs-, Werte-, Steuer- oder allgemeine Sprachkrise. Kein Ego bleibt verschont: Freche Chansons Fr Eine sehr weibliche und vor allem umwerfende Satire-Auffassung. Gerhard Richter hat angefangen, zumindest einen Teil dessen, was in seinem Kopf stattfindet, sichtbar zu machen: Atlas — Micromega Februar ist als eine Art Dokumentation von Richters Bildideen zu verstehen, eine Ansammlung von Photographien, Zeitungsausschnitten, Skizzen, teils biographisch, teils historisch, teils fiktiv.

Manche Bildmotive sind bekannt, manche haben es nicht auf die Leinwand geschafft. Noch eine Collage, aber diesmal eine akustische: Das Sichabwenden hat um eine weitere Wahrneh- Prinzip, ist ein wiederkehrenmungsebene erweitert je- des Motiv in ihrem Werk und weils Lorna Simpson macht kann es so interpretieren, dass das Unsichtbare sichtbar. Arbeiten aus 30 Jahren In der Vernissage am Do Simpson war die erste Afroamerikanerin, die auf der Biennale in Venedig ausstellte.

Das ist noch nicht lange her. Grundlage der Ausstellung ist die Di Sonderausstellungen Sammlung Bollert Do-So Kunstwerk des Monats November Kunst und Goldschmuck. Sonderausstellungen rungen jeden So Finissage am So Siehe auch Pinakothek der Moderne alles um ihr Motorrad dreht e bis 3. Er war hochphilosophisch und unglaublich in seine Welt versponnen. Geschichten, die hin-ter den Arbeiten stecken, also eher das weibliche Prinzip, dieses in die Tiefe, in die Psyche. Landratsamt FFB Kunsthaus, bis Beide, die antike Anregung und das Werk selbst, sind im Raum einander zugeordnet und bilden eine Einheit; Begleitbuch bis 8.

Sie untersucht ein Gesamtwerk, das danach fragt, wie wir uns visuell und physisch mit der Welt auseinandersetzen bis 6. Vernissage am Do Eine Auswahl von Exponaten aus dem facettenreichen Werk aus 60 Jahren 1. Unter Schirmherrschaft des Bayerischen sen und Ereignisse. Marcel Huber bis Josse de Momper tun? Jahrhunderts, der abstrakte www. AllianzTag jeden Mi freier Eintritt. Im Zentrum von Walls Arbeit steht in diesen Arbeiten der v. Vernissage am Di 5. Sonntag im Monat um Collagen mit Kommentaren und literarischen Textverweisen.

La Giaconda in Kopien und Adaptionen z. Lange Zeit waren Konversionen begleitet von sozialem Druck und erzwungener Assimilation. Doch wie ist das heute, da alle von Toleranz reden? Die Ausstellung Treten Sie ein! Ein moderner Leitbegriff nen und Know-How einholte bis Planet Mensch — Kunst und Wissenschaft am unseres Erdballs.

Vernissage am Fr In ihren Arbeiten fragmentiert sie die Formen der Natur, um sie neu zusammenzusetzen Veranstaltungen im TA- Waldes ist. Die Arbeit entstand als Graphzines Michael Ende Museum Mi-So Gloria von Thurn und Taxis bis Alter Botanischer Garten am Stachus Sophienstr. Josef Henselmann bis Verbeth Bader und Christian Hof. Positionen im Steindruck bis Werk des geborenen Fotografen, Filmewww. Aneinandergereihte private Momentaufnahmen, die doch der Wirklichkeit des Betrachters entnommen scheinen bis Offene Ateliers jeweils Do Vernissage am Di Parallel in der Pinakothek der Moderne und im Museum Brandhorst bis Parallel in der Alten Rotation bis 2.

Kuratiert von Christina Petrinou bis Bei Hopf sind das u. Im Rahmen des 4. Panafrikanismus Kongress bis Bunte Reflexionen von Bauwerken im Zeichnung. Weltkriegs von wichtig Prinzregentenstr. Das Hasenbergl und Schellingstr. Hauptmotiven Wasser und Meer bis 5. Vernissage am Sa 2. Eine Erinnerung an Querdenker in der Menschheitsgeschichte. Originalquellen, Geheimdokumente, historische Aufnahmen u. Die Sonne sehen — Neongelb und Him- Sa Sybe War- Fr Andrea Mayerhofer-Llanes ab 6 J. Verin der Goldenen Bar und ab Hoffmann durch die Retrospektive.

