Above Sumatra

Forest loss in and around the Leuser Ecosystem dark green lungs or butterfly-shaped area over the past five years. Courtesy of Global Forest Watch. Rampant deforestation for palm plantations is destroying large tracks of lowland areas where the majority of wildlife are found. Tigers and their body parts are hunted by foreign poachers and traded openly by Acehnese in the village due to extremely high market prices.

sumatra above and below

Visitors can explore Leuser on the backs of elephants, by jeep, trekking or river rafting. The Leuser Ecosystem of Sumatra covers over 6 million acres including lowland and mountainous rainforests and over , acres of carbon-rich peatlands. The Leuser Ecosystem is the last place on earth where Sumatran orangutans, tigers, elephants, rhinos and sun bears co-exist in the wild. Countless other biological treasures including clouded leopards, hornbills and the largest flowers in the world can be found in the teeming forests of the Leuser Ecosystem.

Leuser Ecosystem stores over 1. After many years of struggle, the right conditions are coming together with growing global concern and millions of Indonesians rallying to the cause for the permanent protection of Leuser Ecosystem.

The livelihoods and food supply for millions of people rely heavily on the environmental services, particularly the water supplies, that the Leuser Ecosystem provides. There is major untapped tourism potential for Leuser as an international destination being only 2 hours from Singapore and Kuala Lampur, and 3 hours from Hong Kong. Over kilometers of coastline and 4 diverse ecosystems provide an authentic wilderness and wildlife experience with fishing, boating, trekking, wildlife viewing, beaches, rafting, birding and mountain lodges.

Over the next ten years, the Leuser Ecosystem will be the last forest left in Sumatra and the epicenter of new palm oil plantation expansion. He ignores a message from HQ to abandon the flight, certain there is more to discover. And then, at altitude for the run over Sumatra, he sees earth is no longer a suffocating jungle but as something sublime, a magnificent amphitheatre of green mountains and dramatic ravines glowing in morning mists, with a thin strip of human habitation clinging to the edge of the sea.

After the dark night of his soul he realizes the humanity he shares with those below confirms his own humanity, that he had almost thrown away.

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The epiphany, the possibility of redemption, is so powerful that he delays leaving the target, giving time for the Japanese fighters to climb to the attack. When in the Netherlands, visit our shop near Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport. Click here to subscribe to our newsletter! Will be shown before checkout. Sign in New Customer? Create an account Forgot your password?

Leuser Ecosystem, Sumatra, Indonesia

Shop near Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport. Click on the image below for extended tour. Reduced shipping charge may be applicable depending on country of destination and contents of shopping cart. This constellation was created by the Polish astronomer Johannes Hevelius in the 17th century. Although it is a Latin name for an animal, there is no mythological backstory to Lynx. Between Auriga and Ursa Major, there was quite the gap filled with stars, so Hevelius created a constellation out of those stars.

With square degrees in the second quadrant of the northern hemisphere, Lynx comes in at place 28 in the list of largest constellations.

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This is the southernmost constellation in the sky. The name was given by French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the 18th century. Originally, it was called Mons Mensae. This means Table Mountain, the famous mountain in South Africa. This is where Lacaille was when he created this constellation.

Mensa is small, ranking 75th with only square degrees in the first quadrant of the southern hemisphere. Monoceros named after the fantasy animal the unicorn.

Stars above Medan, Medan City, North Sumatra, Indonesia on the 1st of January, 2018, at 12:00am

This constellation was created by the Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius after gathering information from Dutch navigators in the 17th century. Monoceros is named quite appropriately. It is a Latin name, and the constellation looks like an animal with a horn. You can spot the unicorn star sign in the second quadrant of the northern hemisphere where it covers square degrees. This makes it the 35th largest constellation. This is one of the most famous constellations already known in ancient times.

Orion is very important in Egyptian religion. It was long thought that the pyramids of Giza were built to reflect the position of the stars inside this constellation. Orion is so well known for such a long time because it is a very bright star sign; it has 2 of the 10 brightest stars in the sky.

You can find this constellation in the first quadrant of the northern hemisphere.

Visible Constellations

Orion is said to be a hunter, chasing the hare Lepus. Perseus is a Greek hero in ancient mythology. This constellation is located next to Andromeda, the Ethiopian princess who he saved from getting killed by a whale. Perseus then married Andromeda and they lived happily ever after. You can find Perseus in the first quadrant of the northern hemisphere. Perseus was first catalogued by Ptolemy.

Pyxis is a compass used on ships.

Originally, Pyxis was part of a huge constellation called Argo Navis. This star sign was created by the Greco-Roman astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century AD and represented a mythical ship. De Lacaille thought it better to divide the ship into smaller constellations, using parts of a ship for their names.

Building The Coalition for Protection

Deforestation and the destruction of peatlands make Indonesia the world's third largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Leuser Ecosystem stores over 1. It is a rather small star sign, ranking 76th with an area of square degrees in the second quadrant of the southern hemisphere. This star sign covers square degrees in the second quadrant of the southern hemisphere, making it the 32nd largest constellation. This star is one of the nearest stars in the galaxy, from our perspective.

Reticulum which is Latin for small net. This is not a net to go fishing with, it is rather a crosshair at a telescope used to measure distances and star positions. It was first called Rhombus, which is the name of the shape. There are only 6 constellations smaller than Reticulum. You can find it in the first quadrant of the southern hemisphere where it covers an area of square degrees. Taurus or bull in Latin.

Taurus is one of the 12 zodiac constellations used for birth charts. This makes Taurus one of the oldest constellations we know of. It is also quite big, it occupies square degrees in the first quadrant of the northern hemisphere.

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There are 16 constellations larger that Taurus. Triangulum is Latin for triangle. It was the famous Greco-Roman astronomer Ptolemy who gave this constellation its name in the second century AD.