You Dont Know Me, But My Name is Yea

The ending is wicked and I definitely didn't see it coming. I'm intrigued to see what happens next. Mar 17, Anna Priemaza rated it it was amazing Shelves: My heart was basically pounding out of my chest for the entire final third of the book and for about an hour after I finished reading. One of my favourite things about this book was the anxiety and panic attacks Reagan has to deal with throughout the Holy intense, Batman!

One of my favourite things about this book was the anxiety and panic attacks Reagan has to deal with throughout the book.

More years ago than he prefers to remember Carl "Grandpa Yea" Capatina was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana. A graduate of Trine University he received his. “Mr. Yea I don't know how I can ever repay you.” “That's easy enough Pete,” I could have added to my answer that what I would like to receive from him was a.

Most spy stories just completely skip over how terrifying and traumatic it must be to spend most of your life worried that someone will capture and kill you. I love that this story explored that side of it--and did it well! Definitely read this one if you want a riveting story to set your heart pounding… and melting, too.

Nov 14, Kristy K rated it liked it Shelves: This intense thriller starts off with a bang and never loses the momentum. I am sure that everyone will love this believable story! I loved the concept of a secret agency and reading about not only the intense battle scenes, but also the extensive security measures. I also appreciated how Kristen Orlando has made sure that everything about the Black Angels is logical and believable, which can really make or break a book for me. If you are a fan of spy thrillers, you will definitely love this book!

Reagan is such a brave and badass main character. What I especially loved about Reagan is how she is portrayed as a real and relatable character. She never had a choice regarding her life as a Black Angel and dreads having to move away and using yet another fake name. Her sensitivity added a lot to the book and made it that much more enjoyable to read. Reagan has to make a lot of tough choices throughout the book, such as leading the life her parents do or following her own dream. There is also a big theme of family and the lengths a daughter would go to to see her parents again.

I feel like these aspects make the book even more complex and I enjoyed being able to relate to the story more because of them. Although the book may seem simple, there are some pretty big themes and aspects that bring so much to the story. I would definitely recommend this book, especially to fans of authors like Ally Carter. May 26, Jen Petro-Roy rated it it was amazing Shelves: I loved this book! Reagan's strength, her HOT!

I can't wait for the sequel. Apr 01, Joanna joreadsalot rated it really liked it. This book was a real surprise for me and that is because it has been a while since I've read a 'spy-like' book. I'm looking at you Palace of Spies. Either way it hasn't deterred me from trying to read others with this theme because I do enjoy spy movies from time to time. I am glad I continued with this book. I've been using the term spy a lot in t This book was a real surprise for me and that is because it has been a while since I've read a 'spy-like' book.

I've been using the term spy a lot in this review when in all honesty Reagan and her family are not spies. Her parents are team members to a Black Ops group called the Black Angels working in the United States government and Reagan is a legacy child raised and trained to join its ranks once she is I loved this concept of a family in this line of work together. The idea of balancing the danger and home life was interesting to me.

Like Reagan waking up in the morning to practice Krav Maga with her mom or sharp shooting with her dad before school was a regular thing for her LOL. What a way to start the morning. The pacing of this book was amazing. Surprising even, as we are dumped straight into the action before we knew the names of our MC's parents. Reagan, our MC, is smart, creative and lethal just like her parents but still has some teenage angst to her.

It made getting to know her feel more genuine.

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Like she didn't just wake up one day whipping ass and taking names. I also enjoyed her parents and I liked how they were flawed and not superhero perfect. There was one part in the story where Reagan calls her parents out on something and she is very frank about her feelings on things without being childish and I found that refreshing too.

The love interest is so adorably nerdy and incredibly supportive. I continuously rooted for them to be together even when Reagan would try to keep her distance. Then when he basically proclaims that he will follow her to the ends of the earth, he does. This dude is a rock and he is a perfect fit for Reagan. The other 'family' member that was really great was Aunt Sam as Reagan knew her during her younger years.

Sam is a member of the Black Angels but a close family friend to Reagan and her parents. She becomes more like a big sister to Reagan and she is always looking out for her. She is equally smart and badass and a great support to Reagan as well especially after a particular incident right at the beginning of the book. It concludes on a critical point but not necessarily a cliffhanger.