Simon durch die Sonderausstellung. Helmut Bauer durch Jahre Stadtgeschichte. Martin Moser im Lichthof. Inge Kreutz durch die Sammlung ten Pinakothek. Ilse Jeweils Sa Alina Langer Sa 2. Wenn es dann aber doch das Innerste, das eigene Ich, betrifft, wird es haarig. An einen Unfall wollen seine Freunde nicht glauben. Doch solche Leute geben doch keine Morde in Auftrag. Ein kostbarer Ring, eine alte Legende und ein grausamer Fluch Gasteig Black Box, VereinsWeil es mit dem Herausragen heim, Karten und Programminfos unter literaturfest-muenchen.

Rupert Sommer ten als die akademischen. Einer, dem Dreck an weil man ihm den Latino ansieht den Stiefeln klebt. Und doch ist Frau, liebt sie und die Kinder. Eine junge Meute, ein Rudel mit Leitleren Westen, zu schicken. Justin Torres ist Jahrgang , aufgewachdenten sehr. Erst als die Literatur ganz unaka- sen in Upstate New York. Jetzt erst hat er seinen Weg nach ten durch die dunkle, kalte Luft — wie Wellen, die Deutschland gefunden. Er begeistert mit einer von hinten gegen mich schlugen.

Rumpelstilzchen unplugged Und sie trieben es bunt und vogelwild und faunisch bis zum Ende ihrer Tage. Sonst gibt es wenig zu meckern: Davon verstehe ich rein gar nichts. Hier findet jeder seinen Platz. Eher aus Sicht des Fans. Es geht gleich zur Sache. Am Ende lachen die Good Guys. Jonny Rieder Philip Pullman: Martin — stellen ihre Prosa nun bei einer Lesung vor.

Alpenwellness im Karobett Garmisch ist gleich Skifahren! Viele Elemente aus der hier heimischen 1. Ab Euro pro Person. Das Wellnesshotel Birkenhof in Grawww. Die Hotel Das Tegernsee. Denn das Haus, ein ehe- haben sich was dabei gedacht, da steckt eine maliges Schloss mit stilvollen Anbauten aus Vision dahinter und sie wollen, dass es mir. Die Tages-Arrangements starten bei 40 Euro.

Und wir bleiben dabei: Die Paket-Preise waren begriffen. Da hat wirklich mal jemand einfach so attraktiv, dass wir uns das mitgedacht! Auch der neue Spabereich 1. Mit Bachata-Workshop um Mit den Tanzmeistern Karolina und Johannes Schuster. Salsa-Tanzkurs in der 1. Boogie-Kurs in der 1. Einstein Goes Brazil — Festival 7. Bad Grandpa siehe Sonntag 3. A cappella Pop und Jazz. Klezmer mit Andreas Arnold cl und Ecco Meinecke g. Toys Get Lost, Mostly Harmless. Und das chner Komikers aus, begleitet vom Cellisten Jost-H. IndiePop, HipHop und Autoren: Sue siehe Sonntag Gegenstand der Ermittschichte der Nachkriegszeit: Papier aus ganz subjektiver Sicht ab 12 J.

Tante Frieda sucht Bauer siehe Do Eine Vortragsreihe mit Leo Maria Giani. Die Musik aus dem Buch Publikumsbeteiligung. Rain legt Christos Davidopoulus Optimal auf. Edina Brenner LV Bayer. Ines Galling und Dr. Tobias Kuhnimhof, ifmo Instifos: Zu Richard Wagners gungen von Vergil, Baudelaire u. Alpenkrimi mit Kommissar Jennerwein. Der Kult-Ermittler steht am Alm-Abgrund. House, Charts, Old School. Theo Geissler, Eva Schrot. Millowitsch, Thomas Heinze u. Ein Vortrag von Dr. Beratung zu den Programmen: Geld und Leben; Eine Neuverfilmung des klassischen Piratenabenteuers von R.

