Goodnight Saigon


Billy Joel - Goodnight Saigon (Nationals Park July 26, 2014)

It didn't matter in the thick of the fight We, held the day, In the palm of our hands They, ruled the night And the night, seemed to last as long as six weeks On Parris Island We held the coastline They held the highland And they were sharp As sharp as knives They heard the hum of the motors They counted the rotors And waited for us to arrive Repeat chorus.

If this song really means something special to you, describe your feelings and thoughts. Don't hesitate to explain what songwriters and singer wanted to say. Also we collected some tips and tricks for you:. Billy Joel — Goodnight Saigon lyrics.

Goodnight Saigon

Add song structure elements. Scared Of The Dark.

Billy Joel Goodnight Saigon Vietnam Tribute

The real tragedy is that too many focus on the loss of life instead of the value of the freedom it purchased, and that our men and women in uniform continue to purchase with their blood. The travesty is that men went to war idealistic and willing to give their lives for their countrymen, but their countrymen treated them as war criminals on their return.

The song was about marines, not soldiers. Parris island island surrounded by swamp is one of only two mcrd's marine corps recruit depot, I. Boot camp we have.

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The song begins with the sound of crickets chirping, providing the feeling of evening coming, [2] the sound morphing into the tinkling of wind chimes at night. Song Meanings at Songfacts. Provide song facts, names, places and other worthy info that may give readers a perfect insight on the song's meaning. Boot camp we have. Hai dimenticato la password? Wellspring gold of dark and day, be here, be now. Upon returning home from the Vietnam War, soldiers were not welcome for what they had been sent across the world to do.

I'm glad to have been at san diego. There is a special bond between marines that usually doesn't exist in the other branches and continues even as we get old and grey. Spastic and sharp as knives describes new recruits pretty well. All that I think of is the absolute futility and tragegy of war. This song has made a profound impression on me.

A collective learning endeavor.

"Goodnight Saigon" is a song written by Billy Joel, originally appearing on his album The Nylon Curtain, about the Vietnam War. It depicts the situation and. A Vietnam War-inspired ballad, “Goodnight Saigon” was first released on the album The Nylon Curtain. The song follows a group of United States Marines beginning their military training on Parris Island and then into various situations of warfare. Arguably the most.

We have to learn to speak to one-another and avoid senseless and meaningless combat that robs people of the world of their loved ones, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, lovers, children. We are fortunate to have those willing to sacrifice their lives in the defense of freedom. I know it's been said many times "but freedom is not free". You are commenting using your WordPress.

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