You Don't Know My Name

This is good because although I am excited to read the sequel when it comes out, I don't need to be ripping out my hair with fret. The only things would have made this a 5 star read for me would have been to make it slightly longer and to make the ending a little more polished. Either way I am intrigued so I will be back for more. May 07, Alaina rated it really liked it Shelves: Once I saw the cover, I was kind of intrigued. Then I read the synopsis and I was a little bit more intrigued.

Reagan was an entertaining and likable character. She's a teenage super spy and one hundred percent awesome and bad ass. Of course there's something in her way: At that point, I was totally down for a next door neighbor kind of romance. However, I didn't really see Reagan as the girl next do Actual rating: However, I didn't really see Reagan as the girl next door type. Nah, she just seemed to whine a lot. Okay, yes I was definitely all over the place with Reagan. Sometimes she was so bad ass but then she would annoy the shit out of me. Then there was Luke, who I absolutely loved.

He was the next door neighbor. If I got more of him and less of Reagan whining I would've loved this book a lot more. Overall, the story was entertaining enough. It was fast paced to keep my interests. I just wish Reagan was a bad ass spy the entire time instead of being boy crazy and obsessed. Jan 07, Jen Ryland added it Shelves: Reagan's parents are a members of a super-secret organization called the Black Angels that swoops in and handles stuff like kidnappings and hostage situations.

Not sure if they are mercenaries or more like black ops. Enlighten me in comments The s In short: The story starts with a bang, making it clear that Reagan and her parents are in danger and have to move and reinvent their lives yet again. The the pace slows down as the book tries hard to make Reagan relatable. Yes, she's trained in martial arts and target practice, but she's also a "normal" teen who hates the fact that she has to move constantly. She both worries about and resents her parents. Though there's suspense, the plot is pretty straightforward. They're in danger, stuff happens, Reagan is told to stay safe but of course sneaks in to help out.

It's tough to make a teenager with SWAT team skills seem realistic, but this book does a decent job. This was the book equivalent of a fast paced action movie: Thanks to the publisher for providing a free advance copy of this book for me to review. If you are a regular reader of my reviews, you know that getting a free book does not necessarily make me like it! Feb 02, Leah rated it did not like it Shelves: The little bit of the book I made it through read like a 5 year old writing a grocery list.

And then there was one character don't ask me her name, tbh I don't remember the names of anyone from the book who was clearly only there to be the sex crazed teenager. Which is a shitty stereotype in and of itself, but it's even worse when that's the ONLY Latinx character in the cast. She was only on page in order to be described wearing a skirt short enough that you could see up it when she sat in the cafeteria, and to be slutshamed. Then she was only mentioned once more to, again, be slutshamed. I don't know how much more of that is in the novel since I didn't read any further, but I sincerely doubt it stops since none of the other characters seemed to think there was a problem with any of this.

Wish I hadn't bothered to read the little bit I had. Jul 30, Kayla rated it it was amazing Shelves: I loved the relationships in this book: Reagan's never been able to settle anywhere, and she's finally in a place where she hopes to stay and grow roots with the people she loves—but the life she was born into is fundamentally at odds with that. To protect herself, and everyone she loves, she has to keep everything real a secret. The tension there, that struggle between I want something real with these people—and want to be true to myself and …but if my secret gets out, we might ALL be at risk was a great complement to the intense action at the forefront of the plot.

Reagan's drive to protect the people she loves, even though she's not sure this is the sort of life she loves, made for a compelling, exciting read. Mar 12, Katy Upperman rated it it was amazing Shelves: I went into this book expecting a fun spy story, but by the novel's end I was tense and torn and totally heartbroken.

Seventeen-year-old MC Reagan's parents are Black Angels -- super secret spies who go out on dangerous missions and change their identities at a moment's notice. That means Reagan, too, has to pick up and move, often in the middle of the night, leaving her fledging friendships -- not to mention a piece of herself-- behind. Thanks to a childhood spent training in martial arts and w I went into this book expecting a fun spy story, but by the novel's end I was tense and torn and totally heartbroken. Thanks to a childhood spent training in martial arts and weaponry and foreign languages, Reagan's expected to become a Black Angel herself, but she's questioning her presumed future thanks to her most recent group of friends -- cute JROTC cadet Luke, in particular.