Stevenson im Auftrag von Pro7. Mit PRO 7 Mit Elio Germano, schreiten: Hier Riccardo Scamarcio, Diane Fleri u. Mit Julia Jentsch, Peter Gantzler u. Familiendrama mit einer jungen Frau, die sich mit dem Tod der Eltern auseinandersetzen muss. Mit Annamirl Bierbichler, Rut Achternbusch u. Shatter, Facing the Swarm Thought. Meeting mit den Livebands: B2 benswerten Teenagern Tasmin und Oda. Wie gut ist unser Fleisch? Mit Jonas Karlsson, Livia Millhagen u. Kristin von der Goltz. Wright, Agent Q in Rotation. Der Faustsche Stoff als Reise durch alle Der bayerische KabaRosenheimer Str.

Operettengaudi von Klaus Domberg.

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Nieder mit den Polen! Karin Sommer und Dr. Geburtstag von Wolf Tegethoff: Ko Bylanzky und Carmen Wegge. Freies Malen bis Erding, Meditation im Buddhistischen Zentrum Dorfnerstr. Zeit im Bild; Sport; Live aus der Mit Andrei Mateiu u. Ossarium, Meta- ve, afro- und lateinamerikanische Rhythmen. DJ Dan L mit Alternative 0: Massiva legen Metal, Hardcore und Metalcore Mit Edward Fox, Michael Lonsdale. Gerd Conradt ist anwesend. The underlying assumption is itself unable to competeOn Friday 12 received a request for quotation that will deal with the case.

We will submit the quotation until Thursday After, the next steps are: The overview is under control. We received the customer's budget request or quote last week 11th. By the middle of next month we should have a round of negotiations. We present the proposed standard that HT sent us considering our price 18th. We also added another year of maintenance 2 years and a forecast for the special training required by the client three weeks. DPF Meeting on october Dear Marco Bettini, I apologize for the delay in answering this email.

My internet network presented a problem last Thursday and was only corrected yesterday late afternoon. Friday was a holiday in Brazil. Thanks for the information. This afternoon we will resume negotiations with the Federal Police Department and give you more news. Please let us news about our email where we commented about the ABIN. Have a nice day. Considering the delicate and sophisticated nature of the system as well as the purpose and management tool, taking into view of the concern of permanently keep the customer safe, I believe that this matter will not be a problem.

We have a hot opportunity for a system in Brazil Federal Police. If you remember we made a demo there back in September last year. They had some internal legal issues which avoid the acquisition of such a system. Now such impediment is solved and they are ready to acquire.

Actually our contact person said that if our price is competitive they will acquire directly from us without tender. They want to take a decision by the beginning of next week. For that they are ready to receive our proposal until this Friday. The are looking a proposal as modular as possible: Password via txt message to the following number: Potential Customers in Brasil.

Will have some feedback for you soon. Tuesday, September 13, 9: Hello Gualter, according to the email Marco sent you on yesterday, please find attached the correct offer. Regards, Massimiliano Messaggio originale Da: Please discard the offer, I will ask Massimiliano to send you tomorrow the new one.

Give a couple of days more. If the opposite occurs, we'll all DefenseTech and HT exposed legally. Thank you for your attention. Hello Gualter, By mistake I have authorized Massimiliano to modify the terms of payment to 30 days after the delivery. Se la richiesta consiste i una risposta inviata al cliente per comunicare la presa in gestione del problema, allora nessun problema. Ad ogni modo, stavo per scrivere al partner. Max,per entrambi i punti. Tuesday, November 06, Dear Massimiliano,Do not worry about the response time. We also added another year of maintenance 2 years and a forecast for the special training required by the client three weeks , in order to empower their agents in the field procedures infection.

Ok, we would like to clarify the item III. Sorry about the mix. There are two points to be dealt: Please check the Possibility of adjusting these items so that we may submit our proposal until next Thursday" - We have already presented the proposal last week 18th confirming this item. Now, we need to know if it is possible to make answering calls for service and support for u. Could you please check and let us know what exactly are we talking about? Is it some specific tests the end user wants to run? Is it a trial period? Dear Massimiliano, Thank you for your attention.

