Kaanans Way - The Ardwellian Chronicles, Book Four

Secret Fire: The Ardwellian Chronicles

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Kaanan's Way - The Ardwellian Chronicles, Book Four - Kindle edition by Dennis Young. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or. Buy Kaanan's Way: The Ardwellian Chronicles, Book Four by Dennis Young from Amazon's Fiction Books Store. Everyday low prices on a huge range of new.

A married couple, an elf, and a priest survive a shipwreck, battle some monsters, and outlast a dragon after thy loot his stash. Rachel rated it did not like it Feb 24, Rex rated it it was amazing Feb 22, Josh Catchur rated it really liked it Aug 30, Suzanne is currently reading it May 27, Timothy Friend marked it as to-read Apr 13, Amanda marked it as to-read Apr 30, Matt Mcbee marked it as to-read Jul 28, Whitedove marked it as to-read Nov 26, Katia added it Oct 10, Samantha marked it as to-read Feb 10, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

You are my Voice. Else all will fail and the land will be lost". Hear my words, Audrey as time is brief. Kw that in the world of mortals there are tasks the gods cant achieve, and call upon those of faith and trust to become their voices.

Kaanan's Way: The Ardwellian Chronicles, Book Four by Dennis Young (Paperback / softback, 2012)

You are my Messenger. Your strength will be theirs and your words will be heard, tho' you must be the willing implement of my justice. Else all will fail and the land will be lost. The goddess choosing Audrey is t of her religion however, but instead Kaanan, patron saint of the Church of the Rising Star, far to the south in Ardwel.

As Audrey is targeted by assassins, an ancient enemy of elves and men, t seen for years, becomes a player. What's It All About? So you want to be a writer? Let me tell you a story pun intended. My writing for the last twelve years has been a serious hobby.

I've written and published five novels of two hundred thousand-word average length and three compendiums. Now I've begun the steps to seriously get things moving, not with the fantasy novels I've written, but in SF short stories.

Secret Fire: The Ardwellian Chronicles by Dennis Young

So I guess you could say I needed a hobby away from my hobby. Something most of us never really considered when we st. What to do When Your Work Disappears. It was just here! I just pulled it up to make some changes!

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Late last year I had the supreme excitement of finishing my fifth novel. An Experiment in Time. How much time does it take to write what you want to write? Just the right amount? Silly question, I know, because most writers will say whatever it is they're writing seems to take a forever, or b where the heck did that come from? But as the old saying goes, time is relative, and its use and manner can be fickle.

It would seem we want our writing to appear as magically and quickly as we can think it in our minds. Unfortunately, direct neural input to the page. Or how they pertain to writing? Five percent of the writers today, in all genres, make their living writing. The Dogs Having Their Day. Once again, Summer's dog days are upon us, as July exits stage left and August waits impatiently in the wings to slap us silly with its heat and humidity. The weather here in the Heartland has been hot these last few weeks, with a bit of rain and constant, interminable humidity.

Nothing new here to see, move along, move along That being said, there's lots of changes these last months and more to come. I started bike riding in June and this has become my main source of. It's June 21st, the Summer Solstice, and the heat of the season is upon us.

The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan Audiobook ( Book 2 )

Up until about a week ago, it was raining here in KC every other day and threatening to turn my back yard into a really grassy swimming pool. Fortunately that didn't happen and now there's no rain in the forecast until late next week.

Books by Dennis Young

Such is life in the Midwest: Summer's here no, not Summer Glau, but I can. Well, it's late Spring and the Memorial Day Weekend is coming up fast. I know, lots of conventions have already taken place throughout the country, including some pretty heavy-hitters including a number of ComiCon conventions, one of them right here in KC. But with the warming weather and a good stretch of Summer ahead, this is when conventions hit their stride.

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Good grief, it's been over three months since I posted! Where does the time go??? OK, I'll tell you.

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A lot has happened since my last post, and here are the high points: A lot of work stuff I retired from my full-time employment job after 1 above as of March That's right, no more 9-to-5 or in my case, 6: I finished up Champions Yes, another year has passed us by and we stand on the cusp of a totally unused, brand new, just off the assembly line year. No, we don't have flying cars except in the Dukes of Hazard reruns , and we don't have robots that Deja vu' All Over Again.

Geez, I've written this post at least a dozen times, haven't I???? The End is Nigh, as the saying goes, and once again, I can't figure out where the year went. This is gettin' scary, folks. But it's the day after Thanksgiving, so I thought I'd post a few things I'm grateful and thankful for. First of all, the family, friends, and steady employment that keep me grounded.

I've been thinking there I go again, living dangerously My writing output has lessened over the last months, even though I've more than kept up with my goal of a new book every two years. I'm about ready to publish Champions: The Heroes of Ardwel by the end of this year, and Blood Secret is now on schedule for mid