But when Reagan gets tangled up in one of her parents' missions and is forced to put her training to use, her life changes irrevocably. Author Kristen Orlando does such an amazing job capturing the many facets of Reagan's life, including the sweet romance she and Luke are developing, the anxiety she experiences thanks to her intense lifestyle, her complicated relationship with her parents, and the tragic rescue-mission-gone-wrong in Columbia. Definitely pick You Don't Know My Name up of you're into unflinching novels that'll set your heart racing.

Buddy read with The Blog Squad! I started off really liking the protagonist, Reagan but soon I reached a point where I just wanted to hurl something at every single character.

There is a limit to the number of one dimensional characters I can handle in one story. There's all the stereotypes - the girl with a secret, the boy with a secret, the boy crazy girl, the mean girl I could just go on. I do think the stereotypes wouldn't have Buddy read with The Blog Squad!

I do think the stereotypes wouldn't have annoyed me so much back in like 10th grade but now it just exasperates me to no end. I also thought it made it sound like she made the 'right' choice. And I don't mean the right choice for her but that she would have been 'stupid' to choose any other way and I think that is judgemental and a terrible message to send. Also, I think it is very unrealistic to believe that she will always be happy with her decision, tomorrow, two weeks or a couple years from now.

She might be, but she also may not be happy. If any of us knew that we would never regret anything, would always make the 'right' choices!! Okay, Audrey does gets points for telling her boyfriend about her pregnancy almost immediately. Big bonus points for that.

And I could totally understand her not wanting to tell anyone else for a while. While her friends are going on with their lives, falling in love, she is struggling with one of the biggest decisions of her life. But I found this book was actually focused a lot more on her friendships than her pregnancy and certainly more on that than of her search for her biological mother. I must have misread the synopsis because I thought a lot more of the book would be focused on Audrey's biological mother.

Aside from a letter she receives from her biological mother, there isn't much more to that part of the story. Overall, this book wasn't for me. It didn't stand out from the many other books out there with similar themes and I certainly didn't connect with the characters. I fear my reaction may differ from the majority, so I encourage you to try it for yourself. The publishers provided an advanced readers copy of this book for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own.

You Don't Know Me but I Know You

Find more reviews, reading age guides, content advisory, and recommendations on my blog Madison's Library. I was lucky enough to read this book early, and I really fell in love with it. As an author, I know firsthand how difficult this is to do. Audrey, the main character, has to make the most important decision of her life when she learns she is pregnant. Audrey's thoughts and emotions are chronicled so believably, and t I was lucky enough to read this book early, and I really fell in love with it.

Audrey's thoughts and emotions are chronicled so believably, and themes of family and friendship are woven throughout in such a beautiful way. Audrey's female friendships feel more like a tightly-knit sisterhood, and her boyfriend, Julian, is supportive and not stereotypical. I also thought Audrey's relationships with her mom who adopted her as a baby and her mom's boyfriend are so authentic. It's tough as a writer to have the supporting characters feel as fleshed out as the main character, but Rebecca Barrow does it in such an effortless way.

An honest, realistic portrait of a teenage girl trying to make the best decision for her, not the decision others may think is right. Readers will gravitate to Audrey and be able to see themselves in the different facets of her personality. I'm so excited for this book to come out so I can rave about it even more! This was such a terrible read. I not only hated her decision because it was absolutely selfish but I couldn't stand her as a person. Her "friends" were terrible.

I can't imagine being around people like that. Sadly I knew from the first few chapters these people were going to be unlikable. I'm sorry to have wasted my time on this book. See more of my reviews on The YA Kitten! What is a privileged white girl like me supposed to say about a book this good? Girls Trip is another good example of that. Even side characters who gets considerably less page time experience solid character development. The focus remains on Audrey, though. There is very little concrete action or forward momentum in the novel.