So far, we agree with the view that the terms of payment will be subject to further negotiation by a higher instance and when we have a definition of the configuration required by the customer. We believe that we have a definition until the middle of next month April. Anyway we need to consider this issue before formalizing a proposal to be sent to the customer because of limitations in the legal environment that involves government purchases.

We will keep the HT informed of all events during the proceedings. About item "service in 72 hours": This item is clear to you? By the way, what is SLA? Dear Massimiliano,As previously reported in the email below, we are making request for quote tool RCS for Defense Tech exclusively for resale to the Federal Police Department whose final proposal will be presented to the client until the second half of April. Max, I've already spoken with Marco - however I'dl like to highlight some points the Sales team should consider before issuing a formal offer: The terms included in this offer are not standard.

They should be clearly evaluated on a case by case situation and approved by Marco and me since they can be very risky for the company.

The same mistake has been done in the updated offer sent. Please refer to procedure I sent you before issuing any document. Hello Gualter, please find m. Hai avuto modo di avere aggiornamenti da parte dei vari clienti incontrati assieme il mese scorso policia federal soprattutto? Riguardo alla tu richiesta per un demo kit, credo non sia fattibile. Contact in Brazil Date: Proven by years of worldwide adoption and designed to fulfill LEAs and Security Agencies higher expectations, RCS gives you total control over endpoint devices.

Offering the widest selection of infection vectors and showing total invisibility to protection systems, RCS guarantees easy installation on target devices. An integrated, easy to use Console allows you to manage all of your tasks, from evidence collection to infrastructure management. Newly released RCS version 8, codenamed Da Vinci, introduces a new dimension of cyber investigations: Since I don't know which will be the number of the Tracks, I have indicated.

Marketing and selling to this space present a plethora of opportunities and challenges, which those new to the Brazilian market, and sometimes old-timers, often miss. This could result in loss of revenue caused by avoidable mistakes. To prevent them, it is necessary to know how to identify and analyze the specific cultural, social, political, economic, and security factors that drive the complexity and dynamism of the growing Law Enforcement Space in Brazil. The Webinar will demonstrate a hands-on process to identif. Contact from ISS Brazil. Tuesday, July 26, I already spoke with my colleagues of sales dept.

According to your availability, we can meet directly at our stand, at the upper floor, after our public speech on Brazilian government and public sector professionals. Friday, July 20, It is also well visible that Eduardo is: It is also true that Eduardo is: The local partner Luca might have the tendency to worry a.

It took a while for me to explain him the support is not only about bug fixing, but a c. It is also true that our FAE Eduardo is: Less prepared respect other colleagues b. No, non la brochure. Traducono i titoli degli speech. Per l'introduzione HT, usiamo quella fatta da noi in Portoghese lo scorso anno. Uso quelli dati per Praga? Per la traduzione in Portoghese, ci fidiamo di Telestrategies o lo chiediamo a qualche tra.

E' tempo di preparare i titoli degli speech per ISS Brasilia in modo da farli tradurre in portoghese e spagnolo. Usiamo quelli di ISS Praga?

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Thu, 29 Mar Marco ce la facciamo con i tempi? Per l'introduzione HT, usiamo quella fatta da noi in Port. Potremmo chiedere al partner brasiliano di Nice. Interessante per il mercato Sudamericano. Thursday, January 06, We will also market ISS Wo. Luca Gabrielli; Toni Meneses Cc: Massimiliano Luppi; Toni Meneses Cc: I completely forgot about it, my fault. Tomorrow will take care of it and the other administrative things I owe you.

Nothing special happened last week besides Hugo asking for our direct help on the case strategy and therefo. Dear Massimiliano, Thank you for your interest in working with us in this project with the Brazilian Navy. We will keep you posted. I would be grateful if you could send us the contract that we will have in place regulating our agency compensation for any sales that we close as intermediary.

in münchen Nr. 21/ by InMagazin Verlags GmbH - Issuu

As per our conversation, please find attached our NDA. So that we can take the return flight later in the afternoon of the same day. On occasion we may arrange a meeting with the PF account with your presence what we believe will be profitable. Specifically on the PF, we are in direct contact and have scheduled a meeting with the project manager for the period from 10th to 15th February. Ciao Max, I'm fine thanks. Hi Max, I am available with a demochain 9. Is there someone who can set up the environment for Eduardo? I will be available after I'm Massimiliano Luppi, key account manger and in charge for the Brazilian market.

At the time I was working on a number of security and forensics contracts in Taipei, Taiwan. I have since relocated back to the US, and am now working on several Brazilian forensics contracts. If you are not the addressee or authorized to receive it, report that their use, disclosure, copying or archiving are pr. Trip to brazil Date: Thu, 30 Oct Se non ti rispondono subito chiama direttamente le persone.

August 27, at 9: Is there someone who can set up the environment for Eduard. Webinar tomorrow Brazil Pol. Tuesday, March 17, 2: Massimiliano; Eduardo Pardo CarvajalCc: Tuesday, March 17, 4: Let me say however that, form my experience with the Brazilian prospects, nothing should be taken for granted: Alessandro can you please share with me your suggestions about the following. Max, dobbiamo verificare il contratto di Dealer che avevamo firmato con loro. Mi sembra una buona idea quella di essere presenti con 2 persone da parte nostra almeno nella fase iniziale.

Eduardo Pardo; Massimiliano LuppiCc: I'm Massimiliano Luppi, key. The only activity that would overlap for me in the case of the 4 week straight is IDEC June 1st to 5th. So, if it is possible, please confirm me so I can cancel trip to IDEC and prepare in advance for a possible 4 week trip.

Thursday, April 23, 8: Basically we need to be sure they are getting the result from this small proj. Alessandro,since Eduardo is the only one who speaks Portuguese, he has to be mandatory involved in Brasil. Luca Gabrielli; 'Eduardo Pardo' Cc: Massimiliano Luppi; Eduardo Pardo Cc: The Guide is an updated profile of about industries operating in the municipality. It will provide key information for business expansion, such as company name, address, raw materials, waste, number of employees, phone numbers and contact emails, among others.

The guide will allow the user to cross data and identify opportunities for Brazilian and international companies making business in Brazil. The Municipality is located in the heart o. Tuesday, September 30, 3: I need to know your agenda for the 2nd and 3rd week of November. Eduardo Pardo Carvajal Inviato: Monday, September 29, Certo David domani va benissimo non troppo presto conto di ronfare un bel po' , oppure ti chiamo io alle otto circa di stasera.

Per belvedere vorrei cambiare taglio e colore e non avevo voglia di andare dalla mia che e' in forze armate piu' o meno. Mah, cheap, cosa devi fare, una piega, qualcosa di semplice? Li consigli i parrucchieri di belvedere? For my hotel reservations, please book me in the same hotel as Lorenzo in Mexico and Massimiliano in Brazil , also for my internal flights in Brazil Sao Paulo-Rio and Rio-Brasilia , as they have requested you before. Please give me a call at your most convenient time at the following number: Espero sus comentarios para ponernos a trabajar a la brevedad!

On Feb 6, , at 1: Hemos elegido un stand de 18 mq 6 x 3 , y por eso tenemos necesidad de obtener un cotizacion para una oferta completa, que incluya: We are sending our presentation with attached form for you fill, and get a design of your booth, without any cost or commitment. Alex,Could you reply to this potential Brazilian partner?

He has already contacted us two weeks ago. Sun, 6 May And then I met you, Mr. You certainly do remember. I am in active contact with potential clients of your product now. Is there already a sales rep in the country who I could contact, and who could explain every. Max, Alex,Would you please contact this brazilian potential partner?

Is there a sales rep in the country who could explain everything about the system to some of our clients? Can a client order a testing period of a couple of days? Thanks for your answers. Massimiliano,I wanted to reach out again. Max ti chiamo la prossima settimana per un aggiornamento. We already did demo the solution to the department of.

Hello Massimiliano,I am well and hope you too! We consider the coming of HT to Brasilia Brazil very timely in view of the opportunities that are opening here. We figured that the best time for this to occur would be the week of 26 to 30 November , as you suggested. Please confirm that you can so that we can move forward in confirming the dates of visitation to customers in Brasilia.

They want, plus a full presentation, a proof of concept similar to what was done in the Department of Federal Police. It is possible that during this week we will confirm at least two more clients, including agencies of the Brazilian Armed Forces. Please confirm the presence of HT in Brasilia soon and, if possible, at least about 4 or 5 days available to meet the calendar and make your coming here a. Please let us know as soon as possible: Please confirm that you can so that we can move forward in confirming the dates of vi.