Most importantly, it delivers the messages that every person is different, every pregnancy is different, and no one option is better than the others. With as powerful and gentle a debut as this, Rebecca Barrow is an author to watch. May 04, Haley rated it liked it Shelves: Audrey finds out she's pregnant and she has no idea what to do. Her birth mother gave her up for adoption when she was younger and Audrey finds herself in a happy family now without her. Audrey is faced with all the pros and cons of having a baby at It doesn't help when her best friend-Rose is supposed to be there for her, but rather her best friend and she have gotten into an argument.

The Bad I feel like I've read a book like this sooo many other times so this is just repetitive. There wasn't anything new in the storyline that I haven't heard before. The Good Although this is a repetitive story and I've read ones like this multiple times. It was a cute story and the ending was happy. There was a fast pace which made it so much better and I found the length to be perfect for the story.

Overall I think Audrey made the right choice in the ending for her future. It was a fun and fast paced read and I did really enjoy the author's reading. I just wish it wasn't like every other book that's out there now. Jan 27, Courtney rated it did not like it. I really wanted to like this, but it was just so It's never good when I start to skim parts of a book, like I did this one. There was a lot going on but at the same time, it felt like nothing was really happening, if that makes any sense.

Some of the writing and dialogue was almost annoying in some spots? Maybe that's the best way I can think to describe it? If you were to ask me what the plot of this book is, I'm honestly not sure how I'd explain. Like I said, a lot of random things I really wanted to like this, but it was just so Like I said, a lot of random things were going on and the story almost didn't feel cohesive.

It just didn't work for me and didn't really hold my attention. I probably should have marked it a DNF, but sometimes books that start out slow turn out to be amazing so I guess I was hoping that would happen here. On to the next one! So happy to have once again had the chance to read this beautiful book. You want to put this on your TBR.

I'm not even a little bit surprised by how much I enjoyed this contemporary YA; its author is lovely and wonderfully sharp, much like her debut.

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Okay, yes I was definitely all over the place with Reagan. Now Audrey is left with only two choices, either give birth to the baby and give the baby up for adoption, like her mother did a decade ago, or go for an abortion. Overall, I loved this book. Mzpa 15 December Jhene Aiko- I'm gonna love you. I liked that we got to see cute moments of them being together and happy in the midst of their now hectic lives. I guess she has the excuse of hormones but watching her lash out at everyone around her wasn't fun. I have to point out, it's not that she had an abortion that I didn't like the story even though I am against abortion , it's because of the main character's reasoning and justification of it.

It's the story of Audrey, a girl who finds herself accidentally pregnant -- even though she and her boyfriend, Julian, have been careful -- and is forced to make some seemingly im I'm not even a little bit surprised by how much I enjoyed this contemporary YA; its author is lovely and wonderfully sharp, much like her debut.

It's the story of Audrey, a girl who finds herself accidentally pregnant -- even though she and her boyfriend, Julian, have been careful -- and is forced to make some seemingly impossible choices. It's also about stretching friendships, unique families, and love of all sorts. Audrey's voice is stellar -- totally authentic, at times funny, and always forthright. I appreciated this novel's exploration of circumstance versus choice, and I think its message is both courageous and important.

Watch for it this August! This book was less about adoption and more about Audrey's decision regarding her pregnancy. The dialogue and relationships between the teenage characters are spot-on, but the writing lagged a little at times and not all of the background characters were fleshed out to their full potential. Overall pretty good and fun to read. Aug 30, Paloma Villasenor rated it liked it Shelves: Well well, after more of one month, I'm finally reading!!! But I sadly can't read more fast since university and homework is killing me.

Anyway, this book was cute but that's it. I didn't felt more with it. I know I don't like contemporary books and I thought this was going to be an exception but nope. It's still recommendable tho. I had a chance to beta read this and even though it was awhile ago, I remember loving it. The writing and voice are spot on, and the characters believable and fully developed. I didn't always agree with their decisions, but that made them all the more real to me. This was a beautiful contemporary YA story and I can't wait to have the real book on my shelf! This is an exceptional example of an "issues" novel done well.