Our trip to Brasilia. Among some request of modification in the Reseller Agreement, they are also asking to add the price list and payment terms. I know that Massimiliano sent you a proposal on August 23rd, did you forward it to them with your mark-up? If yes, please let me know because I need to increase the list price for Defense Tech in order to include Nice commissions. By the way, which is the relationship between Nice and Defense Tech? I mean, will you involve them for future Nice business in Brazil? Lastly, who from Nice will attend the meetings in Brasilia?

Potential Customer in Brasil. Can you please confirm receiving my email below? Do you have any feedback? Monday, September 05, 5: Hope everything is ok. Following our last mails I have been developing the business opportunity in Brasil with Brasilia Federal Police thru our partner Defensetech. We have received a firm request for a demo system. Their interest is to test the complete functionality of the system for few. Dear Gualter, Please find our answers in blue: If possible, what is the solution?

Please find HW configuration in the attached file and check whether the customer's IBM servers support given specifications. As shown and explaining during our last demo, call interception is supported as follows: Voip calls are intercepted - On Windows Mobile and Android: Linux support will be released within the end of I will wait for your input for PF. We have reason to believe that we have an important year for the business with the RCS in Brazil. I ask your special dedication to Customer Federal Police Department, whose trading is progressing positively.

We went yesterday with the direction of the Board Mr. Their interest is to test the complete functionality of the system for few days, in order to start an acquisition process. Please let me know how do you want to proceed. Sunday, August 07, 7: Ciao Max,I'm fine thanks. Marco,questa e' la persona di cui ti parlavo oggi pomeriggio. Gli confermo che domattina, al termine del public speech delle Dear Domingos,thanks for your email.

Done, thanks for the reminder. Alessandro Messaggio originale Da: Civil Ale, Please add this webinar for Brazil prospect in Rio for tomorrow, at Tuesday, March 17, Civil Hi Eduardo, As per our discussion over the phone, this is lucas's new mail: Marco non mi dire che traducono la brochure in portoghese! Per la traduzione in Portoghese, ci fidiamo di Telestrategies o lo chiediamo a qualche traduttore? Please e-mail me sessions title in English and Portuguese.

Before we finalize our convention hotel, we would highly value your feedback on these questions. Nothing special happened last week besides Hugo asking for our direct help on the case strategy and therefore Toni and I being focused on actions to support them. Let us update tomorrow late my time or early wed Morning. Monday, June 15, Hello Massimiliano,You are very welcome and will be a great pleasure to be with you here in Brazil.

Still, this week we will meet with the manager of the intelligence area, Department of Civil Police of the Federal District. Massimiliano Luppi, Thanks for your reply. I'd like to have a call with you in order to further discuss this potential business opportunity. Would you be available tomorrow morning? Brazil Fed Police license Brenda. Daniele,HASP tokens codes to be assigned are: Eduardo Pardo; Alessandro ScarafileCc: You can book flights and hotel according to our agenda delivery and installation starting on Monday may 18 , please note that hotels will be paid by Luca directly so inform CWT about this.

Whatever you decide is the best for the project let me know. In my opinion, if we give them space to work by their own and then come back is better. So 4 weeks straight? Alessandro Scarafile; 'Massimiliano Luppi'; d. As you know th. He is stuck on some mission and did not comply with his commitment!!!! Tomorrow I talk to him again to make sure he sent the export doc as he told me apologizing today. Wednesday, April 8, 4: I copied Eduardo so that you both can be aligned on Monday's meeting. Thank you Max for the explanation.

Monday, February 23, Luca put you in contact with the person within the customer organization so that we can talk with him directly. Consider we are still missing all the documents and signature we need in order to move forward. About the dates, I believe it will not happen before the second half of March.

In any case, please keep me posted in all the mails. I wanted to see if Hacking Team has a local reseller or partner in Brazil that I can work with on a current project. Looking forward to hearing from your team. Please start arranging reservations flights, hotel. Let me know if you need anything else for preparation. Eduardo, I suggest to evaluate the situation with the client daily. Basically we need to be sure they are getting the result from this small project: It is not a standard sales process: As you know this is a peculiar project.