It treats its issue -- teen pregnancy -- with care, honesty, and nuance, but delivers an amazingly heartfelt and gripping story, as well. Rebecca Barrow is definitely an author to watch. I have been thinking about this one, Rebecca's debut novel is one that will make you smile throughout the book; not that there is lack of anxiety and heartache but the message conveyed from the book is so uplifting and heart warming that it makes you feel good after reading it.

This is a coming of age YA story about a teenage girl, who has navigated her way through her school, her relationship with her parents and her friends when an unexpected event happ 3. This is a coming of age YA story about a teenage girl, who has navigated her way through her school, her relationship with her parents and her friends when an unexpected event happens.

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I feel like Rebecca's writing is so effortless, it tells the story as it is and before you know it you are already half way through the book because you are just turning the page after page, because you cannot stop. To be honest I want more of this story! It talks about his morning walk i guess and finding strangers down the street! Looking for a song and the only lyrics i can remember are go something like "If i could save you life then i would give you mine" "Because i will never ever let you down" Not much to go i know but heres hoping.

T.I. - U Don't Know Me (Official Video)

Looking for a song i hear and i only know a few lyrics from it not much to go on i know but heres hoping "If i could save your life i would give you mine" "i will never ever let you down". I have this song and it goes remember i told you to save it its over and ill be alright so hurt me as much as you'd like but i dont know what its called I heard a song.. I love you boy I love you too its and I baby its me and you ain't no matter what they say imma love you every single day I need the full lyrics and the artist.

Does anybody know this song? It's driving me crazy i heard it once, it's a fast song and a male voice the lyrics goes something like: Im not sure it's upbeat and good for a party or a workout. I think there's something with: Refrain had the line "We're looking for reality Need help on finding a song I heard it today on the radio for the first time. I love this song but I don't know the artist It goes like this " owole,y yo dey form semcima,dis kin song I'm doing the singing I'm doing the dancing. I'm looking for a song sung by a male.

I heard it on the show New Amsterdam a few weeks ago but no luck when looking through songs featured in the show. It's a male singer and is very slow and acoustic. The lyric I keep remembering goes something like "And maybe I'm going home again" I feel like I've heard this song on another show a while back - maybe Greys Anatomy or Without a Trace?

Im looking for a song sung by a male. It goes, "and I'm Leave all your worries, all behind.. Looking for a song I heard on the radio a few weeks ago. This is the chorus. Look at all the pretty people looking back me I've got a million pictures in my head of things I don't want to see I wish I could make you understand just what its like to be me Look at all the pretty people looking back at me.

I'm looking for a song i dont remember the lyrics because i was a kid when i first heard it but in the music video there were two young kids one boy one girl who were skating and dancing? With older kids in a park or something and then they got kicked out because they were young and went to dance somewhere does anyone know a music video like this? I also briefly remember someone crying but im not sure about that one.

I'm looking for a song sung by a woman.. I'm sure in the chorus it sings 'that's who we are' then plays some music that sounds a little like the good the bad and the ugly song. Looking for a song a guy is singing and i believe it was slow he sings about a woman doing coke refers to it as snow and going with other guys and she might die at the end too. Am looking for a song with lyrics like just give me the way make her believe that's the way I feel. Find song by lyrics I'm looking for a song I don't know the name of. Anonymous 02 December Hey I am looking for a song from a movie that came out sometime around Anonymous 12 December Ciara - get up try that one.

Anonymous 02 December FInding a song with,if you want to walk, so baby lets walk. Anonymous 13 December Could be "stay here forever" by Jewel. Anna 02 December Hi, I've been stuck on a song for over a month now - I think I heard it in a movie, might be several years ago, and as I recall it's from a scene, with a very lonely and sad feel to it, though also some inner strength in the singer who might be a woman or man, I think perhaps a woman. Morrice 03 December Nova. Susie Gingersnap 03 December I need help finding this song please is u can.

Anonymous 03 December Im looking for a song from promo seal team s Anonymous 03 December im looking for an edm song with chorus [ Anonymous 03 December Hi everyone, can't remember this song and it is driving me nuts. Twilight Sparkle Mhheroine 09 December I think it might be that song it sounds a lot alike I actually listened to it and it sounds the same.