Ciao Max,starting from May 11th is feasible. Since we agreed with customer 4 weeks of support on-site, we could split the entire pilot in 2 visits: Done live a few minutes ago. Massimiliano Luppi; Eduardo PardoCc: I do not foresee any further delay as the working site will be ready by May 12th. Delegate training is planned to be on May 25th in the conference room where we demoed the SW. Please send me the day by day activity plan so we can get on a web conference and formalize it with the customer. You should get his email soon.

Of course, I would like to receive the payment confirmation first we should get it today. Is Luca informed and agreed on this process? Yes, we can ship a full TNI bag from Milan. Friday, May 22, Possiamo dirgli che nel pomeriggio gli confermiamo e nel caso si puo' procedere anche subito? Devo solo tornare a casa e verificare per sicurezza l'elenco dei paesi. Hi Eduardo, Ask Luca, let's try to be in the same hotel.

The agenda is busy and we won't have a lot of time. Keep me posted, so we'll do the reservation together. I'll keep you post it. Thursday, October 30, 2: Monday, August 25, 4: I spoke with Daniele and he told me you should be available. Grazie Max, I'll proceed with the tickets and hotel bookings. Trip to brazil Good morning Eduardo, This should be the final plan for our trip to Brazil: To view this email as a web page, click here.

Book your stay directly under the link below! A minimum length of stay of two nights and a full deposit is required. This offer is non-refundable but transferable for a booking change f. Jorge Chilano Moreira Dept. I wanted to see if Hacking Team has a local reseller or partner in Brazil that I can wor.

Actresses from Pennsylvania

Massimiliano Luppi, first we want that you show your solution like you showed in Brazilia, because the Prosecutors want to see. During your visit here, we can sign the attached non-disclosure, but diferent that you send me, with others clauses, that we will talk about it.

If you had representation in Brazil , is better and easir. When can you come here? Would be in August? The Prosecutor has urgency, because is necessary to do project to acquire. Thanks, hope your answer. Massimiliano,Thank you for the quick reply. I am available the rest of the day today for a call Looking forward to touching base. Tuesday, April 28, I've sent him that document before, but he doesn't know what he should do inside the Linode web site.

Should I tell them that our VPS are free for the pilot time? If they want, we can directly provide them 2 VPS for the pilot project. Eric, Please keep us informed. Regards Marco Messaggio originale Da: Marco Bettini ; Omri Kletter Cc: Potential Customers in Brasil Update Marco: It's too late already to plan it for tomorrow. Let's see the outcome of the meeting tomorrow, then we can plan it for Monday or Tuesday. Thursday, September 15, 9: The week before we confirm with the intelligence sector of the Brazilian Army the same date for a private meeting.

These two negotiations involved 60 days of work and various activities, and the management of conflict of interests of various sectors of the administration of each of the organs. By reason of various events that are occurring and expected to occur in the period Confederations Cup, Pope's visit to Brazil , among others and especially con. Saturday, August 06, First of all is a pleasure to meet you, at least by email now.

Actually we have very good contact with Brasilia Federal Police thru our partner in Brasil, the company Defensetech. I will contact them to follow up with the lead. I will have some feedback. We are in contact with the entity in order to adjust the time or day. Or the day before? During the visit it was agreed that in an upcoming visit to Brazil HT would try to. Eric Kanter; Omri Kletter Cc: Potential Customers in Brasil Update Dear Eric, Would you please check with the customer if he is available tomorrow at 10am Brasilian time for a conference call?

We could do a webinar from remote, let him to download the demo-kit and explain how to. Se dovessimo vendere tramite Nice questo potrebbe essere un loro problema ma, se invece dovessimo vendere al partner locale o all'end user, allora dobbiamo pensarci noi. Giusto quindi incominciare a chiarire quali sono I costi e di conseguenza l'offerta. Tuesday, August 14, Remote control system info.

By reason of various events that are occurring and expected to occur in the period Confederations Cup, Pope's visit to Brazil , among others and especially considering the agenda of the authorities involved, we consider unlikely the possibility to change this date with the same success. So when we received your email, we had already completed negotiations with these two clients with whom we believe in the possibility of progress in the negotiations successfully.

Therefore we would request HT to.