Anonymous 09 December Well? Did he or dint he? Anonymous 14 December Sweet escape - Gwen Estafani. Darcon 03 December Hi everyone, trying to remember a song. Let me know if thats right. Anonymous 03 December Looking for a smooth hip hop song which I thought was called better off livin by hardtarget but I can not find it anywhere.

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Audrey Ramakers 03 December Hi! Abiola 03 December In the song lyrics I can hear will you let me feel the same. Sophia Parapran 04 December I need to find this song it's kinda of a slow song it's called Girl but I can't find it anywhere it from s although I don't know any lyrics Please help. Anonymous 09 December Girl by the Beatles. Krzysztof 04 December Im looking for a song, performed by woman, it goes like this: Fugme 05 December Hey Krzysztof, Elsia here, I know some more lyrics for that song it goes like this: Annia 09 December Hi Elsia, this is Annia , sorry Elsa and Anna couldn't join us there busy making frozen two, and Olof his dead he coked out, so guess it's just you me and krzysztof, and a whole lot of fantasy violence, Elsia I think the song your looking for is called let's be fun.

Ghaffar 04 December Hi guys! Anon 04 December Guys please help! Lesley Hall 04 December Haai, I'm looking for an electronic pop song, sung by a guy and the song is like a David Guetta song. Lena 04 December Hey guys I'm looking for a songs name. Daddy Long leg 06 December Lecrae "I'll find you" your welcome. Anonymous 05 December I can't find this song anywhere. Alyssa Alden 05 December Hey guys, I'm looking for a recent song sung by a male: Anonymous 05 December I'm looking for a song, all I can remember from it is they sing, "so whyyyy are we tryyyy" it's a female song and I think it's only a few years old so it's quite new.

B 05 December I'm looking for a slow indie song song by a girl, about a breakup or argument I think, it has a pattern of "Tears don't fall now, voice don't break now, eyes don't well up, heart don't race" etc. Anonymous 05 December Let then tell you! Anonymous 05 December Well, I found my song but apparently a lot of people sung it! Small Kay 09 December yo hey, there Mick Smith, here are some more lyrics bro! Ahgf 06 December So this rap song that is kind of slow paced and has lyrics that all go together in this order "it's a homicide cause i'm down to ride" but could not find it on here.

Abdul jakul salsalani 06 December What is the name of the song with the lyrics of "You are the sun in my sky, you are the days in my nights baby". Talisa Cooper 06 December So just finished the criminal minds from last night. Anonymous 09 December did you found it?? Laura 09 December Sober by Taps. Melizza 10 December Sober by Taps. Anonymous 10 December Taps - Sober. Aleksandra 10 December Sober by Taps Mugadza. Ash 10 December I came here looking for the same song for the same reason!

Jim 12 December Came in looking for the same song. Anonymous 06 December Trying to find a song Anonymous 06 December i am looking for a song. Anonymous 12 December I agree. Nelly 06 December Hey I'm searching for a pop music which I only remember the clip video. Turn the syrup off in this place and she sticks just like honey. Brooke Spiker 07 December Just type in the parts of the song you only know then read all of the results untill you find the song you were looking for!

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Mr Lorrie 07 December Hello, boys and girls, I'm looking for a song, here are the lyrics I want to lick my own feet wrap my tongue around my legs Bitch I have so many teeth in my mouth and want to have stupid with all the teacher's pets! Michela 07 December Hey guys, can u help me? Kim Stiansen 07 December hi i heard a song on the radio a few days back, the lyrics i dont know but the chorus goes like this: Anonymous 07 December do you have a feeling in your heart like someones there behind you in the dark its always been there no matter how far that you run settin' sun does anyone know this song?

Soohi Nemi 09 December does anyone know this song? Dane halili 09 December Hi i heard some rnb music in fm station pls can someone help me.. Jac 10 December Looking for this song that has lyrics along the lines of "I'm not mad at me but it still hurts though". Anonymous 10 December i heard this song in the movie "Mail Order Monsters" but i don't know it's name.